How To Use Genome In A Sentence
We've moved from imagining a little homunculus lurking in the sperm to one hiding in the genome.
She can tell you why the zebrafish's genome is particularly useful for determining how human bodies work at the primary level.
Times, Sunday Times
Bradford: Then tell me if amino adenosine triacid ester is a genome.
Adjusting Pre-configuration to Design Outcomes
It is, however, evident that this action on chromatin is most important for proper functioning of the genome and for maintenance of genome integrity.
Advanced Information: The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
The term proteome “proteins that are encoded and expressed by a genome” was coined in 1994 by Marc Wilkins, then a graduate student at Macquarrie University in Sydney, Australia.
The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
Together with other Brassica species, it likely descends from a hexaploid ancestor followed by extensive rearrangements, making its genome essentially a triplicated A. thaliana genome.
E.g. the genes are found in sea urchins and other non-vertebrate deuterostome genomes.
Assessing Applegate's Attack
The fact that erythrocyte size correlates positively with genome size in mammals, even though their mature red blood cells are enucleated, strongly supports this hypothesis.
Replication of the mitochondrial genome is required to synthesize new protein to support biogenesis.
The genome of the malarial parasite - plasmodium falciparum was only completed two years ago.
All retroviruses are similar, and our genome is full of dormant retroviruses - over 2 percent of the genome is retroviral.
The RT enzyme converts the single-stranded virion into doublestranded DNA for subsequent integration into the host cell genome.
By analyzing 134 informative microsatellite markers dispersed throughout the genome on 39 meioses, we localized the king mutation to the distal region of Chromosome 5 with a peak logarithm of odds
PLoS Biology: New Articles
The groundwork for analysing the human microbiome—sequencing the collective genome of all our resident microorganisms—is now done.
This was an exciting period in the molecular biology of adenovirus with the discoveries (a) that only one specific fragment of the genome, the E1 region, was responsible for oncogenic transformation; (b) that restriction endonuclease length polymorphism could be utilized to generate genetic maps; (c) the mapping of specific genes on the viral genome; and (d) generation of a viral map of sequences expressed as stable RNAs.
Phillip A. Sharp - Autobiography
Residues in close physical proximity to those of a subunit encoded by another genome are clearly functionally important.
Repeat sequences are short stretches of DNA that have been hopping around the genome by copying and inserting themselves into new regions.
We hear over and over again about global systems and panoptic vision on the one hand and genome chains and nano-entities on the other.
Recently, the yeast genome was completely sequenced and no insulin-like genes were found.
Animal models and their corresponding genomes are highly useful for mapping traits that may apply to human diseases.
More generally, there are the well-known patterns whereby plants with large genomes cannot adopt an annual or ephemeral lifestyle and in which weeds tend to have small genomes.
Perhaps most startling is the discovery from the deciphering of the human genome that we have only between 20,000 and 25,000 genes.
Archive 2009-01-01
Your order for 1200 Genome Intensity Emitter vents and 1500 DNA compressors have been received and are being manufactured.
The two populations allow for a comparative phenotypic analysis of species-specific genome introgressions in a common genetic background.
The next decade will better characterize how the environment affects gene expression--the genome-exposome interactions--and our health, and provide us better ways to measure and improve those interactions and help us create the best expression of ourselves.
Mark Hyman, MD: Why Your Genes Don't Determine Your Health
But what the newly sequenced genome reveals is that the platypus's male-determining gene, the monotreme equivalent of primates' SRY gene, is not located on any of those five pairs of sex chromosomes.
Archive 2008-05-01
This process is commonly manifested in chromosomal monosomics in which the most common effect is an approximate twofold increase of target gene expression throughout the genome.
Although scyphozoan sequences are lacking in the HOX1, HOX2, HOX9-14A and CDX groups (figure 1), these absences could be due to non exhaustive sampling from PCR surveys, a full genome sequence being currently lacking for this cnidarian lineage
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Recent breakthroughs, including the sequencing of the genome of an important bacterium and the discovery of a key to antibiotic resistance in one of the superbugs, are promising advancements.
The GeneChip Drosophila genome array was hybridized with the test or control probes in parallel experiments.
When colonies are formed, the resulting cells tend to have euploid genomes derived from the aneuploid state by chromosome loss.
I've spent the past three days at the conference, among folks who are wrestling not only with the genome, but also with the proteome, the transcriptome, the reactome, and the metabolome.
Whether or not transgenes integrate into specific chromosomes or chromosome regions of the genome has not yet been determined.
The final step will now be to use this genome transplant procedure to place the newly built artificial chromosome into a bacterial cell.
Times, Sunday Times
This demonstrated that the component sequences amplified as partial gene segments were contiguous in the genome.
It is important to think of our bodies as a summation of the metabolic capabilities provided by our own genome and the microbiome.
Nuclei have numerous replicons origins per chromosome, which can be replicated simultaneously - so replication time is mechanistically independent of genome size and can be far less than in bacteria.
Instructions within cellular genomes reveal what life is.
De Facto Intelligent Design in Biology
Genome size differences among annuals are likewise not related to summer or winter annuality.
The participants focused on the concept of the 'epigenome' -
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Aegilops tauschii is commonly accepted as the D genome donor of common wheat and contains a much wider genetic background. Therefore, it is important genetic resources in wheat breeding.
If your genome is altered during your life (say, you get sun cancer, or catch a 'bug' that inserts DNA into your genes) it is not supposed to be heritable – individual organisms do not evolve.
Assessing Causality
With the completion of the sequence of the human genome and the list of full sequence of infectious agents growing almost daily, medical research stands at the dawning of a new era of advance.
[55] Ohi de tou Theou anthropoi pneumatophoroi pneumatos hagiou, kai prophetai genomenoi hup 'autou tou Theou empneusthentes kai sophisthentes egenonto theodidaktoi, kai hosioi kai dikaioi.
Sexual identity is rooted in every person's biology before birth and springs from a variation in our individual genome.
To test this theory - called panspermia - Ruvkun and his colleagues have started a project called the Search for Extraterrestrial Genomes (SETG, as a play on SETI).
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In the generations following a dysgenic cross, the IF invades the genome until it reaches 10-15 copies per haploid genome and is progressively repressed through an autoregulation process.
Amplicon sequence reads corresponding to the BS-PCR products were aligned to the Human Reference Genome, and the extent of methylation (DNA methylation%) was determined by comparing the total number of Cs
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Krishnamurthy S, Samal SK (1998) Nucleotide sequences of the trailer, nucleocapsid protein gene and intergenic regions of Newcastle disease virus strain Beaudette C and completion of the entire genome sequence.
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B. primigenius (CPC98) mtDNA genome sequences and evidence of mtDNA heteroplasmy at nucleotide position 16,121 in the CPC98 aurochs sample.
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There is, however, evidence of genome downsizing in polyploids relative to their diploid progenitors in some cases.
Such thinking in the scientific community prompted the ambitious plan to map the human genome.
Scientists have reconstructed the genome of an ancient human called Inuk from hair preserved in permafrost for 4,000 years ms Rotterdam's 2010 Alaskan Explorer Cruises Highlight Hubbard Glacier - Articles related to Is global warming a myth?
The very large pine genomes are highly repetitive, and microsatellite loci also occur as gene families.
We have no two plant lines that are identical for all alleles of genes yet differ appreciably for genome size.
Objective To proceed deep data mining in large database obtained by Cancer Genome Anatomy Project and to distinguish the difference expression genes of gastric carcinoma.
Thus, we found no evidence for a modificatory genome size plasticity in D. villosum.
It is possible that the genome length estimates of these maps were overestimated.
But mapping the genomes of animals such as pigs, cows, chickens and sheep is turning out to be every bit as significant.
Arguably, the genome is the most important linear information stream on the planet -- so I decided to write a computer program to translate DNA sequences to musical notes.
- Boing Boing
Of all the impossible occurrences in Fantastic Four, none seems as implausible as scientist Reed Richards's scheme to make billions of dollars by studying the human genome through the exposure of plants - yes, plants - to cosmic rays.
As is apparent from the brief review given above, the relationship between genome size and erythrocyte size is detectable in each of the vertebrate classes, even in the uniquely enucleate case of mammals.
A Dubious "Opportunity" for IDers
IOW, if a gene vital in multicellular life forms is present and highly conserved in single-cell life forms (in which it isn't expressed or perform any other vital function), we could conclude that the gene was front-loaded into the genome by a designer of the original genome with the expectation that multicellular life forms would evolve when that gene does get expressed.
Another predictable argument against front-loading
More significantly, this less-than-proportional increase in genome size in a polyploid species expected from the addition of its diploid progenitors appeared to be a widespread phenomenon in flowering plants.
They match it – in instrumentation, key tonality, chord progression, tempo, genre, voice quality, regional influences, extent of vamping and vocal harmony, and a hundred other variables based on the Music Genome Project – and create a radio station based solely around that music.
March 2007
The high copy number and general dispersion of retrotransposons throughout the genome, as well as the large local change caused by their insertion, provide an excellent basis for the development of DNA-based markers.
Similarly, a Cre-expressing plasmid or adenovirus was employed to remove three or four copies of a polycistronic vector from the genome of mouse iPSCs
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One feature that distinguishes lentiviruses such as HIV from the other retroviruses is the complexity of the lentiviral genome.
To find the adaptation signal, Petrov and his colleagues looked for regions of the genome that "hitchhiked" along with an adaptation.
Military Space News, Nuclear Weapons, Missile Defense
The draft genome sequences for japonica and indica rice have been published recently.
On a planet where no genomes exist, a genome is the target and the wall is the range of possible sequences.
A Minimal Genome
Abstract: Three published estimates of the frequency of polyploidy in angiosperms 30 to 35 percent, 47 percent, and 70 to 80 percent were tested by estimating the genome size of extinct woody angiosperms with the use of fossil guard cell size as a proxy for cellular DNA content.
Junk DNA is still junk - The Panda's Thumb
However, different parts of the genome may diverge at different rates.
The configurational entropy of the entire human genome is tiny, on the order of attoJoules per Kelvin.
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Miller DJ (1992) Genomes of diploblastic organisms contain homeoboxes: sequence of eveC, an even-skipped homologue from the cnidarian Acropora formosa.
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The final step will now be to use this genome transplant procedure to place the newly built artificial chromosome into a bacterial cell.
Times, Sunday Times
The 228 markers used in the genome scan are represented with vertical ticks on the x-axis.
In an attempt to take the fruits of biotechnology to the common man and reduce the burden of genetic disorders such as thalassaemia and muscular dystrophies, the Genome Foundation here will set up diagnostic centres across rural India with the first such centre coming up in Uttar Pradesh.
India eNews
As with the genome, the internet was going to transform our lives, remake society, abolish boom and bust, bring everlasting peace and make the Tories unelectable forever.
Its genome size might have increased as assumed, decreased or remained the same subject only to genomic turnover, with new retrotransposon families replacing old ones or other secondary DNA.
They and the public databases are the guarantors of the human genome.
The researchers are also using the markers as a guide in mapping the sugar beet genome.
The genome contains instead a program of instructions for making the organism - a generative program - in which the cytoplasmic constituents of eggs and cells are essential players along with the genes.
An analysis of possible alpha, beta and gamma carbonic anhydrases in the cyanobacterial genomes shows that there is a wide diversity in carbonic anhydrase gene content.
One day, people will be able to have their whole genome sequenced and their gene and microRNA expression mapped, and this will become a part of their medical file," says Noam
Its genome is made up of 100 million bases divided into six segments, or chromosomes.
Egg size, the zoological counterpart of seed size, has not been nearly as well studied, but is known to correlate positively with genome size in cladoceran crustaceans and plethodontid salamanders.
There was a sense, largely but not exclusively fostered by the new breed of genome-based private companies, that everyone was in a race to stake claims as fast as they could and reap huge profits from their discoveries.
Viral RNA is converted to DNA, which integrates into the cellular genome.
The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Illustrated Presentation
Hence, the polymorphism hypothesis is attractive because it could help to explain how a segmentally duplicated genome such as that of maize can avoid deleterious ectopic recombination between paralogs.
But if those seeking to understand the genome through bioinformatic and evolutionary analysis had had just one fraction of a percent of the funds available to the Consortium and Celera, they might have already achieved the transformation of mere data (let us not dignify it as "knowledge") into understanding?
The oligochaete L. terrestris, the only other annelid whose complete mtDNA sequence has been determined, has a somewhat smaller and slightly less A + T-rich mitochondrial genome.
We tested this hypothesis by reanalyzing the genome scan data for the mice in the original intercross.
The duplicated genetic material in the polyploids facilitates hybridization and introgression among different polyploid species leading to the production of recombinant genomes that barely can be formed at the diploid level.
Hydra magnipapillata full genome and have not been identified until now in other hydrozoan or scyphozoan species, being only known from the anthozoan
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Most Alu CpG sites are deaminated in the genome. 27% of Alu CpG sites represented in our amplification products. 87% of the remaining CpG sites are methylated.
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Multiple episodes of EBV reactivation led to decreased immunosuppressive therapy and serial quantitations of blood EBV genome copies.
Hydra magnipapillata full genome and have not been identified until now in other hydrozoan or scyphozoan species, being only known from the anthozoan
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These concentrations were compared with levels measured in mitochondria of the wild-type strain, bearing 100% intact mitochondrial genomes.
All these are used in research to build on the decoding of the human genome.
Times, Sunday Times
We can go further and look at synteny, or the conserved order of sequences in the genome, and see that there is an explicable pattern of change, one that is explained by common genetic and evolutionary processes, and does not fit the design hypothesis except in the sense that the design hypothesis is so uselessly vague that you can make any observation fit it.
The circus is in town; the creationist calliope is wheezing away again - The Panda's Thumb
It provides numerous links to developmental biology research resources, including dynamic development, axolotl colony, genetic and molecular data for drosophila, mouse embryo and cancer genome etc.
Comparison of the cumulative isochore distribution on chromosomes 17 to 22 and on the whole human genome.
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Now scientists are turning their attention to the genome of the domestic cat, and it is Cinnamon's turn to donate a blood sample.
As originally defined by Winkler, genome referred to a monoploid chromosome complement.
Numerous phenotypic characters have been associated with DNA C-values (DNA content of the chromosome complement) and with genome size (DNA content of the monoploid chromosome set) apart from the genetic effect.
Sequence analysis reveals evidence of heteroplasmy in this sample and places this mitochondrial genome sequence securely within a previously identified aurochsen haplogroup (haplogroup P), thus providing novel insights into pre-domestic patterns of variation.
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The two subfamilies together constitute approximately 1.1 % of the entire genome.
The coming availability of multiple invertebrate chordate genomes Broad has completed another Ciona species and JGI has sequenced the lancelet will doubtless catalyze the discovery of more interesting changes that led to “vertebrate” features.
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William Hasletine, Human Genome Sciences's chairman and chief executive, thinks he knows the answer: biologicals.
The fourth copy, containing the Topi insertion, was located in an unmapped area of the genome.
Think of the genome — the DNA sequence — as being like the hardware of a computer, while the epigenome is like the software that tells the computer when, where, and how to work. here
2010 February - Telic Thoughts
The existence and amount of genome size variation within species of higher plants have been topical since the early days of genome size research, when commercial cytophotometers became available.
Recent molecular data indicate differences in molecular chromosome organization among the genomes of diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid wheat.
To localize genes of interest we have used common markers among foxtail millet, maize, and rice genomes.
However, large chromosome blocks showed good colinearity between the two genomes.
The viral genome is episomal, and its complete sequence (137 kilobase pairs) has been determined.
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Ciliates are alveolate protozoa that evolved unusually large cell sizes entirely differently from gregarines, with radically novel consequences for their genomes.
Data from animals suggest that the portion of the genome coding for reproduction-related function may be unusually dynamic.
In fact, recent evidence from the sequencing of the Neanderthal genome suggests interbreeding, meaning
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The application of genome, transcriptome, and proteome screening to cybrid clones of the two different types could therefore help to identify the relevant pathways and genes.
[807] Prosphatōs genomenos en Ankura tēs Galatias kai katalabōn tēn kata topon (not Ponton) ekklēsian hupo tēs nias tautēs .... pseudoprophēteias diatethrulēmenēn (“When I was recently at Ancyra in Galatia, I found the local church quite upset by this novel form .... of false prophecy”).
The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
The potential for abuse and misuse of genome and cloning technology has always been a quiet threat.
Bradford, about the detachable pattern in nucleic acids: The detachable pattern is the genome.
A Minimal Genome
The human body has been of primordial interest as an object of imagination, representation and investigation across millennia, from the earliest cave drawings to the present day mapping of the human genome.
The configurational entropy of the human genome is minuscule, and if I had to define it, I would have to count the number of possible DNA base permutations of the human genome (easy) vs. all the permutations that leave a human essentially unchanged (hard).
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Genome-wide surveys for simple sequences have shown that these low-complexity sequences are the most commonly shared peptide fragments in eukaryotic proteomes.
Thus, far from being dispersed sparsely, haphazardly, and inefficiently within a sea of nonfunctional sequences (one that supposedly accumulated by mutation), functional genetic information is densely concentrated on the DNA molecule." (p. 461) "Far from containing a preponderance of" junk "— nonprotein-coding regions that supposedly perform no function — the genome is dominated by sequences rich in functional information." (p. 461)
The Memory Hole
By comparison, there were potential synteny, collinear order of some markers and conservation of collinear linkage groups among the maps and with the AA genome but not fully conservative.
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The trouble with being asexual is that your genome is passed on as a single, monolithic block, rather than shuffled up as happens during the sexy sex.
This underrepresentation is of the same magnitude as the average for genes in the human genome.
The fibroblast line grows adherently to glass and plastic in culture and is generally utilized as a transfection host for virus genomes and recombinant plasmids.
More recently, evidence has accumulated to suggest that an intriguing consequence of a multipartite genome configuration is the somatic modulation of mitochondrial genotype.
I think that it is interesting that Behe has toyed with the idea of a kind of preformation of the DNA, with the genes for such-and-such being designed into the genome at the beginning and remaining hidden over the generations until they were expressed. nickmatzke
The true origin of "intelligent design" - The Panda's Thumb
Now we've got the whole genome.
Times, Sunday Times
Touchman, who is also an adjunct investigator at The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), has chosen his photosynthetic, microbial partners carefully; each bears a unique metabolism, physiology or ecology and differs in fundamental ways from sequenced genomes of any other phototroph. - latest science and technology news stories
Or, mapping the human genome could be judged as the greatest advance in the history of our species since we stood up on two legs.
One thing that we do have on our list is pharmacogenomics, which is sort of the next stage after the genome project.
CNN Transcript Dec 9, 2001
No regions of the genome exhibited nonrandom segregation of any markers in the unaffected females tested.
The final step will now be to use this genome transplant procedure to place the newly built artificial chromosome into a bacterial cell.
Times, Sunday Times
Geniculate taxa are characterized by larger nuclear genomes and crustose taxa are characterized by smaller with the exception of Neogoniolithon and Titanoderma.
He pointed out that our bipartite collaboration on the worm was exceptional among genome sequencing projects in its success and lack of friction.
U.earthing the genetic complexities of cancer "is still a massive task," says Prof. Michael Stratton, head of the cancer-genome project at the U. K.'s Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.
In Long-Awaited Maps of Cancer,
This falls within the expected range for a coleopteran genome.
The growing number of sequenced genomes allows integrating orthology evidence with coregulation information when searching for motifs.
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Crucially, the finished sequence must cover at least 98 percent of all twenty-three pairs of chromosomes that is, the diploid genome at a stringent accuracy of 99.999 percent or just 1 error per 100,000 bases.
The $1,000 Genome
The two haploid genomes of the two gametes are then combined to constitute a new individual.
Although triploidy and haploidy of chromosomal regions in humans often cause viable or semiviable developmental defects, it is difficult to identify regions of the genome that are haplolethal.
Scientists recently announced not only the first complete sequence of a plant genome, but also a computational analysis for the flowering wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
Recent advances in genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analyses have revealed previously unrecognized microdeletions and uniparental disomy (UPD) in a broad spectrum of human cancers.
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We are going to have our genomes changed by bioengineering.
During the past decade research in the field of molecular biology has gradually shifted from the analysis of single genes to the analysis of whole genomes, transcriptomes, and proteomes.
The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon (Arthropoda, Crustacea, Malacostraca), is presented.
There is widespread public concern about scientific adventurism with the human genome (the supposed code of life).
Genome: the genetic complement of a living organism.
We examine platyhelminth genomes and transcriptomes and find that all platyhelminth parasites (from classes Cestoda and Trematoda) conform to a biochemical scenario involving, exclusively, a selenium-dependent linked thioredoxin-glutathione system having TGR as a central redox hub.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
Some of those who worked on the original human genome project might find it ironic that their work has helped the beauty industry.
Times, Sunday Times
He clung to 454, even after he left Curagen, announcing with dramatic flair in 2005 that he would use the machine to decipher the genome of DNA codiscoverer James Watson for only $1 million, far lower than anything before.
Gene Machine
The properties of these small RNAs can explain how the primary sequence of the parental macronucleus epigenetically controls genome rearrangement in the new macronucleus and provide the first demonstration of an RNAi-mediated process that directly alters DNA sequence organization.
Another Protozoan and Front-Loading
GenoMed's SNPs may pick up the remaining 95 % of sporadic breast cancer cases in white women, i.e. in women without a strong family history of breast cancer.
In the Riesa genome, the team found genes for the production of the nutrient pantothenate (Vitamin B5), which the louse requires and cannot make on its own.
Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine
Together, mapping the human building-blocks at the genome and proteome level has the potential to transform modern medicine.
Scientists Reach Midpoint of Protein Study
The genome contains four sections inserted by bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria and splice their genes into the bacterial DNA.
It seeks to emulate the success of the Human Genome Project, focussing on the previously uncharted human proteome.
Scientists Reach Midpoint of Protein Study
An organism is defined through the set of preferred codons shaping its genome.
With such new knowledge, malaria scientists will be able to pry out information long hidden in the genomes that can be used to design new insecticides, new repellants, and new drugs.
Moreover, biological data is highly multi-dimensional by nature, and understanding of the data requires multiple views, layers, or projections, for example, in the levels of genome, transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome.
Using the Google Maps API in Science
These genomes have remarkably similar gene orders to previously published annelid genomes, suggesting that gene order is conserved across annelids.
She can tell you why the zebrafish's genome is particularly useful for determining how human bodies work at the primary level.
Times, Sunday Times
While the abortive translation represents a very remote possibility due to the negative strandedness of the influenza virus genome, an efficient cellular uptake of γ-irradiated virus particles is the most likely mechanism to the induction of Tc cell responses.
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However, removing the omega-gliadin, gamma-gliadin, and LMW-GS loci from the short arm of chromosome 1 of the D-genome (1DS) removed T-cell stimulatory epitopes from the proteome while maintaining technological properties.
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YACs 229C7 and 223E11 do not contain DNA from this region of the genome.
Ancient genome duplication ( events ) have been identified in diverse organisms , such as yeast, vertebrates, and Arabidopsis.
But in the Nineties he moved into big science and oversaw the British segment of the human genome project.
Times, Sunday Times
Segmentation of the RNA genome is a feature shared by a variety of animal, plant, and bacterial viruses.
With over ten years of experience in pioneering genomic research and genome-wide mapping and association studies, Dr. Hakonarson had the intimate knowledge of the complexities of large-scale genomics projects and he has put together the necessary infrastructure and workflow processes to unravel these complexities in his role as the Director of the Center for Applied Genomics.
Hakon Hakonarson, MD, PhD
Several stress factors can trigger the expression of the virus when it is incorporated into the honeybee genome; the main trigger is believed to be parasitisation by varroa, but nutritional and environmental stresses can all contribute.
The honeybee crisis: paradoxical findings deepen the CCD mystery
This is consistent with previous evolutionary histories inferred from a small number of genes Figure 3: Brachypodium genome evolution and synteny between grass subfamilies.
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Over time, however, diploidization of the genome occurs and disomic segregation becomes prevalent.
No suppressor mutations were isolated from a screen of 104,000 haploid genomes.
Company president Luke Nosek, a cofounder of PayPal, bragged that Halcyon would ultimately sequence complete human genomes in ten minutes for $100 or less, and at an astonishing 99.9999 percent accuracy.3 The scientific cofounders, the Andregg brothers, stretched out single strands of DNA on a sheet of carbon, attaching platinum atoms to the G bases and osmium to the T bases.
The $1,000 Genome
She explores how new theories of chaos and complexity raise questions about the human ability to comprehend natural processes; ditto for new attempts to decode genomes and for bioengineering generally.
We sequenced the whole genome of the proband, identified all potential functional variants in genes likely to be related to the disease, and genotyped these variants in the affected family members.
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Corley-Smith GE, Brandhorst BP (1999) Preservation of endangered species and populations: a role for genome banking, somatic cell cloning, and androgenesis?
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We report a high - quality draft sequence of the genome of the horse Equus caballus.
A transposon is a segment of DNA that can replicate itself and move around to different positions within the genome.
The Times of India
The conference provided up-to-date information on hereditary cancer syndromes, congenital heart disease and new technologies such as genomewide association studies and microarray.
Rapid amplification of a retrotransposon subfamily is evolving the mouse genome.
Parasite Rex
He was one of the guys who founded Celera Genomics, the first company to map the human genome.
The interdisciplinary team led by Dr. Feinberg, who has pioneered the study of epigenetics in cancer, will develop tools to create comprehensive, genome-wide information about epigenetics and then apply that information to the study of autism and bipolar disorder.
Thanks to the convergence of the information and genome sciences revolution, we are already on the threshold of isolating and characterizing virtually all useful genes.
Unfortunately, a change in the genetic code of the mitochondrial genome in both enteropneusts and echinoderms strongly rejects chordate affinities of the hemichordates.
The isochore distribution of the whole human genome is from ref.
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CNVs in humans and chimpanzees often occur in equivalent genomic locations: most lie in regions of the genomes, called segmental duplications, that are particularly 'fragile'.
It would seem to me that SETI is no more scientific than looking for a designer's signatures in genomes.
Bunny and a Book
The replication terminus for each genome was located at the position most distant from the origin and usually coincided with a second shift in G + C-skew.
Identification of virus − host interactions has provided information on how HIV evades the host's immune system by impairing lymphocyte function, by constantly changing and by hiding its genome in the host lymphocyte DNA, making its eradication in the infected host difficult even after long-term antiviral treatment.
Planet Atheism
In brief, applied phycology could mimic the technology of crop science, but it could not deliver somatic hybrids with stable, desired genomes.
David L. Altshuler, deputy director of the Broad Institute of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a co-chairman of the 1000 Genomes Project steering committee, said a large catalog is a critical tool in figuring out which genetic differences might increase risk of disease.
Most Human Gene Variations Identified, Scientists Report
With a view to improve current fowlpox virus vaccine, we have removed the REV sequences from the fowlpox virus genome.