How To Use German democratic republic In A Sentence
The unification of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic was driven by the impulse to efface the memory of East Germany and the political, cultural and economic experience of East Germans.
Cay Wesnigk mined the archives of the East German state film studio to chronicle the regime's rise and fall, with instructional films about threats from the West, TV shows indoctrinating children, and the East German leader Erich Honecker and his wife, Margot, waltzing at the twilight of the so-called German Democratic Republic.
Reconstructive History
The construction of Wall by the German Democratic Republic. Began separating East Berlin and West Berlin.
But in the German Democratic Republic, the GDR, another wind had begun to blow, softly at first, until it swelled into a storm that blew the communist regime away.
Somehow my Mom who immigrated from the German Democratic Republic in 1961 and who’s own mom had an ID number tatooed on her arm doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the law atall...
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Arizona Law is Much Worse than the Federal Law It is Supposedly Based On
The German Democratic Republic, which ceased to exist in 1990, had a reputation for sporting excellence.
Somehow my Mom who immigrated from the German Democratic Republic in 1961 and who’s own mom had an ID number tatooed on her arm doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the law atall ...
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Arizona Law is Much Worse than the Federal Law It is Supposedly Based On
Michel, Andreas. 1987. "The Development of Ethnomusicology in the German Democratic Republic. An Overview. " Yearbook for Traditional Music 19: 171-186.
But in the German Democratic Republic, the GDR, another wind had begun to blow, softly at first, until it swelled into a storm that blew the communist regime away.
Somehow my Mom who immigrated from the German Democratic Republic in 1961 and who’s own mom had an ID number tatooed on her arm doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with the law at all ...
The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the Arizona Law is Much Worse than the Federal Law It is Supposedly Based On
The New York Times editorializes that those who fled to the West did so "because they could not endure the shame and misery of living under the so-called German Democratic Republic.