
How To Use Genitalia In A Sentence

  • On arriving in Britain she found herself to be a virtual slave to Dunlop, who exhibited her to curious Europeans who were eager to view Baartman's steatopygous buttocks and genitalia. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • You know how to tell a boy baby from a girl baby without having to look at their genitalia?
  • Silicone rubber suction cup for the treatment of genital, skin, male genitalia only.
  • Obviously rhino horn has nothing to do with genitalia.
  • The males of many species of insect have similarly elaborate genitalia.
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  • This permits the male to mount her back and attempt copulation by curling his abdomen to clasp her genitalia.
  • It has joyful photographs of naked men and women induing in strenuous exercise with genitalia in full view The Guardian World News
  • According to him the nerves of the rectum and the genitalia, in all cases closely connected, are abnormally so in the pathic, who obtains, by intromission, the venereal orgasm which is usually sought through the sexual organs. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Examples of aged auto genitalia accommodate as assumption aperture handles, wood-paneled birr trims, and advertent advanced trims and fascias. Acquisition Aged Auto Parts
  • Lillie looked at the anatomical characteristics of the freemartin, the sexually abnormal co-twin of a male calf, usually possessing female as well as male external genitalia.
  • 82 80 83 84 89 94 The internal genitalia are seen posterior to the bladder in the midsagittal scan. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Kajbafzadeh A-M, et al. Detubularized pedicled vaginal onlay flap urethroplasty: A new method for hypospadias repair of ambiguous genitalia. All Topics
  • Although the external genitalia of the freemartin may appear normal, the internal organs are abnormal in greater or lesser degrees.
  • In Hayes' study, African clawed frog tadpoles exposed to levels of atrazine commonly found in the environment were demasculinized and turned into hermaphrodites - creatures with both male and female genitalia.
  • Anomalies such as undersized genitalia, long or short arms or legs due to "glitches" causing early or late closing off of bone ends, pectus carinatum etc. The Smell of a Million Melted Computers
  • The work of Kuroda Seiki, the painter who introduced such western genres as the nude to Japan, and Edo-period "pornotopia", is the inspiration for paintings of outsize genitalia, cut free from context against bright planes of pattern, while his sculptures present life-sized girly Manga figurines with comedically exaggerated attributes. This week's new exhibitions
  • Ad extinguendum coitum, ungantur membra genitalia, et renes et pecten aqua in qua opium Thebaicum sit dissolutum; libidini maxime contraria camphora est, et coriandrum siccum frangit coitum, et erectionem virgae impedit; idem efficit synapium ebibitum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The majority of researchers and clinicians interested in the use of prenatal "dex" focus on preventing development of ambiguous genitalia in girls with CAH. Main RSS Feed
  • If you are agog on affairs some acclimated auto genitalia for your car, again you charge apperceive its archetypal year. Used Auto Part
  • The male orients toward the female, follows her, taps her abdomen with his foreleg, extends and vibrates his wing, licks her genitalia, and then mounts her and initiates copulation.
  • Instead, it means female genitalia in Northern Spain and parts of Portugal.
  • How about you, stupid troll whose brain and genitalia need threats to mitigate their subnormal size and decay due to atrophy? Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
  • No genitalia were seen on the parasite and it exhibited no active movements, the joints of both limbs being ankylosed. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The painful tradition, seen as controlling female sexuality and making a girl more "marriageable", involves cutting off the clitoris and other parts of the genitalia in girls and teenagers. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The work of Kuroda Seiki, the painter who introduced such western genres as the nude to Japan, and Edo-period "pornotopia", is the inspiration for paintings of outsize genitalia, cut free from context against bright planes of pattern, while his sculptures present life-sized girly Manga figurines with comedically exaggerated attributes. This week's new exhibitions
  • Prenatal treatment with a drug called dexamethasone is used by some clinicians to prevent the development of abnormal genitalia. The Money Times
  • The organization classifies FGM into four types, ranging in severity, with Type IV as procedures to female genitalia for non-medical purposes, such as the "nicking" that the AAP is now suggesting US pediatricians contemplate performing on certain girls to satisfy their parents 'traditional customs. Taina Bien-Aime: First Do No Harm
  • The rudimentary external genitalia are similarly common to male and female in the early weeks of fetal life.
  • The following physical features were noted: cleft lip and palate, overlapping fingers, low-set ears, simian creases, obscure dermatoglyphics, and hypoplastic external genitalia.
  • Mucous membrane involvement is common, primarily of the oral mucosa and conjunctiva, but may also include the nasopharynx, larynx, esophagus, genitalia, and rectal mucosa.
  • You just start with half a dozen European cities, throw in thirty euphemisms for male genitalia, and bam! You have got yourself a book.
  • (He seems particularly intent on breaking records for the mostdroppings of thef-bomband for the longest unedited tracking shot of male genitalia.) DVD Review: Observe And Report « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • A variety of factors can distort normal sexual development thereby giving rise to various forms of abnormal genitalia or intersexuality.
  • We care for children with anomalies of the external genitalia such as hydroceles (swellings in the scrotum), undescended testes and other scrotal problems in boys; we treat disorders of sexual differentiation and are specialists in pediatric gynecology. Urology
  • This androgen exposure causes partial to complete masculinization of the external genitalia in utero, and the masculinized genitalia in the newborn female typically lead to diagnosis within days of birth.
  • The Dinner Party is a 140-foot triangle depicting the imagined genitalia of 39 historically important women , including Susan B. Anthony and Georgia O'Keeffe.
  • To sum up the science-y stuff: The doctors are offering pregnant mothers a steroid called dexamethasone in an attempt to prevent congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), which can cause the development of ambiguous genitalia in female fetuses. Memphis Flyer
  • He had had normal genitalia and penile length before the operation.
  • Harpes: the lateral pieces of the male genitalia in Lepidoptera, used as clasping organs: also applied to the corneous hooks often borne by these lateral pieces, which are then termed valves; see clasper: in culicids an articulated process, sometimes jointed, at the base of inner side of side-piece, below and exterior to the harpagones. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The male genitalia are modified into claspers in order to grip the female securely behind the head in order to remain coupled in flight. Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water again ... - The Panda's Thumb
  • The most common infestation sites are the interdigital spaces of the fingers, the flexor surfaces of the wrists, the external male genitalia, the buttocks and the anterior axillary folds.
  • Previous studies of slang terms for female and/or male genitalia have found rich variety.
  • They talked vaginas, more vaginas, the radicalness of mommyblogging (from a dad’s perspective), the reasons why the road more medicated is sometimes the road best travelled, corpses in bathrooms, team building and swallowing cameras, how to be almost sort-of always sometimes Canadian, and – because it wouldn’t be a well-rounded week of guest posts if it didn’t come full circle back to genitalia – balls and porn. Getting Back To Business | Her Bad Mother
  • 'Have you never observed through my inexpressibles a large prominency circa genitalia?' he inquired with exquisite delicacy of a colleague. Archive 2004-03-01
  • He left a huge gap, a whole grove of empty plinths with his name obliterated from each, herms with their genitalia hammered off. Fortune's Favorites
  • Those unfamiliar with the term "intersex" may still recognize the term "hermaphrodite" -- a single human possessing both male and female genitalia -- which is one variety of intersexuality. The Full Feed from
  • * And subsequent use of the word "bidness" to describe male genitalia JESSICA ALBA IS DEAD BEHIND THE EYES
  • Due to the location of the test lead, the patient's genitalia cannot be shielded with a lead apron.
  • It was patinaed with drawings of genitalia that had been scratched into the paint. Rain Gods
  • The second, I have already articulated: because I must find outlets to purge my illness as a participant in this disgusting sub-race of individuals with testosterone-driven protrusive genitalia, who has at one or more points in his life harbored thoughts of sexual violence toward women, even, if only by engaging in sexual intercourse that was devoid of genuine love or affection. Y-Chromosome Sickness: The Congo's "Silent War"
  • This use is thought to have originated from the idea, going back to Roman times, that consumption of animal genitalia is an effective way to treat sexual problems (‘organotherapy‘).’
  • Characteristically, psoriasis is symmetrically distributed, with lesions frequently located on the ears, elbows, knees, umbilicus, gluteal cleft and genitalia.
  • The blame lies with the plant's appearance – it has speckled leaves and its flowers are well-hidden, but their spathe (the special leaf that protects the flowers of an arum) and spadix (the spike on which the flowers are arranged), are said to resemble male and female genitalia. The power of spring flowers
  • When she died in 1815, her corpse was dissected by a French surgeon and parts of it, including the brain and genitalia, preserved in bottles.
  • Generative adoration refers to the cultural phenomenon that people worship at the male and female genitalia to beget and conceive offspring.
  • Beetles are usually identified by observing differences in the male's genitalia, which sport all sorts of uncomfortable-looking protuberances.
  • Genitalia were noted to be normal externally, but the hymen appeared to be somewhat distorted and scarred with a rather high free edge.
  • After testing, we later found out the birth defect has a name, cloacal exstrophy, or ambiguous genitalia. Angels of a Lower Flight
  • What struck me most, after this long passage of time, is what we deem “permissible” on the screen today: We can — with impunity — rape, skewer, torture, vilify, scarify, plunge fangs into carotid arteries, sodomize…women can reveal frontal nudity within a half-inch of genitalia; men can stand frontally nude with only a hand cupped over the thingy…but only frontal. Buzzine » Tushy Tarts, Smelly Farts…
  • The authors calculate that the risk of testicular cancer is approximately 5 percent in cryptorchid boys with intra-abdominal testes, abnormal external genitalia or an abnormal karyotype.
  • Those unfamiliar with the term "intersex" may still recognize the term "hermaphrodite" -- a single human possessing both male and female genitalia -- which is one variety of intersexuality. The Full Feed from
  • Foramen ad latus, per quod genitalia & excrementa emittuntur: Opening on the side, through which genitalia & excrements put out (?). Archive 2009-01-01
  • We discover Athenian women going on a three-day binge every autumn, gleefully burying models of male genitalia.
  • As an example, the ceremony has recently left the procaryote stage and has developed rudimentary genitalia. The QOHA: The Ominous Comma!
  • The AAP's casual comparison of "nicking" of girls 'genitalia to ear piercing demonstrates just how far from the international framework the organisation currently stands. The Guardian World News
  • The specific controversy that has provoked this larger debate involves an experimental treatment for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a heterogenous group of recessive genetic syndromes in which females often have "masculinized" or "intersex" external genitalia. Jacob M. Appel: Tempest in a Womb: What's Wrong With Preventing (Or Promoting) Homosexuality In Utero?
  • The lesions are more or less numerous, usually become confluent, especially about the folds of the neck, about the genitalia and buttocks; in these regions resembling somewhat erythema intertrigo. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Innocuous slang for the gluteus maximus in the U.S., the word is an obscenity in the U.K. and Australia, where it refers to female genitalia. With Fanny Packs on the Runway, Can Mom Jeans Be Far Behind?
  • Some people speculate that, in some species,(Sentencedict) it's actually there to do damage to the female genitalia so as to ensure she won't mate again in a hurry.
  • More often than not, the retort to this rhetorical question involves obscene invective, drawn from the vulgar nomenclature regarding genitalia and the act of coition.
  • Classification within the genus Italopodisma, based solely on subtle differences in the shape of the male genitalia, is known to be difficult.
  • Mr. Darwin [573] has thrown out the suggestion that the cause for the appearance of double flowers may be sought for in some previous state of things, bringing about sterility or imperfect formation, or functional activity of the genitalia of the flower, and consequent compensatory increase of the petaline element, either in the form of an increased number of bracts, petals, &c., or in the substitution of petals for stamens and pistils, &c. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Klimt's tentative chalk and pencil strokes do little more than outline and emphasize the foreshortened legs, buttocks and genitalia of his subjects, their scrawled lifelessness compromising the images' erotic impact. Modernism's Austrian Rebels
  • In utero, female fetuses exposed to excess androgens show masculinization and ambiguous genitalia at birth while male fetuses appear normal.
  • However, analysis of internal genitalia revealed that these individuals either have malformed testes or lack internal genitalia.
  • Honda originally intended to name the car Fitta, but did not take a liking to the word's meaning in some languages - in Swedish and Norwegian, "fitta" or "fitte" is a rather crude slang term for female genitalia - resulting in a last-minute change. 13 Unfortunate Translations That Harmed Brand Reputations
  • They are found on the external genitalia and on the thighs, buttocks, and lower abdomen.
  • Most het women only see female genitalia in photographs and video.
  • The diagnosis of ambiguous genitalia should be made early to assign sex and avoid psychologic disorders.
  • Male pantalong yari sa kambas may fantastically kumplikadong genitalia, na mayroon nagbago sa pagtawid ang mga komplikadong vaginal canals ng babae pantalong yari sa kambas, na nagbago hugis tribuson bilang tugon sa lalaki pantalong yari sa kambas na makatawag pansin sa sapilitang pagsasama. »2,009» Disyembre
  • In boys, examination of the external genitalia may reveal penile and scrotal abnormalities.
  • He had not even climbed far into sensual decadence, a different mountain entirely, with play for the playboy tearing his crepe paper heart the inwardly lachrymose and outwardly debonair way that it did, with these bouts of sensing a woman's genitalia as vapid holes being banged as empty drums from inside by a man's stick; these conclusions that sex was just a bored erumpent man banging on any tin trash can in reach for a bit of sound and vibration, and brief moments of total, pellucid understanding called enlightenment as to the absolute absurdity of an instrument of urination being used for intimacy. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais

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