How To Use genital organ In A Sentence
- She has an attractive and sympathetic personality; in complexion she is dark, with dark eyes and very dark and abundant hair; the fine down on the upper lip and lower parts of the cheeks is also much developed; the jaw is large, the head acrocephalic, and the external genital organs of normal size, but rather asymmetric. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
- I shall, however, take this opportunity of stating that, as careful investigations have shown, the periodic processes in question are not limited to the uterus and the ovaries, but affect also the external genital organs, which become congested simultaneously with menstruation; and further, that the entire feminine organism is affected by an undulatory rhythm of nutrition, the rise and fall of which correspond to menstruation and to the intermenstrual interval, respectively. The Sexual Life of the Child
- I believe, however, that this voluptuous acme is, at any rate in children, much less common than the equable voluptuous sensation which can be aroused by all kinds of manipulations and stimulations of the peripheral genital organs, and more especially of the glans, the penis, the clitoris, and the labia minora. The Sexual Life of the Child
- When a boy gets some trouble with his genital organs, such as phimosis, or balanitis or whatever it may be, he is at once taken to a physician, who institutes the necessary treatment. Woman Her Sex and Love Life
- Trauma, tumor, disease and congenital abnormalities may lead to genital organ damage or function failure, and consequently the requirement of its reconstruction.
- Figure 3, Sheet 17, is a generalized diagram of the uro-genital organs in the vertebrata; M.L. is the middle line of the body, G. is the genital organ, Pr. is the pronephros, or fore kidney, Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
- When the eruption is in the neighborhood of the genital organs the disease has been mistaken for dourine. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
- There are rare cases where the true sex of a child is confused because of poorly developed genital organs at birth.
- At last, a fast and automatic ultrasound image recognition algorithm for fetal genital organ is proposed and realized.
- Conclusion: Uniting IL - 2 with laser to treat condyloma acuminatum of female genital organ is more effective and can lower its relapse rate.