How To Use Gerbil In A Sentence
At school, our classroom had a small rodent zoo consisting of two rabbits, three hamsters, a litter of baby gerbils and a guinea pig.
The experiment was explicitly designed to capture the natural seasonal changes in population densities of the gerbils.
Popular names are Mongolian gerbil and clawed jird.
I tried putting a little family of the babies into a cage in the plant case, hoping the mother who belonged to them would then appear and take care of them; but no, the entire colony trooped in and ran riot in the new place, and if a young gerbille was by chance left uncovered in the _melée_, a twentieth cousin would take it up tenderly as if it was its own mother, and replace it in the nest -- a very emblem of brotherly kindness and charity.
Wild Nature Won By Kindness
The couple also bought a fish and a gerbil.
The Sun
While most of us are all too willing to cuddle guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils, pet mice and even ferrets, brown rats produce a reaction of almost universal revulsion.
The Jesuits Gerbillon and Verbiest followed the emperor Khamhi when he hunted in Tartary, Duhalde, Description de la Chine, tom.iv. p. 81, 290, &c., folio edit.)
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
These marks included distinctive spots and stripes on the back, shoulders, hips, hind legs, and rump of the gerbils.
The world's thirstiest gerbil" interlude: The worst first sentences of novels from the past year.
Wonkbook: House passes FinReg; unemployment insurance fails; CBO makes the case for stimulus
These pythons actively hunt rats and gerbils, following them into their burrows.
Mongolian gerbil fathers' initial offspring avoidance has been a mystery, in that by day three they're dutiful dads.
More recently they have featured in the paper appealing for homes for animals ranging from an iguana to 48 degus - small brown rodents that look like a cross between a rat and a gerbil.
Endemic mammals also include one bat species, Eptesicus floweri, a zebra mouse species, Lemniscomys hoogstraali (DD), and two more gerbils from the genus Taterillus, T. petteri and T. pygargus.
Sahelian Acacia savanna
In this case the pre-recorded data were of things like the spontaneous fluctuations of human skin conductance and heart rate and gerbil's use of an exercise wheel.
Coordinated Evolution
Lodging lake tahoe of a semantically skua unwebbed autocratically from a battler in sidesplitting ixobrychus with syneresis of cds that are not extraterritorial in your slickly gerbille at all.
Rational Review
My cute pet gerbil is named after bat/dove decapitator Ozzy osbourne.
Une Saison en Enfer
Dogs, cats, gerbils and guinea pigs joined the congregation for a ceremony of hymns, readings and thanksgiving.
The two claim that London will soon overtake New York as the world's financial capital due to "overregulation," which has got the plaintiff lawsuit mill spinning faster than a gerbil wheel on steroids.
Stock Market Brawl
The levels below us are like some kind of gerbil maze from hell.
Dead Beat
Akina removed her sunglasses as she entered the store, smiling when she saw small gerbils and hamsters.
However, we still have lots of animals who desperately need loving homes, particularly rabbits, hamsters, gerbils, hens, even cockerels.
I have lived with everything from monkeys to gerbils and those experiences taught me an appreciation for creation in which I have never forgotten.
Both gerbils and jerboas play an important role in the biological functioning of the clay desert.
Central Asian northern desert
The shop also sells scorpions and tarantulas, ferrets and hamsters, and a gerbil-like rodent called a degu.
Sand Mountain Reporter: News
Other species of animals used include hamsters, gerbils, ferrets, horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, reptiles, and amphibians.
He slipped out of the pony harness, withdrew the slim plastic tube and emptied the sticky gerbils back into their cage.
It's not just dogs and cats being abandoned, it's also what we call our small furries—be it rabbits, guinea pigs, gerbils.
Usually Gerbils have a white furry tummy and their tails are also covered in hair, unlike those of mice.
Experiments revealed the same cells that have also been discovered in rats, gophers, gerbils, mice, and hamsters.
He can be thankful that all of the rumors about him and semi-amorous liaisons with Gerbils seem to have been scrubbed from the internet.
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Conclusion Both biochemistry maker and microsatellite DNA marker are good methods at analyzing the population genetics of Mongolia gerbil colonies.
More than anything, the gerbil is the frightened part of you that just wants to be loved.
Dr. Judith Rich: From Worrier to Warrior: Making Friends With Fear
Donkeys, dogs, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, parrots and newts are most likely to get a present.
Objective: study the protective effect of fraction F of Naja naja atra venom on cerebral ischemia reperfusion injury in gerbils.
Conclusion Both biochemistry maker and microsatellite DNA marker are good methods at analyzing the population genetics of Mongolia gerbil colonies.
The reveal that the V's were not humanoid was done much better in the original ie the 'gerbil' scene.
Home Theater Forum
Natural populations of gerbils in these countries act as a reservoir for the disease.
Times, Sunday Times
The voices of reason (that's you guys) were pretty much in favor of nixing the hamster/gerbil idea.
While most of us are all too willing to cuddle guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils, pet mice and even ferrets, brown rats produce a reaction of almost universal revulsion.
He slipped out of the pony harness, withdrew the slim plastic tube and emptied the sticky gerbils back into their cage.
Adult and juvenile gerbils of both sexes give alarm calls and footdrum in the presence of an assortment of terrestrial predators: snakes, monitor lizards, foxes, polecats, weasels, humans and large ungulates.
Although allergies to cats are the most common, people can also be allergic to dogs and small animals such as gerbils and guinea pigs.
Cheng's jird is a gerbil that is classified by IUCN as critically endangered.
Junggar Basin semi-desert
Gerbil First Class posted on Sun Dec 28, 2008 11: 15 pm coelomate wrote: Can you elaborate?
The Tech Report: News
A former voluntary worker says pythons there fed on pet rabbits, hamsters and gerbils that had been entrusted to the zoo's care.
According to Dr. Ritzman, gerbils are capable of living in either same-gender or mixed-gender groups but may fight if crowded or mixed as adults.
Your teen needs some house rules, else he becomes a sloth and his room begins to seriously resemble a gerbil cage.
The hind legs of the gerbil are particularly well adapted to leaping across its desert habitat.
-- Dark rufescent above, rufescent white below; hands and feet fleshy white; tail equal to length of head and body; "fur more gerbille-like in character than in _M. musculus_" (or
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
So I ran gerbils through a maze, timed them, and then injected them with Metrazol (the brand name for pentylenetetrazol, a central nervous system stimulant), and then ran them through the maze again.
A Life in Pages
Claiming that serving in combat is a prerequisite for wise decision-making on the application of military force to international relations is like claiming that a gerbil is an expert on the economics pet stores.
Matthew Yglesias » A Random Sidebar
In this study we measured the strategy-specific foraging traits of gerbils under both laboratory conditions and in the field.
Experiments revealed the same cells that have also been discovered in rats, gophers, gerbils, mice, and hamsters.
Experiments revealed the same cells that have also been discovered in rats, gophers, gerbils, mice, and hamsters.
gerbil" ain't he? 'mused Sam through gritted teeth.
While most of us are all too willing to cuddle guinea pigs, rabbits, gerbils, pet mice and even ferrets, brown rats produce a reaction of almost universal revulsion.
Most of these species are small mammals and include four-toed jerboa (Allactaga tetradactyla, EN), North African gerbil (Gerbillus campestris), James's gerbil (G. jamesi), pale gerbil (G. perpallidus), lesser short-tailed gerbil (G. simoni) and sand gerbil (G. syrticus, CR), fat-tailed gerbil (Pachyuromys duprasi), and Shaw's jird (Meriones shawi).
North Saharan steppe and woodlands
I do think a lot of primary schools have tended to take the pleasure out of education and make kids think they are on a kind of gerbil wheel and that they have to run faster and faster to keep up.
Shirley Williams: chair of the judges
I notice that the new troll, "gerbil", suggests that we "check the ingredients in our hair dye.
Elizabeth Edwards: "I Just Have More Confidence" In Hillary On Health Care
There are many possibilities, especially for comparative research in mole rats, agouti, gerbils and elephant shrews.
So from my earliest childhood there was a bond created between myself and my animals, which were little pets like hamsters and gerbils.
Well, if by that, they’re implicitly drawing a distinction with journalists... aka “gerbilists” they should beknight the guy who invented that term... then it’s a distinction without a difference.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Texas Islamic Groups Argue That Internet Speech Should Be Less Protected Than Print, Radio, or Television Speech:
For the first month of Ricardo and Felicity's affair, they greeted one another at every stolen rendezvous with a kiss -- a lengthy, ravenous kiss, Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil.
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Smooth, like a Rhapsody: ... what, Manju, no gerbil reference?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Prosecution for Insulting Religion — This Time, Buddhism
To me, they all look like small, furry, kind of cute-looking little things - like hamsters, gerbils, shrews and mice.
In gerbils, hamsters and mice, the urine contains allergens.
Natural populations of gerbils in these countries act as a reservoir for the disease.
Times, Sunday Times
Small mammals and their predators are also abundant,, including hyrax (Procavia capensis), brown hare (Lepus capensis), spiny mouse (Acomys spp.), large North African gerbil (Gerbillus campestris), Nigerian gerbil (G. nigeriae), bushy-tailed jird (Sekeetamys calurus) and three different fox species, Rueppel's sandfox (Vulpes rueppelli), sand fox (Vulpes pallida) and Fennec fox (Fennecus zerda).
Tibesti-Jebel Uweinat montane xeric woodlands
In her entry, Ringle describes a 'lengthy, ravenous kiss' between two lovers: 'Ricardo lapping and sucking at Felicity's mouth as if she were a giant cage-mounted water bottle and he were the world's thirstiest gerbil.'
Archive 2010-06-27
Common rodents are gerbil Gerbillus dasyurus and the Sundevall's jird Meriones crassus.
Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, Oman
Dorian - a "fossa" - looks to us like a cross between a dog, a cat, a bat and a gerbil - or maybe a bear.
Summit Daily News - Top Stories
You may wish to consider the differing views held by Communist gerbils vs. Monarchist gerbils, " or "Can there be such a thing as 'the housefly garment industry' or is it just a home-based craft?
Also, gerbils and hamsters are better left to be owned by friends, where we can go over and visit them and hold them and go home and never have to clean a cage.
The couple also bought a fish and a gerbil.
The Sun
Now the eight chipmunks and the two degus - a South American long tailed rodent that looks like a gerbil but is as big as a guinea pig - are being cared for by the RSPCA.
There was no help for it, he had to be left there, and I went away with an anxious mind as to what his busy teeth would be employed upon all night; and, sure enough, next morning a velvet curtain was found nibbled and tattered, and being converted into a nest for the enterprising gerbille!
Wild Nature Won By Kindness
If you observe mutual grooming between the two gerbils, this can be a great sign that they are a good match for one another.
And any animal that lives in a cage, from birds to gerbils, will produce droppings that can attract mold and dust.
The research about home range choose of the desert great gerbil in south of Zhungur Desert shows the gerbil choose mainly the site between sand dune to built it nest.
Lodging lake tahoe of a semantically skua unwebbed autocratically from a battler in sidesplitting ixobrychus with syneresis of cds that are not extraterritorial in your slickly gerbille at all.
Rational Review
Gerbils and hamsters can bite and even the most innocent-looking rabbits can't be trusted but the Talking Bird Class was the real challenge.
At school, our classroom had a small rodent zoo consisting of two rabbits, three hamsters, a litter of baby gerbils and a guinea pig.
Pet hamsters and gerbils are a familiar sight at many schools but Old Palace has decided to go one better and adopt a llama.
I think you'll find that the gerbil is a guinea pig
Dark Roasted Blend
A variety of rodents such as gerbils (Rhombomys, Meriones), and more than ten species of jerboas (Allactaga, Dipus, Paradipus, Eremodipus, Stylodipus) are found here.
Central Asian northern desert