How To Use geometric mean In A Sentence
- Pre-defined criteria for overall superiority in the Phase III study were based on geometric mean titers (GMT) and seroconversion, which is defined as either a rise in HAI titer from Medlogs - Recent stories
- Table 3. 2 provides individual estimate for gaseous coal seams with the geometric mean used wherever a wide spread is given.
- It's true that there are other kinds of mean - geometric mean, harmonic mean, quadratic mean and so on.
- For the geometric mean, the lower and upper confidence limits are obtained by considering the antilog of the above limits.
- Adjusted geometric means (often approximating median values) were computed by back transformation (taking the antilogarithm).
- Another measure, the geometric mean cost, can be derived by transforming the costs onto a logarithmic scale, calculating the average, and transforming this back.
- Table 3. 2 provides individual estimate for gaseous coal seams with the geometric mean used wherever a wide spread is given.
- Levels of all metals were transformed logarithmically for the analysis, and results are presented as geometric means (the antilog of the mean of the log values) - adjusted by groups of age and sex - and their 95% confidence intervals.
- Pre-defined criteria for overall superiority in the phase III study was based on geometric mean titers (GMT) and seroconversion, which is defined as either a rise in HAI titer from < 1: 10 to ≥ 1: 40 post-vaccination or a ≥ 4-fold increase in HAI titer post-vaccination from a pre-vaccination titer ≥ 1: 10. Emaxhealth
- Another measure, the geometric mean cost, can be derived by transforming the costs onto a logarithmic scale, calculating the average, and transforming this back.