How To Use Generator In A Sentence
It makes data generators, multimeters and oscilloscopes, as well as semiconductors, optoelectronic components and RF chip sets - all very complex products that require a great deal of customization for individual customers.
‘I want to come back when it's a bit quieter,’ I shouted over the din of amplified music, throbbing diesel generators and rattling joy rides.
I verified the engine switches were in the proper position while my copilot completed the checklist, which requires checking the voltmeter to make sure the remaining generator is not overworked.
The energy is used to run two electricity generators.
It was most of it light stuff that could be carried over from one aircraft to the other, all except one motor generator set that the Dakota had brought for us to take back to Diento; this weighed over a ton and we had to rig the sheerlegs for it.

At the back of the castle, it was the former laundry and generator house, but now includes a dining hall, kitchen, three bedrooms, sitting room and bathroom.
I was cleaning out my SPAM folder last night when the computer dinged and another email landed in the SPAM folder… asking for a dimensional generator.
The yachting industry is being seen now as a significant employment and revenue generator, through marinas, boatyards, other commercial enterprises, as well as yachting events.
And he takes the plug and he plugs it into the generator.
A top-heavy nurse in cricket pads and dangling overhead light pack struggles to aim a fire breathing generator in a duel with a whip-cracking foreman.
That physical phenomenon is the muscle behind a dynamo, or standard electric generator.
Later, it was revealed that a steam generator detected a lowered water level as the result of the leak.
Mr Winter said: ‘If the project comes to fruition it will be a marvellous regenerator for the community and a wonderful opportunity for the young people of Thorne.’
Music is replacing capital as the major generator of wealth.
He sells the electricity from his methane-fired generator to his utility for 7.25 cents per kilowatt hour.
Andre Berry switches on a standard domestic vacuum cleaner powered by a petrol generator to collect material to repair an historic mound.
The company began development of the gas-generator demonstrator in 1999, and it was due to begin tests by the end of last month.
forced convection in plasma generators
Smoke generators, burning fuel oil to create a dense and evil-smelling cloud, were able to screen targets from air or ground attack for extended periods.
The meeting continued, uninterrupted of course, with the help of the generator.
Mr. Icahn's offer reflected a view that merchant power generators like Dynegy, which owns 18 coal-fired and gas-fired power plants, are undervalued because of current low power prices.
Dynegy Top Officers, Directors to Leave
The two-phase clock signal for the delay line is provided by a matching clock generator chip.
The A1210-A1214 Hall-effect latches include the following on a single silicon chip: voltage regulator, Hall-voltage generator, small-signal amplifier, Schmitt trigger, and NMOS output transistor.
The pedals have a built-in generator producing enough electricity from the rotation of the pedals to light the flashers mounted front and back on them.
This gear rotates coils of wire within a magnetic field inside the generator, creating electricity.
The drone of generators providing power for the service temporarily replaced the omnipresent roar of heavy machinery.
You go through the different floors of that factory and come to where they are making big electrical generators and you see guards around with their rifles because Russia's bogey is that somebody is trying to copy them all the time and steal their secrets.
Our Times Viewed From a World Perspective
Since British Energy, the nuclear-power generator, was restructured and its shares were relisted at the start of the year, it has attracted a shrewd following.
John himself was waiting for the small hydro generator to be blown.
To generate data for a user-defined type column with a unique constraint, you must use the data bound generator or a custom data generator.
Yesterday, he announced an £8.5m grant to help construct two vessels to carry massive loads such as electricity generators and transformers.
The generator powers a lead that typically is placed through the sacral foramen to stimulate the S3 sacral nerve to decrease detrusor muscle contractions.
How does the combination of the furnace and generator stack up to the cogenerator?
The Speculist: Energy Warfare
Steam turbine, generator rotor journal wear and tear, strain of the electro - brush plating, thermal spray repair.
With the troops in Iraq were most of the Louisiana Guard's heavy equipment, such as watercraft, high-water vehicles, and generators.
Playing the Blame Game
If there is a power failure, the emergency generators should come on line within 15 minutes.
Most backup diesel generators burn distillate fuel oil, the same fuel used for heating and for aircraft.
RF signal generators began to be available for radio servicing about the time that more complex ac radios appeared and superheterodynes became more common.
Some of the largest structures we saw there were salt dome that had salt piercing in the center of them, and that piercing salt and generator resulted in a lot of what we call radial fault. Home Page
The nine-month refit has seen the patrol ship fitted with three new diesel generators and the junior rates' mess has been rebuilt.
The lights, consisting of eight pylons - each holding eight 1,000 watt, amps were powered by a portable generator.
The atmosphere was like a giant generator turning out millions of kilowatts of electricity.
Before the invention of the steam generator, when the dodgem and the chair-o-plane were but distant rumbles in the future, this is what we did for a fun day out.
A machine exists which can find and grab slugs, without flinching, and work is in progress on an electricity generator which runs on slug flesh, which the robot would be able to stoke up and then plug into for refuelling.
Kerosene is also used as a fuel for tractors and power generators and as a solvent for garden chemicals such as weedkillers and insecticides.
Space themes are not confined to futuristic fictional series on television, although these are by far the best known and the greatest revenue generators.
Or, combine your backup generator with a renewable energy system, and declare your total independence from the grid!
In 1831, Michael Faraday showed that a moving magnet could induce an electric current in a wire - the basis of an electric generator.
Those involved in the talks said that bringing in the temporary power generators was only one option.
Times, Sunday Times
Gearing up for the Rotary Park Restoration Walk next Saturday are bush regenerators Graham Read, Rosemary Joseph and Dennis Sellars with Cr Frank Swientek.
This paper introduces a new method which can diagnose the vibration multiple - faults of a turbogenerator.
After that, Hyperion says it can "refuel" the generator at its own facilities.
Power Plays
The screen flashes and a diagram of the schematics of the spherical generator appear.
The theme was written in 1963, but developed almost beyond recognition over weeks of painstaking work with tapes and tone generators.
Morgan braced himself as the process began; the whole room shook as the generators began churning out an unearthly hum.
The inversion device of high-voltage generator is convenient to assemble, easy to manufacture, and effective to increase work efficiency and reduce false assembly.
The rotor turns an attached generator, creating electricity with a simple elegance, carving energy from the sky.
Each climate-controlled chapel has its own generator, electrical outlets, lights, and seats for 100 people.
In each of these cases, it would be unreasonable to expect the protagonist to be the generator or generatrix, in this case of the action of the scene.
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Permanent magnetic device. as a new type patent device, is used to ensure the hydroelectric generator to start its static excitation more reliably and more quickly.
Lights, ceiling fans and the all-important sockets for charging camera batteries run from a generator.
Inside the building, Paul Meyer and his two young colleagues listened to the sputters of a cheap diesel generator.
It then travels through the steam generator, up over the heat cell, and into the injector.
The car is a natural CHP cogenerator, where CHP stands for Combined Heat and Power.
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The appointment of the former executive chairman of Aggreko, the power generator rentals company, was well received by analysts.
If a substance containing arsenic is now introduced into the generator A, the arsenic is converted into arsine by the action of the nascent hydrogen, and passes to the jet along with the hydrogen.
An Elementary Study of Chemistry
If that actuator starts to move unexpectedly, it acts as a generator and the short provides an electrical load that slows the motor down.
The two enormous generators, the blackness of the protonic shield, and the great artificial matter generator, throwing an inner shield impervious to the cosmics Thett gave off as it vanished, both were whining.
Invaders from the Infinite
Revenues in the third quarter were positively impacted by an increase in sales of generators, electrodes and cauteries both domestically and internationally offsetting a reduction in the sale of OEM ablator deliveries.
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The Christmas train consisted of modern passenger carriages, generator cars and a caboose, with a diesel switch engine on either end.
Several large compartments were devoted to the machinery which automatically serviced the vessel -- refrigerators, heaters, generators and purifiers for water and air, and the numberless other mechanisms which would make the cruiser a comfortable and secure home, as well as an invincible battleship, in the heatless, lightless, airless, matterless waste of illimitable, inter-galactic space.
Skylark Three
Then, note the output level of the signal generator and record it as reference level 1.
Notes: Generator can be selected according to customer's need or actual production.
The D'Arsonval machine was a type of Violet Ray Generator, and Nagelschmidt apparatus was diathermy.
If there had been a century gap while the Anomine beavered away at construction, the Primes would have expanded out to every star within a fifty lightyear radius before the generators were finished.
The Dreaming Void
They concluded that the generators would be an easy target for a terrorist attack of enormous consequence.
There, like elsewhere across Beirut, generators have been dusted off and overhead wires have once again become a common sight.
Based on this theory, a self-regulating AVR regulator is designed for the synchronous generator to be synchronized with the existed power system very quickly.
While cesium and strontium, the two materials found in the generators, cannot be used to make nuclear weapons, they could contaminate large areas if combined with explosives.
The generator's owner, a frail old Korean man, was warming his hands in the buzzing machine's exhaust.
The cogenerator will directly contribute to the reduction of many air pollutants, including a 20 percent reduction in the sulfur content of acid rain.
Campus climate action in the United States
A water turbine drives the generator.
In the cellar were the central heating boilers and an emergency electricity generator.
The main turbine and generator chamber is one of the largest underground chambers excavated by man.
The main generator is still down but the backup and batteries are holding out.
MDRS-88 sol 0: Grand conjunction
If there is no electrical hookup, it can use the energy from a car battery, solar cell, or bicycle generator.
Pattern Generator is a lot of fun: Write crazy arpeggiation sequences or use it to automatically generate bass or lead lines to your chords.
The excitation current for the exciter is provided by a DC current to the exciter stator which is generated by the output power of the main generator.
1. Synchronous generator
This can be particularly useful for report generators or dynamic Web sites.
DLB reader Philip turned me on to this old school Atari 2600 game label generator which to be fair, he found over at Mike's and now I've wasted a whole bunch of time screwing around.
Archive 2007-08-01
The zone is an air cavity beneath the swim platform where gas generator exhaust ports are located.
A sound stimulus generator transmits acoustic energy into the canal while a vacuum pump introduces positive and negative pressures into the ear canal.
With an auxiliary generator capability, the truck's generator can operate when the truck is parked without a key in the ignition.
Both generators obey the first ground rule of satire: meticulous observation.
Police say Avanesian got odd jobs, working to rebuild generators and alternators for auto-electrical shops in the area.
Saturn is preparing the so-called “Green Line” line of hybrids for sale later this year, using a simplified electric motor/generator in place of a conventional alternator, which is supposed to cost several thousand dollars less than a hybrid from competitors.
Think Progress » Bush Administration Repeatedly Peddled False Information About Iraqi Bio Labs
Cryptanalysts have analyzed many systems by breaking the pseudorandom number generators used to supply cryptographic keys.
Surely a manufacturer could develop a wind generator which has a cage enclosing the turbine?
Large generators can overcharge batteries, ultimately destroying them as the electrolyte boils away and the plates heat up and buckle.
Increase of efficiency of regenerator can powerfully decrease energy consumption of tank furnace.
It is also investigating ways to exploit the stocks of fuel set aside to operate the exchange standby power generators.
The 29 working units are frequently plagued by flameouts, engine stalls, generator failures and general mechanical problems.
This nonlinearity allows the varactor to be used also as a harmonic generator.
The radioisotope thermoelectric generators steadily generate large amounts of power regardless of where they are in space.
Several generator types of increasing complexity are explained in detail and sample implementations are provided and annotated.
The rear transaxle is also a three shaft configuration with one motor/generator and no planetary gears.
He'd gotten a new reeker in the other day, an Intelli-sense 5400 olfactory presence generator, guaranteed accurate to within 500 PPM, and he wanted to try it out.
State Of War
So conclusion which correlation dimensionality and largest Lyapunov exponent can be used as synthesis quantify index to depict mechanical fault characteristic of generator set is educed.
They have built a buoy that may prove to be an efficient, nonpolluting generator of electricity.
By producing, with the aid of the electrical generator contained in this car, an enormous charge of electricity, Mr. Edison was able to counterbalance, and a trifle more than counterbalance, the attraction of the earth, and thus cause the car to fly off from the earth as an electrified pithball flies from the prime conductor.
Edison's Conquest of Mars
There are supply worries because demand for rare earth metals is likely to increase between 10% and 20% annually from growing use of such lanthanoid elements as neodymium, used to make generators for wind turbines, and dysprosium, used to make parts for hybrid car motors.
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Theyuse menu-driven software to instruct site engineers on programming thecontrol to a specific generator or mechanical drive application.
A Parallel Partial Differential Equations Solver Generator on World Wide Web.
For both of these power systems types, the heat is then converted into electrical power by a thermal generator, either a thermoelectric generator that uses thermocouples to produce power, or a turbine.
Before the invention of the steam generator, when the dodgem and the chair-o-plane were but distant rumbles in the future, this is what we did for a fun day out.
The engine and generator are missing but when they are replaced they will use diesel and not petrol as fuel.
Equipment for the excavations arrived last week including portable buildings, fencing, toilets and generators.
The powering system uses three-phase induction motor instead of engine to drive generator. The load is composed of the battery, cooling fan and head lamp.
The electromechanical process of generator field loss is complicated and its dynamic process is affected by the structures and parameters of every component in the generation system.
Using a system known as cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), NuCalm consists of a generator and a headset that transmits relaxing electrical and sound frequencies to the brain.
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We have no air-conditioning, very few fans, no buildings to live in and no running water or electricity aside from the generators that we can keep running.
The staff also bring the firm's own generator for electricity, but today the torrential rain has fused a plug.
Wave Garden's piezo-electro membrane is a flexible electric generator, where bending the material or applying stress creates an electric charge.
Archive 2007-05-01
In a generator, the source of energy is external.
On a multifunctional shafting experiment equipment with adjustable bearing stiffness, the compelling response experiments were done on a 135 MW air cooling type turbo-generator.
The 29 working units are frequently plagued by flameouts, engine stalls, generator failures and general mechanical problems.
* Sunt quaedam effecta interna ad conversionem sive regenerationem praevia, quae virtute verbi, spiritusque in nondum regeneratorum cordibus excitantur; qualia sunt notitia voluntatis divinae, sensus peccati, timor poenae; cogitatio de liberatione, spes aliqua veniae.
If your backup generator isn't powering the refrigerator, raid it for the food, but don't open the door more than necessary.
My approach toward testing this environment was to write an e-mail generator program in C which I called GenerateMail.
In addition, the paper exposes the huge function of asynchronous generator in industry and agriculture, and at last prospects the application trends of the asynchronous generator.
This would be done to ensure that the "conflict of interest" between Eskom as generator and transmitter, as well as the 'single buyer' of all cogenerated and IPP power, is removed.
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Needless to say, there was a disagreement, which I'm happy to report has been resolved in amicable fashion, but I keep wondering, what if the random number generator picked $500 instead of $100?
Catalog ordering in MX
The strange attractor like helmet in Logistic mapping digital-flow chaos generator is found by simulation.
To overcome this problem, and at the same time to ensure that generators and cables are not overloaded with wattless current (as this excess current is termed), the supply authorities often offer reduced terms to consumers whose power factor is high, or impose penalties on those with low power factor.
Chapter 7
Not only are we talking about the future workforce and economic generators of the country, but also how stable, assured and optimistic our future decision makers and citizens are.
If the reverse were true, coal would be delivered free to the generators with a cash bonus of £10 a tonne.
Duo-Derm Oil contains essential oils of lavender and frankincense which are powerful skin regenerators.
Designing good keystream sequence generators is quite difficult and some advanced mathematics is required.
Then our time margins were further shaved by an additional hour waiting for the new replacement part for the copilot's instrument power generator.
The generator is the country's biggest single polluter.
Times, Sunday Times
Typically the cogenerator consists of an energy source, a mechanical driver and an electric generator.
Solar shingles and roofing tiles now can serve as both roof and electric generators.
The runways, taxiways, and ramps had not been maintained, water supplies were brought in by trucks, and a system of portable generators and batteries provided the only available electrical power.
A second bandpass filter with a center frequency above the fundamental can be used as the pulse generator.
After an evaluation period, the generator, which has been designed to be portable, will be moved on to more testing sites such as Burgar Hill.
The frequency hopping spread spectrum systems in the generator of jamming signal by programming is introduced.
While the hospital runs off a generator, kindergartens have no generators or power.
When the generator GN is driven to rotate at a predetermined rotational speed, a counter electromotive force arises in a multiphase phase coil of the generator GN.
Motorways, electricity generators, municipal dumps were all subject to kickbacks.
The tram carried a mobile generator for the power and provided a stable platform for the television cameras.
They listed children racing around on quad and motorbikes, noise from buzzing generators, loose horses and animal mess on pavements around the site among their complaints.
Gel propellant is a new kind of propellant for rocket propulsion and other gas generator.
Preliminary calculations suggest peatland could become carbon generators if global temperatures continue to rise, drying out the peatlands.
While cesium and strontium, the two materials found in the generators, cannot be used to make nuclear weapons, they could contaminate large areas if combined with explosives.
The spokesperson couldn't say whether the software was running inside the firewall, representing a major breach of the Senate IT security, or was a robot-style vote generator run by netizens.
When the solar power fades, a diesel generator would kick in, but a more efficient engine would be installed that produced one-third of the carbon particulates that direct-drive diesel engines emitted.
We are here reminded of the fact, already noted, that the Egyptians represented their God of Generation, Khem, or Amen-Ra Generator, as wearing a conspicuous St. Andrew's cross.
The Non-Christian Cross An Enquiry into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion
A moped was also recovered from the scene, together with several tools including three disc cutters, welders, generators and engines.
He said processes such as hydroponics and growboxes are big cash generators but require start-up capital.
Report generation is made effortless with a powerful, built-in report generator with pre-scanned and user-definable reports.
There was a jeep parked up near the generator with its licence plate facing our position.
This waveform generator has been successfully applied in ultrasonic sen - sor to generate high - frequency ultrasonic wave .
A title entity may deposit fiduciary funds (money belonging to others) into a sweep account or any type of account that uses that money as an investment or revenue generator.
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Since we employed multiple trials for each data set, our random number generator was seeded by the computer's clock, and each file in the Monte Carlo series was identified and seeded by increments to the nearest nanosecond.
The commodity is water and the idea has become a big revenue generator.
At a little after midnight, the generator conked out yet again.
How does the random architecture generator work, and is it completely random?
The structure, operation principle and realizable method of a sweep generator are introduced in this paper.
They do not use electricity, but power from gas or hydraulic generators is permissible.
An independent statistician prepared the randomisation envelopes using a computer based random number generator.
BT are also investigating ways to exploit the stocks of fuel set aside to operate the exchange standby power generators.
It is adopted to process and classify vibration signal of a turbogenerator and the results indicate that it is a useful and effective intelligential classification.
That man in the Day-Glo hard hat wolf-whistling is now an urban regenerator and the tempting cleft peeping from his waistband announces his urban regenerator's bum.
Archive 2008-03-01
Founded in South Africa, the Goscor Group hs supplied the local market with industrial equipment, such as forklifts and generators, for the past 26 years.
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The source of the alternation is the generator in which the voltage (and following it naturally the current) are induced in stationary coils by a rotating magnetic field.
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Further, a semiconductor integrated circuit has a dither pattern generator, an adder, and an error distribution unit.
Shutting down the generators would mean we wouldn't secure the engines via the T-handles or fight any engine fire with the extinguishers.
Several years ago, experimenting in this field, Edison devised and operated some ingenious pyromagnetic motors and generators, based, as the name implies, on the direct application of heat to the machines.
Edison, His Life and Inventions, vol. 2
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It is possible that each of two generators produces a spark at the same time during a voltage step.
He is forced to sign a ‘Permission for Search’ which allows Ford detectives to ransack his home, turn out all his poor possessions in hopes of finding a Ford incandescent lamp or a generator armature.
While your overall goal of "escape the castle" is fairly clear, and even the subgoal of "power up the two generators to open the gates" eventually emerges, that still leaves a lot of space in which to throw up your hands and say "how?
Archive 2006-09-01
Water is fed from a small onboard tank through a heat exchanger, where it picks up waste heat on its way into the steam generator.
The generators will also produce hot water to heat the digestor; in the cold months an auxiliary boiler will have to be used.
Chapter 6
The explanation for what happened in simples: while there are a few tests dealing with specific interfaces, most of them are concerned about the relationship between the parts of the application: about how data leaves this part of the application in that format and is reinterpreted in a different format suitable for another part, how a given AST is reorganized to suit the language generator in a differente part of the application, and so it goes.
Reflective Surface - Tests: Pragmatism or ideology?
Results indicate that when particles are moving, the domain of generator is dense in the test function space and the generator of the system is well defined.
Residents in blocks of flats had begun to club together to buy generators.
The solar power is supplemented by natural gas and a bio-diesel generator, which provide electricity to the resort for about two hours a day.
Olivia Katrandjian: In the Aftermath of Cyclone Yasi, Queensland, Australia Chooses to Rebuild Green
Were it so, it would be hard to understand how the top industrial laboratories developed their reputations as generators of knowledge.
As the physical electronics technology develops, high - performance waveform generator is required to measure the analog equipments.
In the end, we had to move campsites - the racket from their generator and their powerboats made a mockery of the idea of communing with nature.
The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
It's intended as an idea generator, meant to spark thought through permutation, combination, and juxtaposition; a sort of constrained bibliomancy.
Seedy Stories
In his account, the government emerged with a more explicit role as a generator of economic growth, and urbanisation was shown to be a hitherto neglected feature.
They have worked hard to make BC a better place by consistently and loudly demanding lower tax drains on high-flying wealth generators like themselves.
However, gasoline engines and generators on boats have no emission controls and can emit carbon monoxide in huge amounts.
One eyewitness said the group looked like they were planting vegetables, were practising recycling and doing crafts and had their own electricity generators.
An automatic voltage regulator ensured a constant output from the generator.
Application Generator accordance with the work flow diagram editor of work created by the flow diagram can be automatically generated application framework.
The section of line between Wilton and Lackenby would carry power from the generators to the main overhead cable via a sub-station.
Resorts can only be built on deserted islands, and must be of a high standard, all with their own generators, desalination plants and produce deliveries.