How To Use Genomics In A Sentence
Ajmal Aqtash, writes that, "The exhibition traces the evolution of Lalvani's genomic art as filtered through two major series, AlgoRhythms ™ and XURF ™, each exploring Lalvani's principal concern with the relationship between genetic codes and sculptural creation, and more specifically, between" genomics "- sculpture derived from formal rules, and" epigenomics "- works created through external agents like forces, respectively.
Steven Mesler: Form Follows Force: Haresh Lalvani
The developments of combinatorial chemistry and the identification of new target sites from genomics research are likely to enhance the quality of agrochemicals at the farmer's disposal.
This site contains astrobiology news and links about: astrochemistry, bioinformatics, biosatellites, gravitational biology, hydrothermal vent communities, genomics, astropaleobiology, radiation physiology, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, extremophiles, exopaleontology, cell biology, evolution, planetary protection, and space medicine.
We now have techniques, because of these rapid methods of synthesis, to do what we're calling combinatorial genomics.
Craig Venter is on the verge of creating synthetic life
In recent years, studies searching for association between genetic markers and quantitative gene expression profiling, referred to as genetical genomics
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As published in the Feb. 25, 2011 Science Insider editorial, "Advancing Regulatory Science," FDA Commissioner Dr. Hamburg claimed that FDA's regulations must be based on "better predictive models -- functional genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics," rather than "high dose animal carcinogenicity studies -- unchanged for decades.
Samuel S. Epstein: Multiple Carcinogens in Johnson & Johnson's Baby Shampoo
For Martin, it's a continuation of his interest in what he calls linguistic genomics-the study of how the meaning of words shifts and changes, and how this can be used to obscure meaning and gain an advantage. --
Never before has the potential of genomics to bring benefits to patients been so apparent.
Times, Sunday Times
However, pharmacogenomics relates to drug response, not disease risk, and it remains to be seen how a better understanding of the genetic factors involved in therapy may impact on understandings of illness, normality and stigma.
However, genomics is empirical and directly testable, of course.
Approaches Determine Outcomes
Microbial structural genomics and functional genomics try to illuminate the inner relation between gene structure and function, and constructed gene regulatory networks.
Protein subcellular localization is one of the key questions for functional genomics.
There is a whole host of other physiological responses" to exercise, such as heart rate, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and insulin metabolism, that are related to genes other than those implicated in the aerobic response, says co-author Tuomo Rankinen, a scientist in the human genomics laboratory at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge.
Exercise won't boost endurance for 1 in 5
Some growing opportunities are in bioinformatics and genomics.
The Scientist
Baltus B, Vondenhoff M, Huizinga TW, Tak PP, et al. (2007) Inflammation and ectopic lymphoid structures in rheumatoid arthritis synovial tissues dissected by genomics technology: identification of the interleukin-7 signaling pathway in tissues with lymphoid neogenesis.
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The nested hierarchy is pervasive in extant and extinct life, morphology and genomics.
Beckwith on ID
Touchman, who is also an adjunct investigator at The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), has chosen his photosynthetic, microbial partners carefully; each bears a unique metabolism, physiology or ecology and differs in fundamental ways from sequenced genomes of any other phototroph. - latest science and technology news stories
One thing that we do have on our list is pharmacogenomics, which is sort of the next stage after the genome project.
CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2001
‘The same advances in microbial genomics that could be used to produce bioweapons can also be used to set up countermeasures against them,’ they say.
Gene products identified by proteomics and genomics will require analysis by approaches that determine the function of each gene in the anaerobic response and how each gene or gene product contributes to survival.
“In this era of genomics, the size and shape of bones is still very important.”
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Next Big Future
Agriculture, like medicine, is rapidly changing because of advances being made in molecular biology, particularly in the fields of genomics and biotechnology.
The chemistry and biosciences seminar will cover areas like the development of Indian fisheries with special reference to Kerala, genomics and gene therapy as well as group theory as applicable to complexes.
With over ten years of experience in pioneering genomic research and genome-wide mapping and association studies, Dr. Hakonarson had the intimate knowledge of the complexities of large-scale genomics projects and he has put together the necessary infrastructure and workflow processes to unravel these complexities in his role as the Director of the Center for Applied Genomics.
Hakon Hakonarson, MD, PhD
Our analysis shows the potential of evolutionary analysis for functional genomics.
After two years, Clarke had figured out exactly where to place the cyclodextrin ring inside the nanopore to identify the passing bases.33 As an added bonus, the setup could also distinguish bases that have been methylated, that is, tagged with a small chemical group widely thought to be a crucial mechanism in regulating gene activity a field known as epigenomics.
The $1,000 Genome
He was one of the guys who founded Celera Genomics, the first company to map the human genome.
The researchers used a technique that measures for what is known as allelic mRNA expression imbalance, which was developed in the Pharmacogenomics Core Lab, Program in Pharmacogenomics directed by Wolfgang Sadee, a co-author of this paper and a professor and chair of pharmacology at Ohio State. - latest science and technology news stories
Our system is a working, effective and user-friendly data management tool for structural genomics projects.
With the unprecedented growth of bioinformatics and comparative genomics, state of the art technologies are essential to utilize the vast gene pools sitting in the databases.
Such precision is one aspect of a field called pharmacogenomics, which seeks to match drugs to a patient's genome.
The Economist: Correspondent's diary
I think what might even be more interesting for drug development is to pursue what they all pharmacogenomics in the clinical trials world, where they know that certain subpopulations of humans, genetically, respond differently to drugs, and it may be possible to make chips that effectively represent whole populations and thus you could be doing that kind of pharmacogenomics, if you like, but doing it on, you know, thousands of little micro channels on a chip the size of your hand, and multiplexing and doing (unintelligible).
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Other fields seek to enhance knowledge about the bacterium itself. Structural genomics, for example, aims to uncover the three-dimensional structure of every protein in Mtb.
Hands-on is the best way to learn," said Skacel, an assistant professor with the pharmacogenomics program at GWU.
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However, the clear rewards in using genomics and proteomics include the development of biomarkers, faster investigation of mechanisms of toxicity and screening of novel compounds.
Over the past ten years, countless studies have looked at nutrigenomics and the correlation between diet and genes.
Ajmal Aqtash, writes that, "The exhibition traces the evolution of Lalvani's genomic art as filtered through two major series, AlgoRhythms™ and XURF™, each exploring Lalvani's principal concern with the relationship between genetic codes and sculptural creation, and more specifically, between "genomics"-sculpture derived from formal rules, and "epigenomics"-works created through external agents like forces, respectively.
Steven Mesler: Form Follows Force: Haresh Lalvani
But in 2000 JIC in conjunction with Sanger Centre and funded by the BBSRC and the Beowulf Genomics initiative of the Wellcome Trust.
SuperBugs Vs Michael McArthur
Despite its sci-fi nature, plugging nutrigenomics into your training plan is fairly simple.
Computational Biology and Functional Genomics Laboratory, Harvard University, USA.
The genome projects comprise the structural genomics focusing on determining the complete sequences of the genome and the functional genomics focusing on elucidating the biological function of genes.
Nutritional genomics is the application of high throughput functional genomic technologies in nutrition research.
No observations from the fossil record or genomics or biogeography or comparative anatomy that undermine standard evolutionary thinking.
The company promises new molecular-based tests in disease predisposition, cancer screening, cancer therapy selection, and pharmacogenomics.
He continued his research there, and seven years ago began working at TGen in an emerging area of medicine known as genomics, in which DNA research of diseases is leading to advances in cancer treatment. | news
Results from the survey found that only 26 percent (about one in four) of physicians have had any type of education in the field known as pharmacogenomics (PGx), and only 10 percent of physicians currently believe they have the necessary information and training to put pharmacogenomics testing to use.
The lab applies statistical and computational Methods: To functional genomics data.
Biotechs are among those expected to attract a whack of capital as the Baby Boomers age and the study of genomics advances.
Rapid advances in genomics and proteomics and stem cell research will also make the in utero treatment of some genetic conditions possible.
Genomics is an accelerating and complex step in the longer history of molecular biology and genetics.
This book presents various structural genomics approaches and explores novel technologies that will potentially accelerate breakthroughs in drug discovery.
The regimes covering commissioning and regulations currently do not embed genomics into every branch of medicine.
Times, Sunday Times
This is possibly one of the most important new findings in the field of synthetic genomics.
Times, Sunday Times
However, genomics is empirical and directly testable, of course. see above
Approaches Determine Outcomes
A sampling of the entire DNA of microbes (known as metagenomics) revealed some 332,000 gene sequences, or about 100 times more than was found in previous studies of skin bacteria.
Medlogs - Recent stories
With the initial accomplishment of the human genomic project, as an important part of functional genomics, proteomics has become the hot point in molecular biology and develops faster and faster.
Despite the tremendous potential and promise of genomics, it is very difficult to predict when its benefits for health will be realised.
The future of medicine is poised to undergo a sea change leading to an improved diagnostics for diseases, earlier detection of genetic predisposition to diseases, gene therapy and pharmacogenomics for custom drugs.
The agricultural world is also adopting various approaches in genomics and bioinformatics in attempts to understand complex traits.
Structural genomics, for example, aims to uncover the three-dimensional structure of every protein in Mtb.
Biology is going through a revolution driven by a series of technological breakthroughs in genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.
After that, demand decreased and leveled off at around a 10-fold increase compared with before March 2010, according to Gwen McMillin, co-medical director of pharmacogenomics at the lab and a pathology professor at the University of Utah.
Study Challenges FDA on Plavix
a guru of genomics
Nutrigenomics is the study of how genes and nutrients interact.
Globe and Mail
The great thing about environmental genomics is that it has made it possible to form a much more complete picture of microscopic life everywhere on Earth, instead of being limited to the very small proportion of bugs" - microorganisms, that is - "that can be cultured in the lab," says Dylan Chivian of Berkeley Lab's Physical Biosciences Division
SpaceRef Top Stories
Because this is likely to be a large effort, new technologies such as mass spectroscopy, genomics, and novel protein purification strategies should be employed in this effort.
Recent development in pharmacogenomics: from candidate genes to genome-wide association studies.
D. audaxviator was captured and its unusual genome sequenced and analyzed using the techniques of environmental genomics, also called metagenomics, by scientists from the U.S.
SpaceRef Top Stories
Biology is going through a revolution driven by a series of technological breakthroughs in genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics.
Wendel also coordinates training programs for the center, so graduate students and postdoctoral fellows can learn more about plant genomics and bioinformatics.
This new science, pharmacogenomics, aims to predict both good and adverse clinical responses to individual drugs.
Rothberg was particularly proud about a metagenomics analysis of disappearing honey bees.33 Colony collapse disorder CCD was first reported in 2006, by an apiarist who found hundreds of hives in Florida full of honey and larvae, but deserted.
The $1,000 Genome
Diversified technology companies are microchip technology with biology to begin applying genomics data to drug discovery.
The company diversified into human health and performance through its innovative use of yeast fermentation, enzyme technology, algae and nutrigenomics.
Times, Sunday Times
These differences are at the heart of the newly emerging field of nutritional genomics, or nutrigenomics.
In 1994, he helped a Boston biotech complete the first bacterial genome sequence.36 Later, his team developed one of the first next-generation sequencing methods, called polony sequencing.37 Elements of this technology were incorporated into the technologies developed by ABI and Complete Genomics, while the Church lab helped build a low-cost open-source sequencing instrument called the Polonator.
The $1,000 Genome
The future of personalized pharmacogenomics and of defining genetic susceptibility to disease promises a true revolution in how medicine will be practiced.
Today, by understanding our individual genetic differences, pharmacogenomics has begun to develop treatments tailored to our specific genetic data.
Times, Sunday Times
Emerging scientific disciplines (notably genomics, nanotechnology, and other microsciences) could pave the way for a bioattack.
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We provide rapid access to the best knowledge in the traditional agricultural sciences as well as in newer fields like bioinformatics, genomics, and proteomics.
Yao's science is called proteomics, a combination of the terms "protein" and "genomics.
UConn Advance Headlines
Despite the remarkable similarities among the genomes of various organisms, genomics also informs our notion of genetic variation.
A number of biotechnology companies also are establishing a strong presence in pharmacogenomics.
The Scientist
Despite a steady stream of scientific discoveries, as well as progress in genomics and biotechnology, global health is in disarray today.
A team of biologists from the University of California, Riverside has used chemical genomics to identify novel compounds that affect the ability of plants to alter their direction of growth in response to gravity, a phenomenon known as gravitropism.
NASA Watch: Keith Cowing: March 2005 Archives
For example, evolution is fundamental to genomics and bioinformatics, new fields which hold the promise of great medical discoveries.
He's not kidding: you can read far more than you're likely to need to know about them in a textbook by David Mrazek, a leader in psychiatric pharmacogenomics who — not coincidentally — is based at Mayo and was instrumental in developing GeneSightRx.
Doctors, Depression, and DNA
I don't understand why these folks doing research in something called genomics get to behave as if what they do is completely apolitical, when, if I remember correctly from the Bitch magazine archive in my brain, Joan Roughgarden (author of Evolution's Rainbow) argued that it was difficult for her research to be taken seriously or funded because it challenges gender assumptions at work at least in her field, biology. News
Dr. BRAWLEY: Yeah, actually, the area is probably genomics, which is actually looking at not one gene but a number of genes and looking at genes that are actually producing protein at
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The Consortium consists of more than 40 researchers from all walks of scientific life - cell biology, chemistry, biophysics, genomics, bioinformatics and genetics.
The cancer 'moonshot', as it has been dubbed, will focus on areas such as immunotherapy and genomics.
Times, Sunday Times
Those largely focus on genetics and genomics, cell biology, bioengineering, medicinal chemistry, and bioinformatics.
The Scientist
It was while he was a professor in microbial biology, oology and mollusk genomics at Harvard that he was mysteriously drafted into the military just prior to the Gulf War.
Raise Really High The Roofbeam, Gassbag
Sequencing DNA directly from the environment, a technique commonly referred to as metagenomics, is an important tool for cataloging microbial life.
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A 4.3% sales increase for its seeds and genomics division, which accounts for 70% of revenue, could not fully offset a 35% decline in agricultural productivity sales as overall revenue declined 10%.
Monsanto Rallies Despite Red Ink
Hugenholtz says that metagenomics is grappling with the problem of having too much information and too few references.
Gut Reactions
Just toss the old 'horsey' one and give it a new name: Reproductive Genomics.
Jewish Telegraph Agency on Ashkenazi Intelligence by Cochran and Harpending
This progress has been hallmarked by influential discoveries of the genomics of ALL biology, the pharmacogenomics of antileukemic agents and the translation of this knowledge and new technologies into more effective, less toxic therapy.
Secondly, there is an increasing understanding of the relationship between molecular structure and biological function, so called functional genomics, which is revealing many new gene-based targets for drug discovery.
The Impact of Biotechnology on the Health-Care Industry
Genomics is unlikely to be of use in teratology studies because of the rapid rate of change in the developing organism.
Likewise, 'nutrigenomics' is a new fad devoted to matching the foods we eat to our particular genetic make-up.
The Times Literary Supplement
True functional genomics should be equal to transcriptomics + proteomics.
The Scientist
While "pharmacogenomics" is in its infancy, it is already helping many patients.
The Genome Generation
In post-genome era, the objective of functional genomics study is to decode the functions of genes and control them.
Genomics and proteomics will define the molecules that comprise the structures of cells.
The Scientist
This fast-growing field - called nutritional genomics, or nutrigenomics - is attracting serious research funding, and dieticians are predicting a ‘revolution’ in preventative health.
One goal of comparative genomics is to identify which sequences of genes in the human genome are associated with which traits.
True, for many rare inherited diseases, genomics is making a big difference.
The Failed Promise of Genomics
They didn't just publish one mega-paper, but they had a whole section on Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, with a genomics mega-paper and articles on ecology and paleogenomics and the immune system and the transcriptome, and even a big poster of highlights of sea urchin research but strangely, very little on echinoderm development.
The sea urchin genome - The Panda's Thumb
That's the promise of 'pharmacogenomics'.
Times, Sunday Times
Here is a demonstration that nutrigenomics (the use of genetic information to customize diets) clearly is going to become very beneficial.
Many big pharmaceutical companies and smaller genomics firms are sinking resources into new pharmacogenomics departments.
The Scientist
In the postgenomic era, the revolution in bioinformatics deals with the problem of structural genomics.
The sequencing of the human genome, along with other advances in the fields of molecular biology, genomics and proteomics, is leading to the discovery of large numbers of genes and proteins.
Genomics is promoting a tremendous interest in novel therapies of which gene therapies will be only a minority.
Enabling physicians to subclassify NSCLC tumors with miRview squamous based on FNA cell blocks, without the need for more invasive procedures, brings significant value to lung cancer patient management," noted Dr. Tina Edmonston, Director of Rosetta Genomics 'CLIA-certified laboratory.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Advances in DNA sequencing technologies now allow whole genomes to be covered, thus creating the new academic field of 'metagenomics'.
DrugResearcher RSS
'prakriti' - seeing the individual as a whole - has greatly helped biomedical researchers understand new disciplines such as pharmacogenomics (how an individual's genetic makeup influences response to a drug).