How To Use Geologist In A Sentence
The established idea that granitoid magmas ascend through the continental crust as diapirs is being increasingly questioned by igneous and structural geologists.
Working as miniature geologists, these robots will have miniature thermal emission spectrometers and an eye-height panoramic camera among their array of scientific instruments.
This prompted him to query Ja-calan, their resident geologist.
The Deluge Drivers
Geologists study the structure of the rocks.
My father was a geologist whose career went through incredible lows, but he is also an eternal optimist.
Times, Sunday Times
He is the geologist who has most eloquently laid out the argument for higher oil prices.
The idea that mountain folds, and the lesser rugosities of the Earth's surface, arose in a wrinkling of the crust under the influence of cooling and skrinkage of the subcrustal materials, is held by many eminent geologists, but not without dissent from others.
The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
Most students who enroll in geology courses do not intend to become geologists.
Several days might be profitably spent by the antiquarian in investigating the contents of the different tiers of galleries; while the geologist would find matter for interesting speculation in the partial intrusion of the older lithoid tufa here and there into the softer and more recent volcanic deposits in which the passages are excavated, and in which numerous decomposing crystals of leucite may be observed.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
To be sure, some geologists have found flaws in certain parts of the theory, but few reject it entirely.
Industry employers also are hiring senior finance executives and experienced technical professionals, such as geologists and engineers.
An Exploration Push Leads
Professor David and R. Priestley, the geologists of Shackleton's expedition, refer to Ferrar's and Prior's description of the foundation rocks, and state that according to their own investigations the foundation rocks consist of banded gneis, gneissic granite, grano-diorite, and diorite rich in sphene, besides coarse crystalline limestone as enclosures in the gneiss.
The South Pole~ Fram Expedition Geology
Geologists often talk about the "flexural" link between tectonic loads and sedimentary basins, but they rarely do the math.
VersionTracker: Mac OS X
But geologists said if a tsunami has not been sighted within three hours local authorities could assume the danger had passed.
The traverse east to west across the island is a pilgrimage that many famous geologists have made.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
Professional geologists and amateur rock hunters flocked to the White Mountains, regarded as a superb site for the study of geomorphology.
But King hid a secret from his Gilded Age cohorts and prominent family in Newport: for thirteen years he lived a double lifeas the celebrated white explorer, geologist, and writer Clarence King and as a black Pullman porter and steelworker named James Todd.
Passing Strange: Summary and book reviews of Passing Strange by Martha Sandweiss.
But hydrogeologists say that it will be a long while before the actual effects begin to show.
Although it may be common for structural geologists to assemble fault-slip data without regard for their ages, such an approach is flawed for multiphase deformation in which the principal stress axes change orientation.
The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists 'equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices and views of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears.
Hold the Mayo
Shortly after Vauquelin’s discovery, a German chemist name Tassaert discovered chromium in an ore that geologists now call chromite (FeCr2O4, ferrous chromic oxide).
Most students who enroll in geology courses do not intend to become geologists.
Together the shield and platform form what geologists call a craton.
Formation of the Earth's crust
There, near the town of Rajahmundry, an international team of geologists has found marine fossils deposited immediately atop the largest ancient lava flow there.
Dinos Doomed by Mega-Eruption, Not Meteor? | Impact Lab
Zircon is rarely present in large quantities in any one rock, making it what geologists call an accessory mineral.
Responsible for mine geology and grade control works to support mine geologist.
The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley.
His mind was essentially what the geologists would call 'a tertiary formation; 'theirs were' protogenic. '
Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
So many blobs are simply the result of stacked geodesics, like Grimshaw's Eden project, a series of bubble-forms that remind me of what geologists call globular clusters.
The second uncommon event produced by the earthquake was the giant wave, known to geologists as a seiche, that formed when Hebgen Lake tipped and water began to slosh from one lake shore to the other and back again.
If people are making policy recommendations based on finds of peat at glacier margins, it seems a matter of common sense that one would want a report on the stratigraphy by a geologist or glacial geomorphologist.
Some Geologists at Quelccaya « Climate Audit
Geologists identified the north-western mountains as some of the world's oldest rocks.
That word "tantalising" is one you'll hear a lot from lunar geologists - although we can see the Moon every night, we still don't know what it's made of and have yet to prove categorically how it got there.
Tantalising hint of knowledge
When we pass from the agency which geologists term igneous, to aqueous and atmospheric agencies, we see the like ever growing complications of effects.
Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
He also happens to be a geologist by training and his thirty research papers (and one published textbook) are all on hydrogeology – and none are on climatology.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
An English geologist has come up with one of the most ingenious ideas yet suggested.
The probability of fossilization is investigated by taphonomists and geologists, who have concluded that it usually is very low.
The county abounds in ironstone, which is contained in the sandstone beds of the Forest ridge, lying between the chalk and oolite of the district, called by geologists the Hastings sand.
Industrial Biography
Many extraordinary changes, of rare interest to the physiographer and geologist, have actually taken place along the coast of Izumo and in the neighbourhood of the great lake.
Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan First Series
A hydrogeologist and an isotope chemist provided professional advice to the ongoing geothermal resource study.
Geologists are aware of the existence of 2000 or more minerals with an amazing variety of properties.
Indeed, to dally with the theory publicly could do serious damage to a geologist's career.
When Aramco’s early geologists began exploring for oil in the 1930s, they needed to import radiotelephones.
Crossing Mandelbaum Gate
The answers to questions about early life on Earth are preserved in the oldest rocks, and Canadian earth scientists include some of the world's best Archean geologists and laboratories equipped to study Archean rocks.
The record is so spotty that geologists are not sure whether areas near the equator or places nearer the poles were the coolest places on earth.
Ice Time: Climate, Science, and Life on Earth
The ratio of the amount of the element produced to rubidium remaining in the sample is one of the methods that is being used by geologists to determine the age of the rocks of the Earth.
A key turning point in church history was caused by a meteorite shower, Swedish geologists have claimed.
Ice contact features known to early geologists included kettles (correctly interpreted by Whittlesey in 1859) and kames.
In 1923, a self-trained Adventist geologist named George McCready Price took White's vision and turned it into a 700-page magnum opus called "The New Geology," where he set the standard for all the muddle-headed creationist pseudo-science that was to follow.
Matt J. Rossano: Creationism: That (Not So) Old Time Religion
A geologist told me awhile ago that this tor is a remnant of the glacial period.
Janey Canuck in the West
A lot of the chemists and geologists and biologists working in astrobiology are fixated on the details, because the history of life and the Earth is really just a catalogue of historical accidents.
As I speak, geologists are in the field and continuing to install what will be a total of 50 seismometers.
Geologists have tried various zircon treatments, including abrading the outer surfaces of the crystals, which are typically a tenth of a millimeter across, or leaching the crystals with strong acid.
The first dinosaur trackway - a trail of 34 footprints of an Allosaurus - was identified by Zimbabwean geologist Tim Broderick only two kilometres away from the new site.
This might seem a particularly appropriate task for geographers although similar work has been the province of biologists, archaeologists and geologists.
Commercial quantities of spodumene are in a special igneous rock deposit that geologists call a pegmatite.
The question of why the plates move gets passed on to the geologists, who appeal to an upwelling of magma that pushes them apart.
They're "the payload" - if we need to drive a palentologist and a crustal geologist around Mars a bunch, they're NSSA astronauts, even if a NSDA astronaut pilots the lander/ascent vehicle and tags along to help carry rocks back to the rover.
What Civil Space Agency Would You Create? - NASA Watch
Dinosaurs may not have been killed off by asteroid impact dust blocking out sunlight, a geologist says.
Geologists uncovered the hidden riches.
Depletion dynamics are, as the geologist Hubbert predicted decades ago, alive and well.
The formal grade of Geologist was dropped in favour of Scientific Officer.
This might seem a particularly appropriate task for geographers although similar work has been the province of biologists, archaeologists and geologists.
These multitudinous strata present such resemblances and differences among themselves that they are capable of classification into groups or formations, and these formations again are brigaded together into still larger assemblages, called by the older geologists, primary, secondary, and tertiary; by the moderns, palaeozoic, mesozoic, and cainozoic: the basis of the former nomenclature being the relative age of the groups of strata; that of the latter, the kinds of living forms contained in them.
Candidates with sub-surface disciplines - geologists, petroleum and well engineers - as well as mechanical and project engineers are especially in demand.
Times, Sunday Times
The geologists were a hardy class, not likely to be much hurt by Adamss learning, nor did he throw away much concern on their account.
Darwinism (18671868)
Armed with rock hammers and shovels, the three geologists began excavating the fulgurite, unaware that what they would eventually uncover would rival the largest fulgurites ever documented.
This generation of archaeologists had borrowed the concept of stratigraphy, meaning “stratification,” from geologists who used the term to describe the strata that made up the earth’s crust.
The Goddess and the Bull
There are a number of major wetland issues in the world that geologists need to be aware of because it is probably only a matter of time before Canadians may be confronted with similar problems.
The geologist records this by marking on a map the dip and strike of the beds wherever they outcrop.
To the orthodox zoologist, phytologist and geologist, such a suggestion savoured of madness; they either took refuge in a contemptuous silence, or condescended only to reply: Had one visited the Garden of Eden during Creation, one would have found that, in the morning, man was not, while in the evening he was! — morning and evening bearing their newly established significance of geological epochs.
Australia Felix
Of these, the only one adequately known to the geologist is the gorgeous flora of the Coal Measures, -- probably the richest, in at least individual plants, which the world has yet seen.
The Testimony of the Rocks or, Geology in Its Bearings on the Two Theologies, Natural and Revealed
But I still think it remains a fair question: Would the not-unsubstantial investment in an MSR mission designed to ferry a cache of tiny surface scratchings to earthside labs be all that more efficient/cost-effective than sending along a team of trained geologists to manage the collection with a robust on-site laboratory available for immediate assessment of specimen value?
Mars Program Gets no Special Treament - NASA Watch
Coastal ecosystems have been forced to migrate staggering distances since the waning of Pleistocene glaciers began to drive the postglacial rise in global sea level, termed eustasy by geologists.
Instinctively one would have called him "Professor", though whether naturalist, geologist, or plain "bugologist", one would have had difficulty in determining.
The Romance of Elaine Sequel to "Exploits of Elaine"
Anthony's defense team also called a geologist, toxicologist and fiber analyst — all from the FBI— as witnesses on Day 25 of the trial, which was only a half-day because of a prior commitment for Judge Belvin Perry.
Scientists for defense testify in Anthony trial
That's exactly what we are talking about," said John Rodgers, an ecotoxicologist at Clemson University in South Carolina, who along with James Castle, a geologist at Clemson, developed the killer algae theory. - latest science and technology news stories
Indeed, it is the rudists who have suffered from a singular lack of courtesy from ill-bred geologists, who rejoice in pointing out that rudist masses are not really ‘reefs.’
Chinese geologists are pitting their knowledge, skill and modern technical equipment against nature in an effort to get more oil for their country.
That's not what geologists expect from the gradual accretion of crust at plate boundaries, but it could be the handiwork of episodic volcanic outbursts, fed by broad plumes of rock that rose periodically from deep in the mantle.
So if we think on that time scale, if we think as far ahead as geologists are accustomed to think backwards into the past, then it's not crazy.
Even a geologist can function without agreeing to the time scale; he just needs to be able to sort out the lithologic sequences and events.
The Restraining Order Between Faith And Science « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
Geologists use paleomagnetic studies for dating purposes, but also have used the techniques to map continental drift.
Archive 2005-12-01
Geologists consider Darfur a promising area for exploration, since it has many similarities with the nearby Fezzan basin of Libya, which has commercial oil production, according to Ansan Wikfs's Web site.
China Discusses Darfur Oil-Hunt Aid
An audience of amateur and professional mineralogists and geologists is expected.
Taylor (physiographer), Debenham (geologist), Gran and myself, while Day was to drive his motors as far as they would go on the Polar Journey.
The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
Geologists care about sediments, hammering away at them to uncover what they have to say about the past—especially the huge spans of time as the Earth passes from one geological period to another.
Later, the robot field geologist then took about a dozen images of the Sun to catch the eclipse by the Martian moon, Phobos before shutting down again for a little nap.
Those professional mineralogists, geologists, collectors, and curators lucky enough to possess the complete set have at their fingertips the critical data for those species known at the time each volume was prepared.
It is also probably inevitable that six geologists will not stay unanimous for very long.
This detailed knowledge of land formations should help geologists find mineral resources and evaluate geologic hazards such as earthquake zones.
The occurrence of the clay here as an inferior bed, with but the cornstone of the Old Red beneath, and all the beds of the Weald resting over it, forms a riddle somewhat difficult of solution; but it is palpably not reading it aright to regard the deposit, with at least one geologist who has written on the subject, as older than the rocks above.
The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
The term contemporary formation is here taken in the sense attached to it by geologists, in speaking of beds of quartz in clay-slate, granular limestone in mica-slate or feldspar in gneiss.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The earthquake at Koyna, with a magnitude of 6.9 on the Richter scale, contradicted this belief and evoked interest on the part of geologists, geodesists, dam experts, and engineers.
When chemists have brought their knowledge out of their special laboratories into the laboratory of the world, where chemical combinations are and have been through all time going on in such vast proportions, -- when physicists study the laws of moisture, of clouds and storms, in past periods as well as in the present, -- when, in short, geologists and zoologists are chemists and physicists, and _vice versa_, -- then we shall learn more of the changes the world has undergone than is possible now that they are separately studied.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 11, No. 67, May, 1863
The core was recently extracted from beneath the floor of the crater so that geologists could examine the stratigraphic evidence.
Geologists are now investigating whether these groupings correspond to another new source of evidence of cyclic patterns in Earth's recent history.
Geologists have found a few remaining pockets of iron ore.
Arizona State University geologist Philip Christensen believes that the layers may represent deposits in an ancient lakebed.
The senior engineering geologist told the environmental consultancy he would like to work flexibly when his daughter was born and asked for a four-day week.
Times, Sunday Times
The nine civilians on the expedition included two artists, two botanists, a conchologist, a geologist, two naturalists, and a philologist.
The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists 'equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears.
Power and Control
Hydrocarbons are divided into groups of which those of especial interest to geologists are the paraffin, cycloparaffin and aromatic groups.
Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin (1843-1928) was a respected and influential American geologist and science educator who supported the concepts of multiple glaciation and planetesimal origin of the Earth, and was among the first to emphasize carbon dioxide as a major regulator of Earth's temperature.
Climate Change Biographies
More than half of Dana's published work is on geological subjects, but he was a mineralogist and a zoologist as well as a geologist.
Geologists say the fields off the island contain 480 billion cubic meters of gas.
Geologists have long studied mountains for clues to Earth's tectonic history.
Further study of sand on an incline could help geologists understand landslides and mudflows - cases where rocks and dirt flow down rough surfaces.
Recently, a task force of geologists and chemists proposed a new unit of measure called the annus - the Latin word for year - which would use the length of time between one equinox or solstice and the same equinox or solstice a year later.
NYT > Home Page
According to a new report by geologists using instruments on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter to look at the "parfait" of layers inside Gale Crater, the layers show that Mars was likely wet at one point, but gradually dried over time.
Multi-Layer Mars Parfait Provides Environmental Record | Universe Today
Intensive interdisciplinary research by archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists, taphonomists, animal behaviourists and psychologists has proved Darwin right on both scores.
Company geologists regularly visit stopes and development headings to gather samples, map local geology, and give direction to miners.
Hubbert also explained the puzzling displacement of enormous blocks of material, known to geologists as overthrust faults, as a consequence of fluid pressure between such blocks and underlying materials.
Hubbert, Marion King
But geologists and astrophysicists had perhaps got a little bored with the arguments for gradualism.
The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
His home life was happy; like so many geologists, young Adam spent time rambling through the countryside, looking at and collecting rocks and fossils.
If you are one of the benighted majority, you should know that he was one of those Victorian Scottish polymaths; a poet, theologian, and geologist of some genius.
He enlisted two local geologists who scoured the existing geological data and found a large polyhalite deposit.
Times, Sunday Times
Geologists are aware of the existence of 2000 or more minerals with an amazing variety of properties.
This takes teams of all disciplines (marine geologists, marine chemists, hydrodynamicists, marine biologists and a bunch of very skilled technicians).
The rugged driftless area got its name because of early geologists' inability to find evidence of glacial drift.
Guyot was at that time forty years old, and was already widely known as a geologist and naturalist, and the delivery of a series of lectures before the Lowell Institute, established his reputation in this country.
American Men of Mind
Darwin corresponded with numerous biologists, breeders, and geologists in the course of gathering his material.
His French father, who explored much of this area as a geologist, was also a scrupulous map-maker.
I had to travel around the world and talk to all sorts of people -- oilmen, warlords, politicians, economists, geologists, environmentalists, sheikhs, lobbyists, and roughnecks.
News Junkies
Chinese geologists are pitting their knowledge, skill and modern technical equipment against nature in an effort to get more oil for their country.
Most geologists I know would call the entire rock a “stromatolite”, rather than trying to point to any particular part of the rock.
Stromatolites - The Panda's Thumb
Also, I feel sure that professional geologists, mineralogists, and petrologists who read the booklet will see several definitions they would modify.
Put the question to a group of geologists and they'll mention plate tectonics and volcanic hot spots.
The samples are of particular interest to geologists because they contain large amounts of the element, osmium (Os).
For several generations of geologists the name of J. D. Dana was associated with the concept of the geosyncline, an elongated downwarp in the Earth's crust in which a great volume of sediments accumulated.
Was a geologist, and had previously worked in hydrogeology while in college, so I moved into hydrogeology/environmental work.
Deepwater Drilling Moratorium Already Kicking LA’s A$$ | RedState
Antiquites Celtiques," published in 1847, M. Boucher de Perthes styled these older tools "antediluvian," because they came from the lowest beds of a series of ancient alluvial strata bordering the valley of the Somme, which geologists had termed "diluvium.
The Antiquity of Man
Thus inducted, these mechanic para-geologists were dispersed through the backveld, each in charge of a drill, and spent a minimum of three years working in a division to acquire experience, reading and boring the local geology.
This practice was in keeping with the survey process; for topographers or geologists, cloud formations at any given moment were transient and incidental to the structure of a view.
According to geologists, mountains are formed because of volcanic activity or the movement of the plates of the earth.
Beginning in 1994, a multi-disciplinary team — which consisted of T. Allan Comp, a historian and director of the non-profit AMD&ART; Robert Deason, a hydrogeologist; Stacy Levy, a sculptor; AmeriCorps interns; and landscape architect Julie Bargmann, of D.I.R.T. Studio — were tasked to create “a large-scale, artful public space that directly addresses the problems of AMD and much more.”
Treating Acid Mine Drainage in Vintondale
I even thought, with many other geologists, that obsidian, so far from being vitrified lava, belonged to rocks that were not volcanic; and that the fire, forcing its way through the basalts, the green-stone rocks, the phonolites, and the porphyries with bases of pitchstone and obsidian, the lavas and pumice-stone were no other than these same rocks altered by the action of the volcanoes.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Liebig was dismayed that ‘without a thorough knowledge of physics and chemistry, even without mineralogy, a man may be a great geologist in England’.
Geologists suggested the layers may have been formed either by ash from a volcano or from sediments deposited by wind or liquid water.
When a number of well-defined strata cleave vertically, and one end of the series sags below the other, or lifts above it, the process which geologists call faulting, the scenic effect is varied and striking; sometimes, as in
The Book of the National Parks
One thing that is most striking is in the area where there are large vertical faults you see a much higher instance of water wells being affected," said Geoffrey Thyne, the hydrogeologist who wrote the report's summary and conclusion [4] (PDF).
Officials in Three States Pin Water Woes on Gas Drilling
The Dutch sedimentary petrologist and marine geologist Philip Kuenen is best known for his research on turbidity currents and their deposits.
That famous geologist suggested that large asteroidal objects hit the Moon, forming its craters.
By convention the geologist plots coarse grains to the left of the abscissa and fine to the right.
The formal grade of Geologist was dropped in favour of Scientific Officer.
My grandfather, a solicitor, was an amateur geologist and anthropologist with a special interest in Aboriginal languages, and a bibliophile who passed on his passion for books and reading to my father.
Geologists identified the north-western mountains as some of the world's oldest rocks.
Hydro-geologist Carol Lee-Ibbotoson said the two main risks at the site were quality and quantity and the adverse impact extractions would have on these.
Swedish chemist and geologist who discovered the elements holmium and thulium.
Remember, this isn't the first time these so-called geologists have tried to sabotage our mining operation.
The record is so spotty that geologists are not sure whether areas near the equator or places nearer the poles were the coolest places on earth.
Ice Time: Climate, Science, and Life on Earth
Of the other finds, three small cylindrical objects from the Domestic Area gave us all -- archaeologists, conservators, archaeozoologist, archaeobotanist, geologists, and Depot Managers -- something to puzzle about.
Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Small Finds Conservation Report 1
Chinese geologists are pitting their knowledge, skill and modern technical equipment against nature in an effort to get more oil for their country.
Some geologists noted similarities between the lakes' steaming cracks and the fumaroles of volcano craters - and wondered if magma might be brewing there.
Geologists study the structure of the rocks.
Satellite or airborne multispectral imaging of this kind, used a lot by geologists and environmental analysts, holds great potential for archaeology - but to date its use has been limited.
Geologists have found a few remaining pockets of iron ore.
I have an aesthetic appreciation of rock as a geologist, and in turn people should be persuaded that geology is part and parcel of any appreciation of the world around us.
Geologists know it as an area of mysterious abyssal hot spots where sediments may hold millions of dollars worth of precious metals.
The senior engineering geologist told the environmental consultancy he would like to work flexibly when his daughter was born and asked for a four-day week.
Times, Sunday Times
Later geologists described the lakes as basins scooped out by glaciers.
The kind of ferruginous pavement of the boulder-clay known to the agriculturist as _pan_, which may be found extending in some cases its iron cover over whole districts, -- sealing them down to barrenness, as the iron and brass sealed down the stump of Nebuchadnezzar's tree, -- is, like the white strips and blotches of the deposit, worthy the careful notice of the geologist.
The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
This detailed knowledge of land formations should help geologists find mineral resources and evaluate geologic hazards such as earthquake zones.
Benner had been on Catalina Island, off Los Angeles, with a group of geologists, and he was leading them through some experiments involving the sugar ribose, a mineral with calcium in it, and water.
First Contact
The greater a concentration of mass is, the stronger its gravitational pull, "creating bumps around the globe, " says geologist Joe Meert at the University of Florida in Gainesville.
A geologist is a member of an accepted field of study, with defined expertise, grounded on a specified set of courses in graduate / postgraduate study.
New Scientist - Online News
Geologists have studied the sand grains from modern desert dunes and under the microscope they often show pitted or frosted surfaces.
Geologists have devised a number of clever ways to reconstruct the past movements of tectonic plates.
Chinese geologists are pitting their knowledge, skill and modern technical equipment against nature in an effort to get more oil for their country.
Mining geologists, petroleum geologists, and hydrogeologists are highly qualified specialists; degrees in mining geology have been given for about 150 years at various universities.
In 2005, hydrogeologist Robert Moran conducted a technical review of Pacific Rim's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the El Dorado Mine Project, concluding the company's study was incomplete and lacked necessary data and testing.
Canadian Company Threatens El Salvador with Free Trade Lawsuit Over Mining Project
On this island, where a full month was spent, the geologist made very extensive collections, and began the mapping of the country; the magnetician had some of his instruments in working order for a short while; and the meteorologist was able to co – operate with the Argentine observer stationed at
South: the story of Shackleton’s last expedition 1914–1917
Mark Creasy, a veteran prospector who now employs 10 geologists and staff, made at least A$130 million when he sold his Bronzewing and Jundee discoveries north of Kalgoorlie in 1994.
Geologists will thrill to the revelation of the layers of limestone, shale and sandstone.
Like all the radioactive clocks used by geologists, potassium/ argon timing works only with so-called igneous rocks.
Yu-Feng Lin, a hydrogeologist at the Illinois State Water Survey, is on a mission to tackle a top national research priority using Mathematica.
Wolfram Blog : Mathematica and Natural Resources Research
Among the speakers at Duke's fracking workshop were, from left to right, EPA hydrogeologist David Jewett, ExxonMobil's Michael Parker, and Environmental Defense Fund's chief scientist Steve Hamburg.
Bill Chameides: Minds Meet on Shale Gas/Fracking
The traverse east to west across the island is a pilgrimage that many famous geologists have made.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
Geologist Ward and astronomer Brownlee are at the fore of this exciting new field and join forces here to illuminate likely scenarios for the end of Earth.
The further delay is caused by the Agency requiring time to peruse the report on the site submitted recently by a hydrogeologist.
Geologists believe that tanzanite was formed more than 585 million years ago.
Times, Sunday Times
I use it much as a geologist does the word denudation -- for an agent, expressing the result of several combined actions.
More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 1
I also am fond of words like "lacustrine" what lake deposits are to a geologist.
This subkingdom includes two classes of interest to the geologist, -- the HYDROZOA, such as the fresh-water hydra and the jellyfish, and the CORALS.
The Elements of Geology
Geologists commonly reserve the term placer for unconsolidated sediment - materials that have not been lithified.
Some such convulsion as geologists declare has already frequently befallen our earth; and, as they prophesy, is shortly coming again.
Lazy Thoughts of a Lazy Girl Sister of that "Idle Fellow."
Nineteenth-century geologists, basing their estimate on sedimentary rock strata, gauged Earth's age to be hundreds of millions of years.
The geologist found many uncovered fossils in the valley.
And a geologist is not truly a scientist unless he practices science instead of just finding rocks.
Dumbest quote
More than 1,400 scientists, engineers, and geologists from 50 countries downloaded the company's data and started their virtual exploration.
For this reason, we asked local creationist geologists, very familiar with the geology of the area, to show us any apparent field evidence for ancient soils.
A hydrogeologist and an isotope chemist provided professional advice to the ongoing geothermal resource study.
Geologists and others interested in ore textures also find the slabbed high-grade specimens interesting.
Tese areas were not normally frequented by geologists and were unheard of at the freshman level.
Chinese geologists are pitting their knowledge, skill and modern technical equipment against nature in an effort to get more oil for their country.
Because early geologists did not find recent glacial drift in the region, it became known as the Driftless Area.
Kevin Pickering, a geologist at University College London who specializes in sedimentary rocks, said, "The photos appear to show iron-stained sedimentary rocks, probably thin beds of silicified sandstones and shales, which were most likely laid down in a marine environment a long time ago.
Raiders of the Faux Ark
Scott Tyler, a hydrogeologist at the University of Nevada, Reno, was one of the first researchers to adapt the tool for science, tweaking it to be more precise (to a 10th of a degree) and more durable: "We had to figure out, for example, what kind of cable a snapping turtle wouldn't bite through.
Wired Top Stories
However, in recent decades geologists have been saying that the gradualistic uniformitarianism of Charles Lyell does not match the evidence.
The mountains are formed of a species of granite, the greater part of which is of a crumbling nature, and through them runs a stratum of a red sandy formation, which, I suppose, geologists would call "poecilitic.
Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas