George II

  1. King of Great Britain and Elector of Hanover from 1727 to 1760 (1683-1760)
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How To Use George II In A Sentence

  • The first three years of George II's reign, which began in 1727, were afflicted by successive waves of smallpox and influenza-like infections, imprecisely and variously described by contemporaries as agues and fevers.
  • At the top was the Hanoverian King George II, who could not speak English and who was surrounded by ministers and courtiers feathering their nests and stabbing each other in the back. George Washington’s First War
  • George III," the mad king misled by his advisers, but perhaps an even more apt comparison might be Christopher Marlowe's morally pathetic "Edward The Second," with Dick Cheney as the court favorite Piers Gaveston. Techdirt
  • Anti-government cartoons in the 1790s often included the most scabrous, even treasonable, representations of King George III.
  • The founders said so to George III in other words, but the thought is simple. David Bromwich: The Mirror of 1776
  • George III's rhetorical transformation from symbol of monarchical benevolence to tyrant provided the ultimate justification for revolution.
  • Tony Stone is also exhibiting an extremely rare matching set of four George III serpentine fronted knife boxes in flame mahogany with filigree silverwork.
  • In 18th-century England, Georgiana Cavendish, the Duchess of Devonshire, used her extravagant tastes to support the Whig cause against George III, wearing outrageously plumed hats to political rallies. Le Freak, C
  • In Johnson's England ambitious politicians had been cloaking themselves in patriotism since the 1730s, and George III himself had begun his reign glorying in the name of Britain.
  • The madness of King George III attracted considerable attention and led to calls for more humane forms of treatment.
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