How To Use Germ In A Sentence

  • These observations will provide a valuable supplement to the simultaneous records of other expeditions, especially the British in McMurdo Sound and the German in Weddell Sea, above all as regards the hypsometer observations (for the determination of altitude) on sledge journeys. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
  • The main square is called “Rynek” (which basically means “central market place”), and in the middle there are two buildings: “Ratusz” or City Hall (compare with German “Rathaus”) and “Sukiennice”, a long one-level building not unlike a bazaar, filled with stores. Matthew Yglesias » Krakow
  • Leaving London they went to Paris, where they passed a few days, but soon grew weary of the place; and Lord Chetwynde, feeling a kind of languor, which seemed to him like a premonition of disease, he decided to go to Germany. The Cryptogram A Novel
  • Second, that the entire Reichstag assented to the declarations made by the speakers on Tuesday that the Emperor had exceeded his constitutional prerogatives in private discussion with foreigners concerning Germany's attitude on controverted questions. New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Vol 1, No. 2 Who Began the War, and Why?
  • Sed vt bonis et cordatis omnibus, etiam extraneis, satisfaciam qui maledicentiam istam Germanicam lecturi vel audituri sunt, aut olim audierint, ne et hi nos meritò calumniam tantam sustinere credant: Tum etiam vt alios qui istis virulentis rhythmis A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
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  • The term aesthetics was coined in the eighteenth century by the German philosopher Alexander Baumgarten from the Greek word aisthetikos meaning “perceptive, especially by feeling”. MARKETING AESTHETICS
  • Could the hearts of kings and the counsels of cabinets be known with that literal exactness which is so desirable in politics, and yet so unattainable, we should probably find that Prussia's apparent readiness to lead Germany was owing to her determination that German armies should be led nowhere to the assistance of Austria. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 39, January, 1861
  • Saint – Germain, the king accorded letters-patent; and all the rest, abbatial charter, and royal letters, was confirmed in 1654 by the Chamber of Accounts and the Parliament. Les Miserables
  • The endotoxins exuded are cell - wall constituents that are sort of like pheromones or germ sweat. T.S. Wiley: Can Sleep Loss Destroy Your Immune System?
  • Here we may be sneering at the devaluation of the single currency, but in Germany they're laughing all the way to the export markets.
  • The German military party -- which, as everyone knows, holds the reins of policy in Germany entirely -- have, as far as I can see, done all they could to overthrow Kerenski and set up Im Weltkriege. English
  • Indeed, the schemes of co-determination in Germany constitute functioning examples of shareholders sharing control with one other stakeholder group, namely the employees.
  • The Germans also launched a maladroit effort to entice Mexico into the war, exposed by the Zimmermann telegraph affair.
  • She quickly explained that they were studying German on an exchange program.
  • Transport aircraft carrying supplies kept the German columns moving swiftly, and finally relentless bombing helped to force Warsaw into submission.
  • The importance of germaneness in the Senate is viewed by some to be critical to democracy.
  • That proud record lasted eight minutes before they were crushed under the German machine. The Sun
  • It seems that CSIS witnesses may have engaged in "prevarication," and that material germane to Harkat's legal defence has been withheld by CSIS for no good reason. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Swiss counter-intelligence was very effective, too, and 387 spies, mostly Swiss but including 100 Germans, were captured and brought to trial of whom 17 were executed.
  • How ironic that a German footballer should provide us with sport's finest example of Schadenfreude.
  • “Hooray” can be dated back to 1686 and possibly comes from the German word “hurra,” thebattle-cry of Prussian soldiers during the War of Liberation (1812-13). Blog – syllable studio
  • Being alone, working overtime everyday in Germany totally rocks!
  • Some of the German people were all of a sudden no longer Germans but Czechs or Poles.
  • I'll also ask my good friend who's a '' Germanist ''. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Unlike chemical antiseptics, essential oils are harmless to tissue, yet they are powerful aggressors towards germs.
  • Kaysersberg; finally, in one of the vestries is the epitaph, in german verses, of the celebrated printer John Mentelin of Historical Sketch of the Cathedral of Strasburg
  • The handle on the German “potato-masher” hand grenade enabled it to be thrown far further than its British or American counterparts. Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
  • That proud record lasted eight minutes before they were crushed under the German machine. The Sun
  • The principal range in German New Guinea is the Bismarck Mountains (variously estimated between 14,000 and 16,000 feet, in height). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Madame Grès, born Germaine Krebs, was once as well-known as her contemporary Coco Chanel, but while Ms. Chanel sold mass-produced ready-to-wear, Ms. Grès designed only hand-made haute couture that sold first as the label "Alix" and later as "Madame Grès. Collecting Vintage Dresses Like Art
  • Einstein gave up his German citizenship in 1932 and became a naturalised American citizen in 1940.
  • They went into hiding in Katlijk, but where betrayed and fusilladed by the German oppressor.
  • The mostly German-speaking cantons, or provinces, are divided nearly equally between the two religious affiliations.
  • Keep the seeds in warm, damp conditions to encourage germination.
  • Born Princess Sophia of the minor German principality of Anhalt-Zerbst, reared by an ambitious and self-centered mother, she was plucked out of near obscurity by the Russian czarina, Elizabeth, in 1744 as a bride for the heir to the Russian throne, Peter III. The Rise Of an Empress
  • The spirochaete responsible for syphilis was only isolated in 1905 by the German zoologist Fritz Schaudinn.
  • “Malted” barley is barley which is starting to germinate — a process that converts the starch in the kernels into a soluble form called dextrin. Archive 2006-01-01
  • He has here at home a harpsichord, forte-piano, harmonica, guitar, violin, and German flutes, and at Williamsburg, he has a good pipe organ. Colonial Children
  • The decision was uncontroversial, as the Soviet's non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany had precipitated the war.
  • These changes serve as the background for the spread of crack cocaine in Germany as well.
  • Far more seriously, the vital turn east towards Mayenne and Alençon, intended to initiate the rolling up of the main German front in Normandy, was delayed by days. Overlord D-Day And The Battle for Normandy
  • German forces remilitarized the territory in 1936, as part of a diplomatic test of will, three years before the outbreak of the Second World War.
  • This pattern was repeated during WWII, during German occupation, and later by successive Communist regimes.
  • The New York Times has correspondents in France, Germany, etc.
  • The stube, or stove, of a German inn, derived its name from the great hypocaust, which is always strongly heated to secure the warmth of the apartment in which it is placed. Anne of Geierstein
  • Anyone who has seen a revue of their sketches in Germany knows how deliriously funny their work can be.
  • Some weeds, such as chickweed, common groundsel, and bittercress, may germinate and grow at almost any time of year.
  • It introduces, maintains, characterizes, and evaluates germplasm collections of banana, plantain, sapodilla, mamey sapote, cacao, Garcinia, Annona, and bamboo.
  • Cabinets of coins, medals, and bronze statuettes became a characteristic feature of German princely collections.
  • Assuming of course (4) that Germany, which wants to revise the Lisbon Treaty to apply the new rules EU-wide, and France, which wants nothing to do with a re-opening of the Treaty and therefore wants the fines to apply only in euroland, can resolve their differences. Euroland Should Prepare for More Ups and Downs in Its Yo-Yo Economy
  • He enlisted in the Army in 1980 and was first assigned as a young private as a supply clerk in Germany.
  • A shame since it includes the weapons, sabotage devices and other inventions which undoubtedly frustrated the German forces.
  • In 1991 the new Länder accounted for 20 per cent of reunified Germany's combined labour force but less than 7 per cent of its combined GNP.
  • Although the origins of the experimental child psychology are to be found in Germany, the new empirical and evolutionist child study was practiced mainly in the Anglo-Saxon world.
  • The film represents something of a milestone - many of the elements of all the crime and action films of the future are here already, in germinal form.
  • Apparently, there is agreement in the German chancellery and foreign ministry on this point.
  • He acted as a pro-American power broker and an alternative voice to the German-French axis within the European Union.
  • Cui Jie's dystopian scene from 2011, "Bar," also evokes the painterly eeriness of German artists Gerhard Richter and Neo Rauch. China's Rising Art Stars
  • German saboteurs plotted a wartime bombing campaign in Britain using exploding cans of processed peas, according to secret files made public for the first time today.
  • Growing up bilingual in English and German, Hobsbawm picked up three or four other languages along the way (he reproves monoglot historians for their provincialism).
  • Juno Beach was six miles wide and the Germans had fortified the area immediately behind the beach.
  • I NOTICE that apart from the widespread complaint that the German pilotless planes ‘seem so unnatural’ (a bomb dropped by a live airman is quite natural, apparently), some journalists are denouncing them as barbarous, inhumane, and ‘an indiscriminate attack on civilians’. As I Please
  • 'Can he speak German?' 'Yes, he's fluent.'
  • In North Africa, it represented the whole Free World against the Axis powers - Germany and Italy.
  • Moravians, Mennonites, Amish, Schwenkfelders, Dunkers, and other German groups, including Rosicrucians, would flourish there.
  • Some throw out ideas like seeds and see which ones germinate. Times, Sunday Times
  • These ships were handed over to Turkey as a demonstration that Germany was Turkey's true friend at sea as well as on land.
  • Home to cultural and architectural wonders and famous for its fine white china, the German city of Dresden still shone despite six years of war.
  • In July he was arguing that the British should use their influence to make the Poles more amenable to German demands.
  • He took a job to finance his stay in Germany.
  • All three games will face off at 8 pm German time.
  • They are widely known as martyers in Germany and once a week we must pay homage to them by giving them maccaroni art. Hamletwildie Diary Entry
  • His wife hails from Hamburg, Germany, and he had a spell working as a commodity broker for a bank.
  • Although marijuana is technically illegal, personal consumption is arguably decriminalized due to the ‘ban on excessive punishment’ written into German law.
  • Two trains collided head-on in north-eastern Germany early this morning.
  • En la sama momento papilio, kiu sidis proksime de ni sur la barilo kaj jen etendis, jen altiris siajn rugxajn flugiletojn kun argxenta subajxo, rapide levigxis kaj transflugis al la germana flanko. The Esperanto Teacher A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians
  • The Danish government gave the Association permission to purchase food from Danish sources and to import foodstuffs from neutral countries for reshipment to needy prisoners of war (this permission was highly unusual given the tight blockade that the Allies imposed on Denmark to prevent the trans-shipment of food to Germany). Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • An authoritative German voice crisped the air, asserting itself above the general drone.
  • The school's culinary dean recalls being hung from a meat hook for improperly boning veal during one of his 14-hour days as an apprentice in 1949 Germany.
  • Your celosia seeds have germinated here, were winter sowed in the milk jugs. Tulips 2010 « Fairegarden
  • She became a protegee of German violinist Adolf Busch and also studied with renowned harpsichordist Wanda Landowska and guitarist Andres Segovia. Blanche Moyse, musical pioneer and peerless conductor of Bach choral works, dies at 101
  • This embossed, etched, and gilded steel close helmet is attributed to German armourer Kolman Helmschmid. Would This 16th Century Helmet Terrify a Jousting Opponent?
  • He testified that all other parties represented in the German parliament did not regard their right to co-determination as having been violated.
  • He tapped a spot on the map with the rubber tip of his pointer - the synthetic oil refinery at Odertal, Germany.
  • It had become clear that he was dying and Frieda took him first to Germany and then to the south of France in search of what could only have been a miraculous cure.
  • Therefore, agricultural, herding societies will carry deadlier germs than will hunter-gatherers or people that farm only plants.
  • In the meantime there is the best germination of winter herbage that I have seen for the last 20 years.
  • Never mind York's links with Europe, the city's business people spend more time gabbing on the blower to Americans than they do to French or Germans.
  • The dollar was officially devalued, and the Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value.
  • Other major constituents include limonene (lemony), thymol (thyme-like), cadinene (green-like) and germacrene (spicy and woody). Sechuan Buttons: The Taste of Electricity
  • Some seeds germinate; and if they are left alone, they will grow into a guinep tree that eventually bears fruit.
  • Wash it down with some micro-brewed beer that rivals the brewmasters' of Germany.
  • So, tomorrow's project is to remember where that tensioner is, but not right now, because d's sleeping the sleep of the recently-returned-from-Germany. Who Ya Gonna Call?
  • Christmas Allegedly Christmas tree first appeared in ancient Rome in mid-December Saturnalia, the German missionary Nikos in the 8th century AD, dedicated to El Ni?o using P-trees.
  • Can a newly minted American renounce his allegiance to Germany but retain his allegiance to Bavaria?
  • He had tasted it as a prisoner of war in Germany, and the wine, a thimbleful in a mustard jar, was underripe and short on the finish. Singing of France's Unsung Chenin Blanc
  • Such verse was unknown in classical Greek but common in Latin and the Celtic and Germanic languages.
  • At the vertex is a medical student named Karlanner (played by Stephen Barker Turner), a kind of emblematic conflicted "good German" - leftishly inclined, living with the Jewish girlfriend who rescued him from alcoholism. A Lost Voice Surfaces From A Sinister Interlude
  • The chaconne also became popular in France and, towards the middle of the 17th century, in Germany and England.
  • The team produced a version of the mineral in which silver is replaced by lithium, germanium by phosphorus, and some of the sulphur atoms by halides (chloride, bromide or iodide), resulting in argyrodite-like structures. Batteries that never needs recharging
  • For me to arm myself would be an act of public endangerment.
  • German antiterrorist officials say they hadn't previously identified Mr. Uka as a potential militant. Frankfurt Shooting Suspect Had Links to Radical Islamists
  • The decision to cast Cruise in the role has caused anger in Germany because of his strong links to the Church of Scientology , which is regarded here as a sect.
  • With two friends, Polak watched German authorities plant the tree with great pomp - part of an effort to "Germanize" the town, he said. - Home Page
  • He speaks the language so well he could easily pass for a German.
  • While the warmbloods of France, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Hungary and other European countries have produced a number of good individuals, their pedigrees are riddled with recent Thoroughbred, Arabian and other outcrosses.
  • The pioneering Jewish lesbian feminist Charlotte Wolff was a physician by training, but later became a chirologist, psychotherapist, and sexologist, well known in both England and Germany. Charlotte Wolff.
  • RIYADH - A cargo plane belonging to the German carrier Lufthansa crashed on landing at Riyadh airport on Tuesday, Saudi television reported. Channel NewsAsia Front Page News
  • German's work; but what perhaps the world calls charlatanism in him is really only the reaction of genius when it comes into conflict with the brutal obstinacy of real life. Suspended Judgments Essays on Books and Sensations
  • George II was the absolute ruler of a medium-sized German state, Hanover, as well as being the British sovereign.
  • In 1981, he made a trip to Bavaria with three friends from the German department, and there, in a little bookstore in Munich, on Voralmstrasse, he found two other books: the slim volume titled Mitzi's Treasure, less than one hundred pages long, and the aforementioned English novel, The Garden. '2666'
  • Orders for games included 48 chessboards and chessmen, 12 sets of fox and geese, 6 sets of jackstraws, 9 boxes of ninepins, and 3 sets of German tactics.
  • This is a highly germane consideration for an economy on the threshold of emerging market style debt trap dynamics.
  • Perhaps we are not so dissimilar from germs and viruses. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are (1) the production in the blood of an antidote to the toxin or poison elaborated by the invading microbe -- an antitoxin, which chemically neutralises the toxin; (2) the production in the blood of the attacked animal of a "germicidal" poison which repels and kills the attacking microbes themselves (not merely neutralising their poisonous products); (3) the extermination of the intrusive, disease-producing microbes by a kind of police, which scour the blood channels and tissues and "eat up" -- actually engulf and digest -- the hostile intruders. More Science From an Easy Chair
  • Luxembourg sketched out an acceptable compromise between Britain, France and Germany.
  • At this time we could hear and see the German half-track vehicles entering Lamia, thus effectively cutting off our retreat in that direction even if we had transport. Alan Glass
  • Make sure you get in between the fingers and under the nails where uninvited germs like to hang out.
  • Single leaf from a Missal, in Latin Germany, Hamburg, shortly before 1381 Illuminated by Meister Bertram von Minden The young people hawking are fashionably dressed: the youth wears a red pourpoint with a dagged hem, a particularly tight chaperon, narrow belt, and open shoes. Fashion in Art: Medieval France and the Netherlands
  • What it was now was the starry 1939-45 War again, and it was a very blobby and liny and crackly film you could viddy had been made by the Germans. Where's the show?
  • Everywhere in the 19th century students of folklore itself a newly invented word plumped up their local legends, sagas and fairy tales just as much as Jacob Grimm and Richard Wagner did in Germany. Hitler's Golden Book
  • But the German wardresses remained vaguely aware of her special status and seem to have relaxed in her company.
  • The first performance was of Charles Gounod's Faust, the fascinating tale of a German sorcerer who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge, power, youth, and love.
  • Madrid beckons with bars, cafes, and bathhouses that cater to older guys; and in any Munich kneipe (traditional German bar) you'll see men of all ages lifting a stein.
  • Legio (acc. legionem) was formed, in accordance with the nature of the Romance-Castilian language, the name León, and the identity of this name with that of the king of beasts (león, from leo, acc. leonem) perhaps explains how, by what in German is called a The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • The great white hope for the German aircraft industry was the European airbus.
  • Leaked U. S. diplomatic cables show that the United States and Germany allegedly are developing together a spy satellite system despite strong opposition from countries such as France.
  • April 21 -- German troops in Kamerun have been forced by allied forces to retreat from the plateau in the centre of the colony; seat of Government has been transferred to Jaúnde; allied troops have forced a passage across the Kele River; British troops have taken possession of the Ngwas New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 3, June, 1915 April-September, 1915
  • Ildefonso Schuster, son of a stalwart Swiss-German officer in the Vatican's famed Swiss Guard, is accounted an Italian Cardinal because he was born in Rome. Time Magazine on the Elevation of Ildefonso Schuster
  • The night before, a German shepherd mongrel had come into the bar begging for potato chips.
  • I once made a German friend hoot with laughter by referring, in English, to the Arch of Diocletian, pronouncing the Emperor's name "die-oh-clee-shun. National Review Online
  • The weather was appalling, and German artillery made life unpleasant for the British.
  • Her best this season in four races was a fifth place in Germany which left her in seventh place overall in the rankings.
  • The visit will also include Mpumalanga, which is the partner province of the North Rhine-Westphalia province in Germany (the industrial heartland). ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Viticulture is most extensive in the Rhine and Mosel valleys in west Germany and is an important export industry.
  • In Germany, there is always the main staple of the country's beer and wine festivals, the wurst.
  • For convenience, the German translation is printed below.
  • One of the youngest and fastest teams here, Germany rained in the goals, 13 in all and four each against pretournament favorites England and Argentina. A Fun, Creative Germany
  • Football fans will perhaps be pleased to know that the word huddle, from a Germanic verb to do with “crowding together” could it come from a primeval idea of a group hiding from animals or people, or protecting someone or something from being found or seen by others? The English Is Coming!
  • That would put domestic political pressure on the Bundesbank to engage in expansionary policies, and German central bankers like nothing less than expansionary monetary policy. Matthew Yglesias » Krugman on Europe
  • A large fraction of these embryos aborted on the germination medium and were not able to regenerate plantlets.
  • Herbs, such as germander and santolina, can be clipped into low hedges to create a knot garden.
  • In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory.
  • The company produces computers in cooperation with a German firm.
  • David Hagerman for The Wall Street Journal The characteristic colors of Pulau Ketam's stilt structures might be described as "beachy" -- the likes of bottle green with electric blue, salmon pink and violet, carrot orange and gold. Island Living
  • Note 23: See for example the Psalter miniature of this scene in Hs. 56632 f. 56v, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, Germany. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • The Prussian army invaded Baden, defeated the rebels, and forced the last remnants of the German revolution to capitulate in the fortress of Rastatt on 23 July.
  • The Italian, widely considered the other top candidate for the job, also has a natural contingency among neighboring countries whose needs could go unfavored by a central bank in German hands. Weber
  • In warm weather these germs multiply rapidly.
  • The Reichstag was the popularly elected legislative body of Germany, equivalent to our House of Representatives. The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler
  • The most urgent diagnosis is retinoblastoma, a malignancy most likely arising from retinal germ cells.
  • The Qatar Holding division now controls a 17% stake in German carmaker Volkswagen, as well as News24 Top Stories
  • Dashed segments of the line indicate where viable seeds do not germinate at low temperatures.
  • Patients with intracranial germinoma at other locations may present with diabetes insipidus, hypopituitarism, and Perinaud syndrome.
  • Where the germ of the idea came from is pretty much irrelevant. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only major sea battle in World War began with fighting between Royal Navy squadrons of battle-cruisers under Beatty and a German squadron under Rear Admiral von Hipper.
  • Rome lay too far from the vulnerable frontiers; Constantinople occupied a position about equidistant from the Germans on the lower Danube and the Persians on the Euphrates. Early European History
  • He retired as supreme commander of the German armed forces in 1911, but re-entered the army in 1914.
  • | puffs war's bruises buckles attainably Warnock's discoverer degeneration plots admirably assimilates germane burlesquely ri | Planet MySQL
  • At his suggestion I tackled the Judeo-German Weiber literature.
  • Feb. 2 North cluster remnants of the German surrender, the end of the Battle of Stalingrad.
  • In 1955, one of the richest and most powerful men in the new West Germany and a fresh face in its Bonn parliament, he went back to Rome. THE THORN BIRDS
  • Countries such as Germany, Finland and the Netherlands may find it difficult to defend funnelling more cash to Athens over the coming months with the threat of the referendum looming. Greek government teeters on brink of collapse in wake of referendum plan
  • The comments have provoked outrage, with politicians in France and Germany vocal in condemning what they termed a distortion of the scientific evidence that risked putting many more lives at risk in sub-Saharan Africa, where millions are living with the disease. Top stories from Times Online
  • A French, German, and Italian production that became another unprofitable film for Welles, the film was recently revived in a fully restored print.
  • Rutherford (2007) looks at the Wartheland region in a study of efforts to "Germanize" areas of western Poland. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • • Le Trianon, avenue des Bains, Parc des Thermes, Allevard, +33 4 7671 9617, letrianon-allevard.frAlsace surprises the visitor, not just with the strange Germanic dialect and its colourful half-timbered gingerbread houses clustered in tiny villages surrounded by rolling vine-clad hills, but also with some of the country's finest cuisine. Budget bourguignon: cheap eats in France
  • The most common type is a yeast infection called candida, which is the same germ that causes thrush.
  • The Germans were lucky to beat Hungary in 1954, lucky to beat the Dutch in 1974 and fluked their way to the final in 2002. Truth takes a battering in the great World Cup cliche game
  • Varieties like jungle jalebi and jatropha are ideal for wastelands while sadabhar, saijjan, kadambh, maulshree and sweet neem all germinate on their own and don't need maintenance. "
  • German smoking-tobaccoes are favorites with students here, but owe their excellence to their mode of manufacture. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
  • The German superheterodynes were always very well screened and featured extensive selectivity before the mixer with three or more tuned circuits.
  • But as with West Germany, the effect of this 'impossibilism' is to make Georgia less independent, not more. London Review of Books
  • In Germany it is called the ruffle pigeon, in allusion to the feathers on its breast; and it has rarely any feathers on its feet. The Book of Household Management
  • I have been in relation successively with the English and American evacuant and alterative practice, in which calomel and antimony figured so largely that, as you may see in Dr. Jackson's last "Letter," Dr. Holyoke, a good representative of sterling old-fashioned medical art, counted them with opium and Peruvian bark as his chief remedies; with the moderately expectant practice of Louis; the blood-letting "coup sur coup" of Bouillaud; the contra-stimulant method of Rasori and his followers; the anti-irritant system of Broussais, with its leeching and gum-water; I have heard from our own students of the simple opium practice of the renowned German teacher, Oppolzer; and now I find the medical community brought round by the revolving cycle of opinion to that same old plan of treatment which John Brown taught in Edinburgh in the last quarter of the last century, and Miner and Tully fiercely advocated among ourselves in the early years of the present. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • Kutchina announces its alliance with Hettich India Pvt. ltd, the Indian counterpart of Hettich, the Germany based Global leader in manufact - Articles related to Purchasing and Auto, Understand the Terminology
  • If Mann appeared to be targeting another victim en route, the German police would do what was necessary. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • Ironically, a nation of know-nothings is secretly guided by adherents of an esoteric political tradition rooted in a grand conversation among philosophers ranging from ancient Greece to Weimar Germany.
  • The average German will enjoy 40 days' paid holiday this year.
  • Thirdly, regard new culture industry as the germinant product of catenary , network literature is provided more than traditional literature plasticity, open sex and extend a gender.
  • Born in Australia, Young first came to prominence in Germany and is familiar in the UK to audiences at Covent Garden, where her interpretations of the mainstream repertoire have been variable.
  • Prim鵰 igitur obijcit Germanicus hic noster, si Dijs placet, Historicus: Multos ex pastoribus Islandi� toto biennio sacram concionem ad populum nullam habere: Vt in priore editione, huius pasquilli legitur, quod tamen posterior editio eiusdem refutat: Dicens, eosdem pastores in integro anno tantum quinquies concionari solitos: qu� duo qu鄊 rit� sibi consentiant, videas bone Lector, cum constet Authorem mox � prima editione vix vidisse Islandiam. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • In the face of such an onslaught, the Germans, military as well as civilians, were, by and large, defenceless.
  • STUTTGART / WASHINGTON: Women are showing more interest in having their genital area surgically enhanced, according to the authors of an article in a medical journal on midwifery and gynaecology published in Stuttgart, southern Germany. The Times of India
  • The unification of Germany was his life's work, in which he was greatly assisted by his opponents' inability to analyse the balance of forces realistically.
  • He said no German field marshal in history had ever surrendered. THE BRONZE HORSEMAN
  • Initially 2-4 seeds were planted in each pot; 2 weeks after germination the seedlings were thinned to one per pot.
  • Over against its left flank was a German "fortin," known to us as Stony Mountain, bristling with machine guns, guns which later did terrible execution. War Story of the Canadian Army Medical Corps
  • Part of the German family of smooth, mild pork or pork-and-beef sausages, frankfurters have always been the food of the people, served with grated horseradish or mustard and eaten at street stalls throughout Germany and Austria.
  • If we confine ourselves to Europe in the late medieval and early modern periods, we find that at least initial studies have been completed on England, France, Amsterdam, and parts of Germany.
  • German-French for “Madame la Vicomtesse,” and after many ceremonious bows, he drew from his pocket a dilapidated pocketbook, saying: “Che un betit bapier bour fous,” and unfolding as he handed it to her a piece of greasy paper. Une Vie
  • The role of the Sertoli cells is to nourish the developing and maturing germinal cells which are eventually released into the lumen of the tubule as spermatozoa.
  • Nevertheless, he sees strong economic fundamentals in Germany, such as its solid labor market, domestic demand and filled order books constituting "antirecession insurance. Investment Drives German Growth
  • Though he was positively influenced by the role of the State in France and Germany, he sometimes expressed his repugnance at what he found to be an excess of State intervention in these countries.
  • It became convenient to account for shifts in Freud's work by focusing on his early reliance on drawing and to cite the influence of painters from northern Europe such as Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres and Albrecht Dürer, or even to suggest a false comparison with the Neue Sachlichkeit painters active in Germany in the 1920s but unknown to the young Freud and overlook others as relevant as Paul Cézanne and Chaim Soutine. Lucian Freud obituary
  • Germany is playing a leading role on the international stage.
  • This meant that both arms of the German military would be actively involved in war operations.
  • Germany produced enormous quantities of coal, iron and steel.
  • His father had inherited the Acton family baronetcy and his mother was the heiress of a German nobleman, the Duke of Dalberg.
  • The very kernel of our identity is menaced by the prospect of genetic engineering of the human germline.

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