How To Use generation X In A Sentence
- Generation X is the demographic recently described by pundits as the crest of the wave of the millennial generation (also known as Generation Y).
- Born from 1975 to 1980, these cuspers possess an interesting mix of generation X skepticism and millennial optimism.
- I was born too late to be a yuppy, too early to be generation X, or a member of the Chemical Generation.
- In some ways, this makes them the average Generation X marriage writ large: over-functioning wife trying to bark some sense into a motivationally-defunct yet charming husband. He's gotta have his dip-tet, honey
- Members of Generation X, born between 1963 and 1977, are not slackers.
- Bali has long been the echt Generation X paradise - the place where 20-somethings disappeared for months on end to ‘find themselves.’
- Generation X has its own culture, and aims to enjoy itself without making too much of an effort.
- They were a large part of slacker culture, and became poster boys for Generation X.
- Maddie was the one going to college, and I was a Generation X slug.
- As people like (Douglas, author of Generation X) Coupland have been pointing out for years now, X is more a sensibility than a rigidly confined demographic.