How To Use Geopolitics In A Sentence
These developments are having a major impact on the geopolitics of the region.
Such is the culture of hatred and revenge, as surely in geopolitics as in samurai films or the family feuds of the American south: with one side's victory begins the other's quest for vengeance.
To attempt to land troops in Venezuela would have galvanised the people of South America against the invaders, which would have been bad for its image and worse for its geopolitics.
But whatever he's doing in geopolitics -- and Obama is certainly giving that Columbia IR degree of his a very extensive workout -- doesn't matter very much to voters.
William Bradley: Obama's Big Mistake
Geopolitics, history and common sense all indicate that a dominant power chooses its own policies without being influenced by the special wishes of others - however friendly.
A smart essay in geopolitics and realpolitik that does not foresee a rosy future for conformists.
The Age of the Unthinkable by Joshua Cooper Ramo: Book summary
The spurious determinacy given the law at the level of the nation-state (because the state has all the guns and can enforce any decisions reached) is entirely absent at the level of geopolitics.
The effect of these changes in world geopolitics and economics are of critical importance.
Nicholas Spykman, the twentieth-century scholar of geopolitics, noted that throughout history, states have engaged in "circumferential and transmarine expansion" to gain control of adjacent seas.
He alternates chapters about all aspects of ‘the Ice’ - glaciology, ice-pack dynamics, ice shelves, etc. with chapters on exploration, literature, Antarctic science, and geopolitics.
Surely, distinctive geopolitics might imply distinctive geostrategy (for instance, China's strategic geography is dramatically different from Russia's).
These developments are having a major impact on the geopolitics of the region.
That points to another weakness: inexperience in dealing with geopolitics can sink a deal.
Installments of the manga have jumped back and forth in setting from the ancient times to modern-day geopolitics.
Anime Preview: Winter 2008/2009 « Undercover
At the Sheraton hotel in Luxor a few tourists were braving the geopolitics — some Europeans, a couple of Japanese, and a scattering of doughty American retirees of the type who can't get along without L.L. Bean boat bags.
Letter From Egypt
Fortunately, world geopolitics being what they are, this had certain advantages.
On the American side, Bin Laden's death might plausibly stoke desires to quit Afghanistan and Iraq which draws considerable support from the public's ignorant conflation of Bin Laden and Saddam asap, i.e. the desperado's dead, the job's done, to hell with long-term geopolitics!
Alive or Dead?
January 21st, 2010 at 1: 58 pm tombaker says: simpletons. geopolitics is not a bruce willis movie.
Think Progress » Former Bush Speechwriter Attacks Reporter For Pointing Out Bush Techniques Were Used By Khmer Rouge
First, by the 1980s, Pax Americana's geopolitics had been replaced by a world of geoeconomics.
The other has to do with the place of Japanese art history within area studies in the context of Cold War geopolitics.
He also appreciated the pivotal role that the supply of water can play in geopolitics.
Times, Sunday Times
At the congress, which has unofficially already started, delegates will approve party statutes and other legal matters but the main thrust of the Congress will be to assess the seven strategic lines of the Simon Bolivar National Project (2007-2021), which are: a new socialist ethic, socialist productive model, revolutionary democratic protagonism (popular power), supreme social happiness, new national geopolitics, new international geopolitics and Venezuela as an energy power.
Venezuela's Chavez wants to see a united PSUV coming out of weekend congress
In philosophy and theology, as in geopolitics, Benson projects three contending blocs.
April 11th, 2009
What was a masterful, elegiac character study in the mould of Le Carré's classic A Perfect Spy becomes an angry disquisition on contemporary geopolitics.