How To Use Geneva convention In A Sentence
Sending attachments is forbidden by copyright protocols of the Geneva Convention.
A spokesman for Amnesty International said the measures had caused great concern, and contravened the spirit of the 1951 Geneva Convention, enshrining the rights of those seeking asylum.
PILGRIM: Bill, Bush nominee Alberto Gonzales is in the spotlight because of a memo he wrote to his White House legal counsel talking about new definitions of torture and the Geneva Convention provisions which he called quaint and talking about special people for war on terror, special rules for war on terror.
CNN Transcript Dec 23, 2004
Here are some articles from the Geneva Convention that deal with the protection of civilians in armed conflicts.
Will he confirm that curfews constitute collective punishment, which is punishable under article 33 of the fourth Geneva convention?
He noted that in the 1950s, the Department of Justice took the position that the Geneva Conventions are self-executing.
Will he confirm that curfews constitute collective punishment, which is punishable under article 33 of the fourth Geneva convention?
Will he confirm that curfews constitute collective punishment, which is punishable under article 33 of the fourth Geneva convention?
A Newsweek investigation found that Bush, Rumsfeld and Attorney General Ashcroft created a "secret system of detention and interrogation that opened the door" to torture methods and "sidestepped" the Geneva Conventions.
Who Pays for US War Crimes?
I'm willing to dilate on this and any other interesting tidbit someone happens to dig up in the text of the Geneva Conventions tomorrow after I get some sleep.
Based on information supplied in autobiographical and press sources, the book matches events in Afghanistan, Guantánamo, Iraq, and various secret places of detention with provisions in the Geneva Conventions and other international agreements on war crimes.
Matthew Yglesias » The Embrace
“The ICRC is the guardian of the Geneva Conventions, and when it uses those words, they have the force of law.”
Red Cross: America practiced torture
A problem is that part of the lawsuit is based on the additional protocols to the Geneva Convention, which have not been ratified by the US.
He said the bombing was in complete disregard of the Geneva Convention.
At issue is whether Congress will support the president's desire to clarify what's known as Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which outlaws what they call outrages upon personal dignity and humiliating and degrading treatment.
CNN Transcript Sep 18, 2006
Under the Geneva Conventions it is a war crime to target deliberately innocent civilians.
Legal interpretation of the Geneva Conventions did commence from the higher levels of the administration.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Senator Graham on Torture and the Geneva Convention:
Please, point me to the references in the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions sanctioning the use of unmuzzled dogs.
It was a world far from the Geneva conventions, let alone the modern international legal niceties.
The Times Literary Supplement
Collective punishment is forbidden by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 governing militarily occupied territories.
Protection of areas and positions held by the troops is carried out (in keeping with the Geneva Convention) via installation of controlled minefields only.
He said the bombing was in complete disregard of the Geneva Convention.
They were tortured, humiliated and abused in gross contravention of the Geneva convention.
The fact that we†™ re actively engaging in breaking the Geneva conventions is a huge pox mark on the US.
Think Progress » Putin Jabs Bush: ‘We Certainly Would Not Want…The Same Kind of Democracy As They Have in Iraq’
It is to be remarked that, if the treatment is stricter, it is in no way in disaccordance with the Geneva Convention.
Work Camp 7010 GW
Bombing foreign embassy is a clear violation of international law - in particular of the Geneva Convention.
It pleaded in forceful terms for respect of the Geneva Convention rights of enemy soldiers, civilians and irregular combatants on the East Front, mustering a series of arguments that bear remarkable similarity to a memorandum sent by Colin Powell to President Bush sixty years later.
Captain Versace wouldn't give his captors any information other than the big four of name, rank, service number, and date of birth, as required by the Geneva Convention and the U.S.
Versace, Humberto R.
Russia is today a party to an internal armed conflict, and must observe its obligations under the Geneva Conventions and other international humanitarian law that regulates such conflicts.
Well, that's a unilateral decision as to how the Geneva Conventions are going to be interpreted.
But perhaps interested in staving off the eventual robot rebellion (or maybe they just saw one of the Terminator movies), the Pentagon is also investing $4 billion in a research program to make sure this new army doesn’t do anything that might violate the Geneva Conventions.
Speaking of Battle Droids « Blog
At the micro level, there are a number of well-defined rules, set out in the Geneva Convention and other war crimes/war-fighting agreements.
There, in introducing and explaining the meaning and purport of Article 2 and having regard to the grave breaches system of the Geneva Conventions, reference is made to international armed conflicts.
When it showed more prisoners, the Australian Defence Department said that its failure to pixelate the faces of captives was an infringement of the Geneva Conventions.
What indeed - there's nothing in journalism's unwritten Geneva Convention that condones such behaviour.
Will he confirm that curfews constitute collective punishment, which is punishable under article 33 of the fourth Geneva convention?
They were tortured, humiliated and abused in gross contravention of the Geneva convention.
Essentially every country in the world has ratified these treaties, bar three; also Australia has ratified the two additional protocols to the Geneva Conventions.
Wow, a president who gathers data and considers it vs. an adolescent one who studiously avoided serving in Vietnam yet launched two incredibly costly (in blood and dollars) wars impetuously, with the Iraq war based solely on deceit and arrogance and in violation of the UN and the Geneva Conventions.
Obama: Decision on U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan 'soon'
He said their work was consistent with the Geneva Convention and the responsibility for guarding the prisoners remained with the US.
Will he confirm that curfews constitute collective punishment, which is punishable under article 33 of the fourth Geneva convention?
The Nobel Committee recognized this truth in awarding its first prize for peace to Henry Dunant – the founder of the Red Cross, and a driving force behind the Geneva Conventions.
Barack H. Obama - Nobel Lecture
And when the Supreme Court ruled in 2006 that the Geneva Conventions, which broadly prohibit all mistreatment of wartime detainees, applied to al-Qaeda, the OLC lawyers wrote still another secret opinion recommending that President Bush issue an executive order that would "authoritatively" establish that the CIA's tactics did not violate the laws of war — simply because the president said so.
The Torture Memos: The Case Against the Lawyers
The four executive orders Obama signed on Thursday, the second day of his presidency, begin the process of closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, require the CIA to comply with the Army Field Manual on Interrogations, close the CIA secret prisons known as "black sites" and allow International Committee of the Red Cross access to ensure that all U. S.-held detainees are being held in compliance with the Geneva Conventions.
JTA - Recent News
The administration's response was to "reinterpret" the Geneva Conventions in a way that no country has ever done before: they claimed that since their detainees did not represent a nation or an army, the Geneva Conventions simply did not apply to them.
Deborah Kory: Psychologists Aiding and Abetting Torture
These involve both factual distortions and misrepresentations of the Geneva Convention on POWs.
But the earlier repudiation of the Geneva Conventions exposes such claims as lies.
Will he confirm that curfews constitute collective punishment, which is punishable under article 33 of the fourth Geneva convention?
The appeals court ruled that because Hamdan was a member of al Qaeda, the Geneva Conventions did not apply to him and he could not assert the unlawfulness of the military commissions on that basis.
Combatants who do not fulfil the requisite criteria for POW status (who, for example, do not carry arms openly) or civilians who have taken a direct part in hostilities in an international armed conflict (so-called "unprivileged" or "unlawful" belligerents) are protected by the Fourth Geneva Convention provided they are enemy nationals.
The bill is another example of Bush's lawyerly "hairsplitting" which is aimed at gutting the clearly articulated provisions of the Geneva Conventions so that he can carry out his torture-regime with impunity.
How did we sink so low in just 6 years?
What disturbs me about this kind of rationalization is that it ignores the simple fact that handing over prisoners to an authority that is known to practice torture is a violation of the Geneva Conventions and is therefore A WAR CRIME.
Rosie DiManno Downplays Afghan Torture Affair « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
The Geneva Conventions make reference to those acts which constitute war crimes under the Conventions.
The Supreme Court recently held that the Geneva Conventions apply to all U. S.-held detainees.
Human Rights First - Media Alerts
So all of the conventions created in the wake of the Second World War - the Geneva Conventions, the very concept of war crimes - these are all just polite fictions to be crumpled?
Can one of the lawyers on the left explain in highly legalistic terms that this would be prohibited under the Geneva Conventions, with detailed references to specific clauses that deal with entomological warfare?
The Volokh Conspiracy » “If you don’t want us to see you naked, maybe we’ll just put bees down your pants.”
Amendments made to the Geneva Conventions in 1977 specified that prisoners taken in internal and civil conflicts must still be considered prisoners of war.
We saw an example several days ago when U.S. forces were taking fire from a hospital in southern Iraq and when they eventually took the hospital over, which was flying the flag of the Red Crescent, which is a violation of the Geneva Convention, they found chemical weapon suits, munitions, and even a tank inside this hospital.
CNN Transcript Apr 1, 2003
They standardized the Geneva Convention of 1864 for the protection of the wounded and adopted guidelines for the proper care of prisoners and the treatment of people in conquered and occupied territories.
Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
Every year a padre comes in and trains us on the ethics of warfare - the Geneva Convention, the Hague Convention, the Nuremburg trials, etc.