How To Use Gestalt In A Sentence
Gestalt psychology has arrived at a new understanding of it.
The only redeeming feature about this bot is that he merges to form a giant gestalt killing machine.
Worst. Transformer. Ever.
My Quiet of Gold is an exhibition from the renowned Hasselblad Foundation in Gothenburg, and is currently on view at Gestalten Space, Berlin.
Evelyne Politanoff: Cooper and Gorfer: "My Quiet of Gold,"A Journey in Rural Kyrgyzstan
When one reads the total gestalt of the antiabortionist movement in America, it is clear to see that the average 'pro lifer' is not pro-life at all, certainly not pro-quality life.
Rev. Chuck Freeman: Planned Parenthood Funding: A Religion of Control versus A Religion of Life
The human brain continuously processes, weighs, and forms decision trees about a tremendous amount of information from the ‘outside’ world, integrating it to a gestalt map that informs and influences everything we do or say.
2008 May « Hyperpat’s HyperDay
But — one might coldly ask, with a certain gestalt bent — don’t the miserable survivors at least make better widgets?
The Drama of the Gifted Parent
The emotive word led the two gestaltists to also overlook my contrary concept on the preceding page.
Fuller's ideas about creating more flexible, sustainable structures by combining technology with models of good design found in nature, like geodesics, were a gestalt to his inquisitive mind.
Call it coincidence, synchronicity, gestalt or just Reading Too Much Into Things, but I love it when this happens.
In a clear departure from Brentano, Husserl and Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty brings in the idea of gestalt and dares to interrogate the lived-body.
Merleau-Ponty takes the tradition of Western philosophy to its limits
I was also sent a new book from my favorite publisher Gestalten called Build On.
KN | Kitsune Noir » ‘Build On’ by Gestalten
At a larger scale, the left hemisphere is somewhat specialized for positive experiences while the right hemisphere is more focused on negative ones (this makes sense since the right hemisphere is specialized for gestalt, visual-spatial processing, so it's advantaged for tracking threats coming from the surrounding environment).
Rick Hanson, Ph.D.: Confronting the Negativity Bias
The gestalt is what you really wanted to transmit, not the specific picture.
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Pondering Images
I tend to group regression and parts processes as well as a few of the gestalt processes now associated with them together into hypnoanalysis as well.
Hypnoanalysis . . . . . . a query with some thoughts
These tires go by a ridiculous name — Dunlop SP SportMaxx GT 275/35ZR20 in the rear — but they are very seriously engineered bits and indispensable to the gestalt of the car, which is: balanced; direct; trustworthy; lightweight but with wonderful, gathering momentum; hugely stiff but with a certain useful limberness.
Jaguar Builds a Primped and Pampered Monster
Neither this study's gestalt approach nor the daunting task of comprehending resultant findings need dilute its intended contributions.
Description: Transcript, 37 pp. Abstract: Ross begins with a discussion of his early involvement with John Ward on the Cape Cod project and his early experimentation in gestalt programming with Air Force and Emerson Electric Company programmers on the 1103 at Eglin Air Force Base.
Oral history interview with Douglas T. Ross
If this news is true, then i wouldn't call this bot a "combiner" or a "gestalt".
Transformers News
Could these synthetic agents also be considered anthropomorphically by the collective gestalt of the user experience?
Ich möchte dir danken, Nalini, dass du mir die Welt der Katzen-Gestaltwandler gezeigt hast, ich liebe sie einfach!
Archive 2009-07-01
The question that arises from the evolution of the gestalt is whether something that is not human, is more than human, can be held to the same moral standards as regular humans.
What is Human? « So Many Books
Informational framing is nothing else than a part of informational gestaltism by which various causal possibilities of formulas come into existence.
Rock is a gestaltist who left the Gestalt circle and came up with his own theory.
To the best of our knowledge, the taxonomy of motivational domains above has not yet been tested empirically as a gestalt, through a substantive sample of emigrants.
When young Peter Reidinger made the first mind machine gestalt, pushing a light spacecraft by telekinesis from orbit to Mars, a new era dawned for the parapsychic Talents in which they found themselves celebrated instead of shunned, admired instead of feared, and necessary to every aspect of the surge forward from the crowded and resources-poor planet Earth.
The Rowan
Showed up on PBS in the U.S., and was a fascinating exploration of the idea of gestalt, i.e., wherein the whole is viewed as more than the sum of its parts.
A gestaltist believes that the response of an individual, couple, or group in a given struggle should be a response to the whole conflict, not just to it's ‘ministruggles.’
These notions of psychological gestalts were extended to phenomena of zoopsychology and physics by Berlin professor Wolfgang Köhler.
LaRouche's Latest
Festschrift in honor of Stumpf's 75th anniversary in the gestaltist journal
On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
Symmetry is one of the fundamental principles in gestaltism, a human behavior theory that proposes that our mind naturally creates order and completeness in the things we see and encounter.
For some brief comment on gestaltism, see the section on gestalt approaches to perception.
Gestalt theory is well known for its concept of insight learning.
Hier findet man vor allem innovative Ideen wie dieses abgebildete Konzept für einen Marktplatz in Rotterdamm, aber auch oppulent gestaltete Inneneinrichtungen.
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There is also no acknowledgment of alternative therapies such as Gestalt or psychodrama that are geared to deal with this type of anger.
The new objects of mass consciousness are not marches and peace signs, but things like est, gestalt, smorgasbord, hypnotism, tai chi, health food etc, etc.
During the second unit of study you will be studying the three major viewpoints in psychology that emerged after the first psychology failed: functionalism, behaviorism, and gestaltism.
When you react to a movie, you react to the whole thing, its entire gestalt of form and content - and you react as fully you, body and mind, emotions and personal history combined.
The Hypnotherapist training includes classes in regression therapy, gestalt techniques, attitude restructuring, pain management, hypnotic dreamwork, hypnotherapeutic psychoneurophysiology techniques, and past life regression.
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Several data sources were used to grasp the gestalt of symbolic-experiential therapy.
Oh, if you're easily amused, go over to Peter David's blog where he's running segments of a thing called Potato Moon, which is a parody of a fan sequel to Stephenie Meyers 'Twilight books (as well as a parody of the originals); this book, titled Russett Moon, got its author into legal trouble, whereafter she proclaimed some New Agey stuff about the global gestalt mind ... which is where PAD comes into it.
Sinking feelings aboard the Seaview
This new biography is the first to consider fully the writer's gestalt.
From the Architecture of Change book by Gestalten publishers.
Boing Boing
Hier findet man vor allem innovative Ideen wie dieses abgebildete Konzept für einen Marktplatz in Rotterdamm, aber auch oppulent gestaltete [...]
World’s First Augmented Reality Architecture Application : Sara
I'm not sure I have great art inside of me, but there's something in my gut that seeks to express the gestalt I experience and perceive.
Usually applied to visual perception, gestalt psychology studies how we perceive a given scene and apprehend a whole that is always greater than the parts.
Die einzige, die den Zauber wieder rückgängig machen und den Pilzmenschen ihre Gestalten zurückgeben könnte, ist Prinzessin Fliegenpilz , die Tochter des Pilzmenschenkönigs.
Super Mario Bros. on Vimeo
Hebb, a good gestaltist, tells us that the dynamic properties of the brain lead it to project pattern where pattern is missing.
In the same way, in animal psychology, gestaltist views had had decisive repercussions.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
This new biography is the first to consider fully the writer's gestalt.
He is a Berlin gestaltist who emigrated to the United States, became professor of the Psychology of Art at Harvard University and published 13 books on gestalt theory and art.
They even psychobabble together: "We achieved what I call gestalt," says Gore.
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The gestalt is just as important as the elements, though.
Interview on Book Cover Design - Susan Wenger - by The Creative Penn | The Creative Penn
This new biography is the first to consider fully the writer's gestalt.
Appropriately enough, the plate's iconic force -- reminiscent of non-perspectival medieval representations -- grows out of the violent contrast between the "depthless" Gestalt of Los trapped "in dreamless night" and his gaze of catastrophic expectation (reinforced by the toothless, semingly disfigured mouth).
Bringing About the Past
Gestalt -: a structure, configuration, or pattern of physical, biological, or psychological phenomena so integrated as to constitute a functional unit with properties not derivable by summation of its parts.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Problematic Superpowers and How to Make Them Work
Gestalten recently sat down with him to talk about his work and ho he visualizes all of his ideas in different ways.
KN | Kitsune Noir » Christoph Niemann on
I’ve acquired a aversive response to the deodorant lately b/c I sometimes take my vitamins on an empty stomach, which makes me a bit nauseous and I keep my vitamins in the bathroom so the taking of the vitamins, the nausea and the smell of the deodorant are a gestalt for me and I think I’ve effectively conditioned myself to become nauseous at the mere smell of my deodorant.
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Appropriately enough, the plate's iconic force -- reminiscent of non-perspectival medieval representations -- grows out of the violent contrast between the "depthless" Gestalt of Los trapped "in dreamless night" and his gaze of catastrophic expectation (reinforced by the toothless, semingly disfigured mouth).
Bringing About the Past
The Story of Eames Furniture by Marilyn Neuhart with John Neuhart Gestalten, $199, 2-volumes, 800-page book in a slipcase.
Amazing Illustrated Art Books And Their Brilliant Publishers (PHOTOS)
A major achievement during this period was the publication of her first book, Symbole und Gestalten der Jüdischen Kunst [Symbols and forms of Jewish art] (1935).
Rachel Wischnitzer.
Founded the Institute of Psychology in Berlin, which gave rise to Gestalt Psychology; started the Phonogramm-Archiv in Berlin, including some phonographic recordings of a Siamese company performing in Berlin; in the same year, along with Kemsies, he started the Berlin Gesellschaft für Kinderpsychologie.
On A Trans-Atlantic Flight
British birders coined the term "jizz" (from G.I.S. — "general impression and shape") to describe the gestalt of a bird, an impression that often has to do with the way it moves.
Birding at the Edge
In gestalt psychology and gestalt psychotherapy, people's thoughts and emotions are seen as complex wholes.
E.g. evolutionary systematists prefer or accept overall similarity, ranked Linnaean taxonomy, gestalt/expertise recognition of ranks, paraphyletic groups, and treat species as a another, particularly real rank.
Creationist vs. creationist on Homo habilis - The Panda's Thumb
Stuttgart/Konstanz: 1954; Deutung biblischer Gestalten.
Margarete Susman.