How To Use Genitor In A Sentence
Unlike English, Latin has two words for 'father': genitor, meaning 'begetter', and pater, meaning 'father' in a spiritually fuller sense.
The Feast of St. Joseph
By analyzing DNA sequences of two single-copy nuclear genes and the genomic AFLP data, we assess the allopolyploid origin of A. collina-4x from ancestors corresponding to A. setacea-2x and A. asplenifolia-2x, and the ongoing backcross introgression between these diploid progenitor and tetraploid progeny lineages.
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In these Puppenspiele (puppet-shows) the comic element largely prevails and is kept up by the comic figure Kasperle, a buffoon or 'Hanswurst' of the same character as the Italian Pulcinella, the progenitor of our
The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'
`Samuel Byrd, progenitor and jokester, was supposed to have been the classic roistering robber baron," Livvy said.
The comparison of newly formed polyploids with their haploid progenitors has revealed that nascent polyploids have a defect in stationary-phase viability.
From these preparations peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated by Ficoll-Paque centrifugation and two PBS washes From the PBMC, erythroid progenitor cells (EPC) were generated via culture in an expansion medium containing erythropoietic growth factors
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The plot is a complex intercontinental ‘quest for the father’ which inexorably transforms itself into a manhunt where said ‘father’ turns out to be a murderous, unnatural genitor.
In some sense, every model organism needs to be developed and selected from its natural progenitors, and no organism will be an entirely ideal model.
There is, however, evidence of genome downsizing in polyploids relative to their diploid progenitors in some cases.
Et quia inter nos & vos, nostr髎que & vestros subditos hinc inde foueri desideramus mutuam concordiam & amorem; ita quod mercatores nostri & vestri mercandisas suas in nostris & vestris regnis & dominijs liber�, & absque impedimento valeant exercere, prout temporibus progenitorum nostrorum fieri consueuit,
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
But in the middle Tertiary the mammal brain began suddenly to enlarge, so that in our time the brain of the horse is more than eight times the size of the brain of his progenitor, the dinoceras of Eocene times.
Time and Change
Maize was domesticated from its wild progenitor, teosinte, between 6,250 and 10,000 years ago in a single domestication event.
More significantly, this less-than-proportional increase in genome size in a polyploid species expected from the addition of its diploid progenitors appeared to be a widespread phenomenon in flowering plants.
England, and the worthy progenitors of our L. the K. that now is, and by himself also vnder a certain form confirmed: euen so he is determined (without the preiudice of forren lawes) vpon iust mature, and sober deliberation, by his royall authorise to withstand such priuiledges, as by reason of the abuse thereof, haue bene infinitely preiudiciall vnto himselfe and his subiects.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The deflagration is what signifies a SNIa, and it is possible that there exists a subclass (not convincingly detected) of SN where the progenitor (or one of its progenitors) are a magnesium WD.
Merging White Dwarfs Set Off Supernovae | Universe Today
These lines were derived as recombinants from the same progenitor, and their right ends are very likely the same.
Obscurata diu populo bonus eruet, atque Proferet in lucem speciosa vocabula rerum, Quae priscis memorala Calonibus alque Cethegis, Nunc situs informis premit et deserta velustas: Adsciscet nova, quae genitor produxerit usus: Vehemens, et liquidus, puroque simillimus amni, Fundet opes Latiumque beabit divile lingua. [
Life Of Johnson
The primogenitor of countless domesticated breeds is the Red Junglefowl of southern Asia.
If Harold Bloom is correct – and he's been quite sure of himself for almost 40 years – the placid scene of influence is in reality a brawl, with writers engaged in pugilistic agon against their aesthetic progenitors.
The Anatomy of Influence by Harold Bloom – review
Sartre describes human consciousness as a perpetual beginning, an ‘impersonal spontaneity’ with no determinate content or progenitor.
Thus, the female husband had rights to the domestic services of her "wife" and was the legitimate "father" of the wife's offspring, regardless of who the genitor might be.
Judith Shapiro: Proposals of "Marriage"
Correction of murine ADAMTS13 deficiency by hematopoietic progenitor cell-mediated gene therapy.
Fetal Gene Therapy Publications and Information
The Kalash, or "Wearers of the Black Robe," are a Dardic people whose ancestry is enveloped in mystery: a legend says that five soldiers of the legions of Alexander the Great settled in Chitral, and are the progenitors of the Kalash.
The Kalash Tribe Of Pakistan (PHOTOS)
Their Progenitor was the famous Frankenstein's monster, and their Bestowment is Unholy Strength.
Spermatocytes, the progenitors of spermatids, are biosynthetically active cells, producing all the components that will be needed in the mature spermatozoa.
The progenitor of the mutant allele was assumed to be the parental allele that was closest in size to the mutant allele.
These influences all contribute to an environment that allows hematopoietic progenitor cells to proliferate and differentiate normally.
They activate mature osteoclasts indirectly through osteoblasts, inhibit osteoclast cell death, and stimulate osteoclast progenitor formation.
Most of the pieces are of secular origin, but the Codex also has arrangements for organ of the Mass Cunctipotens genitor Deus.
Archive 2009-04-01
The radon gas will then also decay into radioactive solid particles, called radon daughters or radon progenitors.
The progenitor cell loses its nucleus, and most of its intracellular membranes are degraded; the now non-nucleated form of the cell, termed a reticulocyte, then loses its ribosomes, thus preventing any further synthesis of haemoglobin.
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Note that copy numbers in tetraploids were slightly less than double those in respective diploid progenitors.
This cell population, termed multipotent progenitor cells, or MPP, appears to be activated in the context of allergies or infection with parasitic worms and may be one of the earliest cellular events in the developing immune response.
The Pill turns fifty: are we having fun yet?
Still the promptness to laugh is an excellent progenitorial foundation for the wit to come in a people; and undoubtedly the diarial record of an imputed piece of wit is witness to the spouting of laughter.
Diana of the Crossways — Volume 1
There are better ways to meet your progenitor, but I did my best to give you a taste of the miracle before you saw its maker in the flesh.
Note that copy numbers in tetraploids were slightly less than double those in respective diploid progenitors.
And when he had long beholden his manner and order sayd: “Your personage doth not degenerate from the fame of your progenitors, but I would fayne knowe, howe pacient you were in the tyme of your pouertie.”
The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1
Now the whole Livewire in crystalline Element Lad body being hunted down as “The Progenitor” thing keeps my seatbelt on.
ComiQuicktakes – What I Read This Week | Kung Fu Rodeo
People do not claim to own more than one small-scale name, unless their pater is distinct from their genitor.
The only lineage that has survived is the horsetails, which are herbaceous and share characters with their extinct progenitors such as articulate stems with microphylls arranged in whorls.
These qualities were the progenitors of form: truth, beauty, love, justice, harmony -- all these qualities combined in different degrees to give birth to ideas and to interfuse and give life to diverse forms.
James O'Dea: Finding the Holy of Holies: Sticky Particles and the Ground of All Being
Most of the nobly born have at one time or another sought to find progenitors among the Companions of the Conqueror.
Debussy stands with Mussorgsky, Mahler, Reger, and Strauss among the great progenitors of Modernism.
Does it remind us of the time way back in our racial memory when our primogenitors viewed in amazement the shadows dancing on the cave walls?
The progenitors of osteoclasts are from the hematopoietic cell line and the osteoblasts originate from the marrow stroma.
Ut semel dicam, una gula est omnium morborum mater, etiamsi alius est genitor.
Anatomy of Melancholy
He may be considered the poetical progenitor of Burns.
Anything that touches progenitorship interests them.
Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 2
Red Jungle Fowl are the progenitors of the bewildering variety of domestic fowl.
Mr. Lankester also adduces the close resemblance of the parts on the right and left sides of the body, and in the successive segments of the same individual animal; and here we have parts commonly called homologous, which bear no relation to the descent of distinct species from a common progenitor.
XIV. Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings: Morphology-Embryology-Rudimentary Organs. Morphology
The aminosteroids include pancuronium and vecuronium and the bisquaternary nitrogen compounds include the progenitor compound curare and one of its derivatives, atracurium.
Its wild progenitor was probably the tall humile type distributed throughout the Levant, eastern Turkey, Syria and northern Iraq.
Beans: A History and My Legume Love Affair Ninth Helping Round-Up
I hope that I may not be misconstrued into saying that the progenitors of whales did actually possess mouths lamellated like the beak of a duck.
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
He had long believed in the transmutation of species, although he did not initially accept the concept of single progenitor ancestor.
In this study, we demonstrated by parabiosis that type I alveolar epithelial cells and lung fibroblasts as well as interstitial monocytes/macrophages could be derived from circulating slem/progenitor cells.
Well, Schoenberg was the progenitor of what is called atonality, which meant simply that he abandoned most of the harmonies that had been in use for centuries and devised new harmonies of his own, which were sometimes quite frightening to hear and, in other cases, had a sort of a weird impressionistic beauty to them.
Beauty Amid the Discord: Music in the 20th Century
Carmena A, Bate M, Jimenez F (1995) Lethal of scute, a proneural gene, participates in the specification of muscle progenitors during Drosophila embryogenesis.
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While, therefore, the New England forester must search long before he finds a pine fit to be the mast Of some great ammiral, beeches and elms and birches, as sturdy as the mightiest of their progenitors, are still no rarity [181].
Earth as Modified by Human Action, The~ Chapter 03 (historical)
From this dikaryon, the two progenitor haploid genomes were recovered by protoplast formation and regeneration.
The researchers show that HIV can target haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) from the bone marrow before they give rise to white blood cells.
Scientific American
And, as with Thomas Nozkowski's deft, eccentric revivifications of modernist composition, Root's paintings are, in regard to their progenitors, simultaneously affectionate and irreverent.
This concern is evidenced by the very designation of the movement as Realism-a name significantly awarded by its own progenitors rather than by literary historians.
The results from these studies are generally consistent with theoretical expectations of higher genetic diversity in tetraploids than their diploid progenitors.
But first of all, let me advert to one or two cases where divinity is ascribed without progenitorship.
The Science of Fairy Tales An Inquiry into Fairy Mythology
Objective: In order to illustrate the clinic significance of megakaryocytic progenitors in some blood diseases.
By analyzing DNA sequences of two single-copy nuclear genes and the genomic AFLP data, we assess the allopolyploid origin of A. collina-4x from ancestors corresponding to A. setacea-2x and A. asplenifolia-2x, and the ongoing backcross introgression between these diploid progenitor and tetraploid progeny lineages.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
In the fifth year of the succeeding reign of Stephen, by whom the gifts just mentioned were confirmed, the Forest of Dean, that is, its royal quitrents, were granted to Lucy, Milo Fitz-Walter's third daughter, upon her marrying Herbert Fitz-Herbert, the King's chamberlain, and progenitor to the present Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery.
The Forest of Dean An Historical and Descriptive Account
That defiant self-contempt defines the Velvet's status as the first post-modern band and the progenitor of the entire punk/new wave movement.
Bo had a flexuous and finely-drawn figure not unreminiscent of many a vanished knight and dame, her remote progenitors, whose dust now mouldered in many churchyards.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 102, May 7, 1892
Hence the great clans, Habr Gerhajis and Awal, who prefer the matronymic — Habr signifying a mother, — since, according to their dictum, no man knows who may be his sire. 9 These increased and multiplied by connection and affiliation to such an extent that about 300 years ago they drove their progenitors, the Galla, from
First footsteps in East Africa
They had a similar number of progenitor cells, which turn into neurons in a process known as neurogenesis.
Times, Sunday Times
Hierarchy I is non-nested, all entities are species, and first life equally well represents the progenitor of all life or of some restricted monophyletic group. and
A New Book
SOX9 is an HMG-box transcription factor that is expressed in multipotential pancreatic progenitors and later in duct cells
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Cosmic Trigger, and countless other influential tomes; progenitor of Discordianism and the Church of the Subgenius; hero, icon and role model — died last night, within days of his 75th birthday.
Robert Anton Wilson, z”tl | Jewschool
Rather John's genitor was another man, with other land-owning interests, and consequently John's own real land-owning interests were elsewhere.
Ut semel dicam, una gula est omnium morborum mater, etiamsi alius est genitor.
Anatomy of Melancholy
By analyzing DNA sequences contained in the plastid of the thecate amoeba Paulinella, researchers have shown that it is a recent endosymbiont whose genome features are virtually unchanged from those of its cyanobacterial progenitor.
Science Press Releases
Among the ancestor of the last, he searches for the common progenitors, from which again two branches started -- on the one hand the ignoble branches of the catarrhine species of apes, always remaining lower in {44} development, to which also belong the anthropomorphous apes, like the orang outang and gibbon in Asia, the gorilla and chimpanzee in Africa; on the other hand, that branch which represents the ascent of animals to man.
The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
The protein composition of the mitoribosome has been estimated to be about 75%, which indicates that large parts of bacterial rRNA domains have been replaced by protein components during mitochondrial evolution from a eubacteria-like endosymbiont in eukaryotic cell progenitors.
Best Protest Signs. Ever. - The Panda's Thumb
Some cases originate in cells called cerebellar granule neuron progenitors (GNPs) that do not reach their proper place in the cerebellum and fail to mature.
He is that eminent Victorian Charles Darwin, the progenitor of the theory of evolution.
As those progenitors of the contemporary avant-garde, The Futurists, so famously encouraged in the years leading up to WWI, Byrd casts her analogic net so widely it convincingly illuminates the interrelationship between mind and body, subject and object, ego and environment.
Seth Abramson: February 2012 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
Vascular endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) participate not only embryonic vasculogenesis but also postnatal vascular repair, generation and growth of tumour.
The radon gas will then also decay into radioactive solid particles, called radon daughters or radon progenitors.
Gamma-ray bursts and hypernova-which have energies more than 10 times that of supernova-are known to be some of the most energetic and explosive events in the universe, but the detailed explosion mechanism and nature of their progenitors are still unknown," says Yamaguchi.
Questo ristorante È cucina tipica svedese, È molto buono, ho portato qui i miei genitori e a loro è piaciuto molto.
Pastel de tres leches / Three milk cake - PERU
EPO stimulates the production of mature erythrocytes by mediating the survival, proliferation and differentiation of unipotent erythroid progenitor cells, called erythroblasts.
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Precisely how these two T cell lineages are generated from common thymocyte progenitor cells remains to be fully elucidated and is under intense investigation.
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The newly - formed variety would probably inherit from its progenitor some characteristic.
A limited number of individuals may claim ownership of the estates of both their pater and genitor.
In "the Book of Songs", there are multiple primogenitor's images in Huaxia nations. Their marriages reflect the marital system of immemorial miscegenation and monogamy.
Fans as well as friends have been also promulgation best wishes for a integrate for being primogenitor so soon.
Kendra Wilkinson in Labor
The record, and the subsequent Live Aid concerts, yoked the two men together as blood-oath crusaders against the famine in Ethiopia, the progenitors of popular culture's most decisive intervention into global politics.
Regardless of whether Darwin is 100 percent correct and our primogenitors once walked on monkey hands, I doubt whether you'd find one person who would advocate that we deal with social problems in the same manner that baboons and chimps deal with them.
The genitor is far less important here than the educator.
In answer, it may be asked, why should not the early progenitors of the whales with baleen have possessed a mouth constructed something like the lamellated beak of a duck?
VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
The GRPs the scientists used began life as what's called astrocyte progenitor cells from healthy rat spinal cord tissue.
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Panel A shows a symmetric division of a neuronal unipotent progenitor.
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PrepaCyte-CB recovers high yields of TNCs, mononucleated cells (MNCs) and CD34+ hematopoietic stem / progenitor cells from human umbilical cord blood, according to the results of BioE's multi-site, in-vitro clinical study.
Previous experiments carried out by Geron in rats with damaged motor nerves suggested that oligodendrocyte progenitor cells injected into the spine can redress this, helping to restore movement.
Theoretically, fetal cells serve as progenitors, differentiating into the family of cells that constitute the central nervous system.
Fans as well as friends have been also promulgation best wishes for a integrate for being primogenitor so soon.
Archive 2009-12-01
Once inside the brain or spinal cord, neural progenitor cells grow into neuron-supporting stem cells called astrocytes.
“I can hardly remember my genitor,” she mused aloud, testing the word in her mouth.
Yolonda's Genius
` ` Why, my goot Master Oldenbuck, you will only laugh at me --- But de hand of glory is vary well known in de countries where your worthy progenitors did live --- and it is hand cut off from a dead man, as has been hanged for murther, and dried very nice in de shmoke of juniper wood; and if you put a little of what you call yew wid your juniper, it will not be any better
The Antiquary
Currently, six major tetraploid races are recognized and their diploid progenitors have been identified.
Those modern Jews were voluble to disavow all sympathy with the murderous deeds of their progenitors, who had martyred the prophets, and ostentatiously averred that if they had lived in the times of those martyrdoms they would have been no participators therein, yet by such avouchment they proclaimed themselves the offspring of those who had shed innocent blood.
Jesus the Christ A Study of the Messiah and His Mission According to Holy Scriptures Both Ancient and Modern
Thus it is probable that some four-gilled form was the progenitor of the dibranch cephalopods.
On the Genesis of Species
It is unclear which or how many wild species or cultigens were the progenitors of the extant avocado races.
Red Jungle Fowl are the progenitors of the bewildering variety of domestic fowl.
Red Jungle Fowl are the progenitors of the bewildering variety of domestic fowl.
We give a brief review of the multistage and multimechanism process of cancer in a tissue that involves not only genotoxic but also epigenetic events, and the importance of stem and progenitor cells in the development of cancer.
Single-spore isolates were paired with their respective compatible mating types from the progenitor to establish progeny dikaryons.
Hierarchy I is non-nested, all entities are species, and first life equally well represents the progenitor of all life or of some restricted monophyletic group.
A New Book
Geron's drug contains living cells, called oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, that help restore nerve fibers and myelin, which is a protective sheath that protects nerves in the central nervous system.
FDA Clears Geron to Resume Stem-Cell Study
The results from these studies are generally consistent with theoretical expectations of higher genetic diversity in tetraploids than their diploid progenitors.
England that his progenitors, that is to say, the Kings of England who had preceded him, were famous -- mark the word -- "_famous_ for the
The Purpose of the Papacy
Yolonda speculated about her genitor, whom she could only remember sometimes.
Yolonda's Genius
Or take the prince, born into fantastic power by virtue of primogenitor.
2009 May «
That detachment, so to say, is a firm step towards gaining his independence as a progenitor of human evolution of selfness.
Philosophy of Self-awareness
Title: Bald scalp in men with androgenetic alopecia retains hair follicle stem cells but lacks CD200-rich and CD34-positive hair follicle progenitor cells
Getting Closer to the Root of What Causes Baldness
Wolfe offers an updated understanding of fraternities as social lockboxes far removed from their bawdy Animal House progenitors.
However, it wasnt until this year when an interrogation primogenitor asked me how we became meddlesome in training which we took a time to ponder this
Archive 2009-11-01
While, therefore, the New England forester must search long before he finds a pine fit to be the mast Of some great ammiral, beeches and elms and birches, as sturdy as the mightiest of their progenitors, are still no rarity.
The Earth as Modified by Human Action
METHODS: The current study analyzed the effects of BDNF on induction of neuronal progenitor cell migration and sensorimotor recovery after cortical photothrombotic stroke.
Tilney nuper de Shelleigh in Comitatu Suffolci�, pater et genitor
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
The only lineage that has survived is the horsetails, which are herbaceous and share characters with their extinct progenitors such as articulate stems with microphylls arranged in whorls.
The domestication of plants from their wild progenitors has led to the production of a wide variety of crops that share a number of traits.
Quae prifcis memofata Catonibus atque Cetfa Nunc fitus informis premit & deferta vetuftas Adfcifcet nova, quae genitor produxerit ufuj kao Vehemens & liquidus puroque fimillimus au Fundet opes, Latiumque beabit divite lingua:
Q. Horatii Flacci eclogae: cum scholiis veteribus
In 1262, being the 51st of Henry III. was revived an ancient statute, called the assize of bread and ale, which, the king says in the preamble, had been made in the times of his progenitors, some time kings of England.
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
The person who donates DNA from a somatic cell is the progenitor, in that the child carries that person's DNA.
This celestial being is therefore described as appertaining to five men, and he is the progenitor of five tribes.
The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 1 Books 1, 2 and 3
This nucleated cell was apparently the progenitor of all "higher" forms of life, including plants and animals.
James A. Shapiro: What Is the Key to a Realistic Theory of Evolution?
Quickly there was a population explosion such as was entirely appropriate in a Catholic country, and the progenitor drops multiplied and geometrized into a blinding, deafening horde.
Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates
Coase is the progenitor of the modern theory of the firm.
Both international law and domestic legal norms in the Christian world had roots in an accepted morality and in natural law, and had common intellectual progenitors (including Grotius, Locke, Vattel).
But what gained greatest attention, especially from ranchers in the west, was his discovery in subsequent years of handsome skeletons of four of the progenitors of the horse: eohippus, mesohippus, miohippus and the crucial, determinative merychippus.
Modern knowledge has pragmatically proved itself in helping us to live much longer, healthier lives and enjoy amenities undreamed of by our progenitors.
For example, the unicellular progenitors of plants underwent an important evolutionary step following the establishment of a second endosymbiotic relationship, resulting in the evolution of the plastid.
A limited number of individuals may claim ownership of the estates of both their pater and genitor.
Currently, six major tetraploid races are recognized and their diploid progenitors have been identified.
Axelrad AA (1991) Production of erythropoietic bursts by progenitor cells from adult human peripheral blood in an improved serum-free medium: role of insulinlike growth factor 1.
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He was also a progenitor of seven presidents of Nicaragua.
However, the progenitor cells will not achieve their full regenerative potential without interactions with the layer of "epicardial" cells that forms over the blastema.
Ancient Resilience
`Samuel Byrd, progenitor and jokester, was supposed to have been the classic roistering robber baron," Livvy said.
By implanting the bone marrow mononuclear cells, we deliver endothelial progenitor cells and vascular growth factors at the same time.
With its use of rum, liqueurs and syrup, Wondrich calls the Knickerbocker "the spiritual progenitor of the Tiki drink.
Cocktails That Complete Me: The Knickerbocker and Blinker
I conceived the embryonic form, in which the whole structure consists of only two layers of cells, and is known as the gastrula, to be the ontogenetic recapitulation, maintained by tenacious heredity, of a primitive common progenitor of all the Metazoa, the Gastraea.
Evolution in Modern Thought
For skull lengths, neither descendent population differs significantly from its progenitor population.
In addition, the recombination observed in astrocytes (also in cerebellar Bergmann glia and retinal Müller cells) hints towards a role of oligodendroglial genes (PLP) in early astroglia differentiation, supporting the idea of PLP+ glia progenitors, which give rise to astrocytes
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Mediterranean oat held to be progenitor of modern cultivated oat.
The device, already approved in the EU, filters blood for progenitor stem cells, total nucleated cells, and mononucleated cells for a possible use in therapeutic applications.
Playing a historical second to the King of Internet Memes, LOLCats, is the highly not-safe-for-work -or-anything-else, the grandfather of gross, the ruiner of innocence, the progenitor of the phrase “What is seen cannot be UNseen,” the linkbomb that topped them all.
The Most Widespread Internet Memes | Live Granades
The initial integrate of months of the brand brand brand brand new year can mostly be the graveyard for unfancied properties which the primogenitor college of song is unhappy with.
A Pizza Mind: The 50 Biggest Movies Of 2010 The films most likely ...
People do not claim to own more than one small-scale name, unless their pater is distinct from their genitor.
Bo had a flexuous and finely-drawn figure not unreminiscent of many a vanished knight and dame, her remote progenitors, whose dust now mouldered in many churchyards.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 102, May 7, 1892
The burning motes coming off Fletcher's body had their progenitor 's intention in them.
However, as a brand brand brand brand new primogenitor (of a 10 month old), we simply get sucked in to a cool costly toys.
Archive 2009-11-01
The United States Bank, of which Nicholas Biddle was the progenitor, had gone completely in 1841, and the United States Treasury with its subtreasury system had come in 1846; but still there were many, many wildcat banks, sufficient in number to make the average exchange-counter broker a walking encyclopedia of solvent and insolvent institutions.
The Financier, a novel
We examined the segments of repeats of 16 strains, each descended from different wild progenitors.
Boxes represent extant groups and their ancestral progenitors.
Stromal progenitor cells promote leukocyte migration through production of stromal-derived growth factor 1alpha: a potential mechanism for stromal progenitor cell-mediated enhancement of cellular recruitment to wounds.
CHOP scarless fetal wound healing publications
The result is premature apoptosis (programmed cell death) of progenitors and failure of stem cells to mature and differentiate.
Therefore, wild rice often absorbs genes from cultivars through hybridization since the wild progenitor tends to be cross-pollinated with its surrounding cultivars.
This time the to assistance overworked primogenitor Maggie Gyllenhaal while her infantryman father is away.
A Pizza Mind: The 50 Biggest Movies Of 2010 The films most likely ...
Children are typically given the name of their genitors regardless of the type of mating arrangement.
The legends which fill up the dark space with _eponymous_ heroes, as they have been called -- heroes who take the name of a tribe in order to bestow it back upon the tribe; for it was the Greek mode of thinking at these early periods to presume that every tribe, or _gens_, had a common progenitor from whom it took its title and origin, -- these legends are at one time treated with the due suspicion which should attend upon them; yet, at another, if a fortunate congruity, some lucky "dovetailing," can be observed amongst them, they are raised into the rank of historical evidence.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
The death has occurred of Adam, protoplast, progenitor, park-keeper and agriculturalist.
It is interesting that Sir George Young took the opportunity...
Maize was domesticated from its wild progenitor, teosinte, between 6,250 and 10,000 years ago in a single domestication event.
Indeed, some genes originating from different progenitors are expressed in specific tissues or at different developmental stages, as demonstrated in cotton.
England, and the worthy progenitors of our L. the K. that now is, and by himself also vnder a certain form confirmed: euen so he is determined (without the preiudice of forren lawes) vpon iust mature, and sober deliberation, by his royall authorise to withstand such priuiledges, as by reason of the abuse thereof, haue bene infinitely preiudiciall vnto himselfe and his subiects.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
We also wished to explore patterns of gene evolution in polyploid cotton, using as a comparative framework orthologs from the diploid progenitors.
Their ancestral array could have existed on the autosomes of the progenitor of the A. gambiae complex, from which some repeats were translocated onto the Y chromosome.
As such, it's easy to see Tubby as a key progenitor of current remix methodologies and DJ practices with their heavy reliance on reverb and echo effects and mixers.
These factors play a pivotal role in brain development by direction the formation of neurons and supporting cells called glia from uncommitted progenitor cells.
Instead, she bestows a life and a self on modernity that seems to be independent of politics or its intellectual progenitors, and can therefore be whatever the author wants.
And I think one can see that haunting that idea of the single progenitor, the one form, is an approach still to the idea of Godhead.