
  1. chiefly deciduous shrubs or small trees of Mediterranean area and western Asia: broom
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How To Use Genista In A Sentence

  • Helleboratus major and minor in Quercetan, and Syrupus Genistae for hypochondriacal melancholy in the same author, compound syrup of succory, of fumitory, polypody, &c. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A variety of flowers and plants including genistas, acacias, jonquils, tulips, and palms were placed at the base of the eight towering columns.
  • About 2,000 vascular plant species, of which between 10 to 20% are endemics – i.e. Genista berberidea, Aquilegia discolor, Armeria maritima, A. Pubigera, Cytisus ingramii, Linaria faucicola, Petrocoptis viscosa, P. grandiflora. Cantabrian mixed forests
  • Some linguists link fenestra with Gk. verb phainein “to show;” others see in it an Etruscan borrowing, based on the suffix -stra, as in L. loan-words aplustre “the carved stern of a ship with its ornaments,” genista “the plant broom,” lanista “trainer of gladiators.” Minimalist Christmas Update «
  • Helleboratus major and minor in Quercetan, and Syrupus Genistae for hypochondriacal melancholy in the same author, compound syrup of succory, of fumitory, polypody, &c. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Gray olive trees were on either side, and on the bordering banks grew lovely wild flowers, starry purple anemones, jack-in-the-pulpit lilies, yellow oxalis, moon-daisies, and the beautiful genista which we treasure as a conservatory plant in England. The Jolliest School of All
  • Though his shaggy little horse showed no signs of distress, Malcolm kicked his feet free from the stirrups and descended, for his journey had been a long one, the day was poisonously hot and the steppe across which he had ridden, for all its golden beauty, its wealth of blue cornflour and yellow genista, had been wearisome. The Book of All-Power
  • You will notice the green fields and woods, the gray of the granite, the bright colours of the heathers, genistas, oleanders or brooms and ancient small and picturesque villages.
  • HENRY II., as you know, got his name Plantagenet from his father, Geoffrey of Anjou, who used to wear a piece of planta genista in his helmet. An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls
  • Gray olive trees were on either side, and on the bordering banks grew lovely wild flowers, starry purple anemones, jack-in-the-pulpit lilies, yellow oxalis, moon-daisies, and the beautiful genista which we treasure as a conservatory plant in England. The Jolliest School of All
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