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How To Use Genuflect In A Sentence

  • The politicians in them wanted to genuflect to democracy, open debate and all the new citizen journalists who seem to wield so much influence these days.
  • Regina genuflected before the tabernacle and then knelt down on one of the pews, made the Sign of the Cross and began to pray silently.
  • He genuflected, slipped into a pew in the middle of the nave and knelt to pray.
  • The organization would genuflect to West in every way.
  • Repenting there would come across as a cynical cultural cliché, suggesting he expects women to forgive him because he's genuflected to TV's high priestess. Tiger Woods should chat with David Letterman; Corso mum on Heisman
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  • Looking back at Labour health policy now, I have to ask myself how so many of us were unable to see through the mists of what Leys and Player call the "misrepresentation, obfuscation, and deception" perpetrated by Blair, Brown, and a host of health ministers all too willing to genuflect to the market zeitgeist. The Plot Against the NHS by Colin Leys and Stewart Player – review
  • The priest, deacon and subdeacon come before the altar, and ascend to the predella; the rubrics do not say that they genuflect before doing so. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 4.1 - Mass of Presanctified, Good Friday, Mass of the Catechumens and the Solemn Prayers
  • Give me a position, and I'll find you an expert to support it - and not just an expert but one with an institutional affiliation sounding so dignified it could make a nobleman genuflect.
  • She found an empty place in a pew in the back of the church and after she genuflected, knelt and began her rosary.
  • So there you have it: the great high priest of Darwinian Dogma has spoken; all nonsense perhaps, but atheists, please genuflect. 2010 April « Anglican Samizdat
  • Despite the resounding rejection of the European Constitution by French and Dutch voters, the fact is, old Europe still genuflects at the altar of socialism and collectivism.
  • I'm shocked, SHOCKED … dgardner @TonyClement_MP: There are options between "genuflect" and "dismiss with extreme prejudice.
  • The boy genuflected in respect, ‘A pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.’
  • He quickly walked to it and before he entered into the pew, he genuflected and did the sign of the cross, the way his father had taught him so long ago.
  • At the very end of the Mass, at the genuflection in the Last Gospel, the Priest turns towards the Sacrament as he says “Et Verbum caro factum est.” Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
  • Hurriedly she genuflected toward the golden shrine in the vestiary™s corner, then parted the curtains and stepped through. Chosen Of The Gods
  • If I sometimes missed the point of some of these interpretive discoveries along the way, I could only genuflect at Lang's technical ability to make them manifest.
  • The two votaries transitioned from their standing posture to a kind of rhythmic bowing and finally into a repetitive genuflecting motion.
  • Maybe this is why he needs to genuflect before the altar of high art.
  • It is customary to show reference to the Blessed Sacrament by genuflecting on both knees.
  • Kevin Rudd is not an old-style lefty ... but the Labor Party is full of people who are, and I guess this is the kind of genuflection to political correctness that these guys feel they have to make," he told the Adelaide Advertiser. | Top Stories
  • While Wall Street saw unbridled bonuses and Americans genuflected amidst a fanfare of upheaval, Main Street wasn't allowed to issue to itself the needed trillion and a half dollars to buffer itself from its own rapacious business sector. Matthew Anderson: All Hat, No Cattle
  • He is the author of the popular catechetical work, ‘Why Do Catholics Genuflect?’
  • But it does not follow that Aristotle was not at bottom a systematic thinker; and the theory of science expounded in the Posterior Analytics cannot be dismissed as an irrelevant archaism, a genuflection to Plato's ghost.
  • This is the reason for head-coverings, face-veilings, bowing, kneeling, genuflecting, and other signs of spiritual modesty.
  • Lebert begins the action when he offers her ‘a profound, solemn bow that was like a genuflection,’ and then one after another people file past her to do the same.
  • Now, in fairness, we conservatives don't genuflect when someone invokes the Gray Lady as the ultimate authority in all matters temporal and spiritual. Ken Blackwell: "Gibbsy" Steps in it
  • At the end of the Mass, the Last Gospel is omitted, and consequently the genuflection towards the Sacrament at “Et Verbum caro factum est.” Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 3 - The Mass of Holy Thursday and the Mandatum
  • Today's Tribune, on the other hand, genuflects thoughtfully at the remarkable sums cultural productions entice to the coffers of the city's tourism industry.
  • Devotees walk days, weeks and even months to visit the holy shrines, sometimes kneeling and genuflecting before and after each step.
  • The story of how Francis brought the Poor Ladies a lamb he had trained to genuflect has the ring of truth to it. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • Contemporary Hollywood movies often make subtle genuflections to the great film-makers of the past.
  • In the end, what the church needs is less technology and more people genuflecting.
  • Earlier Monday, Morgan, 45, appeared on The View, and genuflected to Walters' redoubtable interviewing abilities to the point of knee pain. Piers Morgan Debuts on CNN; 25 Years To Go?
  • There was absolute silence as the strange ritual was done, the only sound the muffled chink of coins and the rustle of clothes as each recipient genuflected to the glittering Prince.
  • Carpenter crossed the carpeted floor of the Cathedral's dark interior and stopped only to genuflect wearily, and daub his fingers in the font once more.
  • The procession goes to the middle of the church, another candle is lit, and the deacon again raises the reed, genuflects and sings in a higher tone “Lumen Christi”; all respond as before. Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII: Part 6.1 - Holy Saturday and the Blessing of the New Fire, Procession, Exultet, Prophecies
  • I am not one who automatically genuflects at the altar of editorial page innovation.
  • That faith-filled genuflection communicated very powerfully the sense of awe and mystery which ought to be associated with the Eucharist.
  • Even Leonard Bernstein genuflected, as host of a CBS special on rock. July 2006
  • Where does genuflect beg to have sell amino butterfly Ling piece ah?
  • I genuflected before the winking sanctuary lamp and concealed myself in one of the side chapels.
  • You can bet on football and basketball with drug-dealing bookmakers as long as you bow and scrape and genuflect when called onto the commissioner's carpet.
  • The Pope was then led, while the Te Deum was sung, to the Holy Sepulchre itself, into which, after having genuflected before it, he entered and spent several minutes in silent prayer. Pope in the Holy Land: The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
  • genuflection" before visiting Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi last week and of "lying down" in front of his coalition partners in the Northern League. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • She is accustomed to genuflection and he can't bend a knee -- for long. Kitty Kelley: What's Behind the Oprah/Letterman Feud?
  • She walked slowly and calmly up to the front of the church and genuflected, and before walking up to the podium, stopped and placed a hand on the cloth-draped coffin.
  • She covered her retreat nobly, made a curtsey to the priests, genuflected calmly, laid down the aspergill, and, under pretence of having been sent for something which these careless priests had forgotten, retired with honors; and then I suppose had a good long cry. My New Curate
  • All of the services genuflect before the requirements for jointness and interoperability.
  • Although those who genuflect when a tabernacle is not present or when the Blessed Sacrament is clearly removed from the tabernacle (for example, during much of the Sacred Triduum) typically do so out of a commendable pious habit, they should instead bow out of reverence towards the altar. Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • He genuflected in front of the altar.
  • When will Obama-worshippers cross the “threshold of decerebrate genuflection”? Immigration reform: Obama and Congress vs. the citizens of the United States
  • A bend of the body and a genuflection were the appropriate answer of the Ethiopian to these observations. The Talisman
  • The Chief Adviser genuflected and walked out of the room backwards.
  • Contemporary Hollywood movies often make subtle genuflections to the great film-makers of the past.
  • And no matter how many duff albums they throw at us - three and a half, so far - we'll still genuflect before them, these kings of throwback rock.
  • She found an empty place in a pew in the back of the church and after she genuflected, knelt and began her rosary.
  • Free-heel skiing refers to what's often called telemarking or ‘tele, ‘and means skiing without your heels latched down, often using the genuflect-style telemark turn.’
  • Still, this baseball season, writers and broadcasters won't stop genuflecting at the altar of team chemistry.
  • I thought you mightn't be in the mood to see them all genuflecting at the sight of your pectoral cross. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • The party's automatic genuflection to the public employees' unions is one of its great embarrassments.
  • Tommy Hilfiger, the man himself, appears in Veronique's office flanked by a retinue of fragrance exec dandies, greeted by general genuflection and bustle. Grace Dent's TV OD: Perfume
  • There was absolute silence as the strange ritual was done, the only sound the muffled chink of coins and the rustle of clothes as each recipient genuflected to the glittering Prince.
  • When the two were standing before him, his apprentice genuflected to the master.
  • After making the sign of the cross and genuflecting before the tabernacle, she knelt down and put her hands together in prayer.
  • It is disgusting to see government ministers all but genuflecting to known bandits and murderers, but that has been the norm for many years now.
  • I thought you mightn't be in the mood to see them all genuflecting at the sight of your pectoral cross. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • He raised the Host, then genuflected before it.
  • Before or after Mass, when the tabernacle is visible somewhere in the church, genuflection should be directed towards it. Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • Besides, we're at the museum to genuflect, not discuss.
  • Complaining under his breath, he regretfully complied, finding himself down on one knee, genuflecting before Mistress Rai'chan.
  • (The paper itself does mention self-defense provisions in contemporaneous state constitutions and then nods to the 9th before genuflecting at the altar of the 14th.) Balkinization
  • Should we marvel then at the Cynics and the hippies, the Rousseaus and the Gauguins, sensitive souls that pilgrimaged towards incorporeal spirit, but found the altar crowded with genuflections before idolatrous matter? In Quest of Happiness
  • If we continue to genuflect to decentralization as a fundamental criterion for running elections, we make it much harder for such reform efforts to achieve true democracy.
  • The thurifers stand, genuflect, and carry the thurible and incense into the sacristy.
  • She made me genuflect and kiss her topaz ring before entering.
  • The congregation, mostly elderly, stood in the open air among jagged brick walls, while priests chanted, genuflected and blessed the crowd with holy water.
  • He can put an end to the rumpus by genuflecting before his fellow ministers and the European Commission.
  • After the "Confiteor" the priest genuflects, rises, and turns towards the sick person, taking care, however, not to turn his back to the Blessed Sacrament. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • She never came, and when I slid out of the pew to leave I had to resist the impulse to genuflect - or at least nod - towards the altar. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • They, of all people, will have creaky joints and damaged knees as they genuflect to the tax-cutting elite in this country.
  • Maybe it's a stretch, but I think it's a take off of the word "genuflect," which means to go down on your knees.
  • He was a man of principle, refusing to genuflect to the party leadership.
  • Journalists were not the only ones who failed to genuflect before the lessons of history that he worshipped.
  • She never came, and when I slid out of the pew to leave I had to resist the impulse to genuflect - or at least nod - towards the altar. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • So having genuflected appropriately, the big question now is whether this is the first time in living memory that the idiot's box has inflicted damage upon an idiot box? Australia v New Zealand - live! | Rob Smyth
  • Judge Moore is a carnival barker, playing this for all he can, getting those born-every-minute suckers to genuflect before a hunk of stone while he does his proselytizing before the television cameras.
  • He was a man of principle, refusing to genuflect to the party leadership.
  • They bob and weave and genuflect before the altar of their own public image.
  • Amongst themselves however, it was a veritable love fest as the dais genuflected at Ronald Reagan's altar, strictly honoring his 11th commandment, "Thou shall not speak ill of other Republicans. Will Durst: Dark Wizards Convene
  • genuflect," but it doesn't matter, because it's hot girls with large breasts and wearing tight clothing fighting a giant mutated frog! Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • It is not uncommon for a citizen in India to take off his shoes before entering the office of a policeman and genuflect in a lowly and servile manner.
  • There were occasional genuflections to the original, for the edification of purist snobs.
  • The story of how Francis brought the Poor Ladies a lamb he had trained to genuflect has the ring of truth to it. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • I guess this is the kind of genuflection to political correctness that these guys feel they have to make," he told Adelaide's The Advertiser newspaper, speaking of Rudd's Labor party. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • People were genuflecting in front of the altar.
  • All too often, gutless reviewers genuflect to ‘major writers’, composing fawning reviews that barely hint at how bad the books are.
  • The name-dropping rolls off the tongue so glibly that sometimes you wonder if those genuflecting have actually listened to the music or are simply reading from an approved checklist of the super-cool.
  • She never came, and when I slid out of the pew to leave I had to resist the impulse to genuflect - or at least nod - towards the altar. FOLLOW THE SHARKS
  • Father Gerard, on the other hand, was genuflecting at the altar.
  • It genuflects to such charlatans and presents them as legitimate ‘people's leaders,’ providing them with much needed credibility.
  • Just tell me when to sit, stand, kneel, and genuflect.
  • Mere mention of the two environmental groups, and the city and provincial officials genuflect.
  • The story of how Francis brought the Poor Ladies a lamb he had trained to genuflect has the ring of truth to it. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • He wants to force federal judges to genuflect to his right-wing beliefs.
  • Care should be taken to instruct the faithful that genuflection is the appropriate sign of adoration in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, “whether reserved in the tabernacle or exposed for public adoration.” Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend: "Concerning the Central Placement and Noble Design of Tabernacles..."
  • Instead they genuflect to the allegedly superior wisdom of markets, and retreat to the comfort zone of saying that the best and only thing they can do is to balance their books – precisely the wrong thing to do in the wake of a financial crisis. Observer editorial: Our leaders need to seize control of the crisis

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