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  1. type genus of the Gerbillinae: typical gerbils

How To Use Gerbillus In A Sentence

  • Most of these species are small mammals and include four-toed jerboa (Allactaga tetradactyla, EN), North African gerbil (Gerbillus campestris), James's gerbil (G. jamesi), pale gerbil (G. perpallidus), lesser short-tailed gerbil (G. simoni) and sand gerbil (G. syrticus, CR), fat-tailed gerbil (Pachyuromys duprasi), and Shaw's jird (Meriones shawi). North Saharan steppe and woodlands
  • Common rodents are gerbil Gerbillus dasyurus and the Sundevall's jird Meriones crassus. Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, Oman
  • Small mammals and their predators are also abundant,, including hyrax (Procavia capensis), brown hare (Lepus capensis), spiny mouse (Acomys spp.), large North African gerbil (Gerbillus campestris), Nigerian gerbil (G. nigeriae), bushy-tailed jird (Sekeetamys calurus) and three different fox species, Rueppel's sandfox (Vulpes rueppelli), sand fox (Vulpes pallida) and Fennec fox (Fennecus zerda). Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat montane xeric woodlands
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