How To Use Geoduck In A Sentence
A Feb. 3 front-page article about a boom in geoduck exports to Asia incorrectly said that the Suquamish reservation is on the island.
Efforts were made in the 19th century to establish geoducks on the Atlantic coast, but they failed.
I myself have never had a geoduck which is slightly embarassing in my field but I can admit it cheers -
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When the lawmen finally take him down, the evidence indicates that he has illegally harvested 200,000 pounds of geoduck clams.
When Criminals Clam Up
People have already beaten me to "geoduck" on the last picture, so I'm going to have to go with tube worm.
When Wreckerators Take the Fall
And the prized geoduck - the largest burrowing clam in the world - is occasionally found among the gaper clams in Tomales Bay.
As well, individual quotas have been introduced in certain pacific fisheries (e.g., for abalone, herring, geoduck, sablefish and halibut), and in freshwater fisheries.
Ecotrust studied the implementation of and fallout from what was considered to be a progressive IFQ-based management system in Canada's West Coast geoduck, halibut, sablefish, groundfish trawl and shellfish fisheries.
Common and widely available clam varieties from the Pacific Coast include geoducks, littlenecks, and Manila clams.
Another such word is geoduck, which is pronounced "gooey duck"; a less violently dissonant, but still unpredictable, spelling is distelfink, which according to Merriam-Webster's is pronounced DISH-tlfink it's from Pennsylvania Dutch dischdelfink 'goldfinch', although the AHD gives the normalized DIST-lfink. ENGLISH SPELLING.
It makes much more sense to use that seafood which is local – which for Seattle, includes geoduck.
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As we dip thin slices of raw geoduck into seasoned soy, the clean, fresh sweetness of the clam seems to affirm these thoughts.
The challenge: create surf and turf from an exotic list of ingredients, things like rattlesnake, black chicken, something frightening called geoduck, etc.
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Individual quotas have been introduced in certain pacific fisheries (e.g., for abalone, herring, geoduck, sablefish and halibut), and in freshwater fisheries.
Another such word is geoduck, which is pronounced "gooey duck"; a less violently dissonant, but still unpredictable, spelling is distelfink, which according to Merriam-Webster's is pronounced DISH-tlfink it's from Pennsylvania Dutch dischdelfink 'goldfinch', although the AHD gives the normalized DIST-lfink. ENGLISH SPELLING.
Because according to "Dr. Long," the geoduck was considered to be an aphrodisiac in Asia, and people were eating the mollusk into extinction.
Joey Skaggs, The Ultimate Hoax Meister
His Taylor Shellfish Farms raises a half-dozen varieties of oysters, plus clams, mussels and even giant geoduck clams two feet long that it sends to China and Japan.
Oysterman Fought for Puget Sound, Reaped Its Bounty
The prized geoduck - the largest burrowing clam in the world - is occasionally found among the gaper clams in Tomales Bay.
In the late 1980s, prosecutors spent nearly two years building a case against a geoduck-clam smuggling operation that resulted, Mr. Welch says, in "the largest white-collar fraud case in Northwest history.
When Criminals Clam Up
The issues that I would like to focus on are the geoducks and whelks to start off with, and cockles and pipi.
There are a variety of ways to cook geoduck.