How To Use Geocentric In A Sentence
The geocentric, geostatic cosmos of Aristotle having been quite exploded, all that remained was an infinite and intricate concatenation of causes and effects.
The Ptolemaic theory fit the data available to astronomers using a geocentric model with many, many “epicycles” – little additional circles in the orbits.
Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Common Sense
Why did the heliocentric astronomical paradigm replace the geocentric one?
Aristotle's geocentric astronomy, which attaches the heavenly bodies to a series of concentric spheres, was not his own creation.
The longest transposals look rather boring, since they are all minor variations: congregationalists congregationalists congregationalist congregationalist algorithmically logarithmically representatives representatives congregational congregational establishments establishments egocentrically geocentrically certifications rectifications consolidations disconsolation conservatoires conservatories
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The Ptolemaic theory fit the data available to astronomers using a geocentric model with many, many “epicycles” – little additional circles in the orbits.
Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Common Sense
His discovery that the Sun is located far from the center of our galaxy had an impact on human thought similar to the paradigm shift caused by Copernicus's change from a geocentric to a heliocentric model for the universe.
I think it's logical to be "geocentric" or "nationcentric" about the U.S.
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In a prolific career, Galileo's discoveries, including phases of Venus and moons orbiting Jupiter dealt a death blow to geocentric theory.
Moreover, angular separation rates are constant along a given small circle, and are proportional to the sine of the radius of the circle (measured as a geocentric angle from circle to pole).
Why did the heliocentric astronomical paradigm replace the geocentric one?
A few taps on the pocket calculator show that the Moon's speed in its geocentric orbit is around 2,300 miles per hour, although variable between perigee and apogee.
Its transcendental aspirations -- still unconsciously based on the geocentric view of things, a zenithal paradise, a nadiral hell -- were as foreign to his own as if they had been the dreams of people on another planet.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Moreover, in geocentric astronomy there was no way of using observations to find the relative sizes of the planetary orbs; they were simply assumed to be in contact.
Roosevelt and John Burroughs, they would have been geocentric as well in their theories of the Cosmos.
The Other Animals
The longest transposals look rather boring, since they are all minor variations: congregationalists congregationalists congregationalist congregationalist algorithmically logarithmically representatives representatives congregational congregational establishments establishments egocentrically geocentrically certifications rectifications consolidations disconsolation conservatoires conservatories
Wolfram Blog : Word Play with Mathematica
The varying relationship between geocentric and heliocentric longitudes makes it difficult to calculate the exact chance of such a thing happening in any chart, but it is certainly over 95%.
Human history can be divided into two distinct ages - the geocentric and the heliocentric.
The varying relationship between geocentric and heliocentric longitudes makes it difficult to calculate the exact chance of such a thing happening in any chart, but it is certainly over 95%.
Greek astronomer who mapped the position of 850 stars in the earliest known star chart. His observations of the heavens form the basis of Ptolemy's geocentric cosmology.
A few taps on the pocket calculator show that the Moon's speed in its geocentric orbit is around 2,300 miles per hour, although variable between perigee and apogee.
Perhaps the problem of retrogression lies not in the planets themselves but in our understanding of the system of planets gathered about our Sun, and the relationship that the planets have with the Sun as seen from our geocentric viewpoint.
The heliocentric system opens up the possibility of aspect patterns that could never happen in the geocentric system - such as Venus in major aspect to the Sun.
I try to type "geocentric" and discover that I have typed "egocentric"; is Autocorrect making a sort of cosmic joke?
They accepted the theories of the four humours and the geocentric universe.
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Love will diehard, as died the idolatries of our forefathers, the geocentric theory of the universe, and the divine right of kings.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
He was an orthodox Aristotelian in his view of the cosmos as unique, uncreated, and geocentric.
Can you envisage how concerned you'd become if your satellite TV company started planning its coverage using a geocentric system of astronomy based on the use of Ptolemy's epicycles?
Dammit man … way to kill the geocentric model of the universe for me.
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As Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun than to the earth, and move around the Sun much faster than the earth does, they have the widest variations between the geocentric and heliocentric positions.
Though saying a geocentric theory got the period of revolutions wrong seems question begging.
Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Common Sense
Aristotle's geocentric astronomy, which attaches the heavenly bodies to a series of concentric spheres, was not his own creation.
The downside was that a geocentric orbit placed the spacecraft in a more severe space environment.
He has moreover enriched his work by adding to it an ecclesiastic compute with all its indications; an orrery after the Copernican system, representing the mean tropical revolutions of each of the planets visible to the naked eye, the phases of the moon, the eclipses of the sun and moon, calculated for ever; the true time and the sideral time; a new celestial globe with the procession of the equinoxes, solar and lunary equations for the reduction of the mean geocentric ascension and declension of the sun and moon at true times and places.
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These and other observations were nails in the geocentric coffin, making Copernicus's heliocentric universe an increasingly persuasive concept.
Disturbed by the failure of Ptolemy's geocentric model of the universe to follow Aristotle's requirement for the uniform circular motion of all celestial bodies and determined to eliminate Ptolemy's equant, an imaginary point around which the bodies seemed to follow that requirement, Copernicus decided that he could achieve his goal only through a heliocentric model.
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