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How To Use Geophyte In A Sentence

  • Another outstanding feature of the Succulent Karoo is the high diversity of geophytes or bulblike plants. Succulent Karoo
  • On the lower western slopes of the Andes and the eastern slopes of the Coast Range, the typical matorral is open and contains a rich assemblage of endemic herbaceous and geophyte species. Biological diversity in the Chilean winter rainfall-valdivian forests
  • Analysis of growth-form composition also reveals a high percentage of succulents and a low abundance of geophytes and annuals.
  • Other distinctive features in comparison with other Mediterranean-climate floras include the large number of geophytes or bulblike plants (1,552 spp.), especially among the petaloid monocots, and the relative paucity of annuals (6.8 percent of the flora) and trees (2.4 percent). Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • Finally, fynbos includes more than 1 500 species of bulbs or geophytes, many of which have been developed worldwide as valuable horticultural plants, e.g., freesias, agapanthus, gladioli, and ixias.
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  • Finally, geophytes or bulblike plants, are usually most conspicuous after fires, and also have attractive blooms. Montane fynbos and renosterveld
  • Baboons and molerats are dependent upon geophytes, and molerats are capable of eating toxic geophyte bulbs, such as Boophane spp., Montane fynbos and renosterveld
  • The dominant herbaceous ground vegetation at higher elevations is composed of hemicryptophytes such as Polygonum amplexicaule, Rumex nepalense, Fragaria nubicola, and Berberis spp. and geophytes such as Polygonatum geminiflorum, Lilium polyphyllum, and Habenaria aitchisonii. East Afghan montane conifer forests
  • Bulbs are geophytes including flower-producing bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes with underground storage systems.
  • Ethnographically, geophyte elsewhere (Brooks et al., Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Pollination of petaloid geophytes by monkey beetles (Scarabaenidae: Rutelinae: Hopliini) in southern Africa. Succulent Karoo
  • Other distinctive features in comparison with other Mediterranean-climate floras include the large number of geophytes or bulblike plants (1,552 spp.), especially among the petaloid monocots, and the relative paucity of annuals (6.8 percent of the flora) and trees (2.4 percent). Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • 2010/09/: RSTB: (ab$) Flowering phenology, fruiting success and progressive deterioration of pollination in an early-flowering geophyte by James D. Thomson ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Most of the 630 species of geophytes are petaloid monocots in the families Hyacinthaceae (Lachenalia, Ornithogalum), Iridaceae (Babiana, Lapeirousia, Moraea, Romulea), Amaryllidaceae (Brunsvigia, Hessea, Strumaria) and Asphodelaceae (Bulbine, Trachyandra). Succulent Karoo
  • Geophyte diversity is particularly high; the lowland and montane ecoregion support about 1,500 species, most belonging to the petaloid monoct families, notably Iridaceae, Orchidaceae, Hyacinthaceae, and Amaryllidaceae. Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • Geophyte diversity is remarkably high; the lowland and montane fynbos ecoregions support about 1,500 species, most belonging to the petaloid monocot families, notably Iridaceae, Orchidaceae, Hyacinthaceae, and Amaryllidaceae. Montane fynbos and renosterveld
  • Although variations in relief on the rocky outcrops provide a myriad of microhabitats, habitat preference of these geophytes is dependent upon the mat species.
  • Geophytes, or bulblike plants, are usually most conspicuous after fires, have blooms which are especially attractive. Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • The mesophilous semideciduous forest with fluctuating moisture has an arboreal story 8-15 m high, an undergrowth of microphyllous and thorny deciduous species (with leaves 1-6 cm long), and a rich herbaceous layer formed by numerous geophytes. Cuban dry forests

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