How To Use George bush In A Sentence
This was no obvious gaffe as it would have been had it emanated from the lips of George Bush, oh no, this was perhaps a "knowing casualism".
Look, Obama just doesn't make gaffes, OK?
George Bush developed a policy, he annunciated it in a magnificent speech 10 days after 9 / 11, and then he went into a war in Afghanistan that everybody thought was going to be impossible.
You could always join the 9/11 conspiracy mill and churn out another book or website dedicated to the allegation that the “EVIL” George Bush, Dick Cheney – or THE shadowy “right wing caba” is behind the horror of 9/11.
Think Progress » Bartlett On Cancelled Maliki Meeting: ‘It Was Going To Be More Of A Social Meeting Anyway’
The US media is expending a lot of ink and air time evaluating the potential economic effects of George Bush's new tax-cut proposal.
The thing about George Bush the elder is that if you paid enough attention to him and what he said, at a certain point you could safely assume that whatever statement issued from his mouth, invariably the opposite was the case. —
The Political Revival of George Herbert Walker Bush - The Caucus Blog -
IDAHO is a known republican no brainer state. so a blue what ever is just someone alittle smarter than most republicans can't think out side the box unless they are told how to think and when to breath. by people like george bush dicky cheney karl the rat rove and so on. bunch anti american big business jerk theives.
State of the Union: A Blue Dog in Idaho
Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
It is a little more complicated to copy a spy plane, but George Bush has a similar problem right now.
It's bad enough that George Bush has been willing, and able, to challenge and dismantle some of the most basic tenets of our American democracy - the system of checks and balances, an independent judiciary, and the right of a people to be free from government intrusion and persecution - but to see England fall prey to the same simple-minded authoritarian leanings is simply very sad.
A HANDFUL of protesters stood outside George Bush senior's presidential library.
The latter camp included George Bush, who denounced it as a "foreign court" where "our troops and officials" would be in danger of malicious prosecution.
The high octane opening number -- fueled by the multi-media television screens flashing flags, and George Bush (what would we do without Bush-the-punching-bag) playing golf amidst a really effective multipurpose city backdrop -- sets us up for our journey, which includes Iraq, protests, sex, and having babies (counterpointed with shooting up).
Patricia Zohn: Culture Zohn: American Idiot: Does It Speak Across Generations?
One early vote the Democrats were happy to advertise was that of President George Bush, casting his Texas absentee ballot for John McCain last week.
A lot of us don't get a lot out of narrow-minded, self-righteous, paranoia coupled with obviously disingenuous yatter about being the party of small government and fiscal conservatism – eight years of George Bush made those lies too obvious to miss.
'Regular guy' Thune is hot commodity in GOP circles
The trouble began in the 1992 campaign, when Clinton did precisely what Dole chose not to do: he played politics with the China issue, winning points with Democratic Party constituencies -- labor unions and human-rights groups -- by lambasting George Bush for maintaining normal trade relations (most-favored nation means normal) and "codd [ling] tyrants" in Beijing.
Chinese 'Face' Time
In that same vote, Israel abstained, apparently fearing international interference with their own outlaw nuclear weapons program, and Britain abstained in an act of diplomatic fealty to the “special relationship” between Tony Blair and George Bush.
Think Progress » The Pictures of Corruption: How Hastert Used Tax Dollars to Turn a $1.5 Million Profit
From the moment George Bush coined his vapid "compassionate conservatism" rhetoric during the 2000 campaign, principled conservatives knew they were in trouble.
The Reality Check
Really, the presidential idiotism of George Bush should be curbed for the sanity and safety of the American people.
Biden calls Bush comments 'bulls**t'
George Bush's three-year-old grandchild, Marshal, has been enrolled in an etiquette class, Petite Protocol.
George Bush denied he was in the loop regarding the Irangate scandal.
Topics Geraldine Ferraro Ms. Ferraro proved a game campaigner, and duked it out with Vice President George Bush in a debate remembered most strongly for a remark Mr. Bush's wife, Barbara, made in the days leading up to it.
Geraldine Ferraro, Political Groundbreaker, Dies at 75
This president, whether you love or hate him, has gotten America to engage in dialogs that never happened when George Bush was in office.
Nelson expresses support for using trigger on public insurance
The site is introduced by a straightforward 50-second video that attempts to tie McCain to George Bush's tax record, set somewhat disconnectedly against soothing chamber music.
Daily Digest: Capturing, Tagging, and Protecting the Vote
Thus Alastair Campbell, a key press aide, had "clanking great balls", George Bush is a "normal guy" and Alan Milburn, a favourite minister, was "fully simpatico with the direction of change".
The difference is that last year George Bush promised to veto the bill, and did so.
Lifting up that light, the aging hibakusha are calling for U.S. President George Bush to visit Hiroshima.
If you thought George Bush was bad when it comes to the use of military force, wait 'til you see John McCain." yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '"If you thought George Bush was bad when it comes to the use of military force, wait \'til you see John McCain."'
"If you thought George Bush was bad when it comes to the use of military force, wait 'til you see John McCain."
Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
He says because George Bush, the president, has declared a crusade, what he called a crusade, against Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan, Iraq, that he cannot accept these U.S. lawyers.
CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2008
ROMANS: He says that George Bush and the United States government are engaged in what he calls barbarism in Iraq.
CNN Transcript Sep 21, 2006
At any rate, comparing McCain to a democrat is a fallacious bit of work with a President like George Bush at the helm and a fiscal record of a massive deficit.
McCain Too Liberal Like Saying Clinton Too Woman « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
Hay que decir también que la difusión de esa lista de miembros, junto con la foto que ilustra este post (en la que aparece George Bush hijo, junto al reloj), nos muestra que no es tan secreta como parece, o que no tiene todo el poder para controlar la información que circula sobre ella.
Ger��nimo, Skull and Bones y la cabeza de Francisco Villa
George Bush went to great lengths to keep out of his way on the campaign trail.
George Bush looked great to a lot of people in 2000 and I probably would like a beer with Obama rather than Hillary, but there's too much at stake to fall for the 'cultism' of Obama.
Camp Hillary: Floridians Will Be Heard!
Because when George Bush got elected the second time you really felt helpless, and then with Obama there was this onrush of hope and ambitiousness, and then... we've been kind of disappointed.
Ben Evans: John Dunsworth of Trailer Park Boys on Liquor and Politics
He is another George Bush, a fabric woven from the Karl Rove spin machine.
Senator says Obama VP search team discussed 20 names
George Bush slank out of office as the most detested president in American history.
Right or Left Media Bias?
His father is a prominent attorney and one-time doubles partner of George Bush.
You think they're going to vote for a Republican like McCain, who allies himself with the criminal, recidivistic regime of George Bush and Dick Cheney, the most multipliable impeachable presidency in American history?
Your Right Hand Thief
He does a brilliant George Bush .
That's where former President George Bush has a few words to let everyone know he says that he's feeling just fine after what he calls a fainting spell last night.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Former President Bush Comments on His Health After Hospital Stay - February 25, 2000
Several installations in this vast show involve George Bush in compromising positions with pigs: in one, a pair of mechanically gyrating pink silicone versions of Bush sodomise the animals, while in Pig Island 2003/10, the same scenario is accompanied by depictions of Angelina Jolie and sundry pirates in what looks like the detritus-filled studio of a demented satirist.
Evening Standard - Home
The Clinton gang, blinkered by their pragmatist outlook and policies, should not protest too much, for the altruist-pragmatist policies "dramatized" in "Path" also reflect those same policies as practiced by President George Bush's administration in his failing "war on terrorism.
The Rule of Reason
On one hand we have a no-book-readin' presidential jock - George Bush - now 'benevolently' promising to dole out "assets and resources" in the wake of a Category 4/5 hurricane.
Tsunamis 26-dec-2004
Nato: Afghanistan could spoil the Obama party (RG) NATO will be the same cowardly useless organisation under Obama that it was under George Bush full of European parasite overweight Generals.
George Bush and John Kerry are happy to trade barbs about draft dodging and flip-flopping.
George Bush repeated his pledge of noninvolvement last week even as he announced what amounted to a new military intervention in Iraq -- one that ran a distinct risk of drawing the United States into another quagmire.
A Lifeline In Iraq
Others have, " replied Letterman, referring to George Bush's fondness for lengthy brush-clearing trips at his Texas ranch.
After George Bush stole the election in 2004, andif the same were to happen this time with the democratic nomination, I certainly would understand the urge to just abandon it all.
If Obama Does Not Make it into the White House My Voice Will Still Be Heard
Like George Bush, he is more of a "corporative," someone who puts the needs of corporations and the rich above all else.
David Wallechinsky: Schwarzenegger for Dummies
Don't you think, given the kind of comradery that men under arms have, if they were together at any point, somebody would have said, I remember George Bush, kind of a frat boy, liked to snort the coke, whatever it was, or didn't.
CNN Transcript Sep 13, 2004
But George Bush lasted only one term, and Bill Bennett became an ambassador without portfolio.
But five years on, George Bush and Dick Cheney are putting the screws on their Green Zone government to sign a secret deal for indefinite military occupation, which would effectively reduce Iraq to a long-term vassal state.
The GOP is trying their ages old ploy of terrifying the US.
George Bush has primarily directed his attention to school reform, leaving higher education to look after itself.
Alex Cockburn gets the last word on a man who shills for privilege, has plenty for himself, and like George Bush disdains the public interest: "Al Gore distills in his single person the disrepair of liberalism in America today, and almost every unalluring feature of the Democratic Party" that's mostly indistinguishable from the other side of the aisle in a city where the criminal class is bipartisan.
Nobel Hypocrisy
The following are details released by Downing Street of George Bush's itinerary for his four-day visit to Britain.
Because when George Bush got elected the second time you really felt helpless, and then with Obama there was this onrush of hope and ambitiousness, and then... we've been kind of disappointed.
Ben Evans: John Dunsworth of Trailer Park Boys on Liquor and Politics
The second theme is going to have to be annunciated by George Bush as he will continue the prosperity we've enjoyed for these last years.
George Bush was still at it a quarter-century later as his term ran out.
A Revolutionary President
Like the VMAs, the telethon was the wrong venue to do such a thing, and secondly, I believe George Bush DID like Black people, evidenced by his friendship with Dr. Condaleeza Rice.
Editorial Diatribe from the Catacombs: Racism
The size of that gamble, the ammorality of it, and the arrogance involved that plan A will work and who the hell needs to compute the effect if it doesn't render him akin to George Bush (another great campaigner and promiser) and are part of the numerous reasons I'm voting for McCain rather than Obama even though I am a life long liberal Democrat.
Rendell On Bill Clinton's Alleged Hard Feelings Towards Obama: "Get Over It," "Shake It Off"
Barack Obama, like George Bush before him, has claimed the authority to order American citizens murdered based solely on the unverified, uncharged, unchecked claim that they are associated with Terrorism and pose “a continuing and imminent threat to U.S. persons and interests.”
Think Progress » Pawlenty Falsely Claims ‘Most Credible Economists Say’ Stimulus Is ‘Not Working’
Third, he ran for president in 1988 and lost a bitter primary battle with George Bush.
You think they're going to vote for a Republican like McCain, who allies himself with the criminal, recidivistic regime of George Bush and Dick Cheney, the most multipliable impeachable presidency in American history?
Archive 2008-02-01
Jimmy Carter and George Bush also have joined a growing chorus of eminent senior politicians in the quest for reform.
I suspect Rove's achievement in getting a man such as George Bush elected president will continue to amaze and mistify long after his role in failed policy decisions has faded from memory.
A courageous commander-in-chief, who tells West Wing advisors sipping lattes in Italian calfskin loafers what they have to do, rather than ask the George Bush question, "What should we do?
Anthony D. Romero: Obama: Close Gitmo On Day One -- You Can Do It. We've Got Your Back.
They're just mad their canidate lost, so they dont want him, they want George Bush the 3rd. by the way ben, if you really think that, then you dant check your facts.
Rep. Waters switches to Obama
Sorry, Clinton only switched running mates for the evening to poke fun at Republican rival George Bush.
Using the word obliterate, however, is the kind of language that we have seen George Bush use over the last seven years and it's precisely that kind of provocative language that Senator Clinton criticized others for.
CNN Transcript May 5, 2008
I found out they organized themselves in 2004 after George Bush was re-elected, and after they realized that there were no women on the city council.
Madeleine M. Kunin: Women, Hugs, and the Power of Grassroots
Murdoch visited Blair three times personally in order to pressurise him on behalf of George Bush to support the Iraq invasion.
So the great war hero is going to bring up unfounded accusations against George Bush.
Bill Clinton was accused by conspiracy theorists of having murdered his friend and White House legal adviser Vince Foster; George Bush had to contend with the Truthers who believe he was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks.
The enmity of states has given rise to the deployment of other counter-productive crudities, such as sanctions on Iran, trade barriers against the developing world and the exchange of rhetorical abuse, beloved of George Bush and his amanuensis, Tony Blair.
Clegg told the truth on Iraq. It's for Cameron to end a decade of pretence
ON PALM SUNDAY 2002 George Bush and his entourage were flying home from El Salvador.
My grandmother used to render shmaltz to great effect, and now because of George Bush's way of rendering, I no longer enjoy matzoh ball soup.
Aaron Belkin: Long Night's Journey into Obama
George Bush was so thrilled as were Ulla and Willie … That morning George had called Doro and said, Call your mother before you leave.
Barbara Bush
These photos look disturbingly similar to the infamous George Bush-Angela Merkel backrub.
What were they thinking? (Jack Bog's Blog)
Ah yes, they didn't want to fix the problem, and get us our money back, because then the Democrats would "evade" responsibility for George Bush having given AIG the money in the first place last September.
Top GOP aide: We don't want to fix AIG bonus problem, because then we can't use it to hurt Democrats any more
That's like me reporting news from George Bush about Iraq or news about sniper firer from Hillary Clinton as factual.
Poll of polls: Obama losing ground
One notable exception was John Tower, the choice for defence secretary of former president George Bush.
Not yesterday, or in George Bush's and every neocon's vicariously fulfilled hafnium wet-dream of glory, but TODAY, right this moment type of today: Why?
As to Afghanistan, this Thanksgiving it was ���Thanks, but No Thanks.'
Hillary Clinton has been treated disrespectfully from the beginning of this campaign while Obama has been canonized, much in the same way that George Bush was canonized by the GOP 4 and 8 years ago.
Obama about to clinch victory, aide says
And that has been now a major part of what John Kerry has been saying as he reaches out into the middle, and that is, hey, this man, George Bush, came to Washington to kind of heighten the tone, and he hasn't.
CNN Transcript Jun 7, 2004
Using the word obliterate, however, is the kind of language that we have seen George Bush use over the last seven years.
CNN Transcript May 5, 2008
READ MY LIPS hmmm, not sure I want George Bush pere to be used as my benchmark, since he didn't get rid of Saddam, it took Junior to do it, 13 years later.
Scott White: Obama's Speech on Libya (I WIsh)
Third, he ran for president in 1988 and lost a bitter primary battle with George Bush.
But having said all of that, this is still a gutsy move by Log Cabin - gutsy because some of their members/funders, according to my sources, are anti-gay gays who care nothing about gay civil rights and everything about protecting George Bush at all costs.
Top aides to President George Bush arranged a statement on the airport tarmac in Toledo, Ohio.
CROWLEY: While lawyers in Florida and Washington defend his claim to the title president-elect, George Bush is in Texas leading a kind of transition in exile.
CNN Transcript - Special Event: Election 2000: The Florida Vote - November 28, 2000
A Continental Airlines pilot reported being startled by what he described as a rocket that shot past his cockpit window Monday when the plane was about eight miles north of George Bush Intercontinental Airport.
NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: May 2008 Archives
Michael Novak, AEI scholar (and my boss there 30 years ago) and George Bush fan, takes on Obama's upcoming trip to Notre Dame quite cogently -- and then somehow meanders off into Bush's "victory" in Iraq, which Obama -- now apparently "briefed" - embraces!
George Bush was so right, unilateralism is the way to go.
Kgirl abandons family to the wolves week, days 4-7
Even as coalition forces limbered up for their second, immensely bloody assault on Fallujah in 2004, George Bush was co-opting the Iraqi national side as a symbol of hope for his re-election campaign adverts, underscoring that football is not just more important than life and death from white phosphorus, but far more "symbolic" than things such as water and electricity.
No political gain in Iraqi football – so leave the players well alone
$600 TRILLION in derivatives created under Bush, billions/trillions laundered through Iraq and Afghanistan, and then $550,000,000,000 was pulled out of the money markets in September 2008 in an hour and a half prompting George Bush The Fiscal Conservative to say, We need to bail out the banks America!
Think Progress » Kerry: ‘The only thing Republicans say yes to are Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, tea partiers, and Fox News.’
But George Bush lasted only one term, and Bill Bennett became an ambassador without portfolio.
May 6th, 2008 7: 06 pm ET ya think?!?!?!? that's what happens when you use Rovian tactics and have the likes of mark penn on your team-creeps with no integrity, cheat if you have to, do whatever it takes. fooled us once shame on you george bush, fooled us twice shame on us and you again, mccain ... wont get fooled again!!!
Exit polls: Clinton viewed as attacking unfairly
It was a monotheistic Presidential fundamentalist, George Bush, who took his nation to war against a large group of monotheist fundamentalists; something in which he was supported by a monotheistically devout Prime Minister, Tony Blair.
Civil wars
John McCain is George Bush's handpicked apologist and carrier of the self-deception flame but, like Bush, he is also unqualified andout of touch with reality: Allen L Roland
To which I say, wow, even George Bush's "decisiveness" can't hold a candle to the recklessness of John McCain.
Robert Koehler: The Time Has Come
Still, as even George Bush admitted at the time of announcing it, the stimulus will be no more than a temporary "booster shot".
George Bush's decision to trash the Kyoto global warming treaty is appalling.
When Obama did nothing but Slander George Bush Jnr when he was running around the country ...
McDonnell accused of flip-flopping as he runs for governor
Fourthly, is General Abizaid a pawn of the Bush administration whose role is to carry out, in some schizophrenogenic way, the will of George Bush to stay in Iraq for the unstated purposes of occupation and oil domination?
We are sitting in deep muck!
Third, he ran for president in 1988 and lost a bitter primary battle with George Bush.
As one of his final actions before leaving the White House in 1992, the elder George Bush, the father of the current president, pardoned Abrams.
The price of this transition is the brutalisation of the country, and a government campaign against multilateralism as savage as any waged by George Bush.
Canada’s image lies in tatters « Anglican Samizdat
Yes | No | Report from joey wrote 2 years 12 weeks ago calling great lakes migrating rainbows 'steelhead' is like george bush calling himself a texan. he's from CONNECTICUT!!
Great Lakers Not Steelhead?
And if Clinton wins it, George Bush can start packing his bags.
BOETTCHER: He also referred to President George Bush as a modern-day pharaoh, which is heavily weighted in the Koranic text, a lesson that tells of the failure of arrogance and how the pharaohs fell because they thought they were equals to God.
CNN Transcript Nov 13, 2002
George Bush used the same demagoguery, the same false claims and accusations to scare the people of the United States into giving him dictatorial powers, what he calls the unitary presidency.
Placing George Bush on the ten worst presidents list is a mistake
George Bush's three-year-old grandchild, Marshal, has been enrolled in an etiquette class, Petite Protocol.
A stentorian voice told viewers that only George Bush's robust approach could protect them.
So the Chinese premier forgives his shoe - thrower . Will George Bush be as in his new life?
Osman says George Bush should be next after Charles Taylor: after the charles trial the next trial should be George bush senoir and junior for crime committed in iraq and other parts of the world directly or indirectly my question is what UN is waiting for thier arrest, they should be arrected immediatly before they do more harms
Global Voices in English » Africa: Blogging the trial of Charles Taylor
However I must say unless the Prosecution can really discredit Mr. Taylor's testimony on cross examination the Defense seems to be in the drivers seat. after the charles trial the next trial should be George bush senoir and junior for crime committed in iraq and other parts of the world directly or indirectly my question is what UN is waiting for thier arrest, they should be arrected immediatly before they do more harms
Elites TV
Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
Has George Bush ever been to a bar mitzvah or eaten a blintz?
Jon Wiener: "[Expletive] the Jews. They didn't vote for us anyway": Republicans and Israel
George Bush denied he was in the loop regarding the Irangate scandal.
I think, by and large, this press corps likes George Bush as a person.
No, but he is taking too long on allowing the Justice dept. to arrest Dick Cheney and George Bush on statring an illegal war and they beare all the responsibility for all the bitter, awful fruit that has come from the that Lie.
CNN Poll: Is Obama taking too long on Afghanistan decision?
IDAHO is a known republican no brainer state. so a blue what ever is just someone alittle smarter than most republicans can't think out side the box unless they are told how to think and when to breath. by people like george bush dicky cheney karl the rat rove and so on. bunch anti american big business jerk theives.
State of the Union: A Blue Dog in Idaho
George Bush is not a uniter or a decider or an abider to the oath of office he took, by the way.
Think Progress » VIDEO: Lynne Cheney Unhinged On CNN
Using the word obliterate, however, is the kind of language that we have seen George Bush use over the last seven years and it's precisely that kind of provocative language that Senator Clinton criticized others for in the past, suggesting that if you're running for president, you shouldn't be stirring up international incidents.
CNN Transcript May 5, 2008
The last thing that a dethroaned celebrity icon needs by his side while trying to force a comeback is a reminder of George Bush, his lies and his failed neocon agenda hanging around your neck.
Think Progress » Ari Fleischer quits PR job for Tiger Woods because his legacy was so bad it harmed Tiger’s rehabilitation.
He wears his American flag button on his left lapel, which is a secret signal to Osama bin Laden, telling him that he can continue not to worry about George Bush actually pursuing him.
John McCain Finally Gets Tough
MARTIN: About the fact that women who make mistakes like this or mangle a word or whatever, and you have people again, on the right like George Bush, on the left like Joe Biden, we use a word like light and we don't talk about men that way, we talk about women that way.
'Shop Talk': The Political Witchunt For Christine O'Donnell
Using the word obliterate however, is the kind of language that we have seen George Bush use over the last seven years and it's precisely that kind of provocative language that Senator Clinton criticized others for.
CNN Transcript May 5, 2008
Who can forget the stories about the war atrocities committed by archfiend George Bush and the heteronormative establishment upon our most vulnerable citizens: illegal immigrants, criminals, the unemployable, and the emotionally ill.
Sharing is Caring
Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the US continues to make international headlines with an unprecedented reception by President George Bush at the airport, a historic White House visit and the turning of Washington baseball stadium into a church for a day.
Just like her husband, Bill, won against George Bush 41, because of the perception that he seemed more articulate and informed, but also more in touch with "regular people" than George 41, Hillary is now winning because of the perception that none of us wants to elect a "dumbo" or inarticulate "moron" ever again, even when none of the Democratic candidates could be thought of in that way in the least, but "Perception is a crazy mistress!".
Why Hillary Clinton Will Win
Shorn of the Teleprompter, he not only runs the risk of revealing a disfluency that could rival (or even exceed?) that of his reviled predecessor George Bush - he may reveal who he truly is, an angry man with a profoundly radical agenda for America.
The Blog from the Core
In addition to making frequent media appearances, he is a regular on the lecture circuit, sharing podiums with the likes of George Bush and Colin Powell.
Why is George Bush going about in one cowboy boot and one walking cast?
Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
And now Bill Kristol and Nick Eberstadt of the American Enterprise Institute are deploring it again and saying, George Bush has adopted the diplospeak, and -- and he has abandoned his own approach.
CNN Transcript Jul 10, 2006
But ever since Janet Jackson flopped out a nork during the Super Bowl, censorship is becoming more and more of an issue – whether it's Eddie Vedder's lameish George Bush insult being cut from Lollapolooza or Starbucks refusing to sell Bruce Springsteen CDs because they contain songs about Bruce Springsteen spooging up a whore's bum – and now The Emmys has been hit with a number of censorship controversies, too.
The Emmys Happen. That’s About It
Barack Obama is presenting a new, fresh vision that the world sees as a huge leap forward from what George Bush and John McCain embody.
Poll: Image of US will 'change for the better' with Obama
Dresser aseguró que la crisis va más allá de los problemas que nos dejó George Bush: el nuestro es un caso mucho más grave, porque involucra a un "Capitalismo de Cuates", en donde la iniciativa privada pasó de ser la aliada del Estado Mexicano (durante los gobiernos priístas) a convertirse en su dueña.
��Cu��ndo nos daremos cuenta de que M��xico es s��lo nuestro?
And I wanted to get your reaction this morning to a piece that ran in the "Washington Post," where they talked about George Bush basically restoring what they call the imperial presidency.
CNN Transcript Nov 20, 2001
But George Bush lasted only one term, and Bill Bennett became an ambassador without portfolio.
He says because George Bush, the president, declared has declared a crusade -- what he called a crusade against Osama bin Laden, Afghanistan, Iraq, that he cannot accept the (INAUDIBLE) lawyers.
CNN Transcript Jun 5, 2008
Old-time Reaganites point out that the issue of Reagan's age evaporated when he chose a safe pair of hands in the form of George Bush senior as his running mate.
What's worse is that the "war on terror," a term invented by George Bush, has been progressively turning into a "war on Islam," at least that is how it is perceived by the majority of Muslims, as confirmed by various polls.
Maher Arar: The True Cost Of 9/11
Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
George Bush welcomed Kazakhstan Dictator Nazarbayev into the White House … a man who moved $1B in Kazakhstan oil money into his personal account … so you think this is a big deal?
Evening Buzz: Gadhafi Tent Controversy
He does a brilliant George Bush .
Does George Bush possess a disarming grin, or a facetious smirk?
George Bush, worried about appearing to be a presidential buck-raker, will wait awhile before hitting the speech circuit.
Bush Bonanza
Supply-side economics, popularized by Ronald Reagan, was also called Voo-doo economics by George Bush41, and is now often known as trickle-down economics.
Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
Still, as even George Bush admitted at the time of announcing it, the stimulus will be no more than a temporary "booster shot".
There were no photographs or transcripts of the testimony, and the two men would not agree to swear an oath, conditions George Bush defended.
SCENE: The Oval Office. George Bush and Condoleezza Rice.
The rise of private contractors was made inevitable by the counter-narcotics policies of both Bill Clinton and George Bush.
The key poll is one that says that, of the 20 percent or so voters who are undecided and "gettable," most already have a negative view of George Bush.
Digital Dispatches
Using the word obliterate, however, is the kind of language that we've seen George Bush use over the last seven years.
CNN Transcript May 5, 2008
The delusionary conduct of Mrs. Clinton and her posse is really disturbing, because it could lead to a third term of George Bush, and, if that were to happen, we would not have a country to which we could be patriotic.
Full Michigan delegation with half-vote to be seated by Dems
Calling George Bush a “brilliant minimalist” is like calling a potted palm an environmentalist.
Firedoglake » Frothy Junior
The foreign minister also expressed his sympathy personally to US President George Bush at the commemoration ceremony in the White House.
They claim not to vote in lockstep with each other, but Dumbocrats like VP Biden and Sec of State Clinton did a good job of voting in lockstep with George Bush when they voted for the war in Iraq. johnnie
Even with Franken, breaking up (a filibuster) is hard to do
It wasn't too long before that that Newsweek had a cover which they used the word wimp on the cover to talk about George Bush.
The Acting President
George Bush, the elder, was palsy-walsy with Saudi Arabia, pandering for oil, cutting taxes on the wealthy a la Reagan's fuzzy trickle down economics, championing ousourcing of American jobs, increasing the national debt, borrowing to balance the budget.
ABC News: Top Stories
Remember when George Bush spit on the First Amendment by making his opponents stand in cages miles from where he was to protest him?
Think Progress » VIDEO: On Anniversary Of Oklahoma City Bombing, Armed Right-Wing Activists Accuse Obama Of Tyranny