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geostationary orbit

  1. a geosynchronous orbit that is fixed with respect to a position on the Earth

How To Use geostationary orbit In A Sentence

  • Today, the frontier of private enterprise is the halo of communications satellites in geostationary orbit 24,000 miles above our planet. Google Offers $20 Million X Prize to Put Robot on Moon | Impact Lab
  • Or about Nova Caledonia, a lifeship suspended in geostationary orbit exactly 35,786 kilometers above Perth? Pruned
  • These satellites are in geostationary orbit and the images that they provide are used primarily in weather forecasting applications.
  • The system also boasts 120 American satellites in geostationary orbit. Think Progress » Specter’s Sham Legislation Touted By The Media As A White House ‘Concession’
  • For the first time, Europe will now be able to place into geostationary orbit a payload weighing more than 10 tonnes.
  • The idea is for satellites in geostationary orbit to collect the sun's energy and convert it into radio waves for transmission to surface stations, where it will be converted into electricity for local power grids. And Tomorrow's Winners Will Be...
  • Three special satellites located in geostationary orbit above Europe transmit a GPS-like signal that improves the GPS accuracy down to 1 to 2 metres.
  • Once in geostationary orbit above the equator this satellite will provide a wide range of high-speed telecommunications services for North America, South America, Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
  • This means that it is no longer in geostationary orbit, and it starts to “fall” perceptibly toward the Earth. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » August : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • A geostationary orbit is a circular orbit in the equatorial plane, any point on which revolves about the Earth in the same direction and with the same period as the Earth's rotation.
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