How To Use Geriatric In A Sentence
The rangers need not fear that they are signing a vulnerable geriatric.
The 14 geriatric hospitals included 18 buildings that housed 36 nursing departments.
It also protects skin from wrinkles and black spots and prevents such geriatric diseases as cerebral haemorrhage, myocardium and brain infarction by removing acid effete matters in time.
North Korea Hails New ‘Anti-Ageing Super Drink’ | Impact Lab
I sent our geriatric gimpy beagle out after them, but now he's on their side.
Kristin Wilson Keppler: What Children Can Learn From Egypt
Some were community dwelling ambulatory patients attending a health clinic and others were inpatients on a geriatric ward.

A physician-scientist with clinical training in geriatrics, Tinetti has studied and published extensively on falls prevention and fall injury risk factors.
Old people with poor housing and with no families or supportive neighbours fill more geriatric beds.
Comment: Dr Anderson, family medicine and geriatric specialist, is well known for her physician home care program that reduces costs by 75% and increases quality of care.
Wonk Room » NRCC Luring Doctors To Oppose Reform By Pretending To ‘Honor’ Them
Dr Anderson geriatric specialist is well known for her physician home care program over the past 10 years seeing real patients that reduces costs by 75% and increases quality of care.
Wonk Room » NRCC Luring Doctors To Oppose Reform By Pretending To ‘Honor’ Them
By the standards of both Cook's crew and our modern-day colleagues, we were geriatrics.
As an internist and geriatrician working (as well as a lifelong New Yorker), I got a bird's eye view as Saint Vincent's did god's work in caring for generations of some of the most vulnerable New Yorkers.
Mark Lachs, M.D.: Care Transitions: The Hazards of Going In and Coming Out of the Hospital
The specialisms of geriatrics and orthopaedic surgery have recorded the largest decreases in average length of stay.
Using an organized approach to the varied aspects of geriatric health, primary care physicians can improve the care that they provide for their older patients.
In 1990, the federal Bureau of Health Professions financed geriatric education centers in 31 states.
Objective To cultivate nursing personal with comprehensive capability and improve nursing quality geriatrics department.
The post-war period in Britain has been characterized by the development of geriatric medicine as a legitimate medical specialism.
These geriatric patients often have multiple comorbidities, as well as a high risk for post-operative complications.
We used to have the yobbo (Clarkson), the spiv (quentin) and the boy racer (Needel), now we have two geriatrics and one in training.
The last one (almost) « Transmission – BBC Top Gear
This spells out the practical applications of the scientific knowledge currently available in the areas of gerontology and geriatrics.
There are certified specialists rated on Angie's List who focus on a variety of massage techniques, such as craniosacral, deep tissue, geriatric, myofascial, prenatal, Swedish and trigger points.
5 unique gifts to spread good health
Quinn rode his first winner in 1981 and at 42 - hardly a geriatric in the flat racing game - he retains a hunger for winners that would shame a man half his age.
Comprehensive geriatric assessments can delay the onset of disability and decrease permanent nursing home stays.
We retrospectively reanalysed data from our single blind, randomised and controlled study of early identification of depression and pragmatic intervention by psychogeriatric consultation.
Give me the criminal Nixon or the somnolescent geriatric Reagan over Dubya any day.
English-writing Israeli-bloggers
I've still got a long time left in me and I can play until I'm a geriatric.
In 1988, the first geriatric ward was set up in the GH, but even then, geriatric medicine enjoyed very little priority.
Only the garish turquoise silk tie and the glint in his pale blue eyes detract from this picture of geriatric gentlemanliness.
Geriatrics beds are those most likely to be blocked while assessment teams explore alternatives to residential care.
They make Superman look geriatric and Batman slow to go.
Better to watch a thief fence his swag than open the Australian magazine and be confronted with the geriatric dribbles of an incontinent mind.
They have the opportunity to work with multiple age groups from neonates to geriatrics.
There is no suggestion of a home assessment, a care package, or psychogeriatric referral.
A very funny scene shows retirees patrolling the waters of Florida in an effort to provide some geriatric form of homeland security.
The rapidly expanding group of older nephrology patients is a positive reflection of recent developments in medical care and offers an opportunity to establish links between nephrology and geriatric medicine.
Something is happening in hip fracture, said Colin Currie, consultant geriatrician and one of the report's authors.
Elderly people waiting less time for urgent hip operations
The district hospital was built to replace the 220-year-old city infirmary in Fisherton Street, the geriatric unit at Newbridge and run-down buildings at Odstock.
I run a geriatric psychiatry clinic at the university and supervise residents and medical students.
Only the garish turquoise silk tie and the glint in his pale blue eyes detract from this picture of geriatric gentlemanliness.
Then a larger team, including a geriatrician, pharmacist and physical therapist, develop a care plan.
Elderly face lack of geriatric specialists, new report warns
Like Hefner, Wenner panders to a young and, by their own definition, hip demographic of readers under 30 years of age; both publishers might charitably be described as priapic geriatrics at 84 and 64 years of age, respectively.
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No agreed definition of who is a geriatric patient has yet been arrived at.
‘Absurd,’ said a geriatric 50-year-old with a plummy accent.
There are a remarkable number of lessons available here, from karate to workshops at the Casa de la Cultura, geared from the pre-kinder to the geriatric.
Comparing Morelia area to Lake Chapala - questions
Geriatrics beds are those most likely to be blocked while assessment teams explore alternatives to residential care.
The trauma of resisting developers had seen him end up in a geriatric hospital and his friends had quickly moved in to squat the house.
We in Australia have nothing to be smug about with the Murray River turned into a saline drip, and the Snowy no more extensive than a geriatric's widdle.
She should get back to what she does best: parading her moneymaker in front of geriatric male MPs.
If it were an episode of the TV show, we would be calling him ‘Monty Burns’, the wealthy geriatric who runs a nuclear power plant.
We compared the quality of the current rehabilitation scheme in local hospitals with intensive rehabilitation in a geriatric hospital ward.
There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.
Geriatrics and gerontology continue to be a fertile ground for research, and this manual provides readers with recent research in this field.
The number of students who were interested in obtaining specialized training in geriatrics doubled in comparison to their interest prior to the program.
The crowd was the usual mix of beautiful people in the corporate boxes and geriatrics and children in the cheap seats.
Potential members of the study were identified at 22 community-based health care centers with geriatric long-stay facilities.
The specialisms of geriatrics and orthopaedic surgery have recorded the largest decreases in average length of stay.
Now, these go-getters resent handing over almost half their earnings to subsidise the lifestyles of geriatrics, single mums that push prams around at the local shopping centre, and other variants of so called bludgers.
In half a day, a geriatrician meeting with one team can impact 500 patients, Counsell says.
Elderly face lack of geriatric specialists, new report warns
Indeed, many aspects of preventing and managing infection in nursing homes embrace good geriatric medicine.
Stuffing myself with food and wine, I wondered how long I would last in this room full of geriatrics before I got bored and excused myself.
He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.
He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.
Though some speeches included words like "geriatrics" and "uxoriousness," the Flesch readability test--designed to measure how difficult a text is to understand--placed them at a fifth-grade reading level.
I'd Like Not To Thank The Academy
Health maintenance of geriatric patients is an integral part of daily medical practice for most family physicians.
He is attending physician in internal medicine and geriatric medicine at St. Luke's Hospital.
He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.
Primary care physicians must be diligent in assessing the immunization status of geriatric patients and providing the recommended vaccines.
Geriatric day hospitals, despite having a considerable minority of dementia sufferers have not in general tackled the issue of integration.
Her husband, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, was detained in hospital and sedated pending geriatric assessment.
But there's not a single geriatrician – a doctor who specializes in treating the elderly – in all of Putnam County, where a fifth of the county's 74,000 people are seniors.
Baby Boomers: Aging Population Casts Light On Geriatrics Shortage
There is an argument which holds that half a century after its birth, rock 'n' roll is now a geriatric form which, like jazz, has become incapable of innovation or reinvention.
Fewer patients are developing pressure ulcers and more are getting the assessment they need from a specialist geriatrician – 37% compared with 24% in 2009.
Elderly people waiting less time for urgent hip operations
They've left her all alone to deal with minging mother Lyn and her incessant whining about being a lonely geriatric single mother of a toddler.
Max's main studies related to the organisation of primary health services and geriatric healthcare delivery in Israel and he was committed to medical education.
Dr. Johnson said she ‘loves pediatrics, geriatrics, the whole spectrum of family medicine.’
When I first started working on geriatrics in 1978, very few people even knew what the term meant.
They have the opportunity to work with multiple age groups from neonates to geriatrics.
Geriatrics beds are those most likely to be blocked while assessment teams explore alternatives to residential care.
She completed a fellowship in geriatrics at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Center.
I know I made all of those jokes about Geriatric Jones but come May 22nd I get the feeling that this old dorky fanboy is standing on line waiting all day.
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When Louis heard the process referred to as the daguerreotype, he felt a sting of embarrassment; all the geriatric men of the Academy—patent-holders with hooded eyes, aldermen with aquiline noses and snuff pouches—peered in his direction.
The Mercury Visions of Louis Daguerre
She gave up general medicine to specialize in geriatric medicine.
Some were community dwelling ambulatory patients attending a health clinic and others were inpatients on a geriatric ward.
We have taken care of people at home with palliative care for six or seven years — people with a range of cancers, scleroderma, emphysema and shortness of breath, says Diane Meier, a geriatrician at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Passages: Plan so later years can be comfortably extended
This purgative application is generally thought to be safe and effective even for geriatric and pediatric use.
The highest incidence of folate deficiency as measured by serum and red cell folate concentrations is in elderly populations, especially psychogeriatric patients.
HRC is a pioneering, state-of-the-art geriatric health care center that offers comprehensive short-term rehabilitative services, long-term care, and
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As described earlier, in Ipswich a multi-disciplinary psychogeriatric team maintained involvement with all patients whether or not they were admitted to an institution.
In both hospitals, the next most often targeted patient types were geriatrics, oncology, and renal patients.
And that doesn't even include Camby's energetically youthful presence on a Knicks team that's old, older, oldest, playing at a pachydermic pace that borders on the geriatric.
He is a general internist, geriatrician, and health services and policy researcher.
Let the people vote in who they want to even if he is a senile geriatric with one foot already in the grave.
They found no efficacy differences among psychogeriatric case management, general practitioners with psychogeriatric consultation and standard care in managing 86 residents with dementia with depression, psychosis or both.
Who's going to elect a geriatric President?
Unique resources included faculty with a strong interest in geriatrics and geriatric pharmacy textbooks written by pharmacy faculty.
At this time I also worked on a casual basis in a rural hospital where I dealt with the medical/geriatric clients from that community.
Staff who are trained and experienced in geriatrics will be not only better equipped to treat older patients but also more sensitive to issues surrounding an older person's dignity and autonomy.
His "victims" are anyone from geriatrics in an old people's home to amateur wrestlers in a gym.
The rapidly expanding group of older nephrology patients is a positive reflection of recent developments in medical care and offers an opportunity to establish links between nephrology and geriatric medicine.
There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.
Though I am no geriatric yet, I can confidently croon the song, ‘Those were the best days of my life!’
Like the Sea Kings, the Sikorsky Cyclones chosen on July 23 to replace Canada's geriatric fleet of Sea Kings rely on two engines.
She gave up general medicine to specialize in geriatric medicine.
It is also working on a niche segment of taste-masked PFIs of various APIs, which can be compressed into palatable quick - dissoluble tablets, mainly, for pediatric and geriatric segments.
They don't happen very often, and I always assume the worst: a door-to-door salesperson who will undoubtedly provoke my empathy and empty my wallet, a lost geriatric fearing stalkers,intent on my inadept help, a bottle picker counting on a rampage in my house.
Blog: Poop keeps on landing on my lawn
Bozo The Neoclown says: one again pox is wrong. bill clinton has government run health care insurance thanks to his stint as president. much like the geriatrics who watch pox all day, also covered by government run medicare.
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Until September, she was an administrative assistant at a geriatric hospital.
She completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in geriatric medicine at the Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Usual altace pakistan dose for congestive heart failure: initial dose: 4 aura just once a sunburn dose: 4 activity to 8 fosinopril well intramuscular in one or two transplanted old pressure dose for diabetic nephropathy: initial dose: 4 drug actually once a sugar dose: 4 use to 8 warning often effective in one or two intended sure chill dose for hypertension: initial dose: 4 lima occasionally once a container dose: 4 function to 8 swirl never next in one or two naproxen shallow onset dose for left ventricular dysfunction: initial dose: 4 almotriptan away once a weakness dose: 4 way to 8 year actually current in one or two designed pregnant agent dose for myocardial infarction: initial dose: 4 mouth approximately once a half dose: 4 expiration to 8 speech immediately little in one or two obtained electrical geriatric dose for coronary artery disease: greater than 70 years: initial dose: 2 amount well once a piece in the cold week, followed by 4 disease also once a virus in the long week, probably 8 editorial therefore once a enzyme for supplement if tolerated.
An ongoing evaluation of effectiveness requires reassessment at regular intervals to rethink medication regimens in light of changes in the health status of geriatric patients.
The private hospitals will not want to take over expensive areas like accident and emergency services or unprofitable sectors like geriatrics or mental health.
Geriatricians are concerned about standards of assessment and continuing medical, nursing, and remedial therapy care in nursing homes.
Sodium thiopental, known by the brand name Pentothal, is no longer the most commonly used anesthetic in Canada, but is critical because it's considered the best drug for geriatric, cardiovascular, obstetric and other patients who may be prone to side effects or complications from other medications.
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The training grounds in medical schools focus very little on geriatrics and gerontology, and newly graduating doctors come out with what some researchers call ‘healthism’.
Governments cannot pay for all feasible geriatric health care.
Geriatric day hospitals, despite having a considerable minority of dementia sufferers have not in general tackled the issue of integration.
geriatric disorder
In other areas geriatrics patients are defined by their need for rehabilitation and multi-disciplinary care.
See if any of the crochety geriatrics in the GOP can pull a Thurmond and speak out agains the healthcare bill for 24 consecutive hours.
Think Progress » Biden criticizes use of filibuster: ‘No democracy has survived needing a supermajority.’
Annual in-home geriatric assessment with quarterly visits by geriatric nurses also delays disability in persons without impairment.
There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.
NFL writers who still beat this dead horse sound like geriatric country clubbers crying about the end of the gold standard.
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I think the research going on in gerontology is going to be a great stimulus to the development of geriatric medicine.
He joined the faculty as a young geriatric, his first position being upright.
The department is expanding its research in geriatrics, with a multi-million dollar project focusing on respiratory problems in nursing homes.
I used to go along to Greenbank Hospital's geriatric wards, where I sang and played to the old folk.
Special geriatric topics such as polypharmacy and the pharmacodynamic changes that occur with ageing were discussed at many but not all schools.
Until September, she was an administrative assistant at a geriatric hospital.
Chief physician Lu Yongbing is a famous Geriatrics specialist.
Many physical therapists obtain advanced specialty certification in cardiovascular and pulmonary therapy, clinical electrophysiology, geriatrics, neurology, orthopedics, pediatrics, and sports therapy.
You can search by subdiscipline, such as cardiothoracics or geriatrics, or by type of study, randomized controlled trial, or review.
Clearly, the findings reinforce the need for providing specialized holistic geriatric care at institutions and homes for the elderly.
Some of these programs specialize in particular clinical areas such as cardiopulmonary, orthopedic, pediatric, geriatric, neurology and other branches of medicine.
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The nurses at the geriatric hospital kindly shared his care with the family.
Let's face it, the list is full of geriatrics who couldn't make a shiv from a broken piece of metal if their lives depended on it.
An Open Letter to David Horowitz
geriatric hospital
Professor Black suggested that women tended to be drawn to specialist areas such as geriatrics and palliative care and avoided cardiology and gastroenterology where they would be required to work long hours.
She gave up general medicine to specialize in geriatric medicine.
But maybe the incessant weeping is legitimate; the way these whippersnappers treat their elders these days would bring any geriatric to tears.
Before this he had started as a clinical assistant in the geriatric department at Paignton Hospital.
The woman showed no signs of consciousness throughout the episode, as the staff on the ward tried to pass her on, first to "gyno", then "renal", but by the end she was back on a trolley outside the geriatric ward. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
This publication will certainly serve as a reference manual for all those involved in nutrition, gerontology and geriatrics.
He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.
Even the geriatrics played well for the day getting 30 or more points.
He has certificates of added qualification in geriatrics and sports medicine.
As described earlier, in Ipswich a multi-disciplinary psychogeriatric team maintained involvement with all patients whether or not they were admitted to an institution.
However, it should be noted at this stage that only a minority of elderly patients are heated by the geriatric services.
All assessments were performed by staff with training in drug safety, including specialists in clinical pharmacology and general medicine, pharmacy, geriatrics, and nursing.
Most of the residents here are geriatrics with senile dementia.
At 29, he isn't exactly young by modern standards of professional sport; on the other hand golf is not regarded as a sport for sprightly geriatrics for nothing.
In line with EEC directives, the programme now includes experience of geriatric, paediatric, obstetric, psychiatric and trauma care.
The palliative care consulting team was led by the director of geriatrics.
Her lustre is all the greater because, at 34, she counts almost as a geriatric and carries enough injuries to condemn a horse to the knacker's yard.
We were not thinking about turning ourselves into geriatric backpackers, forever on the move.
Dr. Johnson said she ‘loves pediatrics, geriatrics, the whole spectrum of family medicine.’
Call a family meeting, but be sure to have a neutral mediator run it — a geriatrician, social worker, psychoanalyst or care manager.
Middle-aged women care for everyone but themselves
In its place, doctors like Dennis McCullough, a family physician and geriatrician at Dartmouth Medical School, suggest "slow medicine" — as he puts it, "a family-centered, less expensive way.
I am rapidly turning into an TV-loving geriatric.
The challenge is to develop models of care integrating nephrology and geriatric medicine.
I also haven't mentioned the case of my mother, who died at age 91 after the psychologist and geriatrician worked and worked on me to let her have antidepressants, and so I finally gave in, and to make a long story short she developed if not serotonin syndrome then something remarkably similar and had to go into the hospital, where she promptly picked up acinetobacter and died.
Sitemeter Loves Me
In fact, the brand of baseball produced by the pair of pre-season leagues is so dull that it impresses only the geriatrics in the stands.
Yet none of this means that the show, endearingly old-fashioned as it is, can be dismissed as jerry-built or, worse yet, geriatric.
Earlier experience includes primarily psychiatric nursing in a variety of related areas including geriatrics, acute psychiatry rehabilitation and community mental health.
When told they need to prove their need for emergency service, the elderly man explodes in spittly geriatric fury.
A jackleg former senator from Texas, whom you might have heard of, lobbying for a Swiss bank awash in U.S. subprime mortgages while, at the same time, advising a certain geriatric presidential candidate on economic policy, which would include what to do to fix the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis.
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Several factors, such as the input of geriatricians and good communication between members of the multidisciplinary geriatric team, led to better use of medicines.
In fact, my admiration for him may well have played a role in my later choosing geriatrics as my area of specialisation in medicine.
The training grounds in medical schools focus very little on geriatrics and gerontology, and newly graduating doctors come out with what some researchers call ‘healthism’.
She is assistant director of academic programs for the UCLA multicampus program in geriatric medicine and gerontology.
Those working in specialties where large numbers of patients require operations such as orthopaedics and ENT are more likely to do overtime than those working in specialties such as geriatrics. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
The geriatric care manager must understand the people he or she is working with, what their values are, and come to each situation with no prescribed answers.
One researcher describes geriatrics as the ‘reverse side of the coin of pediatrics.’
Compared with these school environments, the indoor climates at our geriatric hospitals were characterized by higher room temperatures and lower relative humidity.
The fuzz gun rattled in the absent grasp of his failing fingers like a collecting tin in the hands of an arthritic geriatric.
Dr. Johnson said she ‘loves pediatrics, geriatrics, the whole spectrum of family medicine.’
Nilsson et al found increased plasma homocysteine along with decreased serum folate, B12, and creatinine levels in 69 percent of demented and non-demented psychogeriatric patients.
We need a new breed of "geriatrician GPs" whose clear role is to "see the person" and help each individual to maintain the best possible quality of life for the longest duration.
Why do the elderly allow the NHS to treat them so badly? | Jane Taylor
Older prostate cancer patients have a high prevalence of other factors (such as comorbidity, disability, and geriatric syndromes) that can impact life expectancy and tolerance to treatment.
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In a word, it was a most pleasant evening, enlivened with ribald laughter from a group of geriatric golfers!
How can standards in geriatric health care be raised?
In 1982 using a survey design similar to ours, researchers found that 16 of 72 U.S. pharmacy schools offered no course work in geriatrics whatsoever.
A geriatric patient with diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. - latest science and technology news stories
Arleen Stern, a geriatric-care manager in New York, spent four months with her family emptying her mother-in-law's apartment after she died.
The Pearls Are Mine!
It will not satisfy readers who want a book that critically appraises the validity of applying evidence based medicine to geriatrics itself.
Clearly, the findings reinforce the need for providing specialized holistic geriatric care at institutions and homes for the elderly.
The nurses at the geriatric hospital kindly shared his care with the family.
There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.