How To Use Germanic In A Sentence
The Germanic peoples were established in Scandinavia (Denmark) and between the Elbe and Oder as early as the 2nd millennium B.C.E. Eastward lay the Balts (Letts), and the west of the Elbe were the Celts.
C. Invaders of the West
The Franks and other Germanic tribes were never absorbed into the Roman world, rather, they added a Germanic impression to that world.
Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos meritò calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
Such verse was unknown in classical Greek but common in Latin and the Celtic and Germanic languages.
Football fans will perhaps be pleased to know that the word huddle, from a Germanic verb to do with “crowding together” could it come from a primeval idea of a group hiding from animals or people, or protecting someone or something from being found or seen by others?
The English Is Coming!

• Le Trianon, avenue des Bains, Parc des Thermes, Allevard, +33 4 7671 9617, letrianon-allevard.frAlsace surprises the visitor, not just with the strange Germanic dialect and its colourful half-timbered gingerbread houses clustered in tiny villages surrounded by rolling vine-clad hills, but also with some of the country's finest cuisine.
Budget bourguignon: cheap eats in France
Prim鵰 igitur obijcit Germanicus hic noster, si Dijs placet, Historicus: Multos ex pastoribus Islandi� toto biennio sacram concionem ad populum nullam habere: Vt in priore editione, huius pasquilli legitur, quod tamen posterior editio eiusdem refutat: Dicens, eosdem pastores in integro anno tantum quinquies concionari solitos: qu� duo qu鄊 rit� sibi consentiant, videas bone Lector, cum constet Authorem mox � prima editione vix vidisse Islandiam.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
Building on its native Germanic word star, English has the verb to star; compounds like stardom, all-star, stargazer, five-star, starstruck, and superstar; and phrases such as rock star and pop star.
The English Is Coming!
A rough, dry wind which should sweep away the miasmas of the swamp, the misty staleness of the _Lieder, Liedchen, Liedlein_, as numerous as drops of rain in which inexhaustibly the Germanic _Gemüt_ is poured forth: the countless things like _Sehnsucht_ (Desire), _Heimweh_ (Homesickness), _Aufschwung_
Jean-Christophe, Volume I
The Germanic nations, known as the Central Powers, which were allied at the opening of the war were the German Empire and the
The Story of the Great War, Volume I (of 8) Introductions; Special Articles; Causes of War; Diplomatic and State Papers
I have the same sort of vision of the early 'English' in Britain as you, a mixture of people speaking various sorts of Germanic, who had settled at various times spanning a couple of centuries at least and for various reasons, including retired Roman soldiers, traders, federates, independents etc.
Lord of Silver, by Alan Fisk. Book review
He says he has united the Germanic Tribes, and the hordes of Iberia, Italia, and Britannica, in a full wave to conquer all.
Rooted in Germanic idea of "strength" (which lives on in our English term kraft paper), crafty once meant "skillful.
Christian Science Monitor | All Stories
Did the monopthongization of dipthongs occur earlier or later than the loss of the proto-Germanic endings in - jo stem verbs?
Archive 2007-12-01
The attacks of the Germanic Cimbri and Teutones were still fresh in memory, northern Gaul had not yet been conquered by Caesar - all the bad things always came over the Alps.
HH Com 476
After the Germanic conquest of Britannia, the Anglo-Saxon invaders established a heptarchy of kingdoms across the island, pushing the Celtic Britons into modern Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, Scotland and Brittany.
Offa's Dyke
The birds of the title refer to three story traditions-- the classical myths, Germanic folk tale and legend, and the Christian sacred story.
Tales of Grimm Beauty
If the fee which Germanicus offers is niggardly, which I doubt, then I shall see you are paid what you are worth.
Germanic-Slavonic empire (the clay of the fourth kingdom mixed with its iron in Nebuchadnezzar's image, a fifth material, Da 2: 33, 34, 42, 43, symbolizing this last head).
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The stately and complex narrative is composed in the alliterative metre common to most early Germanic poetry, and is enhanced by rich description, decorous speeches, and moral reflection.
Regarding the above example, we have no way of knowing whether or not Grimm's law was preceded in Germanic by a brief period of pharyngealization that ended before it could affect any other sound changes.
A new value for Minoan 'd'
What it instead indicates is that there were three "nodes", three centers of change, three wave sources, in the West Germanic dialect continuum: Ingvaeonic, Franconian, and German.
The PIE and Pre-PIE pronominal system from the perspective of a wave model
In the early nineteenth century, language historians identified German as a member of the Germanic subfamily of the Indo-European family of languages.
Generally, the later development of the West Germanic language can be divided in two distinct lines of descent: Upper German, spoken in Central and Southern Germany, and Low German, spoken in Northern Germany.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Loup de Fages describes it as `a massive building, white and cold, in Germanic style, isolated in the woods at the edge of a lake which even to this day has retained a beauty that is wholly wild'.
Edith Södergran: a biographical profile - 3
It's just, if such a core word was loaned into the Germanic languages, I would prefer to see a lot more extensive loaning from Latin in Germanic at such an early stage.
Searching for an etymology for Germanic *handuz 'hand'
So I was thinking the other day, “What if 'Arretium' was originally a Germanic name?”
The origin of the cityname Arretium still bugs me
I have always understood the Angles, Saxons and Jutes were Germanic tribes who moved to Britain following the retreat of the Roman Empire.
The tripartite division was East Germanic (Gothic and other extinct languages), West Germanic (German, Dutch, English), and North Germanic (Danish and the other Scandinavian languages.) LOWLANDS LANGUAGES.
English inherited film from its Germanic roots, but borrowed the word cinema from French.
The English Is Coming!
Frisic, or northern Dutch, and the Germanic, in all its recondite phases, with the ancient Gothic, and its cognates, taking in very wide accessions from the Latin, the Gallic, and other languages of southern
Incentives to the Study of the Ancient Period of American History An address, delivered before the New York Historical Society, at its forty-second anniversary, 17th November 1846
The minnesinger tradition was the Germanic counterpart to the activity of the troubadors and trouvères to the west.
As Tiberius was immediately adopted by Augustus, Germanicus became a member of the Julian gens in the direct line of succession; and his career was accelerated by special dispensations.
The flunkeyism, which is a characteristic of all the Germanic races, was peculiarly marked in England from the earliest times, and induced men, even in those "spacious days," not only to overpraise fair hair, but to run down dark hair and eyes as ugly.
The Man Shakespeare
He dismissed the observation, however, as unworthy a philologer and went to sleep pondering a new destruction for the knaves who held the Lombard tongue to be not East but West Germanic.
The Collectors
However, since Caligula also struck dupondii for his deceased brothers, and the reverse design of the Germanicus dupondius is copied onto this Herodian coin struck late in Caligula's reign, there seems little reason to question the traditional view.
Compensation for losses to Islam was provided by the progressive Christianization of the Germanic, Celtic and Slavonic peoples of Europe in the western post-imperial epoch.
From the Golden to the Iron Age by Germanicus Caesar.
From the Golden to the Iron Age
PhoeniX: "It's just, if such a core word was loaned into the Germanic languages, I would prefer to see a lot more extensive loaning from Latin in Germanic at such an early stage.
Searching for an etymology for Germanic *handuz 'hand'
Around the year 1000, with Romance languages replacing Latin as the spoken tongues of territories formerly within the Roman Empire, the Late Latin word bancus, on loan from a Germanic language, yielded the Italian word banca.
The English Is Coming!
I have always understood the Angles, Saxons and Jutes were Germanic tribes who moved to Britain following the retreat of the Roman Empire.
Amongst that collection, none pleased so well, as the apotheosis of Germanicus, on a large agate, which is one of the most delicate pieces of the kind that I remember to have seen.
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W--y M--e
This sort of thing, however, is paralleled in North Germanic languages like Swedish e.g. -en in pojken or -et in huset where their definite suffixes arose in the same way that Etruscan appears to have been evolving.
Enclitics and noun phrases in Etruscan
Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.
In his early years as political agitator in Bavaria he frequently played on the deicidal myth and on his own messianic role as a militant Germanic saviour.
The second concerns the Nibelung myth, which relates the story of the Germanic hero Siegfried.
English is a West Germanic dialect.
The term was adopted by 19th-century Germanic philologists to identify similar sounds in Indo-European languages, and the symbol was included in the International Phonetic Alphabet when this was devised in the 1880s.
On schwa
The futhark was an alphabet of runes, used by Germanic people until the fifteenth century.
Spelling and pronunciation are famously at odds, and have been ever since early medieval monks yoked English to the Latin alphabet, which they modified to capture the sounds of a Germanic tongue.
The English Is Coming!
Gero Pius Caputsapiens (Germanice Weishaupt), persona in rebus
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
It is the "ever-closer union" that sceptics claim will yield a brittle political economy, Germanic and dirigiste at the centre, Latin and rebellious at the fringe.
The hesitant saviour: how Germany bestrides Europe once again
The northern tongue was influenced by Frankish, the Germanic language of the Franks, who gave their name to both France and French.
In Francia legal manuscripts acquired Germanic glosses, but no full-scale translation.
Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.
Proto-Germanic was eventually divided into several different but similar languages, specifically East Germanic, West Germanic and North Germanic.
Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
Afrikaans, Dutch, English, Flemish, and German are the more important languages within the West germanic grouping.
The sausage was in the bouncy Germanic tradition (I go for meatier, more crumbly ones, but that's a style preference) and topped with traditional caramelised white onions.
Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos merit� calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The name of the country and the term ‘English’ derive from the Old English word for one of the three Germanic peoples that invaded the British Isles in the fifth century C. E., the Angles.
Building on its native Germanic word star, English has the verb to star; compounds like stardom, all-star, stargazer, five-star, starstruck, and superstar; and phrases such as rock star and pop star.
The English Is Coming!
In this respect, one may compare the Persian Language to English which although Germanic in its foundations has numerous loanwords from French and Latin, mostly because of the Roman and the Norman invasions.
The Franks were originally a loose confederation of Germanic tribes.
The story of Yorkshire dialect began in earnest in the fifth century AD with the arrival on these shores of the Angles, Saxons and other Germanic migrants from what is now northern Germany and southern Scandinavia.
Sometimes they were East Germanic, and that was a grief, taking, as it were, the bloom from the guess that had made him great; and again they were West Germanic, and that was awful, the hallucination ending in a mortal struggle with the feather bed under which German science is incubated, and passing off with an anguished
The Collectors
The starting point for the language that became English, and for his book, is the arrival in England in the fifth century of Germanic warrior tribes.
Quid? fi quis librum gallico aut hifjianico idi - omate fcriptum characiere noftro germanico exaratum traderec homiui harum linguarum ignaro, uum ita peregrinam illam linguam in - telligeret?
De origine versionis Septuaginta interpretum exercitatio historica [microform]
She had an almost Germanic regard for order.
Conclusion The AK gene of Blattella germanica has been cloned and the recombinant AK protein has been confirmed with immune activity.
In their Heroic Age the Greeks were fighting in phyle and phratry, the Germanic peoples in tribes and kinship-groups, and the ancient Scots in their clans, each of which could be identified by special insignia during the greater collective military expeditions.
Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
This change may have manifested itself somewhat later than 7; all English dialects have diphthongized old Germanic long i.
Chapter 8. Language as a Historical Product: Phonetic Law
Turning palatalization into gemination, BTW, is completely ridiculous - does that really happen somewhere or are you picking that from something like the Germanic gemination-before-a-sonorant pattern?
Ejective or Pharyngealized Stops in Proto-Semitic?
The Germanic tribes were not nomads, they were farmers.
Whitney Edward Reed was born in Glens Falls, N.Y. He received a bachelor's and a master's degree in Germanic languages from Boston University, in 1950 and 1952, respectively.
Whitney E. Reed, NSA Official
In #10, *kap-ut gives Latin 'caput' and Germanic *hauβuð German 'Haupt, Dutch 'hoofd', OE 'heafod' Modern English 'head'.
PIE "look-alike stems" - Evidence of something or a red herring?
Gain, D. B., ed. _The Aratus ascribed to Germanicus Caesar_.
The Last Poems of Ovid
The flunkeyism, which is a characteristic of all the Germanic races, was peculiarly marked in England from the earliest times, and induced men, even in those “spacious days,” not only to overpraise fair hair, but to run down dark hair and eyes as ugly.
The Man Shakespeare
Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.
The only noun inflexion preserved in Modern English is the possessive ending ‘s’ which is a survival of the common Germanic masculine singular genitive case ending.
J does not normally feature in words of Old English origin, the digraph dg representing the sound medially and finally (cudgel, bridge), but some j words (ajar, jowl) may be of Germanic origin.
I'm hoping this Dancing-with-the-Scars dark fairy tale -- for it feels like Aronofsky has gone back to the fabulistic Germanic roots of the original Swan Lake narrative -- does not really mean the only fix for good girls is just a dose of self-stimulation with a bit of Sappho and the boss on the side which rebounds on us anyway, in the end.
Patricia Zohn: CultureZohn: Black Swan , Or Letting Your Inner Bad Girl Out
D. the Germanic general Odacer or Odovacar overthrew the last of the Roman Emperors, Augustulus Romulus.
Think Progress » At least 112.
Cimbri used the _Tamarix germanica_, the Scandinavians the fruit of the sweet gale (_Myrica gale_), the Cauchi the fruit and the twigs of the chaste tree (_Vitex agrius castus_), and the Icelanders the yarrow
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3 "Brescia" to "Bulgaria"
Yet for the sheer visual audacity and wit, the Echt Amerikan sense of the didactic effortlessly intermingled with pleasure (We’re gonna expose you to some highbrow music, sonny, but you’ll have fun anyway), and the move away from the heavy Germanic style of earlier features into a cleaner, more open sense of space and horizon and character (physiognomy is destiny, except when hippos dance!) it remains my favorite feature-length release.
A Ceramic Fantasia :
I take this occasion to observe, that here and elsewhere Kant uses the term intuition, and the verb active (intueri Germanice anschauen) for which we have unfortunately no correspondent word, exclusively for that which can be represented in space and time.
Biographia Literaria
Germanicus admitted a few intimates, and began his complaints in words such as dissembled resentment dictates.
The Reign of Tiberius, Out of the First Six Annals of Tacitus; With His Account of Germany, and Life of Agricola
He dismissed the observation, however, as unworthy a philologer and went to sleep pondering a new destruction for the knaves who held the Lombard tongue to be not East but West Germanic.
The Collectors
Visitation right is a concrete right comes to existence gradually from the parental power system, which developed from the parental right from Roman law and the Father right from Germanic law.
They belong for the greater part to the North Germanic race (Norsemen).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
At the triumphal procession through the streets of Rome that followed in 44, Messalina was permitted to follow her husband’s chariot in a mule-drawn carpentum, ahead of the victorious generals from the campaign, and the couple’s son, hitherto known by the name Tiberius Claudius Caesar Germanicus, received the new sobriquet Britannicus in recognition of his father’s great victory.
Caesars’ Wives
I think that in addition to English favoring closed syllables, it tends to have an audible glottal stop between words, like other Germanic languages.
L'accent tonique - French Word-A-Day
For the Viennese positivists, Heidegger's work is the return to a reactionary, anti-scientific metaphysics, which is allied politically to pan-Germanic aspirations.
It hadn't really occurred to me before that you could have serif, sans serif, modern and antique Korean typefaces before (because I'd never really thought about it) and I began to realise that I'd only ever seen 'foreign' type on documents intended for western audiences - hence Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Arabic always looked 'traditional' (the way 'ye olde' English is always rendered in illegible Germanic type, I suppose.)
'Modern' Arabic typefaces
The Celts were followed by Romans and Germanic and Slavic tribes.
Tacitus admired the Germanic tribes, Herodotus the barbarian Scythians, Ibn Khaldun the nomadic Beduin, and the Chinese the Mongols. [more ...]
Archive 2010-02-01
Even so, if Aritim really meant 'Arretium', it surely is borrowed from Latin Arrētium, and has nothing at all to do with the Germanic terms for 'ore' because the second vowel, *-u- as in OHG aruzzi, is incongruous with the phonetic reality of both the Latin and Etruscan terms.
Arretium versus German Erz and how this affects (or doesn't affect) Etruscan Aritimi
Vetera analecta, sive collectio veterum aliquot operum & opusculorum omms generis, carminum, epistolarum, diplomaton, epitaphiorum, &, cum itinere germanico, adnotationibus & aliquot disquisitionibus R. PD.
The Name of the Rose
Quid? quod illa Teneriffæ (quæ vna, est ex insulis Canarijs, quæ & fortunatæ) pyramis, secundum Munsterum, 8 aut 9 milliarium Germanicorum altitudine in aëra assurgens, atque instar Ætnæ iugiter conflagrans, niues, quibus media cingitur, teste Benzone Italo,
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
While Caesar stressed that grazing combined with fishing and hunting constituted the backbone of the Germanic economy.
In England, John Mitchell Kemble contended that the excellency of the English was due to their Germanic roots.
Her emotional journey to Brundisium caught the imagination of neoclassical painters in the eighteenth century, including William Turner, Gavin Hamilton, and Benjamin West, whose famous painting Agrippina Landing at Brundisium with the Ashes of Germanicus was commissioned by the archbishop of York, Dr. Robert Drummond.
Caesars’ Wives
Building on its native Germanic word star, English has the verb to star; compounds like stardom, all-star, stargazer, five-star, starstruck, and superstar; and phrases such as rock star and pop star.
The English Is Coming!
The simple vowels broke in many Germanic languages
Piso had been accused of complicity in the death of Germanicus, the heir apparent of Tiberius [emperor 14-37 A.D.], in one of the causes célèbres of the early principate.
They are all blond and call themselves Gang, without the definite article, which has an icily Germanic ring.
Etymology: Middle English braundisshen, from Anglo-French brandiss-, stem of brandir, from brant, braund sword, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English brand
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on gun registration, and guns at POTUS speeches:
We should throw off the heavy, Germanic Leitmotiven we've been burdened with all these years, and like characters in any good Baroque opera, adopt the affetto proper to our roles.
The invasions of Germanic peoples brought strong traditions of customary law to these shores.
Even when the Baltic lands became outlying provinces of Sweden and later of Tsarist Russia, Germanic merchants and seigneurs continued to dominate Baltic towns and commerce and the manors where Estonians and Latvians were enserfed.
I would agree with PhoeniX - if "hand" were to be a early Latin loan in Germanic, I would expect to see many more Latin loans in Proto-Germanic.
Searching for an etymology for Germanic *handuz 'hand'
It is a time for Germanically cautious central banking.
Tiberius did not shrink from annexing dependent monarchies: Germanicus took over Commagene and Cappadocia, which made it possible to halve the Roman sales tax.
Compensation for losses to Islam was provided by the progressive Christianization of the Germanic, Celtic and Slavonic peoples of Europe in the western post-imperial epoch.
` shirt 'from LL camisa, camisia ` shirt, thin dress,' probably of Germanic origin, akin to OE ham ` undergarment, 'hama ` cover, skin,' hemetha ` shirt, 'and to Skt śāmulya ` woolen shirt.'
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XX No 2
Primùm igitur obijcit Germanicus hic noster, si Dijs placet, Historicus: Multos ex pastoribus Islandiæ toto biennio sacram concionem ad populum nullam habere: Vt in priore editione, huius pasquilli legitur, quod tamen posterior editio eiusdem refutat: Dicens, eosdem pastores in integro anno tantum quinquies concionari solitos: quæ duo quàm ritè sibi consentiant, videas bone Lector, cum constet Authorem mox à prima editione vix vidisse Islandiam.
A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
The Celtic languages are most closely related to the Italic group of languages and somewhat more remotely to the Germanic.
I'm hoping this Dancing-with-the-Scars dark fairy tale--for it feels like Aronofsky has gone back to the fabulistic Germanic roots of the original Swan Lake narrative--does not really mean the only fix for good girls is just a dose of self-stimulation with a bit of Sappho and the boss on the side which rebounds on us anyway, in the end.
Patricia Zohn: CultureZohn: Black Swan , Or Letting Your Inner Bad Girl Out
There were three known Latin transla - tions: one by Cicero in his De natura deorum (II, 41), one ascribed to Germanicus Caesar, and one to Festus
Across the North Sea, new Germanic tribes were settling: Angles, Jutes, Saxons.
* Afrikaans is a West Germanic language descended from Dutch and spoken mainly in South Africa and Namibia.
Glenwood Springs Post Independent - Top Stories
Thoughts on a Jewish variation of pan-Germanic / pan-Slavic "tribal" nationism - 11 March Jeff Halper at the University of Melbourne: Countdown to Apartheid in Israel / Palestine:
Sydney Indymedia - Comments
Germanic mythology
The Vikings spoke a related, North Germanic language, and while the roots were similar enough to their Anglo-Saxon counterparts to be easily understood, the case endings were entirely different.
Right Wing Nation
This vowel diphthongized in Germanic
The collapse of Roman rule in the early fifth century ended urban life, as groups of Germanic Angles, Jutes, and Saxons carved the country into tribal enclaves and later created the heptarchy.
The Germanic languages as a whole have not developed nasalized vowels.
Chapter 9. How Languages Influence Each Other
They remained nearly a month in the ancient episcopal city, strolling out in the gloaming through the lonely, grass-grown streets with their crumbling palaces of the time of the Council; floating with the current down the river Rhine along its forest-clad banks; stopping to look at the tiny houses with red roofs and spacious arbors beneath which sang the bourgeoisie, stein in hand, with the Germanic joy of a subchanter, grave and reposeful.
The Dead Command From the Spanish Los Muertos Mandan
Peter: "How would you explain the diphtong-less forms in Germanic?
Pondering on the phrase 'capite velato'
Take a look at the definite article for instance, which is denoted by a suffix in the Scandinavian languages ("bord-et", "banan-en"), and only precedes nouns as a distinct word in the West Germanic manner when the nouns are qualified by adjectives ("det nye hus" instead of "huset"). LOWLANDS LANGUAGES.
A similar phenomenon occurred in Old English, in which very many abstract words were formed by compounds of native Germanic words, instead of by borrowings from Latin.
Conclusion SH is an effective pathogenic Strain to control Blattella germanica.
Forelle makes it clear that learning the North Germanic language is not an easy task.
Story pick: Do you speak Icelandic?
In their Heroic Age the Greeks were fighting in phyle and phratry, the Germanic peoples in tribes and kinship-groups, and the ancient Scots in their clans, each of which could be identified by special insignia during the greater collective military expeditions.
Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
This “foreign,” North Germanic language would alter the course of English.
The English Is Coming!
One such word was bancus, for the ancient “workbench” whose name has a common ancestor—in the Germanic line—with the Modern English word bench.
The English Is Coming!
Sophie Grigson makes a Germanic salad with beetroot, potato, pickled herrings, hard-boiled egg, onion and chopped cornichons, bound together with mayo.
Of course, the rockist element is sandwiched between, if not crammed into, equal doses of vocodered neo-electro, orchestral manoeuvres and celestial harmonies, folksy strumming and awkward, Germanic vacuum beats.
Etymology: Middle French debaucher, from Old French desbauchier to scatter, disperse, from des – de – + bauch beam, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German balko beam — more at BALK
The Volokh Conspiracy » Recent Michigan Prosecutions for “Seducing an Unmarried Woman”
Given the imperative of the blood-feud in Germanic society, one insult or injury real or imagined could have initiated a cycle of vengeance that could have taken years to break.
Cearl, King of the Mercians
This is something that I'm interested in too after my recent investigation of the name Arretium, which I've begun to believe is in origin a Germanic name not Etruscan as often claimed without concrete proof despite attested Aritim-i "in Arretium".
Archive 2008-07-01
The tripartite division was East Germanic (Gothic and other extinct languages), West Germanic (German, Dutch, English), and North Germanic (Danish and the other Scandinavian languages.) LOWLANDS LANGUAGES.
Yes | No | Report from buckshot89 wrote 49 weeks 5 days ago oh yeah. most of my guns have names. you have to take care of them like a child. most of my reenacting buddies have named their flint lockes based on their style. germanic: gretchin, and i have the oldest gun in the group and everyone referes to her as old dirty bas%$#$. quite an endearing name.
Do you name your guns?
I was surprised to learn that mere probably comes from Latin merus, though perhaps with some reinforcement from Germanic and Romance sources.
As I take you to be the greatest juris peritus and politician of the whole Germanic body, I suppose you will have read the King of
Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
But it was probably without much difficulty, given their close linguistic kinships, that the clusters of West Germanic languages sporadically evolved into what would become the earliest manifestations of English.
The English Is Coming!
Although there was a wide variety — and no architectural plan was imposed upon them as it was among the Cistercians — the women's churches were either aisleless hall churches in the shape of a rectangle as at Töss, Au bei Stein, and St. Katharinenthal, or a usually aisleless nave with a Germanic Langchor, as at Klingenthal, Oetenbach, and Unterlinden.
Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
As a result, things have never looked better for the small cadre of Icelandic translators who render the North Germanic tongue of 320,000 island-dwellers into something the rest of the world can understand.
Story pick: Do you speak Icelandic?
The copy I have was translated by Kathleen Shaw and the illustrations are by Ruth Bartlett - a kind of kicky sixties feel for what are clearly germanic tales.
...With Fairy Tales For All
It's just that they sound almost too well-rehearsed for this kind of repertoire: Russian passion meeting Germanic scintillation not quite equalling true jazz.
In Africa the last flood of Germanic invasions spent itself within hearing of the last gasp of Byzantium, and it was through Africa that Islam came to play its great rôle of conqueror and civilizer.
In this gigantic struggle, soon to overcome all of Earth’s peoples, join Sorcha Faal as she explains in great detail that the ancient mythologies of the Norse, Icelandic, Germanic, and others of the Arctic’s Circumpolar peoples are nothing more than ‘the other side of the coin’ of the ancient writings and prophecies of Hebrews and Christians.
Consider the Source I
Stranding prepositions (prepositions without objects) are native to all North Germanic languages and are an integral part of English.
Jerry Weissman: Language Lovers Unite II
the Germanic sound shifts
A reconstructed form of the English word park is *parruk, used in its prehistoric ancestor language West Germanic, which was spoken until around fifteen hundred years ago.
The English Is Coming!
This Minoan etymon is my attempt at better explaining (via expected Etruscan *caupaθ) the source of both Germanic *haubida- and Latin caput in a way that an over-cited Indo-European root (*)*kaput- just can't convincingly accomplish without fiddling with the phonetics.
Archive 2010-07-01
Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic languages.
Objective To evaluate the invasion and density of German cockroach (Blattellla germanica) and provide evidence for the development of the prevention and control measures.
English derives in the main from the common Germanic stock.
The nineteenth century Germanic philologist Jakob Grimm believed that grammatical gender was in some sense a more advanced form of natural gender.
Secondly, English is the only Germanic language with few reflexives that are spelled out.
Jung wrote an essay called "Wotan" and in it, he tried to understand developments under Hitler, in terms of the mythology of the god Odin, a.k.a. the Germanic god Wotan.
The Existentialist Cowboy
English derives in the main from the common Germanic stock.
There are inflexions for number and tense, the vocabulary is Latin or Germanic for the most part, with all the baggage those words bring with them.
What it instead indicates is that there were three "nodes", three centers of change, three wave sources, in the West Germanic dialect continuum: Ingvaeonic, Franconian, and German.
The PIE and Pre-PIE pronominal system from the perspective of a wave model
Objective To observe the effect of Premise cockroach gel bait on killing Blattella germanica.
Clytemnestra led Miri to a place at the head of the triclinium removed from Germanicus and Agrippina, but she noted, several heads above some very important people from the city.
English derives in the main from the common Germanic stock.
A large skull with deep-set eye sockets that appeared to stare at one had the title Aryan (Germanic) written beneath its pronounced jawbone.
It's a very old word, with cognates in most Germanic languages.
He kept the school a bastion of Germanic academicism while the musical mainstream went elsewhere.
Ephemeridum Medico-Physicarum Germanicarum Academiæ Naturæ curiosorum decuria II. annus quartus, anni 1685 continens celeberrimorum Virorum observationes medicas_: Norimbergæ, 1686, in 4to.
Notes and Queries, Number 193, July 9, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
The ride has a Germanic firmness about it, but passenger comfort is always well controlled, the suspension absorbing poor road surfaces in an effective way.
Upon this word Kemble brought to bear his knowledge of the Germanic tongues, and by citing Goth. _hansa_, OHG.
The Translations of Beowulf A Critical Bibliography
English derives in the main from the common Germanic stock.
* The word kiss comes from the Old English cyssan from the proto-Germanic kussijanan or kuss, which is probably based on the sound kissing can make.
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The collapse of Roman rule in the early fifth century ended urban life, as groups of Germanic Angles, Jutes, and Saxons carved the country into tribal enclaves and later created the heptarchy.
Hutterites in my home province of Alberta would bring in farmhands of good Germanic stock from time to time.
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As the Roman empire disintegrated, Gaul ceased to be a Roman province and was overrun by Germanic invaders.
He was inspired by her beauty and German heritage to create several designs for the mirror panels with images derived from Germanic folk art and mythology.
I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift
An individual using and being buried with an artefact of, ultimately, Continental type was a person of Germanic origin.
You can't even distinguish between the preterite and participle Germanic ablauts of English.
It's a nice, gristly, Germanic word, contrasting with the limitless space evoked by the latinate "America".
Poem of the week: Pier by Vona Groarke
The Teutonic languages derive from Primitive Germanic.
While Caesar stressed that grazing combined with fishing and hunting constituted the backbone of the Germanic economy.
In the group of West Germanic dialects, for the study of which Old High German, Anglo-Saxon, Old Frisian, and Old Saxon are our oldest and most valuable sources, we still have these four cases, but the phonetic form of the case syllables is already greatly reduced and in certain paradigms particular cases have coalesced.
Chapter 7. Language as a Historical Product: Drift
This is reflected in their language which is not Germanic in origin.
For English, such forms are usually those of INDO-EUROPEAN ROOTS and their derivatives, or Romanic and Germanic roots.
The type species of Pleuronectites is not monomorphic but shows a substantial range of variation from its earliest to latest occurrences in the Muschelkalk of the Germanic Basin.
The case of Germanicus Caesar is a cardinal instance.
Latin Literature
While in the SEALs, he had earned the code name Norseman, not for his rugged good looks, which were more Germanic than Norse, or because he fought like a fearsome Viking warrior, but rather because of the long string of Scandinavian flight attendants he had dated.
Objective:To study on the toxic effect and palatablity of the Insect Growth Regulation baits against Blattella germanica in the laboratory.
His solicitude about maintaining a certain order within the state was described as haughtiness and harshness, his preoccupation lest the precarious resources of the government be dissipated in useless expenditures was dubbed avarice, and the prudence which had impelled him to restrain the rash policy of expansion and aggression which Germanicus had tried to initiate beyond the Rhine was construed as envy and surly malignity.
The Women of the Caesars
Are Nietzsche and Heidegger the fathers of philosophies of existence partly because Germanic creates this semblance of physicality and there-ness?
the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages
The famous examples are the Ulfbehrt Viking swords, but there's also a delightful example from Lincoln of a comb case with an inscription in Norse runes that translates approximately as "Thorfast Makes a Good Comb" - all that's missing is his website address and orderline phone number :- That may indicate that craftsmen had a higher status in Germanic society than Roman society.
A Bishop of Chester?
He almost lost not only his British optimism but his Germanic stoicism.
This Germanic people saw themselves as the continuators of the weakened Imperial power.
Despite the fact that the adjective longus can be used to express lack (longe esse ab aliqua re, i.e. distance as lack), there does not seem to be any Romance equivalent to Germanic and English long as verb meaning to yearn for (as across distance).
Re: Longing
McWhorter speculates on a possible connection between certain Germanic and Semitic roots, such as the English word fright compared with the Semitic root p-r-kh meaning "to fear.
The line between cranks and scholars