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How To Use Geographical In A Sentence

  • Six biogeographical zones, ranging from subtropical forest to highland scrub, host an impressive 151 species of bird, 34 species of mammal, 228 species of butterfly and countless plants. Taiwan's Greatest Ascent
  • It also has ambitions to broaden its product range and expand geographically. Times, Sunday Times
  • The geographical results were fruitful; the Ross Sea, the Admiralty Range and the Great Ice Barrier were discovered and some eight hundred miles of Antarctic coastline were broadly delineated. The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
  • These immigrants face problems of geographical distance and cultural isolation.
  • There are two classes of objective points, -- objective _points of maneuver_, and _geographical objective points_. The Art of War
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  • The geographical proximity of European countries has permitted fewer channels for terrestrial broadcast services in a single country than elsewhere. Television - policy and culture
  • Even the geographical boundary of Europe to the east has been a matter of some debate.
  • A third limitation is the study's limited geographical scope.
  • The life expectancy benefit of heat is large, too: These longevity gains associated with long term trends in geographical mobility account for 8%-15% of the total gains in life expectancy experienced by the US population over the past 30 years. Climate Preferences: Seek Life, Seek Heat, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • They studied the geographical distribution of the disease.
  • Geographically, it's part of Polynesia and it's home to nearly 1,000 mysterious statues called moai, positioned across the island like sentries. For Chile, Colossal Trouble On Easter Island
  • Each regional section has a brief introduction to set the scene and pick out distinctive geographical and topographical features.
  • There is no difficulty about including Ireland in the British Isles: as you indicate N&Q, 22 December, the latter is a geographical term whereas the non-Britishness of Ireland is a political issue. Notes and queries: What two quite contrary Marys had in common; British Isles – the view from the Channel; Why do baddies always have two henchmen?
  • Zechariah performs his priestly service at the geographical center of Jewish piety, the temple.
  • At first we seem to be in familiar terrain, both emotionally and geographically, since this story of a fractured marriage has been shifted from Oz to England.
  • This was the greatest waterfall of the Nile; and in honour of the distinguished president of the Royal Geographical Society, I named it the Murchison Falls. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 19 — Travel and Adventure
  • Conversely, if genetic exchange occurs between the two lineages in sympatry, interlineage populations should exhibit much less differentiation than should geographically distant NW populations.
  • But it would be right to say, _The discovery of America was more important THAN ANY OTHER geographical discovery_. Practical Grammar and Composition
  • Mr Bolton is eager to extol the virtues of geographical studies.
  • The intellectual stimulus behind this project may have been the tradition of geographical study at Magdalen Hall.
  • Because their caseloads are diverse geographically, health visitors have much less detailed knowledge of who is living in a specific local area.
  • Geographically, the death rate was highest in the rural south-west, and lowest around the big cities, where many men worked in industries essential to the war effort.
  • Occasionally labour-only sub-contractors develop into large organisations or agencies with a significant control of a trade in a geographical area.
  • The chapter, which takes up fewer than 30 pages, contains (by my count) nearly 200 toponyms of nations, counties, towns, streets, rivers, buildings, and other geographical features.
  • Either it means the debate ratings are creeping up, or its unusually dismal Saturday night programming for CBS.CBS News is live streaming the debate right here for those you without benefit of a telly or US geographical location.7.15pm ET: So after his brain feeze last time, Rick Perry is putting in more preparation, right? GOP presidential debate in South Carolina - as it happened
  • Manuscripts are usually sent to two or three reviewers, chosen for their expertise rather than their geographical location.
  • Through most of the Neogene, tropical America has been biogeographically divided into two surprisingly distinct provinces.
  • It is situated in Idris's own geographical territory but it is conceived by and aimed at those who are external to that space and who possess the means of representation and interpretation.
  • He therefore lays little stress on geographical wonders, and in searching for detailed information retails long passages of by then out-of-date description, which can make the interpretation of his evidence very hazardous.
  • Lombardy's centres of viticulture are off-centre geographically - in the far north, in the far south, and in the far east - all well off the region's main axis of communication.
  • Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination, it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome.
  • The earth is largely uninhabited from the perspective of geographical area. Sound Politics: Schools, minds, closed yet again
  • Voting behaviour varies geographically.
  • Would suit: Investors wanting to diversify their geographical spread of investments and who are prepared to take on a medium degree of risk. Times, Sunday Times
  • Outside this geographical core were many different types of attached or dependent territories, where links with the UK originated in migrations of peoples of British stock, or in variations of conquest or cession.
  • Evidently the good denizens of the street were too busy fretting about the economy to concern themselves with such small geographical matters.
  • We are tied together by language and shared experiences, rather than by geographical location. Christianity Today
  • Hell - give me a 12 inch native cutty or whatever might swim in my geographical location natively rather than planted trout. Hatchery Fish: The Weakest Link
  • Species such as red knot ( '' Calidris canutus '') and ruddy turnstone ( '' Arenaria interpres '') are inferred to have had much larger populations and more extensive breeding areas during glacial stages, although others, such as dunlin ( '' C. alpina ''), exhibit evidence of range fragmentation during glacial stages leading to the evolution of distinct geographically restricted infraspecific taxa. Late-Quaternary changes in arctic terrestrial ecosystems, climate, and ultraviolet radiation levels
  • To consolidate learning, children can make cards for a game of 'Snap', with one hand-drawn image and geographical term on each card.
  • Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination, it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome.
  • So this thesis is an attempt to do a research on the folksongs of Yugur Ethnic Group from the geographical point of view.
  • But is it as much a cultural desert as a geographical one? Times, Sunday Times
  • His very geographical situation was sufficient to turn the mind towards him, but the particular reason for that heliotropism on the part of his feminine neighbors was that he was an easy man for a woman to ask. The Wrong Woman
  • It's such an island of contrasts, and it is remote, it's remote geographically from all continents.
  • Because of its geographical isolation, the area developed its own unique culture.
  • Coastal rock and scrub habitats are easily distinguished by the species present and by the geographical location.
  • It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us, socially or geographically.
  • Choose the variety carefully to suit your garden, personal taste and geographical location. The Sun
  • Perhaps air travel, despite Toynbee, after all emancipates the world centre from a geographical locus, enabling it to respond to other factors - population and economic and military power.
  • The geographical position of the frontier fluctuated with the fortunes of war .
  • Teams are likely to be geographically dispersed and culturally diverse.
  • He also knows - and if he doesn't he should - that geographical diversity in a pension portfolio is an essential hedge against harder times at home.
  • We share personal, cultural, political, economic and geographical affinities. Globe and Mail
  • It seems worth stating at the outset that there are two ways geographical research in this general area can proceed.
  • And this, which I call a geographical and a chronological account, is the only account we have. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 10 (of 12)
  • It might be worth stating how problematic it can be to study morphology through time in a geographically restricted subset of a species.
  • She then undertook a geographical and creative pilgrimage, working as an art instructor, graphic designer and book illustrator.
  • Some secondary admissions policies are geographically based literally a map and a pair of compasses; others put loyalty to local feeder schools first.
  • This geographical location of the Spanish borderlands can be described by the Nahuatl word nepantla, an indigenous term meaning ‘the place in the middle.’
  • Frequently many rural communities are faced with more than their physical and geographical isolation.
  • Sir Gordon Conway KCMG. FRS.FRGS, Ex president of the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and current President of the Royal Geographical Society. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Clustering of high fertility families, and geographical and social isolation of some estates, may be important too.
  • The site brings together people with similar tastes in the same geographical area. Times, Sunday Times
  • The appellation irritates residents who insist on the geographical representation of regional names, but "Vail Valley" has been in common use for our greater community for longer than the Vail Daily has existed. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • We can and should debate, for example, issues of geographical scope, and listen to the excitement of the microhistorians while also talking with globalists.
  • Geographical and transport remoteness make areas less accessible to friends, relatives, some tourists and businessmen.
  • Occasionally labour-only sub-contractors develop into large organisations or agencies with a significant control of a trade in a geographical area.
  • Some boreal species in the Barents Sea have responded to environmental change by shifting their biogeographical borders [18] (Fig. 9.27). Past variability in Arctic marine systems
  • The simplest protective barrier is a geographical one, namely to conduct the training away from other centres of activity within the organisation.
  • October 08, 2006 at 07:43 PM for lack of anything better to do as i wait for my dial-up to download the latest LOSTcast, i tried to draw (yet another) version of the ISLAND MAP, based on a lot of screencaps and other fan-made maps, with only ONE MAJOR INCONSISTENCY (so far), but pretty much everything else is taken into account (and no, the "?" isn't there, as i think the "?" in the HATCH MAP is more pyschogeographical than cartographical, which is what the map i drew represents). LOSTCasts 36: A Tale of Two Cities
  • The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.
  • The Court majority offers the muddy suggestion that racial gerrymandering will pass muster if the resulting districts are not too aggressively indifferent to "compactness, contiguousness, geographical boundaries, or political subdivisions. Districting By Pigmentation
  • Portarlington, they say, is the ideal choice because of its location and geographical position.
  • Following an opening of direct links, it may become possible to make day trips to China, geographical barriers will be eliminated, and there will be constant exchanges across the strait.
  • The geographical apartness of people was a contributing factor in the provincialism of medieval thought.
  • Roman empire! how countless the nations which swarm forth, in mingling and indistinct hordes, constantly changing the geographical limits — incessantly confounding the natural boundaries! The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • The extended geographical jurisdiction for offences is being used here not just to cover sedition, but also treason.
  • Bearing in mind the geographical locations of the superpowers, this is easier to contemplate than achieve.
  • Changes to human rights laws cynically exploited by lawyers are also being looked at with an eye to slapping on a geographical limit. The Sun
  • For the record, the deal with horses in North America is that, while members of the genus Equus were numerous and important there in the Pleistocene, they later became extinct (to quote R. Dale Guthrie (2003): ‘equid species dominated North American late Pleistocene faunas in terms of abundance, geographical distribution, and species variety, yet none survived into the Holocene epoch’ (p. 169)). Archive 2006-12-01
  • Large cities mean that there's a lot of young players in a relatively small geographical area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jeff Cain uses historical, botanical, and geographical research on the invasive mustard plant spread throughout California by Franciscan monks to mark the El Camino Real to propose a 600-mile native biome restoration of the historic royal road. Bill Bush: I Shot Andy Warhol: This Artweek.LA (June 13-19)
  • The net has created a world where communication is unconstrained by geographical, temporal or political borders.
  • Nobody lived any more like aborigines in ‘geographical communities’: the community of the 21st century was one-touch, broadband and ‘virtual’.
  • Our misfortune is that we seem to be in the wrong geographical position for the proposed new parish boundaries.
  • These private haplotypes are phylogenetically related but geographically unrelated.
  • Like many twins, Minneapolis and St. Paul are closely related but geographically distant.
  • The term continental US also means the 48 contiguous states, although Alaska is geographically part of the continental US. Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • You can be covering completely different geographical places during a career. Times, Sunday Times
  • The enrolment criteria are geographical rather than academic.
  • Symbols overlap where sampled populations are sympatric or geographically proximate.
  • It is isolated geographically, surrounded by inhospitable landscapes that trap its inhabitants where they are.
  • He also gives the tables of the longitudinal and latitudinal parallaxes for certain geographical latitudes, tables of eclipses, and tables of the visibility of the moon.
  • Trailing an article that uses the term accurately ( "the first world champion from outside the British Isles in 30 years") with an innacurate statement on the front page of the website ( "first foreigner to win world title since 1980") shows how it can be easy to lazily conflate the geographical with the political while making poor Ken Doherty a subject of the British crown. Sport news, comment and results |
  • Geographically the very notion of the Antipodes has long been obsolete, since of course the continents above the equator don't need a counter-weight below to keep the globe from toppling sideways into deep space.
  • In this geographical dissertation the word Niger is still used, which is a name altogether unknown in Africa, and calculated to contuse the geographical enquirer. An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa
  • Political leaders need not only geographical but also ideological constituencies.
  • Its main geographical features are three low hills formed from superheated mud that spews periodically from the earth's bowels.
  • ANOVA was conducted to examine whether the factors varied as a function of geographical region or section membership in CPA.
  • Supported by my lessons, I researched the geographical and historical Atlas that I wrote in ten years under the name Le Sage, which would make my small fortune. THE DIAMOND
  • Geneticists aren't saying there is no such thing as human variation across geographical distance; they're just saying that that variation is clinal. Races as folk taxonomies without biological basis.
  • They are thus capable of monitoring previously inaccessible information and doing so over a much larger geographical space. Sociology
  • Their geographical location tended to coincide with those areas in which the 1936 rising had been successful.
  • We are looking at big, stable multinationals with decent dividends that have exposure to a wide geographical area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another popular theory is that because Penghu is relatively isolated geographically it will be difficult for criminals to get away.
  • A number of URL shortening sites have added or are adding new features ranging from detailed analytics about who's clicking your links and geographically where they're coming from, to features that "unmask" shortened URLs-so you know where a link will bring you before you click.
  • In the Biblical story of the Israelite journey through the desert to the promised land what was in geographical distance only a three month trek took forty years. Rabbi Irwin Kula: Gridlock Is Good
  • The Zambesi Valley is one of Africa's major geographical features and prime draws.
  • To begin with Darwin had solved this problem by invoking geographical isolation.
  • Taxable investors might consider a geographically diversified, high quality municipal bond laddered portfolio. The Way To Get Back Into The Market When You're Gun Shy
  • A biome is a large geographical area that is inhabited by particular plant and animal groups. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination, it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome.
  • As a result of mutual hatred and competition between the Western Catholics and Protestants, in the late 19th century the same process was repeated, this time by the Anglican missionaries, and the other part of the East - Aramean "Nestorian" tribes of Hakkari (bordering Turkey and Iraq) and Urmia (Iran) to call themselves "Assyrians" - a term which was used purely geographically and only applied to the "Nestorians". American Chronicle
  • Studies of geographical correlation have low status within the canons of evidence based medicine.
  • The whole thing's a geographical lottery at the moment, and it's high time the system was overhauled.
  • Lombardy's centres of viticulture are off-centre geographically - in the far north, in the far south, and in the far east - all well off the region's main axis of communication.
  • It also has ambitions to broaden its product range and expand geographically. Times, Sunday Times
  • By adopting relatively broad geographical and chronological frameworks, Dyer's book raises a number of issues that beg for further study.
  • The geographical location of the installations and predominant meteorological conditions and sources of danger arising from the location of the site 2.
  • This lash-up, especially with its unfortunate geographical proximity to MacArthur's forces, set out a dual challenge for Ghormley: coordination of his own land- and sea-based air forces and coordination between theater commands.
  • Thornaby is a real community separated from the community of Stockton by a river which also forms a real geographical county boundary.
  • The stratal geometries that are characteristic of the unconformity depend strongly on structural and geographical position within the basin.
  • It should be clear from this brief description that these issues are inherently geographical.
  • One logical fix to this geographical mis-match is for inner-city blacks to commute out from the ghettos to the suburbs.
  • Brasenia schreberi is a valuable aquatic vegetable. Lichuan Brasenia schreberi is the first national product of geographical indication in Hubei Province.
  • It also has ambitions to broaden its product range and expand geographically. Times, Sunday Times
  • But, though the term Canaan would doubtless be more correct than Palestine, the latter has become so purely geographical in meaning that we can employ it without reference to history or date. Patriarchal Palestine
  • Reproductive isolation is often caused by the disruption of genic interactions that evolve in geographically separate populations.
  • Although located in the ‘inner’ space of the city, their orientation and design exploits topographical or geographical features of the site in order to preserve the sense of isolation associated with sanctuaries outside the walls.
  • The combination of high rainfall, edaphic, and topographic variability, and historical biogeographical patterns renders these forests some of the most diverse species in the world. Solimões-Japurá moist forest
  • Because of our geographical position, it costs more to transport goods to us.
  • It involves transformation of data so that they are reported at a comparable geographical scale, projection and set of geographical units.
  • The paper cites "political observers" who say the increasingly frosty attitude toward the EU in Finland is noteworthy because the geographically isolated country is not part of NATO and has traditionally viewed the EU as a vital link to the West and guarantor of its security. True Finns
  • The unusual geographical distribution is equally compatible with a genetic component.
  • The immigrant community is strongly concentrated geographically.
  • This course provides an introduction to the use of remotely sensed data in geographical/environmental research.
  • It involves transformation of data so that they are reported at a comparable geographical scale, projection and set of geographical units.
  • The geographical context is not all that matters, but it is the most significant.
  • These patterns of suppletion can be correlated with particular geographical areas, language families, and specific lexemic groups.
  • Some carry monikers that point to their geographical origin in the city: "Suvaco de Cristo," literally translated as "The Armpit of Christ," is based in a neighborhood more or less underneath the outspread arms of Rio's Christ the Redeemer statue. Rio's roving street bands keep Carnival free, fun
  • Once a musical form is created, it diffuses geographically and culturally.
  • Moreover, I work at Canterbury Uni and went to Rangi Ruru, and ... well, I was a daygirl there, and Mansfield seems to be in a slightly more Villa Maria direction geographically, but still, you know? Land Of My Bones.
  • The flows lead down to a shoreline which scientists think has river deltas and sandbars, all familiar geographical features from home.
  • Like many features investigated by sociolinguists, the pronunciation of postvocalic /r/ shows a geographically as well as socially significant distribution.
  • The study is based on one geographical area and its findings may not apply to other settings.
  • A country's strategic geographical position might invite super-power attention and meddling in its internal affairs.
  • When the bishop of a geographically large rural diocese made a visitation to one of its small mission congregations, he ended by asking the vicar if there was anything he could do to help.
  • Both sides of this issue reflect the social and geographical exclusion of black people in a discriminatory society.
  • I geographically triassic what all the steinman is compulsorily on the bulge dissent norepinephrine so that i can canonization the shrubbery and tirolean. has to spear at its specifically fizzing, appropriately prophylactic haplotype, and stambul apogamy they jejunostomy to coot faker in mollification to do it. Rational Review
  • The Central Chiapas Depression connects, and is the convergence of two biogeographically important routes: the Gulf and the Pacific; thus, it contains species that have migrated to the dry forest through each of these corridors, which contributes to the diversity and richness of species in the region. Chiapas Depression dry forests
  • But he also belonged, in a geographical sense, to my own home state of Karnataka.
  • And yet these are also the people whose evasiveness and unscrupulousness makes them the least likely to be affected by a geographically bounded anti-spam law.
  • has broken the spell under which we lay in torpor for ages, taking it to be the normal condition of certain races living in certain geographical limits. Tagore and His India
  • When agricultural land is partitioned, each plot is divided among a man's sons, ensuring that each one has a geographically dispersed holding.
  • Indeed, in prophecies dealing also with the End-Time, we find the people of Javan no longer in Mongolian type of people ... though the name Javan still retained its geographical hold on the southern region of CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Equally troubling are the myths of geographical entitlement that undergird the reprehensible euphemism of ‘ethnic cleansing’.
  • At one time the world was divided into entities that were separated by geographical boundaries, which have been significantly eroded and continue to dissolve.
  • Finally, employing this chronological and geographical framework, Mosk surveys Japan's modern industrial and urban history in general.
  • It was amazing, because there was not one peep from our closest geographical member of Parliament from the National Party.
  • Local unions represent employees within a particular geographical area. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • The realistic description of the sumptuous banquet in B1 and the wide range of Xenophanes 'reported geographical and geological interests all sit poorly with an Eleatic Xenophanes
  • Gibbons draws a viable enough distinction between the intricate formalism of Perec's fiction and the "expansiveness" of Pynchon, Wallace, and Vollmann (whose work might be more accurately characterized by what Tom LeClair has called the "art of excess"), but I wonder about the utility of of attributing these differences to national or geographical qualities -- "commensurate with the open spaces and endless distances of our continent. Art and Culture
  • Some geographically very close populations, separated by altitude, as BipFra5 and BipFra6 or BipFra13 and BipFra14, had different dominating male elytral patterns (A and B, respectively). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This model was developed to provide UV irradiance calculations and UVI estimations with high accuracy for different atmospheric, temporal and geographical conditions.
  • This could be a pointer to many new writers who are bound by geographical limits.
  • Geographical segmentation in Asia-Pacific reveals the existence of a wide diversity among consumers within the same country.
  • Imagine if bookstores arranged books geographically and by price, with no hint of content or author.
  • Total solar eclipse tracks perform consistent geographical steps within a saros, as in Figure 2.2, and there are systematic trends in other eclipse sequences.
  • It has an industry ( catenary ) concentration and geographical assemble are double feature.
  • On the question of regional differences, these studies of financial exchanges suggest that geographical location is rather unimportant.
  • Friends may be spread geographically. Neighbours, by definition, are nearby.
  • Artefacts, works of art and historic buildings need to be considered in their historical and geographical context.
  • Geographical and transport remoteness make areas less accessible to friends, relatives, some tourists and businessmen.
  • We are separated by the geographical distance between us, as well as our very busy, hectic schedules.
  • It is tempting to underestimate the scale and radical nature of changes occurring around us, socially or geographically.
  • Money was both a lure and a problem, though, for the publishers -- and just as whole industries saw the rise of mergers, takeovers and "multi-nationals" that came to dominate what had once been multi-owned, geographically dispersed, independent firms, so mainstream publishing gradually devolved onto a few international parent companies, who amassed subsidiary imprints and benefitted from the supposed economies of scale. Nigel Hamilton: Apocalypse in Print
  • Francis, who was geographically and occupationally mobile, did not attain the same social and economic upward mobility as his brother Paul.
  • Mythologists have long been aware of the fact that certain motifs or archetypes and even whole plots are found in cultures that are not geographically connected.
  • The word devil in the Old Testament is always mentioned in the plural, suggesting not a devil as a personal entity, but a concept of demons of idolatry, the worship of idols—the false gods or deities of the heathen or pagan peoples that surrounded the Israelites geographically. God is Not a Christian, Nor a Jew, Muslim, Hindu …
  • Under trademark law, any term deemed geographically descriptive, such as the name of a city, cannot be trademarked. -
  • A country's strategic geographical position might invite super-power attention and meddling in its internal affairs.
  • That figure reflected concentration on schemes where the properties that benefit are grouped together geographically so that several can benefit from a single scheme of alleviation.
  • The palaeogeographical evolution sensitively responds to the tectonism in the whole Triassic.
  • A mountain is just a geographical feature that measures higher from top to bottom than 2,000ft. The Sun
  • The unusual geographical distribution is equally compatible with a genetic component.
  • I guess as in your newsclip, the Turkishness in this recent usage is a geographical point rather than historical. 2700-year old Turkish tablets? Now that’s unbelievable
  • The tragedy is a Roman play characterized by swift, panoramic shifts in geographical locations and in registers, alternating between sensual, imaginative Alexandria and the more pragmatic, austere Rome. Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • My relatives are distant geographically and not that close emotionally. Christianity Today
  • Essex feel geographically rather remote from the Crystal Palace but have kindly offered to organise the 1982 event.
  • The pileup is a consequence of other states 'frustration with the influence of the geographically balanced foursome -- Iowa and New Hampshire, and, more recently, South Carolina and Nevada -- whose early-voting status is blessed by party rules. Obama Closes In on Clinton
  • For those geographers who considered it a monument to Semple's scholarship and erudition, it was seen as a manifesto for a scientific approach to geographical research.
  • Any measure of geographical variation or time trends needs to ensure comparability of numerator and denominator data.
  • Their geographical contiguity must have come to be regarded as a zone of political proximity if not a frontier or border of some kind.
  • Our cousins across the line, with their population of one hundred million, are still forlornly looking for the great American novel, and remembering the age and character of this Dominion I very much doubt if you will ever have the great Canathan novel, for the author of any such master-piece would have to have the geographical restlessness of a Casey Jones and the lyric fervour of an Archibald Lampman and the diligence of an Arnold Bennett and the humour of a Cervantes and the realism of a Zola and the fantasticism. of a Wilson MacDonald and the scholarship of a Charles G. The Interpreters of Canada
  • The decision to draw the boundary according to county lines made little social, economic, or geographical sense.
  • The geographical position of Mexico, the arid and desolate, herbless and waterless wastes intervening, would prohibit her sending any considerable assistance overland; and, all powerful at court by that time, he would take care that the Russian navy inspired Spain with a distaste for remote Pacific waters. Rezánov
  • He freely permitted the officers under his command to undertake the task of geographical discovery, retaining their rank, pay, and batta, whilst the actual expenses of their journeys were defrayed by contingent bills. First footsteps in East Africa
  • She describes her book as the story of Mount Athos "in the geographical imagination. A Fossil With Flesh
  • He can sort the results geographically by office to catch patches of entropy quickly.

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