How To Use George w. bush In A Sentence
But more needs to be done with stories like this particular one, if you want to see your hard work come to fruition in ousting George W. Bush from the White House, along with any other of his cronies who have blood on their hands, from George W. Bush†™ s futile ‘War On Terror†™.
Think Progress » 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
He has been called everything from Fenty's godfather to 'consigliere' to 'vice mayor,' a gibe that he is the Richard B. Cheney to Fenty's George W. Bush.
DeMorning DeBonis: Sept. 10, 2010
Kenneth Lay, Enron's chairman, has acted as George W. Bush's chief financial supporter and key backer since the latter went into politics.
Troopergate was about a dangerous renegade brother-in-law; Walt Monegan was "insubordinate;" Charlie Gibson's interview was full of "gotcha" questions; Katie Couric was just mean and condescending; the shouts of "kill him" and "terrorist" at her rallies were the fault of Bill Ayers; Wardrobegate was the fault of the McCain Campaign; losing the election wasn't her fault, it was George W. Bush and the economy.
Shannyn Moore: Gobble Gobblegate
In this light, George W. Bush’s mendacity is not different in kind but in ambition from that of other presidents.
Letters to the Editor
President-elect Barack Obama said Friday he wanted legislation in Congress to permit federal funding on stem cell research and overturn a ban imposed by President George W. Bush.
On his second day in office, President Obama repudiated George W. Bushs obsessive and destructive secrecy by ordering his government to obey the Freedom of Information Act. He said it should not withhold documents because they are embarrassing, or reveal failures and errors, or because of speculative or abstract fears.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: NYT OP ED: Did They Miss the Memo?
It originated in the "guns and butter" spending of President Lyndon Baines Johnson in the 1960s, and similar spending of today's President George W. Bush.
America will never run... And we will always be grateful that liberty has found such brave defenders. George W. Bush
The district, which includes downtown San Diego, is Democratic but George W. Bush won 46% of the vote in 2004, and Arnold Schwarzenegger carried the district by nine percentage points in his 2006 re-election race.
Read This Before Joining the Office Pool
In the ensuing uproar - fueled by people who were not comparably scandalized when George W. Bush was sulfurously vilified - her opponent raised nearly $2 million and her lead shrank from 13 points to her winning margin of 3. - Local News
February 12th, 2009 at 9: 54 pm dunkin kindler – because the Putins of the world didn’t already conclude George W. Bush was a patsy.
Matthew Yglesias » Judd Gregg Fail
The “CEO President”-to-be, as George W. Bush was already being called due to his MBA, scooped Cheney up from the vice presidential search committee, and this was fine with the Republican Party.
Magic and Mayhem
And even since Dobbs's ouster from the network last November, the immigration system has become even more punitive, with a notable rise in deportations under the Obama administration, compared to the rate under George W. Bush.
Isabel Macdonald: The Dobbs & Pony Show: Snapshots of America's Immigration Hypocrisy
Below are capsulated descriptions of the four most egregious events that took place under the watch of President George W. Bush.
Why Is George W. Bush Above The Law
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. George W. Bush
It has come to my attention, that air pollution is polluting the air! George W. Bush
George W. Bush focused on winning the second term cruelly denied to his father, and Mitt Romney still hopes to claim the Republican nomination that his father lost to Richard Nixon in 1968.
Presidential Fathers and Sons
The denials notwithstanding, some members of Sharon's inner circle believe he's hoping President George W. Bush will accept the idea of annexing some large settlements to Israel.
Obama is wildly popular in France, in contrast to his predecessor George W. Bush, but he appeared slightly at sea with the complicated customs regarding the "bise," the kiss on the cheeks often given as a greeting even between relative strangers.
Sarkozy has his moments
Setting: untidy little kitchen; long table around which we take our places when the interview begins; books on the floor; a big fax machine from twenty years ago; watercolors I think at first are stained-glass windows, which he tells me he painted himself; photos from films in which he appeared, as Chief Big Tree and Chief Thundercloud did before him; poster saying don't blame me, i voted for russell means; leaflets from the campaign he's running now, for the presidency of the Tribal Agency, against the man from yesterday's powwow, John Yellowbird Steele; and leaflets in support of George W. Bush, whose side I already knew he had joined.
In the Footsteps of Tocqueville
The United States is investing $700 million this year to improve Mexico's law enforcement capabilities as part of the Merida Initiative, created during the George W. Bush administration.
President-elect Barack Obama said Friday he wanted legislation in Congress to permit federal funding on stem cell research and overturn a ban imposed by President George W. Bush.
George W. Bush strongly condemning what he called the cowardly assassination of Benazir Bhutto.
CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2007
We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them. George W. Bush
The American voters gave Democrats clear control of Congress, rebuked President George W. Bush, and voiced an unequivocal public craving to trade in customary narrow-minded politics for something more inspiring.
The Heart Of Queens | Disinformation
He seemed human, he had a terrific sense of humor, and when I asked him what he thought of George W. Bush, by whom he had recently been shivved in the South Carolina primary, he demurred in giving an answer while not masking his obviously dark feelings.
Seth Greenland: Hello, Sailor
George W. Bush carried the state with 56 percent of the vote.
SEVEN DAYS MOURNING FOR SUHARTO: GEORGE W. BUSH WOULD LIKE THIS SORT OF ENDINGBy Kevin A. Stoda The longtime leader of Indonesia, Suharto, is dead, but aside from the funeral on a few TV stations and aside from a handful of flags at half mast around Bali, life goes on in this tropical paradise.
This, in some ways, is the best time George W. Bush or any president will have to set his tone, make his mark, set his agenda, and I think the fact that this agreement was reached to take this off the table was actually a very nice preinaugural gift to the new president.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Washington, D.C. is Ready for Inauguration Ceremony - January 20, 2001
Using the code word "temper," a group of Senate Republicans, and at least some outriders of the George W. Bush campaign, are spreading the word that John McCain is unstable.
Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo
Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning? George W. Bush
Yet because of their long-standing ideology — emphatically expressed by George W. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld in the year or two before 9/11 — that peacekeeping is not what America should be doing, they never really made the effort to revamp the American military and other institutions of American government that would allow America to do this peacekeeping successfully.
Beinart Talks Back
Dick Cheney ought to be prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity; the World Court should not "dither" about filing such charges against him and George W. Bush.
Of Dithering and Ditherers
Moreover, because the federal bench dominated by conservatives – including George W. Bush’s judges, “the most conservative on record “– the rule in Iqbal grants conservatives even more authority than they already possess to substitute their personnal views for the merits of a plaintiff’s case.
Wonk Room » The Biggest Supreme Court Case You’ve Never Heard Of
Other scenes, such as when a church congregation is urged to pray over a cardboard George W. Bush cutout, are almost too bizarre to believe.
Weekly Mishmash: May 31-June 6 :
Good patriotic American Christian Republicans have no trouble seeing that a Texan like George W. Bush deserves an "attaboy" for his use of extreme questioning because the results saved American lives.
Zen and the Art of Hoaxes
And George W. Bush's blatant diffidence is annoying, too -- not that he has even the tiniest shred of credibility left, but it would be nice if he sort of tried to say or do something comforting in these bleak days.
For Whom The Bell Dingells - Swampland -
Even if you're a Republican, you have to admit it was all too easy for all of us to "feel smart" in contrast with the fearless malapropist George W. Bush.
Search Engine Land: News About Search Engines & Search Marketing
For the first two years of the George W. Bush administration, Cheney's office complied with a presidential order that requires officials to report statistics on the number of documents it classifies and declassifies.
These policies — begun under George W. Bush and continued under President Obama — have succeeded mainly in prolonging the agony and delaying a recovery.
The Housing Bust Lobby
Mr. Prosper, a Los Angeles-based attorney with the firm Arent Fox LLP, is a former Rwanda war crimes prosecutor who served as U.S. ambassador-at-large in the George W. Bush administration.
Family of Ex-Marine in Iran Sets Defense, as Feud Builds
He deplored and campaigned against what he called the abuses of executive power on national security and civil liberties policies under George W. Bush and
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
A new media tic - likening George W. Bush to Franklin D. Roosevelt - is already so widespread that it's apt to become a conditioned reflex of American journalism.
I think the logical for that proposition is clear if we do a thought experiment and consider whether George W. Bush would ever have become President if he were George Walker and Hilary Clinton would be the co-fronter at this point if she were Hilary Rodam.
Hillary: Obama Was "Part Time" State Senator
George W. Bush has become the biggest nationaliser since Lenin, far outreaching the reversals of free-market reforms seen in Latin America.
Free markets are dead. Long live New Capitalism
While Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Nelson Mandela ranked ahead of Gates this year, the tech luminary has seen his "admirability" status rise over the last several years.
Bill Gates More Admired Than The Pope, Dalai Lama
As Victor Hanson points out in his column in today's Tribune, "responsible Democrats in national office had been convinced by Bill Clinton for eight years and George W. Bush for two that Saddam Hussein's Iraq was both a conventional and terrorist threat to the United States and its reginal allies.
See, Kirk is not for changing course in Iraq after all
One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures. George W. Bush
We don't know yet, because unlike George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, our president doesn't moonlight as over-promiser in chief.
Beau Friedlander: Air America Poll: 90% Want Bush Crimes Investigation
Maybe so, but George W. Bush - and Ronald Reagan before him - made warm-hearted arguments for policies that Americans might otherwise have rejected as hard-hearted.
It was one of the odder embraces in American politics since Sammy Davis Jr. hugged Richard M. Nixon at the Republican Convention 32 years ago this summer: George W. Bush and John McCain's back-wrapping bearhug and side-head-smooch on the campaign trail last week.
Obama Campaign Mapping Out Aggressive Counter-Attack Against Swift-Boating
When Hitler struck France, first, and that successfully, the former Anglo-American and other financier circles, such as Harriman's Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, Jr., which had had a policy of tolerating and co-operating with the Hitler regime, joined with Churchill et al. in turning against their former crony, the Hitler regime.
LaRouche's Latest
The man who's been called the confectioner-in-chief came to the White House in January 2007 to turn out cakes, pastries and cookies for President George W. Bush, who Yosses says "enjoyed dessert immensely.
KLTV - Local and National News
Forgot this One, George W. Bush fell off a Segway and Chocked on a Pretzel and was a Cocaine addict.
Wicked Witch of the West – George W. Bush, (Good with of the North - not castable.)
Maul Tin | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
In Britain commentators and policy makers are agog about a new U.S. doctrine, unveiled by President George W. Bush in a commencement address early this month at West Point.
He said that he opposed the secret memos written by the Office of Legal Counsel purporting to authorize torture, not because they violated existing law, but because they would have rendered moot an amendment proposed by Senator John McCain (and signing-statemented away by President George W. Bush) to redundantly re-criminalize torture by the military while allowing it for the CIA.
Too Slow Zelikow: UVA Backs Torture
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Bush Sucks but Texas Blues Kicks Ass'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'George W. Bush et al will all rot in hell for ravaging Texas\' environment and beating out Mississippi for "dead last" in Education.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush Sucks but Texas Blues Kicks Ass
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. George W. Bush
There was, for instance, Mary Cheney: She was, on the one hand, the daughter of the man who was the real string-puller and eminence grise (shadow eminence) behind the boy-king, George W. Bush's "throne.
Eberhard Kronhausen and Phyllis Kronhausen: Missing the Point -- Again!
George W. Bush, but he appeared slightly at sea with the complicated customs regarding the "bise," the kiss on the cheeks often given as a greeting even between relative strangers.
Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them. George W. Bush
The most "blameworthy" party is George W. Bush, and his administration.
Compare And Contrast: Hillary And Obama's Votes On Iraq
One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror. George W. Bush
How much did rumors of past cocaine use and dirty business dealings hurt George W. Bush?
I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office. George W. Bush
George W. Bush carried the state with 56 percent of the vote.
According to George W. Bush, the favorite younger “bro” of Jesus Christ, the Saudis are our great friends, and they are the most important ally in the great and illustrious Global War on Terror.
Think Progress » Conservative Activists Rebel Against Fox News: Saudi Ownership Is ‘Really Dangerous For America’
In 2005, he and a colleague named three new species of beetle after President George W. Bush and two members of his administration: Agathidium bushi , A. cheneyi and A. rumsfeldi .
The Fungus Among Us Multiplies As Mycological Taxonomists Wither
GEORGE W. BUSH, UNITED STATES: with great honor and dignification that.
CNN Transcript Apr 14, 2008
I also bet one of her closest advisors is Karl Rove (she is, afterall, a female version of George W. Bush).
Republicans react to Palin news
Which means the US Empire is already on the wane - bad news for George W. Bush, who patently enjoys being Emperor.
George W. Bush was elected President of the United States.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of gangsta rap, it was the age of wanksta rap, it was the season of Kanye West dissing George W. Bush over Hurricane Katrina, so I went on MTV and said I'd vote for W-Man if I wasn't a convicted felon; we had everything before us-endorsements for Reebok G-Unit Sneakers and G-Unit Heavy Weight Clothing — we had nothing before us without a personal book imprint that I could introduce at Borders; we were all going direct to Queens, we were all going direct the other way to Hell's Kitchen.
Hip-Hop Lit: New and Noteworthy
He could bridge the ideological gap between big and small government by leading with the idea pioneered by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush in providing social services by partnering with both faith-based and secular nonprofit organizations.
Jim Wallis: It Takes a Movement: Moral Centering and Political Recalibration
After that much tattered, much traveled flag from the World Trade Center -- our homegrown Shroud of Turin -- joined Sting, LeAnn Rimes, Yo-Yo Ma and President George W. Bush to sacralize the already-simon-pure precincts of Salt Lake City.
Corruption: A Spectator Sport
What I know is that the last time a lot of Americans lazily assumed a Republican candidate was bearably "moderate" because all the wise-looking pundits said he was, we got George W. Bush.
January 6th, 2008
Forget that's a drop in the bucket of our foreign aid, or that the Republicans would stonewall any reallocation of money to unemployment or the welfare system: The topper is that this was actually an initiative of the George W. Bush Administration as part of its anti-AIDS campaign, one of the few decent things that ol 'W did.
Brian Ross: Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert To Turn the Tide on the Tea Party Tehranization of America
Rarely is the question asked: is our children learning? George W. Bush
The liberal tabloid "LA Weekly", which depicted George W. Bush, the former president, as Dracula on its cover in 2004, denounced the Obama-Joker poster as virulently racist.
We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them. George W. Bush
President George W. Bush was scheduled to visit the Episcopal Church outside Washington aspart of his campaign to restore his pathetic pollstandings.
He became the brain behind George W. Bush's rise in politics after moving his political consultancy to Texas (what Southerners call "carpetbagging") in the 1970's.
Karl and Muqtada
And even since Dobbs's ouster from the network last November, the immigration system has become even more punitive, with a notable rise in deportations under the Obama administration, compared to the rate under George W. Bush.
Isabel Macdonald: The Dobbs & Pony Show: Snapshots of America's Immigration Hypocrisy
`The president is George W. Bush, Who is happy to sit on his tush, While sending his armies to fight, For anything he thinks is right' is a clerihew
When George W. Bush became president, he tapped Powell for the top job.
It was not lost on Arabs and Muslims that George W. Bush, rather than speaking to them, spoke about them, in negative terms, and in terms couched as demands, and, in so doing, did them insult.
Bradley Burston: Mr. Obama, Have a Talk With These Israelis, and Soon
Both George W. Bush and John McCain benefited from the privileged status of their parents and grandparents.
The Early Word: The Race About Race - The Caucus Blog -
To emphasize the point, the caption below a photo illustration of Rice and Bush with a blood red Gaza City skyscape in the background reads: "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and President George W. Bush, whose secret Palestinian intervention backfired in a big way.
In Jon We Trust
If George W. Bush can run for President, so can I," came the initial shrugged sentiment in the camp of a pragmatic, plain-spoken governor of Vermont who ignited a movement that would go on to elect the first African-American President to the White House.
Andrea Chalupa: Howard Dean as John the Baptist and Other Big Ideas at the Little Idea
Among Edwards's constituents is former President George W. Bush, who is registered to vote at his Crawford ranch.
Democrat Chet Edwards fights to hold on to his job in one of the most Republican congressional districts in the country
Let me ask those of you reading this letter: Were YOU "misled" -- or did you figure it out sometime between October of 2002 and March of 2007 that George W. Bush was up to something rotten?
Who Do We Vote For This Time Around? A Letter from Michael Moore
The man who's been called the confectioner in chief came to the White House in January 2007 to turn out cakes, pastries and cookies for President George W. Bush, who Mr. Yosses said
Front Page - The Washington Times
George W. Bush was elected President of the United States.
But by saying he had made a mistake, Obama once again signaled a new direction from his predecessor, George W. Bush, who famously had difficulty acknowledging his missteps.
The outrage quotient rises
But George W. Bush " unsigned " the treaty on May 6, 2002, in a historically unprecedented move.
Yes, George W. Bush famously, and incongruously, uttered those famous words, "you're doing a heck of a job, Brownie" during a tour of damage in the Gulf Coast in 2005.
Michael D. Brown: Heckuva' Job, Brownie. Get Over It.
Their irresponsible propping up of George W. Bush cost them their credibility, and the inflammatory insanities of mercurial GOP teabaggers, birthers, deathers and desperate egomaniacs like Jim Bunning are costing them their viability.
Think Progress » Former Bush speechwriter tells GOP: Democrats’ passage of health care is actually ‘our’ Waterloo.
As everyone knows, managing to get the World Trade Center blown up, or at least just BEING president when it happened, is George W. Bush's greatest all-time achievement, the only action (or nonaction) that has ever made him truly popular with the American public, the one thing he will brag about until the day he dies.
Blaming Bush for His Greatest Achievement
George W. Bush writes in his new memoir that in his younger, wilder days, he once boozily turned to a lady at one of his parents 'dinner parties with an impertinent question: "So what is sex like after 50?
Read this: George W. Bush on "sex after 50," Cheney, Kanye
Here inside, a pool of TV and still cameras watched the families with an unblinking but compassionate eye - catching President George W. Bush pass a hanky to the young son of commander Husband.
He spoke with pride of accomplishing what he called a "pivot" from the policies of George W. Bush.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
It's clearly a budget. It's got lots of numbers in it. George W. Bush
One year after his landmark promise to shutter the controversial prison at the US naval base in Cuba, Obama has not only missed his self-imposed deadline, but his hands are ever-more tied by the political, legal and humanitarian headache he inherited from his predecessor, George W. Bush.
Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
- Former President George W. Bush will be presented with an award by the lay group Legatus, for his work in advancing the pro-life cause.
Think Progress » SC Lt. Gov. compares people getting gov’t help to ‘stray animals’ who ‘breed’ because they don’t know better.
In an appearance on Meet The Press, he was unfamiliar with the term "neoconservative" -- even though the doctrine of democracy promotion was central to George W. Bush's foreign policy agenda and helped set off the invasion of Iraq.
By the time Clinton finished his second term, it looked to many experts as if the White House would be working with diminished authority for years to come: the presidential historian Michael Beschloss called George W. Bush “the first truly postimperial president.”
Aclu's "actions for restoring america" plan
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Bush Misfires in Drive to End \'Oil Addiction\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' George W. Bush runs the risk of alienating the worlds biggest source of oil with his plan to end Americas oil addiction, Opec delegates, oil ministers, energy experts and even some environmentalists said yesterday.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush Misfires in Drive to End 'Oil Addiction'
But there are also the white clergy (and rabbi); usually, they were pusillanimous and hesitant to move more than a step or two beyond their conservative members, most of whom supported the egregious Jew-turned-Episcopalian Mayor Henry Loeb, who rivals in obduracy George W. Bush.
He successfully crushed a bloody insurrection by violent Islamists in the 1990s; he suppressed, brutally at times, a growing prodemocracy protest movement that gained steam in 2003 to 2005; and he parried until recently Washington's attempt to force substantive democratic reforms on Egypt, made most forcefully during the years of the George W. Bush administration.
An Abrupt End to a Powerful Reign
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'BREAKING: Bush signs $600 billion \'stopgap bill\' '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' US President George W. Bush signs a government expenditures bill topping 600 billion dollars after his economic relief plan fails.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: BREAKING: Bush signs $600 billion 'stopgap bill'
A new trailer for the George W. Bush "biopic" is out.
W. trailer
Like slavery and piracy, terrorism has no place in the modern world. George W. Bush
While George W. Bush professes to feeling liberated in his new anonymity — he recently told a high school class in New Mexico a story about the rediscovered task of cleaning up after his dog on a walk — Cheney has sought the klieg lights and broken tradition by immediately going after the new president.
Why Cheney, and why now?
For all his faults, and for all the mistakes he may have made in subsequent years in his term, I honor the former President, George W. Bush, for his leadership on 9/11 and the immediate days following.
Bush marks 9/11
The planet where Bill Clinton didn't "inhale" or the one where George W. Bush didn't (allegedly) snort coke off the ass of a Mexican hooker?
Hillary Campaign Official Says GOP Will Target Obama For Drug Use
Bernanke was appointed to head the Fed in 2006 by Republican President George W. Bush, and was confirmed for a second term after being renominated by Democratic President Barack Obama.
Mitt Romney says he wouldn't keep Bernanke
But, as usual, Cohen misses the real story, just like his earlier judgments that George W. Bush would be a "conciliator" and that "only a fool or possibly a Frenchman" would doubt Colin Powell's U.N. speech.
George W. Bush, and Dick Cheney, took the notion of "executive privilege" to a whole new level which future historians may well see as the real prize in Iraq -- not the oil, but more power at home; a presidency on steroids, and the voluptuaries of profit would want nothing less.
Jayne Lyn Stahl: Another Unitary in the White House?
America will never run... And we will always be grateful that liberty has found such brave defenders. George W. Bush
Short version: Let's see if John Kerry can be as multiphasic as George W. Bush.
March 2004
Their irresponsible propping up of George W. Bush cost them their credibility, and the dysfunctions of teabaggers, birthers and deathers exacerbated by the irresponsible exhortations of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh are costing them their viability.
Think Progress » Tea Partiers Get Their News From Fox And Are More Likely To Justify Violence Against The Government
I want to see a 17-foot medieval style tapestry of John Howard performing anilingus on George W. Bush.
Archive 2006-09-01
In the ensuing uproar -- fueled by people who were not comparably scandalized when George W. Bush was sulfurously vilified -- her opponent raised nearly $2 million and her lead shrank from 13 points to her winning margin of 3.
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
President-elect George W. Bush has argued that the oil can be tapped without killing wildlife or marring the environment.
Roger Stone, the legendary dirty-trickster and apostle in the Church of Richard Nixon — seriously, the dude has a Nixon tattoo on his spine, whichI can personally attest is among the most painful places to be tattooed — is having some doubts about his role in electing George W. Bush president.
Put The Blood On Me! Smear It And Say ‘Gorgeous,’ For We Dream Of Death | ATTACKERMAN
Their irresponsible propping up of George W. Bush cost them their credibility, and the inflammatory insanities of mercurial GOP teabaggers, birthers, deathers and desperate egomaniacs like Glenn Beck are costing them their viability.
Think Progress » Neugebauer Won’t Apologize To House For Outburst That His GOP Colleague Calls ‘More Wrong’ Than Joe Wilson’s
Both candidates are brilliant minds, but no one can't deny that Barack Obama is, in addition, eloquent, sincere, inspiring and black; in short, a photonegative of George W. Bush -- and Hillary.
ZZ Packer: Ferraro's Barack Problem
George W. Bush runs the risk of alienating the worlds biggest source of oil with his plan to end Americas oil addiction, Opec delegates, oil ministers, energy experts and even some environmentalists said yesterday.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bush Misfires in Drive to End 'Oil Addiction'
President Obama has been making great pains to try to change our image before the world, one that he believes George W. Bush perpetuated and that has led to our virtual "blackball" by many nations.
Latest Articles
He had been instantly drawn to the ruggedly good-looking political wannabee with the big family pedigree and money, George W. Bush.
Nigel Hamilton: Cry, the Beloved Country!
Do not, I pray, waste your pity on those who until just a few short months ago were lamenting the term limitations mandated in our own US federal constitution which prevented George W. Bush from seeking a third term.
Venezuela to face an uncertain and painful future in years to come
The man who's been called the confectioner-in-chief came to the White House in January 2007 to turn out cakes, pastries and cookies for President George W. Bush, who Mr. Yosses said
The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
The budget he put together was' - I think he used the word 'courageous' - 'in getting out there and starting the conversation,' said Craig Schoenfeld, an attorney and former George W. Bush organizer in the Gingrich camp. -- RSS feeds -- New Hampshire news, business and sports
George W. Bush Addresses Supporters During W.istle-Stop Tour in Salinas, California
CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2000
It was George W. Bush's first day on the campaign trail with the liegeman who had become his favorite (and was now his official) sidekick.
Ready For Their Close-Up
But let us start where President Bush begins his life story, with his childhood, youth and formative years -- the period I've called "The Path to the White House" in American Caesars: Lives of the Presidents, From Franklin D. Roosevelt to George W. Bush.
Nigel Hamilton: George W. Bush -- and Selective Memory
This is the same John Edwards who implied President George W. Bush was responsible for keeping the crippled in their wheelchairs.
The 2004 Democratic presidential nominee will be known long before the party faithful gather in Boston this summer to officially anoint him to challenge President George W. Bush.
In my opinion, based on the circumstances today, December 4th, neither George W. Bush nor Al Gore would assume the presidency with full credibility, and it is very much both of their interests that this matter be resolved by a rule of law that the American public sees as fair and as coffering the authority of the president of the United States to the next occupant.
CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Election 2000: Sen. Graham Discusses Supreme Court Decision - December 4, 2000
George W. Bush told Tom Brokaw last month that he and his father had been "kibitzing" about the vice presidency, though his misplaced emphasis on the second syllable drew laughs from Jews.
Post-Seinfeld America
Both candidates are brilliant minds, but Barack Obama is in addition eloquent, sincere, inspiring and black; in short, a photonegative of George W. Bush -- and Hillary.
Andrew Foster Altschul: ZZ Packer Takes on Geraldine Ferraro
Reduced to a joke, a historical sight gag, with their silly uniforms and shiny boots, inevitably, every last strutting, preening one of them (including George W. Bush) will matriculate through the university of higher humiliation known as the vastness of life.
Baby George In The Land Of The Bubble People
In doing so, he makes himself look less like a serious, potential participant in a crowded Presidential field, and more like someone who is about to start ranting about the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and George W. Bush's membership in Skull & Bones ... all part of an "internationalist" conspiracy to create a New World Order.
Sound Politics: Post-Thanksgiving Turkey
America will never run... And we will always be grateful that liberty has found such brave defenders. George W. Bush
George W. Bush: Got a huge diss from the French before and during Iraq War
Shelley Lewis: Foundering President Honors Founding President
He looks grayer, but otherwise little changed from his time as defense secretary under President George W. Bush, with his rimless glasses and quick, confident grin.
Donald Rumsfeld Reflects On Writing Of Memoir
This week's winning bumpersticker from the Thursday delivery route showed a drawing of George W. Bush and said "American errorist.
Errorist in chief
Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we. George W. Bush
Giles Brandreth was harping on about something or other, probably the MP's expenses thing, and the potato-headed hoast, Adrian Chiles said something like, 'But if the American system of checks and balances is much better, how did we end up with eight years of George W. Bush?'
Local television news shows repeated the clip endlessly, sometimes using a split screen showing the Iraqi journalist who tossed a shoe at then-President George W. Bush.
Despite what you may see in this weekend's ABC 'docudrama' - "The Road to 9/11", the attacks on September 11th happened on George W. Bush's watch!
More Lies - Bush Finally Comes Clean On Secret CIA Prisons
Not long ago, President George W. Bush was considered naive for suggesting that the promotion of democracy in the Arab world should be a staple of American foreign policy.
He actively led crusades against gay marriage, and by extension gays, railed against them on his websites, in fiery sermons, loudly backed George W. Bush's federal amendment banning gay marriage, and led a slanderous march to Martin Luther King, Jr. 's gravesite to denounce gay marriage.
Earl Ofari Hutchinson: Eddie Long Can Repent By Apologizing for Gay Bashing
He does a very good imitation of George W. Bush.
It was Texas under the incompetent rule of then Governor George W. Bush that became known as the gulag state of Texas for having turned a social problem into just another GOP scam, a get rich quick scheme, another way in which GOP blood-suckers feed at the public trough.
Gulag Nation: Over One in One Hundred Americans Are in Prison
President George W. Bush and his neoconservative advisers disregarded the ethnic and sectarian realities in Iraq and the balance of power in the Persian Gulf.
We do not create terrorism by fighting the terrorists. We invite terrorism by ignoring them. George W. Bush
This post also available in: bahasa Indonesia · Mancanegara: George W. Bush sebagai utusan diplomatik bagi Timur Tengah?
Global Voices in English » Global: George W. Bush as Middle East Envoy?
One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror. George W. Bush
KNOXVILLE - Former George W. Bush senior adviser Karl Rove drew dozens of fans today afternoon as he stopped at the Books-A-Million in Knoxville to sign copies of his new book, "Courage and Consequence.
Memphis Commercial Appeal Stories
She also encited George W. Bush's "misunderestimate" as a speculant examplar of the reclectorance of the English Language.
Dylan Brody: In Defensity of Sarah Palin
Seeing as most on the "right" believe taking away their guns is a "liberal/left" goal, from what my memory provides me, it was the George W. Bush administration that ordered the unarming of private United States citizens during the Katrina disaster. Main RSS Feed
Intel pros say Bush is lying about foiling 2002 terror attack yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Intel pros say Bush is lying about foiling 2002 terror attack'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: Outraged intelligence professionals say President George W. Bush is "cheapening" and "politicizing" their work with claims the United States foiled a planned terrorist attack against Los Angeles in 2002.'
Intel pros say Bush is lying about foiling 2002 terror attack
At one point during George W. Bush's presidency, a search for the word "miserable failure" called up his official White House biography as the first result.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
London Mayor Ken Livingstone, saying he refuses to recognize George W. Bush as the lawful president of the United States "In Louisiana, we have a problem with Southern drawl and what I call lazy mouth.
It's a time of sorrow and sadness when we lose a loss of life. George W. Bush
In an interview with Al-Jazeera television in 2007, he hinted that then-President George W. Bush's top diplomat wielded considerable influence in the Arab world.
Unless there is a sea change very quickly, the Republican Party will collapse in November, because conservative opinion molders will be urging the rank-and-file to stay home and “punish” George W. Bush.
Latin America
From that switch from blue to red flowed many awful things; Ronald Reagan, George H. Bush, George W. Bush, a conservative-leaning federal judiciary, the near-total destruction of America's once robust industrial base, the knee-capping of the American middle class, an illegal war, torture, financial collapse, and more.
Profile in Courage Time for Big O
Codrescu recalls the brutalities and petty stupidities of Romania's Communist interlude (he fled as a young student in 1965), but he's little happier with an America shaped by George W. Bush, Pat Robertson and Fox News.
Local News from Wilmington Star News
George W. Bush carried the state with 56 percent of the vote.
George W. Bush Addresses Supporters During W.istle-Stop Tour in Salinas, California - August 10, 2000
CNN Transcript Aug 10, 2000
George W. Bush was elected President of the United States.
This remark is attributed to George W. Bush, last night in Alberta, commenting on the memoirs he is writing (or thinking of writing).
March 2009
George W. Bush thought it smart to take his Supreme Court vetter, Harriet Miers, and make her the nominee.
Supreme Court Nomination: Pressure Mounts To Avoid The Ivy League
Texas Poled 'Em" yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '"Texas Poled \'Em"'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: There\'s only one way to play the game with George W. Bush and Alberto Gonzales and friends.
"Texas Poled 'Em"
SOME ON THE RIGHT argue that by putting the word compassionate in front of conservatism, George W. Bush somehow diminished the principles that have animated the conservative movement since at least the rise of Barry Goldwater in 1964.
There's an old saying in Tennessee - I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee - that says, fool me once, shame on - shame on you. Fool me - you can't get fooled again. George W. Bush
Now we see where Vicente Fox, President George W. Bush's "compadre" has verbally stabbed our nation's president in the back, insulting him in so many ways that much as I have been upset with President Bush over so many issues especially his failures to secure our nation's borders and a host of other immigration-related issues, I now find myself almost feeling sorry for President Bush.
One Old Vet
Though the government shouldn't be favoring or disfavoring high-performance sports cars or other outliers, "the idea of continually giving exemptions is not a good approach to an industry that needs a clear signal of what the policy is going to be," said John Graham, dean of Indiana University's School of Public and Environmental Affairs, who helped craft auto fuel-economy regulations under President George W. Bush.
Porsche Presses for Easier Fuel Rules
Carter was responding to a question about the now-famous photo of President Obama with the four living ex-presidents -- Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush and Carter -- in which Carter appeared alone and off to the side while the others seemed to converse collegially.
44: Carter: My role is 'superior'
Outraged intelligence professionals say President George W. Bush is "cheapening" and "politicizing" their work with claims the United States foiled a planned terrorist attack against Los Angeles in 2002.
Intel pros say Bush is lying about foiling 2002 terror attack
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi touched off a political firestorm in W.shington when she touched down here in Syria, drawing a strong rebuke from President George W. Bush, who lashed out at what he calls the minced signals a visit by such a high-ranking U.S. official sends to the Syrian leadership, a state sponsor of terror.
CNN Transcript Apr 3, 2007
None other than Gen. Brent Scowcroft told the Financial Times that former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon had George W. Bush "mesmerized;" that "Sharon just has him wrapped around his little finger.
Coleen Rowley: Only Obama Can Manage the Iran Situation
I wish I had a bullhorn to shout just how tired I am of hearing about how wonderful George W. Bush\'s \'bullhorn moment\ 'was.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: Bullhorn Bullbleep -- James Wolcott
Mr. Greenspan stuttered for a moment, then recovered. He said that when President George W. Bush took office, he pulled Mr. Greenspan aside and promised never to criticize the Federal Reserve.
McCain isn't and never was George W. Bush, and Obama with all his equivocation and evasiveness is no John McCain.
McCain admits mistake in using Petraeus picture for fundraising
I cannot find a CBBC article devoted to George W. Bush's first inauguration, but I am pretty sure the tone was not as adulatory as the page for Barack Obama is.
You're never too young to be indoctrinated by the BBC