How To Use Genetic disorder In A Sentence
Cystic fibrosis, a chronic genetic disorder that affects the exocrine glands, results in the production of excessive, thick mucus that obstructs the gastrointestinal tract and the lungs.
The test is uncomfortable and carries a small risk of miscarriage, as does another invasive test for genetic disorders called chorionic villus sampling, or CVS, that samples tissue from the placenta.
New Prenatal Tests Offer Safer, Early Screenings
This genetic disorder means your body is unable to break down a chemical called trimethylamine.
The Sun
Simmonds, who suffers from a genetic disorder called achondroplasia, one of the most common forms of short limb dwarfism, admits she is just as excited about watching the Games as competing in them.
Evening Standard - Home
A genetic disorder led to her using a cane and seeking a hip replacement.
Eric, blinded more than 20 years ago by a genetic disorder, has been getting one-and-a-half hours of help every Thursday morning.
A genetic disorder led to her using a cane and seeking a hip replacement.
Secondly; reductions in the available gene pool have almost always resulted in further proliferation of genetic disorders as recessive genes have a higher probability of combining.
Bradley and colleagues are well aware of these problems as they seek to justify newborn screening for this untreatable genetic disorder.
The most common cause of genetic disorders is multifactorial or polygenic inheritance.
He has, for example, been taking a 5-year-old girl suffering from the painful genetic disorder metachromatic leukodystrophy from the airport in Somerset, N.J., to one in Chapel Hill, N.C., since she was 2 years old.
J. Weekly
Finally, he visits a new doctor who diagnoses him with hereditary hemochromatosis, a genetic disorder common among people of Northern European descent.
These people have a genetic disorder called celiac disease, in which gluten — a protein found in wheat, barley and rye — triggers a reaction that causes their immune systems to attack the small intestine.
Eating Without Wheat: Farmers See Market in Celiac Disease Patients
Muscular dystrophies are genetic disorders, usually progressive, which can lead to profound paralysis.
Bradley and colleagues are well aware of these problems as they seek to justify newborn screening for this untreatable genetic disorder.
A genetic disorder led to her using a cane and seeking a hip replacement.
Heather has coped with a genetic disorder which thickens and hardens her bones and Tom gained his award for rescuing his toddler sister from drowning.
The condition is known as polydactyly, a genetic disorder which can be inherited and gives rise to excess digits. | Top Stories
The nine-year-old has xeroderma pigmentosum, an incurable and rare genetic disorder that creates cancerous growths on her face and makes exposure to sunlight very dangerous.
The Sun
The expo has stalls on genome geography, genetic disorders and abuse of science.
But the more you accept pro-choice premises, the more likely you are to share the point of view expressed by the other commenter Ezra quotes – namely, that aborting fetuses with genetic abnormalities is no different than two people at risk of passing on a genetic disorder to their offspring choosing not to procreate in the first place.
Are We All Eugenicists Now?
Finally, he visits a new doctor who diagnoses him with hereditary hemochromatosis, a genetic disorder common among people of Northern European descent.
A genetic disorder led to her using a cane and seeking a hip replacement.
Because of the involvement of Polη in promoting error-free replication through cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, its inactivation in humans causes the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum, a genetic disorder characterized by a greatly enhanced predisposition to sun induced skin cancers
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
We offer a broad test menu, with analysis of over 40 different genes for more than 30 genetic disorders, including craniosynostosis syndromes, neurogenetic/developmental disorders, globin genes and clotting disorders, and cancer predisposition syndromes.
Molecular Genetics
Was it overlooked because it demonstrates that insights into genetic disorders can be gained without use of human embryos?
Her striking appearance is the result of a rare genetic disorder condition called ectodermal dysplasia.
Times, Sunday Times
OMIM ( Mendelian Inheritance in Man ? ) Continuously updated catalog of human genes and genetic disorders.
Accepting Loyal Achates at his word chancy I know I must say that I find it odd that he, suffering with a genetic disorder which supposedly claims its victims lives at an early age, is alive at the age of 24 presumably without any medical intervention.
“Give me liberty or give me social justice” revisited
Her son Sean was born with a serious genetic disorder which means, among other things, that he can't feel physical pain.
As an example of the power of environmental effects, consider infants with the genetic disorder PKU (phenylketonuria).
The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
Some genetic disorders predispose individuals to the toxic effects of substances found in the workplace or environment.
A naturally conceived fetus in a family with a genetic disorder such as thalassemia has less than a 20 percent chance of being disease free and immunity matched.
Last month, Bob and I had our Canaan dogs tested for a landmark study to determine how widespread a genetic disorder called degenerative myelopathy is in this otherwise genetically-clean breed.
Shem’s little necessary operation « The Life and Times of Organic Mama
Upon receiving the crushing news that one's child has a genetic disorder or birth defect, parents may suppose that the future has suddenly grown unrelievedly bleak.
Some of the most common chronic diseases are multifactorial genetic disorders.
Although it opened in 1999, the fund-raising still goes on the appeal recently paid for a tandem mass spectrometer which can diagnose 32 genetic disorders in newborn babies.
Im a white woman and I have Monilethrix, a rare genetic disorder that effects the hairshaft, also known as beaded hair, because of the bead like appearance of the hair under a microscope.
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Apparently around one in a billion people suffer from a rare genetic disorder known as hypertrichosis - or "werewolf syndrome" - which causes a thick coat of hair to grow over every inch of the person's body except their palms and feet.
In an attempt to take the fruits of biotechnology to the common man and reduce the burden of genetic disorders such as thalassaemia and muscular dystrophies, the Genome Foundation here will set up diagnostic centres across rural India with the first such centre coming up in Uttar Pradesh.
India eNews
The nine-year-old has xeroderma pigmentosum, an incurable and rare genetic disorder that creates cancerous growths on her face and makes exposure to sunlight very dangerous.
The Sun
Some genetic disorders predispose individuals to the toxic effects of substances found in the workplace or environment.
These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
Walter explains to Astrid (and the viewers) that Project Elephant was a military experiment that looked for a way to camoflauge soldiers from the naked eye, but what the scientists didn't account for was that the experiments led to an incurable genetic disorder (aka the deformities).
From Inside the Box
The diagnosis: A potentially fatal genetic disorder called autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease.
The Toughest Test
Last month, Bob and I had our Canaan dogs tested for a landmark study to determine how widespread a genetic disorder called degenerative myelopathy is in this otherwise genetically-clean breed.
December « 2008 « The Life and Times of Organic Mama
Such issues include Jesse Gelsinger20 suffered from a rare genetic disorder called ornithine transcarbamylase de fi - exotic therapies versus cheaper more widely ciency, which, while requiring cumbersome treat - useful therapies; ment with diet and drugs, was not a life-threatening disorder for him.
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But even if successful in all respects, who will benefit, and on what genetic disorders will the therapy be practiced?
The past 20 years have seen rapid advances in the detection of genetic disorders in human fetuses.
Bradley and colleagues are well aware of these problems as they seek to justify newborn screening for this untreatable genetic disorder.
Lerner and his colleagues studied genes in actively dividing cells from young, middle-aged and old patients, and those with progeria, another rare genetic disorder characterized by accelerated aging.
This genetic disorder leads to an accumulation of protoporphyrin IX in the skin and an increased risk of incapacitating phototoxic reactions manifesting as pain and severe ulceration of the skin.
Her striking appearance is the result of a rare genetic disorder condition called ectodermal dysplasia.
Times, Sunday Times
The government has been led to believe now that the daughter suffers from glutaric aciduria, a rare genetic disorder that is often mistaken for child abuse.
2009 April 04 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
The veterinary ophthalmology researchers said the disorder -- called congenital achromatopsia or rod monochromacy -- is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder with an estimated prevalence in human beings of about 1 in 50,000.
The Money Times
Prions are misfolded proteins that act like viruses and/or genetic disorders, which is crazy since they have no DNA and technically cannot be passed down generationally.
Interview with Jonathan Maberry, author of Patient Zero
Muscular dystrophies are genetic disorders, usually progressive, which can lead to profound paralysis.
HAE is a genetic disorder affecting approximately 6,000 to 10,000 Americans and is caused by a deficiency of C1-INH, which is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.
A proband (the first affected family member who seeks medical attention for a genetic disorder) diagnosed with a sarcoma at less than 45 years of age
Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
Many west African populations carry sickle - cell anemia allele, a genetic disorder actually can protect against malaria.
Featuring two social outcasts as characters, Mai, a ladyboy Japanese kathoey who works as a hostess at some ladyboy pub and the unnamed hero, who recently got fired from his job due to a genetic disorder.
Anime Nano!
Their ruthless pursuit of Navajos in the 1860s led to isolation of a small band, which interbred, risking genetic disorders.
Some genetic disorders predispose individuals to the toxic effects of substances found in the workplace or environment.
Pruthviraj Patil, 11, is said to be probably one of few dozens of people in the world affected by a genetic disorder known as hypertrichosis, causing a thick layer of hair to grow on every part of the body except palms and feet.
Their ruthless pursuit of Navajos in the 1860s led to isolation of a small band, which interbred, risking genetic disorders.
Now, the term eczema usually refers to atopic eczema, or atopic dermatitis (atopic means “allergic”), which is a complex genetic disorder that results in defective skin barriers, reduced innate skin immune responses, and exaggerated immune (T cell) responses to environmental allergens that lead to chronic skin inflammation.
You Raising Your Child
The most common genetic disorder identified through family history is cystic fibrosis.
A Baby at Last!
Because of a genetic disorder called sacral agenesis, Siggins's legs were amputated when she was young.
Reality’s Believe It or Not
Las Meninas likely suffered from both a thyroid condition known as goiter and the genetic disorder linked to premature puberty, McCune-Albright syndrome. Top Stories
These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
She had Sanfilippo's syndrome, a genetic disorder that attacks the nervous system.
About one child in 20 admitted to hospital has some kind of genetic disorder.
OMIM ( Mendelian Inheritance in Man ? ) Continuously updated catalog of human genes and genetic disorders.
Predictive genetic testing is currently used mainly for untreatable conditions, such as Huntington's disease, or prenatal detection of serious genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis.
The field of this course mainly studies the chromosomal disorder, single gene disorder, polygenetic disorders, genetic diagnosis and counseling.
DMD is a genetic disorder that only (with very rare exceptions) affects boys.
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