How To Use Generation In A Sentence
My generation was raised on a diet of stultifyingly tedious, but worthy accounts of embryology, typically very badly printed on what appeared to be rice paper.
Along with its strong existing base in micromachining, B.C. has all the resources necessary to play a leading role in the development of the next generations of nanotechnologies.
There is a tradition of magickal practice in my family but sadly it fell into abeyance a couple of generations back.
The remaining three evolutionary forces are nonadaptive in the sense that they are not a function of the fitness properties of individuals: mutation is the ultimate source of variation on which natural selection acts, recombination assorts variation within and among chromosomes, and genetic drift ensures that gene frequencies will deviate a bit from generation to generation independent of other forces.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
The welfare state was not set up to support vast families or single mothers in inter-generational welfare dependency.
We deserve a fair society, but it won't be created by a vendetta against the poor

The giant cross has become a familiar landmark to generations of San Franciscans.
The example of the first fighter aces fixed itself in the imaginations of a generation being born just as they had met their deaths.
FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
The authority of the father was absolute, as the head of a hierarchy arranged by generation, age and sex, in which every member of the extended family was related in rank to every other.
There is much to ponder in Evans's paper that resuscitates many ideas from Arthur Holmes of a generation ago.
Fifty years on and technology seems to have leapt on by generations as you see the mushroom shaped cloud of the first nuclear test bomb rising high above the New Mexico desert.
And the people who were subjected to hard yakka, slave labour if you want, or removal from islands because of drinking problems or fighting and they have complete hate and they've handed it down generationally.
Great Alardyce is indeed of the same generation as Carlyle, Harriet Martineau numbering as a member of both eminent men's circles.
Today's young people are said to be the most apathetic generation ever.
It is probably a measure of the depths to which political conversation has sunk — all the more remarkable given the chaos that male leaders have through the generations created — that this non-gender-specific "ballsiness," as it were, is so frequently trotted out as a measure of high praise.
These changes will continue the process of renewal and regeneration.
Among the first generation, family relations adhered rather closely to the traditional Bulgarian model.
He perceived that many forms had been subjected to what he calls degeneration, or, as we say, modification, and that the progress from the simple to the complex was by no means direct.
Lamarck, the Founder of Evolution His Life and Work
By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families.
The second is the gender division of work, she says, looking at the larger issue of why first generation schoolgoers in particular require an extraordinary amount of care and attention.
She points out that many high performers in Generation Y roughly speaking, people born between 1975 and 1995 job-hop in order to strengthen their resumes.
NPR Topics: News
A defining characteristic of the 16-25 generation is their digital identity.
Times, Sunday Times
With longer life expectancy it is inevitable that less will be passed on to the next generation.
Times, Sunday Times
PERRY: There's no question about it, parents who are comfortable with a child who gets a C or D, parents who are comfortable dropping their child off at a school that they no is ragged -- they have watched that school undereducate a generation or two -- parents who are willing to go down and fuss and fight when their child doesn't play on the basketball team, but are unwilling to go down and fight the same way when that child is not being served in -- in the classroom.
CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2009
He was one of the most creative and innovative engineers of his generation.
A new neutral mutation will fix with a probability of 1/(2Ne), where Ne is the effective population size, and it will take 4Ne generations on average to do so.
Death of a popular anti-ID argument
If implemented, Straw's curfew will allow adults to evade taking responsibility for the welfare of future generations.
Such actively passive self-surrender is thus the necessary beginning of the regeneration on which loving union depends.
The Times Literary Supplement
His travel books have given pleasure to generations of armchair travellers.
Or else our future generations are certainly going to pay the price for our careless, negligent and easygoing approach to the whole issue.
We talk about why the new generation slipstream is not the fusion of literary fiction and SF/F. Fri 1200 Remembering Robert Anton WILSON
Archive 2007-08-01
The thrust of the campaign is to ensure that coming generations too experience Sabarimala just like their forefathers did.
Not only are policemen getting younger, but people are living longer - ten years more on average than a generation ago.
How often I have I known him affect an open brow and a jovial manner, joining in the games of the gentry, and even in the sports of the common people, in order to invest himself with a temporary degree of popularity; while, in fact, his heart was bursting to witness what he called the degeneracy of the times, the decay of activity among the aged, and the want of zeal in the rising generation.
I reckon we're in danger of raising a whole generation of undiscriminating couch potatoes afflicted by TV-induced Attention Deficit Disorder.
Such a contrast to the generation that came before, with their big ideas, their insatiable appetites and their blithe disregard for the rest of the world.
Times, Sunday Times
I think the younger generation have obtained from somewhere or other the impression that I am uncool.
So how are churches today seeking to nurture the next generation of Christian social activists?
The council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration.
In the marketing department they figured, what the hell, you just trade zax for Zack and keep the ball rolling for another generation!
The Volokh Conspiracy » Scrambling Scrabble
We should so live and labor in our time that what came to us as seed may go to the next generation as blossom, and what came to us as blossom may go to them as fruit. This is what we mean by progress.
To them it was a ‘red letter day’ that will remain in the annals of their history for generations to come.
The methodology is applicable to the investigation of parentage for all progeny developed from parental mating without subsequent generations of inbreeding.
One can strip the fifties of its illusive aura of dull conformity without inflating cultural dissidence or generational muscle-flexing into political resistance.
Older people overwhelmingly feel that children have less respect for the older generation and older people are unable to discipline their children and grandchildren.
Angus cattle are naturally polled and this is passed onto future generations even when crossbred.
The continuity of such investment is key to the generation of consistently improving operating results in increasingly competitive markets.
Baudelaire said of him that he was the only artist who ‘in our faithless generation conceived religious pictures’.
In our DNA we all carry a genetic template for the next generation.
They are the medalled generation.
Times, Sunday Times
A resolution is given to increase the voluminal efficiency and ability of the pressure generation.
Bert, pictured, who is the third generation of his family to work for the company, was the youngest steeplejack in the city when he started out on April 7, 1953.
It has deservedly won the best picture Golden Globe and will no doubt inspire a new generation to read Virginia Woolf.
In some ways, the self-taught writer could be called the Southern godmother of feminism, an autodidactic intellectual who carved out her singular role as a woman to be reckoned with on her on terms, in her own idiosyncratic ways, in the most hallowed and male-dominated coven in the country--the Halls of Congress--a generation before Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton emerged on the national stage.
Jeff Biggers: "Office Holders Are Desperate": 180 Years Before HuffPo, Anne Royall's Wicked Blogs Held DC Accountable
The second-generation antihistamines were developed principally to avoid sedative actions.
As we celebrate this milestone anniversary, transitioning to third-generation family leadership and innovation are keys to continuing success in serving retailers nationwide," says Joe Cory, Sr., said a spart of the announcement.
Dealerscope News
Perhaps the original decoration lies intact beneath the layered generations of wallpaper and ever-changing tastes in house paint, ready to be rediscovered.
By contrast, the second-generation G4-class Power PC 7450 is fabbed at 0.18 micron, is 106 mm² and uses a 483-pin package.
Their labels and names represent both villages and families, with generations of winemaking traditions.
The stadium announcer proclaimed the next generation.
Times, Sunday Times
A whole generation of experienced, ambitious politicians had been left by the wayside.
Times, Sunday Times
Some men maintained protective intergenerational boundaries by distancing themselves from disapproving parents.
Few in this generation are heroin addicts.
Times, Sunday Times
The failure of baby boomers to effectively communicate with younger generations of soldiers is driving many captains out of the Army.
He is one of the best producers on the coast and his family has been growing lemons there for six generations.
Times, Sunday Times
Although supermarkets are flashy and space-age, a future generation will eventually tire of traipsing round the endless aisles.
The recipe is modified and simplified by succeeding generations of cooks.
It's not bad to be reminded that there's a whole horde of men of his generation out there in the sticks for whom the old shibboleths are pretty important.
But, as it turns out, pioneering research into volcanic lightning is making his sparker seem not so crazy after all, and now a new generation of scientists believe volcanoes may offer up clues to the process of preparing the Earth for life.
First Contact
The second generation of immigrants often adopted British forenames.
The film doesn't stop at intergenerational same-sex relations or drug trips.
With a $200 million Moore Foundation grant, the Thirty Meter Telescope is the closest of the next-generation devices to full funding.
The man who handed over the Ashes to England for the first time in a generation stood on the threshold of another ignominious defeat yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
However, many black South African elders are living in multigenerational homes with family members dependent on their pensions for survival.
The problem is that members are growing older and more wrinkled - and the younger generation do not quite see the point.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps because black, Hispanic and Asian households tend to be larger and often multigenerational, teens in these groups are significantly more likely than white teens to recognize someone other than their mother or stepmother.
With a wild surmise, 1 began to breed, generation after generation, from whichever child looked most like an insect.
The emerging generation are more and more impervious to standard school indoctrination, less ready to give up their seats on buses, less respectful and filial.
The time had come when a book of that kind was desirable and perhaps, subconsciously had been waited for, particularly by the women of the war generation and at the moment owed to the catenation of events which had nothing to do with the 'author and had nothing to do with its appearance.
A Personal Confession of Faith
Japanese the type of permanence up to a generation ago, when he suddenly awoke and startled the world with a rejuvenescence the like of which the world had never seen before.
The Yellow Peril
But despite all the uncertainty and bustle it seems, admittedly to an outsider, that the older generation is coping admirably.
New police officers will need to have university degrees for the first time under one of the most radical overhauls of the service in generations.
Times, Sunday Times
Other races were infantilised or barbarised, or held up as object lessons in the perils of racial degeneration.
And the generation raised on Sesame Street wants something more appealing than thirty minutes of straight talking.
Christianity Today
When we focus only on delinquent students, we allow some of the real culprits in this cycle of school degeneration to escape unscathed.
Zidane has become the poster child for a whole generation of French-born youths of North African extraction.
So much of what has been written to date comes from an older generation that have not grown up in a digital universe, or whose exposure has been limited.
But a younger generation of Cuban-Americans is less fixated by Castro and his espousal of communism during the cold war.
Barack Obama acts to ease US embargo on Cuba
In a two-locus model, the gametic (and therefore genotypic) frequencies need not be constant across generations, even in the absence of selection, mutation, migration and drift, unlike in the one-locus case.
Population Genetics
The company has defocused on its planned release of its third generation platform because it says operators are more keen to avoid a two-step upgrade.
My answer was the Black Death chopped population way down so that not until Galileo's generation was there as many Europeans as in Oresme's time and, if brilliant scientific minds are a constant proportion of the whole, never until then was there a "critical mass" of scientific thinkers.
March 25th, 2009
Moreover, the City in particular is suffering the worst contraction for a generation.
I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.
Animation has suddenly become the must-see entertainment, able to excite and entertain across the generations.
The man who handed over the Ashes to England for the first time in a generation stood on the threshold of another ignominious defeat yesterday.
Times, Sunday Times
Randi had for decades used his insider's knowledge of the flim-flam trade to humiliate a generation of occultists.
A generation later, Empedocles and Anaxagoras hypothesized the cause of solar eclipses, namely the cloaking of the Sun in the shadow of the Moon.
Daniel Bruno Sanz: Bad Moon, Burnt Qurans, Birthers and Flat Earthers
This marks a sad pass for a brand name that, while dreaded by many parents, spelled excitement to a generation of kids.
That is why it has hit a generational nerve, as if no one had told that story before.
The process continues to spread outward, triggering successive generations of fewer and fewer stars.
This will offer an annual return of in excess of 12 per cent and give a further fillip to the company's cash generation.
Times, Sunday Times
On Saturday mornings throughout the month of September the ancient tradition of yawl sailing was handed down to a new generation of enthusiasts.
If we raise this money now, we will be preventing future generations from suffering this age-old scourge.
Artists have, of course, been sticky-fingered for ages, long before the term "appropriation art" was ushered into the lexicon to describe the Pictures Generation.
The New Yorker
A generation earlier, four uncles had gone to fight for the British Empire and also came home unscratched.
That capacity for regeneration means that the cerebral wiring for our own store of knowledge and memories, which grows as we do, is as unique as a thumbprint.
We're the generation raised on Stephen King, The Shining or "shinning" if you're Groundskeeper Willie, Freddie and Jason slasher movies, and so on, but make a movie with some little English kids possessed by the spirits of dead lovers and we get all freaked out.
Archive 2005-11-01
The failing to do this is the greatest mistake of the present generation, for if girls be capable of nothing but morbid sentiment or what we term flirtation, they will naturally look to matrimony as their destiny and as a means of support -- a self-abasement from which no woman can fully recover, even under the most favorable circumstances.
How to Train Girls.
Every customer will be helping the development of a new generation of spacecraft.
Most of the amputees, Kuniholm included, have elected to use simple, body-operated hooks whose basic technologies date back to World War I instead of the current generation of myoelectric arms that read muscle signals from electrodes on the skin.
Move Over Prosthetic Arm | Impact Lab
Seagoing exhibition - descended from two generations of seamen, Leonard Shiel has inherited a great love of 'seagoing'. - Frontpage RSS Feed
Growing up as the post-Cold War generation, in a cushy house and being provided for, punk bands do not know what politics are about, or why they should bother.
Commercial search engines practice automatic metadata generation in two situations.
As it is, whenever sport-led regeneration is proposed in this country, the public is fobbed off with stat-free waffle about how it will benefit and regenerate local communities – and in some cases, we seem to be dispensing with even that fig leaf.
Stanley Park will bring little benefit to local community in Liverpool
Sadly, I am of the generation that only got to hear about them in hippy sex ed classes in San Francisco.
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Planet MySQL
Could it be that behind the sophomoric, mischievous, dismissive, even nihilistic style, Vice is the voice of a twenty-something generation clearing the decks for a new aesthetic?
How would one teach that poem to a future generation that had come to regard the word as a piece of raillery?
Money lent to dictators and snaffled away into offshore accounts gets racked on to the public debt to be paid by future generations.
Debt crisis: A default in Europe could benefit poor countries | Jonathan Glennie
These threaded, plucked or shaved young soldiers are proving befuddling to an older generation of bushier warriors.
About-Face: Soldiers Target Stray Eyebrows in Afghanistan
This was an exciting period in the molecular biology of adenovirus with the discoveries (a) that only one specific fragment of the genome, the E1 region, was responsible for oncogenic transformation; (b) that restriction endonuclease length polymorphism could be utilized to generate genetic maps; (c) the mapping of specific genes on the viral genome; and (d) generation of a viral map of sequences expressed as stable RNAs.
Phillip A. Sharp - Autobiography
My emotions manage to squeeze a few tears past the imposed strictures of my society, but most of my grief only pounds wrathfully against generations of parents telling sons that ‘big boys don't cry.’
But it does permit small changes to take place and accumulate from one generation to the next.
Fueling boilers for power generation is one of the best ways of decontaminating garbage.
Besides, it is not only possible, but even probable, that both theories -- that of heterogenetic generation and that of gradual development -- may have to share with one another in the explanation of the origin of species; and even that, especially for the lowest species and for the beginnings of the main types, primitive generation also has its share in the establishment of the paternity.
The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
There was crisis too within the republican movement, as a generation of prisoners was entering a second decade in prison, and a third generation of republican activists since 1969 were becoming involved.
And the connection must be through an agnate ancestor some generations older than the Royal personage.
I think a lot of the folks that I worked with at NASA were from the generation that grew up at that period of time.
In the end they just give up and they go and sniff petrol, and so that sort of neo-colonial, ethno-centric attitude of ‘we'll educate the kids and change the cultural group’ is creating the next generation of petrol sniffers out there.
Together, we must help each other preserve the national heritage for future generations.
Spurred by the growing popularity of judo, especially in European countries, a new generation of non-Japanese judoka are coming of age -- and they're changing the nature of the game.
Judo power shift
The capability to manipulate high-frequency acoustic phonon generation in both temporal and spatial domains should flourish the field of nanoultrasonics.
Since independence the term indigenous, widely used in an affirmative action campaign, has applied almost exclusively to blacks and left out whites and other minorities born in the southern African nation - some the descendants of several generations of settlers.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Not for a generation has Britain faced industrial militancy intended to bring down an elected government.
Times, Sunday Times
If things were the other way around, our son-whom-we-loved would be a damned terrorist, almost certainly, because he is of the third and fourth generation of refugeehood and oppression, and whence cometh salvation?
Progressive Bloggers
A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown.
With the implementation of the new curriculum, more and more studies are on class predetermination and generation, but few systematic studies are used in chemical disciplines.
Contemporary American adolescents have become much more work oriented generally then those of a generation or so ago, mostly because they have been exposed to the costly allurements of a consumption-obsessed America.
While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations.
But it's the willingness to indignify others, and the fact that we are still collectively holding our tongues -- as previous generations did about racism -- that lies at the root of many of the problems that vex us today.
Robert Fuller: Racism and Rankism: We Won't Eradicate the One Until We Take on the Other
In the second generation this movement back and forth produced a fair amount of strain.
‘In the midst of all this,’ he writes of the era of Generation X and grunge rock, ‘satire alone could be safely, unequivocally embraced, because it acknowledged the sanctity of nothing at all.’
At a time when cultural events influenced by westernisation are fast becoming more popular among the younger generation, there is a growing concern that ancient and traditional arts would slowly fade away.
In seeking to avoid the customary exactions of their office, the sheriffs of the present generation were only following in the steps of sheriffs who, more than a century past, exerted themselves to reduce the expenses of shrievalties, and whose economical reforms were defended by reference to the conduct of sheriffs under the last of the Tudors.
A Book About Lawyers
Some statistics about the regions illustrate just how big a challenge Ireland faces in the race to develop the next generation of medicines.
As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.
It had come home in the form of drugs and broken vets, a generation turning to spiritualism and mystic cults.
Several other typical mesophytic forest species, both shade-intolerant and shade-tolerant, have declined, perhaps due to an absence of large-scale disturbance needed for their regeneration.
Grapefruit, bananas and cloves will soon be growing in Sheffield as the next phase of the regeneration of the city's Botanical Gardens nears completion.
He has presided over the transition of the team from one glorious generation to the next in exemplary fashion.
The result is a gripping examination of generational change and a moving tribute to heroism.
Times, Sunday Times
Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind, which are delivered down from generation to generation as presents to the posterity of those who are yet unborn. Joseph Addison
These shores had been washed with a redder stain in years gone by: these people were forever stamped with the eradicable scar of suffering borne by generations dead.
Defenders of Democracy; contributions from representative men and women of letters and other arts from our allies and our own country, edited by the Gift book committee of the Militia of Mercy
These criteria include generation, sex, affinity, collaterality, bifurcation, relative age, and sex of linking relative.
Such patterns reflected movement over generations, showing the guardianship that individual clans held over forests.
I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts.
Generations of students have learnt to parrot the standard explanations.
In addition, wealth is passed from one generation of the wealthy to the next.
And herein is divinity conformant unto philosophy, and generation not only founded on contrarieties, but also creation.
Religio Medici
Their great old houses overflow with rough medieval furniture, threadbare tapestries and religious relics worn smooth by the touch of generations.
In the case of my employer, this intractability led directly poorer versions of products for our customers (where in some cases they actually preferred the older generation to the new one).
Strategic Entrenchment
A landmark on the Waxholme/Withernsea road is the old Black Mill, and has been so for many generations.
Features of the CH-53K helicopter include: a joint interoperable glass cockpit; fly-by-wire flight controls; fourth generation rotor blades with anhedral tips; a low-maintenance elastomeric rotor head; upgraded engines; a locking cargo rail system; external cargo handling improvements; survivability enhancements; and reduced operation and support costs.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
She is more concerned, however, with the new generation of Scottish actors who have gone straight to Hollywood, bypassing the Scottish stage.
Purists value keyboard-only emoticons, while younger generations embrace an advanced set of icons - the emoji.
I've written before of an earlier generation of MPs who were unabashed propagandists for Stalin, and there is an inglorious tradition of Labour MPs who serve the propaganda interests of despotism.
Normally business empires grow over four or five generations.
The prime mover of all generation is said to be the goddess Necessity, who occupies the centre of the universe.
Other readers discriminated by making anthologies later - something each generation can do again.
The Times Literary Supplement
One of the common diseases in the eye is abnormal blood vessels that grow in the back of the eye called macular degeneration.
CNN Transcript Aug 6, 2009
There is a generation gap between my parents and I.
Thus we are told we have to be very sensitive to generational differences and how to manage them.
Times, Sunday Times
His career was marked by his exceptional interpretative skills and he was widely regarded as one of the finest dance-actors of his generation.
n. - spontaneous generation. autogenetic, adj. autognosis
The designers have to wake up and realize that the clothes they create can influence a whole new generation.
Although the first generation of women priests had to fight to assert their identity, those problems have been ironed out.
When these young people return, despite being richer or better educated or both, they still have no pigs, a condition considered pitiable by the older generation.
This is industrial Lanarkshire where for generations hard men have been reared at the coalface, bound together in friendships forged in a dirty and often dangerous working environment.
IT'S pure agony for the families - and has spawned the next generation of conspiracy theorists.
The Sun
Beautiful areas of countryside in Wiltshire are to be safeguarded for future generations.
I understand their haste but future generations may not be as sympathetic to our cowardice and laziness.
Times, Sunday Times
Implantable enhancements will probably come a generation later.
Times, Sunday Times
It amazed the Comanche, who remembered that encounter for generations.
The sexual generation is a small green thalloid structure called a prothallium, which bears antheridia and archegonia, each archegonium having a neck-canal and oosphere, which is fertilized just as in the moss.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Most importantly, a generation of comparative peace enabled the whole population to recover from a decade of war.
THE FOUR NATIONS: A History of the United Kingdom
The rapid rise of the republic challenges every new generation of historians to formulate new explanations.
It takes around two or three generations of sweatshops to go from the ancient pattern of peasant subsistence farming, with its characteristic grinding toil for women to where the country is now.
They enact the roles they have imbibed from their forefathers acting successively over seven generations.
Living near the factories where they worked, first-generation Romanian Americans established communities which often consisted of extended families or of those who had migrated from the same region in Romania.
To an earlier generation, landscape would have meant drove roads and sunken lanes.
Times, Sunday Times
A story yesterday at The Daily Beast about the Title IX Complaint Against Yale crystallized, for me, just how misinformed this generation of young men has become.
Amy Siskind: Sexual Assaults Will Continue Unless We Educate Young Men
Alberti was also occupied by the dialectic of the vita activa – vita contemplativa. 33 Through his own treatise on the subject, De commodis literarum atque incommodis,34 and a study of the Florentine family, Della famiglia,35 Alberti deeply influenced a younger generation of powerful and wealthy soldier-scholars, including Leonello d'Este and Federico, who negotiated their turbulent political climate as much by tactical eloquence as by militaristic valor.
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
All roads into the town will be a sea of green and red and maroon and white as another generation answer the tribal call.
Prompted by this discovery, researchers are developing biomaterials specifically for the regeneration and repair of tissue, shifting the emphasis from replacement of tissues to regeneration.
Although platelet thromboxane generation was elevated in diabetics without clinical evidence of vascular disease, the difference did not reach statistical significance.
What about the possibility that we somehow have raised a generation of moral cowards?
If we historians were to devote all our attention to the collection of facts and the collating of evidence and to nothing else at all, if we were to neglect the imponderabilia, the spiritual and human sides of life because we have no scientific scale to weigh them in (as indeed we cannot have), we should cease to attract the ablest minds of the rising generation into the army of historians.
History and Literature
Coupled with local generation, there is a potential for significant reduction of energy consumption from new buildings.
It remains a casual place, more knotty pine than mahogany - even though for generations it has been a second home for many Hollywood stars who first discovered it when they came up for filming.
Senior citizens also participate in an intergenerational reading project.
She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates.