How To Use Geological In A Sentence
The fact that these rocks were not supplying detritus to the sedimentary basin is consistent with the geological observation that they always appear covered by the younger deposits, with little or no discontinuity until the Devonian.
These details are important for geodynamical modeling, which may one day predict complex geological processes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. - latest science and technology news stories
Topographic and geological maps are the next stop to identify likely areas based on physical features such as sinkholes, known outcrops of cave forming rocks, and known cave locations.
The geological prospecting team ranged over the desert in search of valuable deposits of oil.
Previously he had been engaged in making a geological map of Devon and he now continued this work in an official capacity.
Eluvium is the geological term for detritus from weathering rock (soil, dust and rock particles are broken down and redeposited by the wind).
ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods
The granite peaks and sylvan hollows in the Blue Ridge Mountains are the results of geological changes and metamorphosis over perhaps a billion year period of time.
Background radiation is a feature of our environment on Earth extending back throughout geological time.
A group of scientists from the University of South Carolina in Columbia says that they've used geological anomalies, as well as clues from rock samples, to identify an ancient crater buried beneath the piedmont sediments of their state.
S.UART S.PKIN, U.S. GEOLOGICAL S.RVEY: Most earthquakes do not have any kind of indication that it's coming.
CNN Transcript Jan 12, 2010
Aim To date precisely the gabbro vein from Luohansi group and discuss its geological significance.
By the 1950s confusion had arisen over the use of geological terms referring to strata and to time.
This effort complements that of Keller's Oklahoma Geological Survey colleagues, whose work focuses on the intraplate region around Oklahoma.
I've come out of a rifted society, and I'm very, very interested in that idea, that you can take a physical and geological divide, and conceptually close it, and heal, heal people, heal yourself.
CNN Transcript May 30, 2009
This chapter also draws largely, especially upon geological and chemical science, and affords another illustration of what, I trust, Mr. Stephens's book will more and more impress upon our working farmers, that _skilful practice is applied science_.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
As a Quaternary and glacial geomorphologist, I agree that geological training is important to understand climate and associated landscape change over long timescales.
Some Geologists at Quelccaya « Climate Audit
The peaks of Mount Kilimanajaro are now naked of snow for the first time in our own 10,000-year long geological period.
The historically older concept of epicycles (small cycles on a bigger cycle) has not found use in the geological literature.
In addition, there is growing recognition of abiotic organic synthesis in various geological materials.
These planation surfaces joined once each other imply that the vast southeastern part of China was in a state of peneplain during late geological period.
Such modelling depends on the heat output, thermal decay and other properties of the waste and geological factors such as thermal conductivities and diffusivities of the host rock.
Many have proved beneficial to areas such as medical diagnosis, geological prospecting and computer system configuration.
Ratios of naturally occurring radioactive minerals to their decay daughters can be used in determining the age of geological materials.
Local imitation of Chinese wares and, later, imitations of those imitations depended on the discovery of native deposits of kaolin or of similar nonfusible earth. 32 reference Projects to invent, or reinvent a product as good as porcelain included geological ventures and mineralogical comparisons as well as chemical tests of porcelain bodies and coloring experiments. 33
The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
It is necessary rather to know the composition of the substances in question — the geological strata, the atmospheric actions, the quality of the soil, the minerals, the waters, the density of the different bodies, their capillarity, and what not.
Madame Bovary
Geologically young, the Rockies exhibit faulting, glaciation, and volcanism, resulting in rugged, spectacularly scenic terrain.
We contrast the geological development of the Bainang terrane with that of other terranes in the region and consider this in the broader context of Neotethys evolution.
From researching the projects and writing this paper, nuclear power plant engineering geological database is built preliminarily, and implement scientific management for the related data is implied.
Geological periods are defined with reference to a Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point.
Geological features from the Ice Age.
A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
Geological Survey have surveyed the United States and found 6,000 square miles (15,500 square kilometers) of so-called ultramafic rocks at or near the surface that could be ideal for storing the excess gas.
Strengthening guarantee capacity of mineral resources is basic task of geological work.
geological formations
The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists 'equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices and views of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears.
Hold the Mayo
Of course I mean more than a small dinky deposit, anyone with some geological training or even studying can figure out probable areas where there might be a deposit.
The giant waves followed a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, that struck about 120 miles off the Samoan coast at 6:48 a.m. local time Tuesday.
The detailed sequence of morphological changes of calcite crystals possibly provides a record of the elevation of the saline transition zone, with which hydrogeological models must be consistent.
Beginning in Early Miocene time, southward extrusion of the Greater Himalayan Slab has had a profound influence on the geological and geomorphological evolution of the Himalaya.
In the absence of information on site or geological factors affecting emissions from landfill, we examined data for special waste sites as a proxy for potential hazard.
Following graduation, in 1925, he earned a degree in geological engineering from the Colorado School of Mines in 1929 and then prospected for gold in northern California before returning to New York.
Wikipedia has an interesting blurb about it: "Whilst he was in fact describing an actual geological feature - a laccolith which he saw as resembling a cactus 1 - he was also, tongue-in-cheek, commenting on what he saw as an absurd number of "-lith" words in the field of Geology.
Archive 2008-03-01
The term, also, has a resonance that goes beyond the modification of a geological classificatory scheme.
Archive 2010-03-01
An exhibition of geological data and samples organised at the Museum auditorium has turned out to be a big draw for school children in the city.
A strong, magnitude 6.5 earthquake shook Alaska's remote Aleutian Islands early Friday, the US Geological Survey reported. No casualty has been reported yet.
The first volume of the Transactions of the Geological Society appeared in quarto.
According to the US geological survey, China has only about a third of the deposits and for many years a US mine run by Molycorp was the main global supplier.
Other qualitative work indices in geological organizations also leapt ahead.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
Geological data can be preseted as a regularly sampled series.
Never trust a geological ore reserve spruiked verbally – look at the published figures.
Science and Nature: Under fire for 'censorship' « Climate Audit
The structural boundary and structural system of the Cenozoic basin are set up with the aid of experimental contrast and geological generalization method.
The oil and gas reservoirs with distinctive features were widely formed in the mud diapir structure belt because of the special geological conditions in Yinggehai Basin.
One of the first tasks for the architects of Worldwide Plaza was to determine the geological makeup of the site.
Over geological time these small streams will inevitably eat away the whole mountain side and the gorges will probably collapse in on themselves, but don't hold your breath waiting for it.
He was interested in, you know, geological make-up, earth's crust, astronomy, he'd learn about different constellations, ornithology, he was a keen bird-watcher.
Archive 2008-03-01
British Geological Survey maps indicate that the geology of the area is generally glacial till (boulder clay) with underlying coal measures.
Geologically the axes from the New Guinea Highlands comprise thermally metamorphosed basalt, chert and greywacke depending on quarry source.
The distribution of life in the rivers and lakes of Brazil, the immense number of species and their local circumscription, as distinct faunae in definite areas of the same water-basin, amazed him; while the character of the soil and other geological features confirmed him in his preconceived belief that the glacial period could not have been less than cosmic in its influence.
Louis Agassiz His Life and Correspondence
Geologically, this ecozone is primarily horizontally layered sedimentary rock; limestone, shale, and sandstone.
Glacial activity has had a major influence on the development of the landscape including notable geological features such as deep canyons or kursu valleys with nearly vertical walls over 100 m in height cut by melt water, sandurs (outwash plains), boulder hollows, tundra polygons, U-valleys, glacial cirques and moraines, talus accumulations, drumlins, weathering phenomena and palsa bogs.
Lapponian Area, Sweden
Entrance is signalled by a change of material, where the whole of the lower storey seems to shift to the right as if following some sort of geological heave.
The map was a U. S. Geological Survey quadrangle chart large enough in scale to show every arroyo, hogan, windmill, and culvert.
He was interested in the romance of peeling billboard signs and crisp wooden walls, layered like geological strata.
Times, Sunday Times
Etymology.-From Cretaceous, the geological epoch of the genus; and the standard suffix for thrips binomials.
In acting in this way he not only taught them about geology but imparted lessons about how geological knowledge should be acquired.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
In the twentieth century geological surveys over land and sea areas by national institutions and international consortia of oil companies have covered most of the western half of the Arctic basin.
There are many exceptional beaches, walking trails and striking geological formations.
Times, Sunday Times
The taste and science displayed in its execution do credit to the engineer; and the soil in which it is imbedded, being argillaceous, partially encrusted with strontian, reflects equal honour on his geological attainments.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 375, June 13, 1829
The geological formation of the country we had passed through, consisted in the higher ranges of an argillaceous rock, of quartz, or of ironstone.
Journals of expeditions of discovery into Central Australia, and overland from Adelaide to King George's Sound, in the years 1840-1
Remotely-sensed data are most useful when combined with other sources of information such as topographic soils or geological maps.
Chapter 6
Mr Budge said he would overcome the geological problems with so-called retreat mining, a technique successfully pioneered at Selby.
Dutch brick went round the world as ballast in trading ships, confounding its origins as a local, geologically dependent material.
In the meantime, he began studying geological formations, publishing a preliminary report on them in 1661: the De solido intra solidum naturaliter contento dissertationis prodromus.
Archive 2005-08-01
Sea cliffs, maritime grassland, geological formations.
A Guide to Britain's Conservation Heritage
In acting in this way he not only taught them about geology but imparted lessons about how geological knowledge should be acquired.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
Precambrian metamorphism and migmatization and the wide spectrum of mainly Alpine mica ages provide clear evidence for such a polyphase geological history.
Its biennial meetings in Strasbourg are major events in the geological calendar and the programmes include papers on most aspects of the Earth sciences, including palaeontology.
Therefore, in terms of geological age determined by radiolarians and the ammonoid, this brachiopod fauna should be assigned to the latest Changhsingian.
The well will now be geologically sidetracked, as intended, to test the reservoir up-flank between this vertical bore and existing crestal wells to further investigate the quality of the reservoir and provide essential compositional information of the hydrocarbons at intermediate depths.
New Statesman
This sprawling site bears the marks of geological metamorphosis, when sediments have compacted into layers of shale and now preserve the delicate details of these organisms as fossils.
The popular antipathy on the backveld towards geological and engineering science constituted a serious ideological obstacle to state water boring.
Yew Tree Tarn, near Coniston, is in line for a £37, 500 revamp which is aimed at stemming the flow of water from the dam - which has been built on a geological fault.
With its stepped projections and striations of garbage and wood, this baroque construction evoked a geological formation of layered rock and sediment.
The mines had been closed down following a geological survey.
David Hughes is a geoscientist who has studied the energy resources of Canada for nearly four decades, including 32 years with the Geological Survey of Canada as a scientist and research manager.
Asher Miller: There will be fuel? An open letter to the New York Times
Cross Rail, Thames Water, the Olympic site, the new Thames Barrier and the like, and using this to re-evaluate the geological development of the Basin from the Mesozoic to the Present, so setting the geotechnics of the Basin into its geological context. - Latest News
Even if the kimberlitic and lamproitic rocks belong to intrusive phases of different ages, they can still crop out in the same geological sectors; therefore some diamantiferous diatremes may contain diamonds of different ages.
Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.
On the right of the image, sunlight bathes the anti - Saturn side of this geologically active moon.
The geological constitution consists mainly of quartzite schists, gneisses, limestones, and isolated granitic and diabasic intrusions.
Venezuelan Andes montane forests
His carved plywood canvasses are acutely reminiscent of fossil imprints layered in geological strata.
Of course, not all areas are the same and may be composed of more clay materials or sand depending on the fluvial discharges into the lake over the millennia or more recently in geological terms were areas of high organic content caused by a former marshes or period of plant growth.
Soils and foundations
The flora is largely derived from that of south-eastern Polynesia, but is comparatively depauperate, due to the remoteness and the young geological age of the island.
Modern geomorphologists recognize that mountain-building is a geologically recent event.
Through compilations of time-integrated geological and seismological information, areas of high earthquake risk can be identified.
Was Godel correct "that the formation within geological times of a human body by the laws of physics (or any other law of a similar nature) starting from a random distribution of the elementary particles and the field, is about as unlikely as the separation by chance of the atmosphere into its components?
2009 November - Telic Thoughts
The intellectual and creative processes by which we improve infrastructural code are no less natural than the geological forces that turn granite into gneiss, limestone into marble and peridotite into serpentine.
The crystal sphere of thought is as concentrical as the geological structure of the globe.
Nature: Addresses and Lectures (1849)
Dr. Mantell concludes that the islands of New Zealand were densely peopled at a period geologically recent, though historically remote, by tribes of gigantic brevi-pennate birds allied to the ostrich tribe, all, or almost all, of species and genera now extinct; and that, subsequently to the formation of the most ancient ornithic deposit, the sea-coast has been elevated from fifty to one hundred feet above its original level; hence the terraces of shingle and loam which now skirt the maritime districts.
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
Cuvier tried to evade one disturbing implication of extinction by linking the phenomenon to his theory of catastrophic geological changes.
The U.S. Geological Survey said the tremor had a magnitude of 4.8, and that its epicenter was six miles northwest of Tbilisi.
accreted" is what tipped me off to what i was doing. ironically, i came by the word "accreted" honestly, laboring through many synonyms until i found the perfect geological/metaphorical term. but it was so mievillian that maybe it drug the rest of the paragraph into that territory behind it. who knows.
China Miévilling
The deeper the borehole the greater the geological barrier and consequent safety factor but, as indicated above, there are other valuable benefits of going to the depths proposed.
Under the Bush administration, instead of building a framework that would embrace broader strategies, we invested, for instance, billions of dollars in iffy research to abate GHG emissions primarily from oil refineries and power plants, by pumping it into the subterranean geological strata.
Steven Apfelbaum: A Win-Win Policy: Conserving Lands and Mitigating Climate Change in a Public-Private Partnership
The Gap Theory, which seeks to explain the fossil record by inserting geological ages between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, has no basis in Holy Scripture.
Three Amigos or Three Stooges? - The Panda's Thumb
page 153: Eomaia scansoria, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS), redrawn from Qiang Ji, Zhe-Xi Luo, Chong-Xi Yuan, John R. Wible, Jian-Ping Zhang and Justin A. Georgi, ‘The earliest known eutherian mammal’, Nature 416 (25 April 2002), 816–22.
These hydrogeological conditions are controlled by relative land and sea level, erosion and deposition, the cold climate processes of permafrost and glaciation, and rock stress changes.
Eliasson's point of focus is the ‘tongue,’ the geological term for glacial movement in which a mountain snowcap melts, runs down into, a valley and refreezes.
This does not mean, however, that negative inversion is less common, or indeed less important as a geological process.
Its biennial meetings in Strasbourg are major events in the geological calendar and the programmes include papers on most aspects of the Earth sciences, including palaeontology.
The past history, through the ages, of this land was of obvious importance to the geological story of the earth, whilst the survey of land formations and ice action in the Antarctic was more useful perhaps to the physiographer than that of any other country in the world, seeing that he found here in daily and even hourly operation the conditions which he knew had existed in the ice ages of the past over the whole world, but which he could only infer from vestigial remains.
The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
The Main Channel conglomerate is made up of a variety of well-rounded felsite, granophyre, and quartz-feldspar porphyry pebbles, suggesting a geologically diverse source terrane.
In addition to using these skeletal tetrahedral frames as geological armatures, to hold back the earth and facilitate access, they will also bore through the bedrock, drilling new passages and eroding caverns to dwarf the nave of St. Peter's, wherein they will lock into place as columns, arches and internal buttresses.
Accessing the Wilderness, or: A Proposal for a National Park of Abandoned Gold Mines
The study of fossil plants, palaeobotany, it not only of interest in itself, but can be applied to solving a wide range of biological and geological problems.
Geological sciences Professor Roger Bilham has studied tectonic activity in Italy and recently installed a seismic instrument known as a tiltmeter about 125 miles south of L'Aquila, which is located in the mountainous Abruzzo region east of Rome.
Top Headlines at CU Boulder
The first is that climate swamps structure and lithology, an admission that few geologically trained or biased geomorphologists would make.
The geological fault lines underlying the eruptions stretch to the Italian mainland.
The realistic description of the sumptuous banquet in B1 and the wide range of Xenophanes 'reported geographical and geological interests all sit poorly with an Eleatic
Geological investigations must correctly diagnose a specific soil - like condition.
Scarborough Council commissioned geological experts earlier this year to survey the cliffs.
The highest of the bluffs, on the west side of the canyon, were part of a massive geological formation in west Texas called the “caprock,” essentially a long seam of rock that underlies the Llano Estacado and becomes an outcropping just at the point where the high plains give way to the lower, rolling plains.
_Campi_ — will be fitly combined with a general sketch of the geological formations of the island; as we are now approaching the same standing point, the central districts, from which we took occasion to review the orology of Corsica.
Rambles in the Islands of Corsica and Sardinia with Notices of their History, Antiquities, and Present Condition.
Worthy of note also are the Royal Gallery (Pinacoteca) and the zoölogical, mineralogical, geological, anatomical, and the rich numismatical museum (the king's medallion).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
He kicks all sorts of ass explaining how Africa and Europe got dealt different cards geologically (available ports), botanically (available crops), zoologically (available beasts of burden), etc. in the first place and how *that* is a big part of why people in Africa on average are less well off than people in Europe on average are.
"The Stand" and human machine language
The comb filter designed for model M-1 pulse type aeroelectrometer is a appropriate tool for noise suppression. It may be used for reference in other geological equipments.
The intellectual and creative processes by which we improve infrastructural code are no less natural than the geological forces that turn granite into gneiss, limestone into marble and peridotite into serpentine.
Under the assumption of uniform geological process rates Darwin estimated that ~300-million years had elapsed from the base of the Cambrian to the present.
Dawkins on the OOL
These include geological formations of notable interest as scenery and as the record of a fossil hydrographic system from fluvial to hyperarid conditions; and wildlife which includes 28 plant species rare in Algeria; one, the rare endemic cypress Cupressus dupreziana, being one of twelve critically endangered plants chosen by the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN to highlight serious threats to species around the world.
Tassili N'Ajjer National Park, Algeria
Geologically, all three are granite and each of them has been rich in mineral deposits now largely exhausted.
The most unsettling aspect of geological deep time was the loneliness of pre-Adamic history, a time span of many millions of years that had gone unwitnessed by human eyes.
Mr Salmond said that Scotland is well placed to lead the world in the technology because of its geological assets - mainly former oil and gas fields and an abundance of porous rock, known as saline aquifer.
These are also the areas in which the traditional use of invertebrate macrofossils in biostratigraphy and paleogeography offers the potential for resolving major geological debates.
If they complain about the rockiness of the 'white sand' you promised, tell them that those rocks are natural geological formations around here, and that they should thank you for providing both a fun and educational experience!
Jilly Gagnon: Welcome to Your Summer Fake-ation!
To the orthodox zoologist, phytologist and geologist, such a suggestion savoured of madness; they either took refuge in a contemptuous silence, or condescended only to reply: Had one visited the Garden of Eden during Creation, one would have found that, in the morning, man was not, while in the evening he was! — morning and evening bearing their newly established significance of geological epochs.
Australia Felix
During their comparatively brief geological lifespan mosasaurs were nonetheless very successful, and following their first appearance in the Turonian they rapidly became abundant in epicontinental seas worldwide.
Crust uplift, as an important geological phenomenon, can make gas pools reach earth's surface and destroy.
The lava from the Undara volcano travelled 164 km to create the longest lava flow from one single vent in modern geological time.
Eliasson's point of focus is the ‘tongue,’ the geological term for glacial movement in which a mountain snowcap melts, runs down into, a valley and refreezes.
The geological prospecting team ranged over the desert in search of valuable deposits of oil.
Adventures, Griffith Taylor, who was physiographer to the Main Party, has written an account of the two geological journeys of which he was the leader, and of the domestic life of the expedition at Hut Point and at
The Worst Journey in the World Antarctic 1910-1913
Alkalescent granites and gold - related silication argillation are geological prerequisites for the formation of noticeable gold deposits.
The results showed that there are good comprehensive mechanical properties in the geological drill rod welded by friction welding.
The region in which the river's waters formerly arose is known to be geologically active, and there is evidence of major tectonic events at the time the Indus civilization collapsed.
The geological formations – moraines, moraine-dammed proglacial lakes, glacier flow – are all very visible.
Dasuopu at Google Earth « Climate Audit
A key issue in astrobiology is to understand the processes responsible for the geological and geophysical evolution of terrestrial planets.
Geological Survey found that driveway dust was contaminated with extremely high levels of benzoapyrene, one of the most toxic chemicals in coal tar. - News
These grids collect a n d continually qualifying for service in those who are there to spiral stellar experience is first preceded store information on biological the Seraphim ranks of biosatellite through that meridian of Light into by an appraisal m a d e by the sub-systems, biomes, ecosystems, worlds by the way they supervise a higher system of space-time con - Higher Evolution of a complete geological-evolutionary cycles, and the consciousness of planetary tinuum. round of biogenesis experienced by make use of noise-glow pressures societies.
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This work, reinforced by geological and comparative anatomy studies, forced a paradigm shift on biology and was seen as overturning firmly held religious beliefs about the origins of life on Earth.
There is a long history behind the ICS; most of the early international geological congresses had symposia and meetings to debate and decide stratigraphical procedures and nomenclature.
We are constantly told that geological processes like petrifaction, fossilisation, and stalagmite formation take millions of years - an unimaginably long time.
Geologically, Ujung Kulon, Gunung Honje and Pulau Panaitan are part of a young Tertiary mountain system, which overlies the pre-Tertiary strata of the Sunda Shelf.
Ujung Kulon National Park and Krakatau Nature Reserve, Indonesia
One writer described it as resembling a geological cataclysm.
Here, according to most of the authors, active extension is dominant over the whole chain, as shown by breakout data and seismicity, as well as by geological and geomorphological analyses.
It is definitely one of the premier geological wonders of cislunar space.
Making that leap depends on the tricky business of exploiting its vast resources deep under the ocean and in tight geological formations on land.
Times, Sunday Times
These are also the areas in which the traditional use of invertebrate macrofossils in biostratigraphy and paleogeography offers the potential for resolving major geological debates.
Geologically, the island consists of gneiss and argillaceous schists, with no trace of fossils, showing that the island is, like the Falkland Islands, a surviving fragment of some greater land-mass now vanished, most probably indicating a former extension of the Andean system.
South Georgia
Geologists care about sediments, hammering away at them to uncover what they have to say about the past—especially the huge spans of time as the Earth passes from one geological period to another.
In addition, methods of photogeological interpretation that had been developed by oil companies were now being adopted more generally.
These information systems and advancing high-speed digital data transmission are already revolutionizing the operations of geological surveys; the exploration of ever-deeper parts of the crust is a good example.
Five years is a geological era in politics, but it is the blinking of an eye for a forest.
Times, Sunday Times
In the very earliest works, humankind is most often figured as species, positioned within geological epochs and in elemental settings, rather than as a congeries of social beings within a recognizably human history.
It happened 252 million years ago, at the boundary of the Permian and Triassic geological ages.
The types of highway construction site lie on the physical geography condition and the geological condition of terrane whose basic parameters are fuzzy and uncertainty.
Montana was a vast three-dimensional world, rich with complex geological strata, alive with the movement of minerals through once-molten rock, shaped and fissured by eons of pressure and time.
Effectively, the rock is left exposed in its geological location, but cut free from its surround.
Submarine geological features distort the local gravity, and its variations cause differences in the height of the ocean's surface.
Times, Sunday Times
Embedded in a low, almost geological podium of slate shards, glass and grey aluminium, the canted parallelepipeds are constructed almost entirely of contiguous glass elements held in place by a skeletal steel frame.
Evidence from matching geological ages and structures turns the world topsy-turvy.
THE EARTH: An Intimate History
Geological problems such as landslides, quicksand, cave-in were persistent through the entire process of construction, and we have built a 5,800-meter-long tunnel in a stratum known as tuff, a type of rock composed of compacted volcanic ash, which is the world's first of the kind," Shen said.
The Times of India
SYDNEY—A magnitude 6.5 earthquake has struck the sea floor northwest of the Vanuatu capital of Port Vila, according to a notice from the U.S. Geological Survey, adding to jitters over tremors in the region following the quake that has devastated parts of Japan.
6.5 Quake Strikes Sea Floor NW of Vanuatu
The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough for geological and grade continuity to be reasonable assumed.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Geological Survey crews also observed a shift in the crater floor and on part of the 1,000-foot lava dome that essentially serves as a plug for magma, he said.
According to one scenario, coal would react with steam and oxygen before combustion to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide, with the carbon dioxide liquefied and stored underground in deep aquifers or other geological formations.
Similar deposits that accumulated during earlier glaciations occur at various levels in the geological column.
The rising sea level will only be partly offset by geological changes in the crust of the earth, which are pushing up parts of the island's land mass.
There are a number of different groundwater systems in Australia that produce dryland salinity and these operate according to local geological and geomorphic conditions.
Deep geological disposal based on the"multiple screening principle"is an appropriate method for the high-level radioactive waste(HLW)disposal accepted generally both at home and abroad.
The geological prospecting team ranged over the desert in search of valuable deposits of oil.
I lost myself in something like nirvana, grew so subject to the idea of vastness in geological time that all human desires and purposes shrivelled to ridiculous unimportance.
Born in Exile
The prestigious International Geological Congress, dubbed the geologists 'equivalent of the Olympic Games, was held in Norway in August 2008 and prominently featured the voices of scientists skeptical of man-made global warming fears.
Power and Control
He claimed that the site was geologically unsound and any stress caused by a shift in water levels could cause an earthquake.
The advance and retreat of the last glaciation caused sea-level changes to take place there very recently, in geological terms.
More than half of Dana's published work is on geological subjects, but he was a mineralogist and a zoologist as well as a geologist.
In acting in this way he not only taught them about geology but imparted lessons about how geological knowledge should be acquired.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
Each type is formed from a different geological process, even though they have the name "marble" in common.
Geological Survey said the epicenter was about 45 miles 70 kilometers away from the provincial capital of Temuco, which has a population of about 250,000.
Major 7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Chile
U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) St. Petersburg, Fla. or at your desk via telecon
In acting in this way he not only taught them about geology but imparted lessons about how geological knowledge should be acquired.
Science, Technology, and Social Change
‘The geological structure is very fragile after the September 21 earthquake,’ said Liu Tsung-kuei, a professor of geosciences at the National Taiwan University.
The immune system is a fairly recent invention in geological terms.
Realizing that the stigmarian roots were part of the plants that made up the coal seams, Logan communicated his observations to the Geological Society of London in February 1840 and later published them as an abstract in the Proceedings and in full in the Transactions.
These might include maps or descriptions emanating from geological, pedological, topographical, or agronomical surveys or from roadworks.
Chapter 5
There was little interest in peatland geology during this early period outside of the Geological Survey of Canada.
Since hydrogen does not exist in geological reservoirs it must be extracted from fossil-fuel feedstocks or water.
Synthetic Fuels Program, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
The epicenter was in the Indian Ocean, 193 kilometers south-southeast of Jakarta, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
Adams chronicles the fate of early Virginia in eight chapters, beginning with its geological and biological history and then turning to the history of its inhabitation by Native American, Spanish, and English residents and visitors.
He enlisted two local geologists who scoured the existing geological data and found a large polyhalite deposit.
Times, Sunday Times
The workers skirted the edge of the cliff on a geological survey.
Geologically, this was a deep valley eroded by the Mississippi during the Pleistocene Era when the sea level was 200 feet below its present stand.