- any of numerous tropical or subtropical small shrubs or treelets or epiphytic vines of the family Gesneriaceae: African violet; Cape primroses; gloxinia
How To Use gesneriad In A Sentence
- Volunteer guides roam the greenhouses ready to answer questions about rooms filled with rain forest tropical plants, blooming orchids, aroids and gesneriads.
- Gloxinias, known botanically as Sinningia speciosa, are members of the gesneriad family, as are African violets, episcias, achimenes, and many other popular houseplants. RNews - TOP STORIES
- Their 2003 catalogue lists more than 100 streptocarpus, around 40 named saintpaulias, a host of other gesneriads, coleus (now Solenostemon) and 60 begonias grown mainly for foliage.