
[ UK /d‍ʒˌɪəlˈɒd‍ʒɪkli/ ]
  1. with respect to geology
    geologically speaking, this area is extremely interesting
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How To Use geologically In A Sentence

  • Geologically, it would be about 10,000 years old, as the last glaciations meant that entire area was covered with glaciers,’ he said.
  • Here the aged lanes striate, as if geologically, in tight rows of narrow Levantine houses.
  • The terminal moraine, which is the one that closed up the lake, separating and raising it above the level of Lake Tahoe, is a less noble mound, yet geologically it allures the mind and demands study as much as the others. The Lake of the Sky Lake Tahoe in the High Sierras of California and Nevada, its History, Indians, Discovery by Frémont, Legendary Lore, Various Namings, Physical Characteristics, Glacial Phenomena, Geology, Single Outlet, Automobile Routes, Historic Town
  • But in the Poloyo skullcap, even though its cranial capacity is similar to the smaller of the H. erectus specimens from Sangiran, there are also features commonly associated with the much larger brained, geologically younger Ngandong specimens including the very broad frontal (forehead) formerly attributed to expansion in brain size, details of the browridge, and relationships between muscular attachments on the temperal bone, and details of the occipital torus on the back of the vault. Case of the Curious Cranium
  • Geologically the axes from the New Guinea Highlands comprise thermally metamorphosed basalt, chert and greywacke depending on quarry source.
  • The first is that climate swamps structure and lithology, an admission that few geologically trained or biased geomorphologists would make.
  • However it was found to be geologically unstable and would likely blow itself to ashes in about six cycles.
  • Even worse, Quammen ignores the Cambrian explosion, in which many of the major groups ( "phyla") of animals appeared in a geologically short time with no fossil evidence of common ancestry -- a fact that Darwin himself considered a "serious" problem that Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • He claimed that the site was geologically unsound and any stress caused by a shift in water levels could cause an earthquake.
  • The Cape Floristic Region is more-or-less coincident geologically with the Cape Supergroup, a Devonian-Ordovician series of sedimentary strata, consisting of alternating layers of quartzitic sandstones (the Table Mountain and Witteberg Groups) and fine-grained shales (Bokkeveld Group). Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
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