How To Use Geometrically In A Sentence
The solution had to be general and calculable at the same time and in a mathematical fashion, that is, geometrically founded.
To give you an example of how a diffracted field would differ from a field propagated geometrically, we consider the case of light traveling through a narrow slit in a metal plate:
Optics basics: What is a wave? Part III: Diffraction « Skulls in the Stars
Geometrically the resolvent enables us to resolve the whole spread represented by any given set of algebraic equations into definite irreducible spreads.
All these influences helped him develop the geometrically regular and spare outlines that became the hallmark of his style.
The moderne settings order the space geometrically and rationally while also demonstrating abstract decadence.
Joshua David has described the atmosphere he and his co-founder envisioned as "less like a park and more like a scruffy wilderness," but the results will appear unruly only to those who still think of public gardens as requiring Victorian carpet bedding — yellow begonias and red pelargonium geometrically composed and obsessively mulched.
Up in the Park
While some reactions are linear, chain reactions can spread geometrically aka snowballing, potentially causing large and unexpected impact.
Chain reaction
Spending by Republican-controlled state governments increased geometrically, as roads, hospitals, prisons, asylums for orphans and the insane, and public schools were built all over the South.
A Renegade History of the United States
I can't be geometrically accurate about that, but there are proportions that are comfortable and proportions that aren't, and the ceiling height is an important part.
The aplanat is a variation of the simple Abbe, but usually of 3 element design which furnishes a more geometrically perfect cone of light, though its chromatic aberrations are similar to the Abbe's.
A key ingredient of this proof was to represent the complex numbers geometrically, and then to use a topological argument.
He thought it would be ineffective because he had formulated the hypothesis that population increases geometrically while food supplies increase arithmetically.
This moral valuation of the geometrically simple is a markedly human characteristic.
There was a beech table half eaten into by a geometrically precise hummocky valley and a pair of side tables made from cardboard, with what looked like the ghosts of elegant 18th-century cabriolet-legged wooden tables hovering inside them.
Combining Craft with Digital
The problem was, given a circle, to construct geometrically a square equal in area to the given circle.
In subsequent works, he geometrically structured the stippled monochromes to toy with color contrasts.
Think of Islam's medieval armies sprawling from the Indian to the Atlantic Oceans depositing their geometrically interlaced ornamenture and caligraphy along routes carved out by swords.
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Yes, the Yardbirds got there first when it came to extended improvs or "rave ups", but, the Magoos expanded the concept geometrically.
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For example, in many types of breast surgeries, either following mastectomy, mastopexy (breast lift) or body contouring procedures, there is a significant need for scaffolding technology that can immediately support a geometrically complex implantation site at the time of surgery, and provide the body both the time and structure necessary for optimal healing.
When the children were babies, I would place them in a small wooden carriage and walk them on the geometrically designed concrete path through a beautiful garden of perfect flowers and poshly grown trees.
Geometrically, the inner product of two vectors can be considered a measure of their similarity.
A key ingredient of this proof was to represent the complex numbers geometrically, and then to use a topological argument.
In other words, a dielectric material (insulative substance) that geometrically may be considered as a lens that is taken at its center point and pulled out into an elongated rod, cone, pyramid, etc., such as helical cones on the legs of some mites (Figure 1).
Chapter 5
They come on rectangular, white ceramic plates, which interlock into a very geometrically pleasing pattern on the table.
On occasion they face peril, if not great inconvenience: wind spouts, branchless trees, and imprisonment in geometrically structured environments that resemble Versailles tended to by Le Corbusier and the Marquis de Sade.
James Scarborough: Lisa Adams and the Spirituality of Imperfection
There was a beech table half eaten into by a geometrically precise hummocky valley and a pair of side tables made from cardboard, with what looked like the ghosts of elegant 18th-century cabriolet-legged wooden tables hovering inside them.
Combining Craft with Digital
Prosecutions for sodomy declined sharply in the colonies in the eighteenth century, even as the population increased geometrically, and in the port cities during the American Revolution, little or no misspent seed was punished.
A Renegade History of the United States
A key ingredient of this proof was to represent the complex numbers geometrically, and then to use a topological argument.
Hydrophobic interactions and other geometrically nonspecific interactions are lumped together and modeled using effective torsion, v, and H-bond to solvent, u, energy terms.
We mimic the artwork," said Ms. Bancroft, referring to the multihued, three-dimensional, geometrically asymmetrical Dorothea Rockburne paintings on display.
'Oh What a Night' for Parrish Museum
The number of tunnels needed to support a fully meshed IPSec network geometrically increases with the number of sites.
This globalization has also worsened the conditions for new institutions to arise as the expanding number of people who must come to terms geometrically increases the cost of coming to a new agreement.
An Introduction to Ecological Economics~ Chapter 3
The aerodynamic forces generated by rigid and flexible geometrically scaled hawkmoth wings were measured.
it grew geometrically
this shape is geometrically interesting
It drapes geometrically, clashing beautifully with the natural world.
Nevertheless, one may expect a greater similarity between two geometrically similar points than between two geometrically dissimilar points.
Sculpted berms here, geometrically-patterned rows of exhaust stacks there, mastaba-shaped radar facility right over there, chalked footpaths everywhere.
Boullée in North Dakota
It is most illustrative to look at how a cubic Bézier is constructed geometrically, which is pictured below.
In what is perhaps a desire to allude to the baton twirlers of the marching band halftime show, the staging relies too heavily on dancers with giant flowing flags and large, geometrically abstract but still twirlable props.
The understanding of the individual reactions in glycolysis grew geometrically.
Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
This is the central figural medallion, or emblema, of a geometrically patterned floor, executed in minute tesserae of subtly graduated tones, that depicts a dog seated next to an overturned golden vessel.
After several trials, the researchers determined that nickel catalysts, which share similar properties to palladium materials, allowed the α-ketoesters to add to nitroalkenes with high yields and purity; over 90% of the final product corresponded to a specific stereoisomer, a molecule with a hard-to-achieve, geometrically distinct structure.
R&D Mag - News
At this time his work was purely abstract, featuring geometrically disposed bars and rectangles in a style close to Mondrian and van Doesburg.
He may paint squares, stripes and oblongs, but they are no longer geometrically precise.
The ear ornaments in this collection are geometrically complex in design, combining squares, circles and triangles into single forms.
He said the disease was increasing "geometrically" on the continent, and that at current prices a total of US250 billion would have to be invested in Africa every year merely to fight it.
ANC Daily News Briefing
UK since the 1960s - largely traces Clark's career development, from concretist works on paper to geometrically abstract collage and finally her famous interactive sculptures.
Culture |
The streets are laid out geometrically and the blocks filled with enormous buildings, some of brick and some of fabricated steel.
There are, however, some atomic structures for which this is not possible, and they are called geometrically frustrated structures.
The cylindrical nave columns are studded with gold mosaic and alternating geometrically decorated capitals.
The plan of the city is more or less the geometrically regular one of main and cross-streets running at right angles to each other, and the principal of these are lined with shops, whose windows display luxurious articles of jewellery, clothing, and other effects such as betoken the taste and purchasing power of a wealthy upper class.
Mexico Its Ancient and Modern Civilisation, History, Political Conditions, Topography, Natural Resources, Industries and General Development
The problem was, given a circle, to construct geometrically a square equal in area to the given circle.
Although I'm reasonable at mental arithmetic, I mostly think geometrically and then must laboriously check my geometric intuition with algebra.
The geometrically rich facade of the Duomo is actually a 19th century reading of what a Byzantine-Moorish church should look like.
The largest part of the composition is taken up by the siding of a house, which is painted plainly, geometrically, in turquoise.
Population, as Malthus said, naturally tends to grow "geometrically," or, as we would now say, exponentially.
Tragedy of the Commons (historical)
This latter statement may also be expressed as follows: The strength of a stimulus must increase geometrically if the strength of the apperceived sensation is to increase arithmetically.
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
Unhindered reproduction, he said, causes the population to increase 'geometrically' ( 'exponentially', we say now), while the means of subsistence increases only arithmetically.
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