How To Use Gestate In A Sentence
The baby is a clone of the 30-year-old American woman who donated the DNA for the cloning process, had the resulting embryo implanted and then gestated the baby.
The new embryo would then be implanted in the uterus of a pregnant mouse, chimpanzee, or human to gestate until birth.
In my book Animal Factory, I write about how farmers in Sweden have developed humane ways for pregnant sows to gestate and "farrow" -- or give birth and nurse their young.
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The fruitcakes gestate side-by-side in the extra refrigerator in my garage.
Lindsay Pyfer: Homemade Fruitcake: Old School And Worth The Effort
Conceived by computer, gestated in committee, and about to be delivered unto Congress.
A vast amount of stone buildings gestate the characteristic style and features of residential building in Huian coastal areas.
One person - the father - contributes genetic material and the other - the mother - contributes genetic material as well as gestates and gives birth to the child.
Here's some stuff I didn't know before going to the lengths I went to to become pregnant: these kids gestate for ten months, not nine.
Investors have shied away from chip companies because they take more time and money to gestate than other start-ups.
Chip Firm Gains Sizable Infusion
In similar experiments, scientists in Spain have produced live ibex kids from ibex embryos implanted and gestated in domestic goats.
Fortunately, Oliver likes to gestate her evening-length dances over a long period and says she feels that this process melds well with the demands of university life.
The vast territory and abundant resources of China gestate the offspring, and cause the form of the special "ethical collective unconsciousness"—"local complex".
We allowed the sin of that terrible family to gestate in this community, and Brucie paid for it.
So Much Pretty
Unlike females, which must gestate then rear their offspring, males can breed any time.
We became great friends, and Val and I began to see the incredibly warm and caring side that she exhibited to people she had not gestated.
Eric Poole: She has Every Right to Kill Me
A vast amount of stone buildings gestate the characteristic style and features of residential building in Huian coastal areas.
Solus solitudine ego ted atque ab egestate abstuli; solus si ductem, referre gratiam numquam potes.
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
Elephants gestate for 22 months, giraffes 16 months, orang-utans 8 months.
Archive 2010-02-01
We were supposed to be all wrapped up in Kyle's otherworldly origins -- turned out his lack of bellybutton, his overdeveloped brain, his lack of social smarts, and his fledgling powers of flight / levitation / etc. all resulted from being "gestated" in a pod for 17 years.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
It would be possible for one partner to donate the egg, for the other partner to donate the cell nucleus with its DNA, and for the first partner to gestate and give birth to the child.
The infant gestated for six months before being removed into an incubator.
The me of today was gestated in tears, brined in salt water.
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A foetus is conceived, gestated and nourished only by its mother - the father is locked out.
And it was a forum. [laughter] A lot of people of my generation of comics creators, writers and artists both, kind of gestated there.
Comics Comics
Jodi Cleghorn is glad of her ability to gestate this column at the 11th hour, while cooking dinner, bathing her son and attempting to remain sane in the domestic maelstrom.
Unsent Letter « Write Anything
New ideas, images and beliefs began to gestate in what felt like a nurturing womb.
Elizabeth Cunningham: Credo: Community Without Conformity
Animals which are currently threatened with extinction may be saved by the use of frozen embryos and IVF technology which uses related species to gestate embryos.
The moon affects the tides, a women's monthly cycle and a mouse gestates for 28 days.
I think it might be because human babies gestate slightly longer.
Male calves resulting from these matings express a higher incidence of dystocia than heifer calves because male calves are gestated longer and have considerably larger birthweights.
I'm proud of my baby body, knowing that it gave my son a comfy vessel in which to gestate and has been the source of all his nourishment since birth.
He says, every year I get a year to kind of gestate that year.
Exclusive: Richard Linklater on his 13 Year Film Project Starring Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette –