
  1. bent at a sharp angle
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How To Use geniculate In A Sentence

  • The corpus profile is weakly concavoconvex and there are short trails, the dorsal being strongly geniculate.
  • However, none of the geniculate coniform elements that are especially distinctive of this species has been recovered.
  • It is basically shingles of the geniculate ganglion, and it explains every single one of the patient's symptoms! Archive 2008-08-01
  • The clerk Flinx encountered was straight of body but mentally geniculate from a quarter century of answering the same inane questions. Orphan Star
  • Cells in the retina, lateral geniculate body (a relay station in the brain) and in the visual cortex respond mainly to edges (step changes in luminance) but not to homogeneous surface colours; so a line drawing or cartoon stimulates these cells as effectively as a ‘half tone’ photograph. The Cognitive Science of Art: Ramachandran's 10 Principles of Art, Principles 1-3
  • The point where it changes its direction is named the geniculum; it presents a reddish gangliform swelling, the genicular ganglion (ganglion geniculi; geniculate ganglion; nucleus of the sensory root of the nerve) (Fig. 789). IX. Neurology. 5g. The Facial Nerve
  • Individuals were classified as adults when males developed geniculate right antennules, and when females developed large wing-like processes on the posterior end of their prosomes.
  • This species differs from B. variabilis in the absence of a strongly recurved element with a flaring base and the lack of a geniculate element in the apparatus.
  • This appearance is caused partly by small wart-like elevations, and partly and especially by curious geniculated hairs, which to a certain extent constitute a fine net or hair-sieve extended immediately over the surface of the carapace. Facts and Arguments for Darwin
  • The persistent stapedial artery courses through the tympanic cavity, between the crura of the stapes and enters the facial canal distal to the geniculate ganglion.
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