How To Use Generalship In A Sentence
He has given us a superb study in presidential leadership and military generalship.
Throughout the history of our profession, intense professional study has been one of the essential tools soldiers have used to advance their military art, and their generalship.
It is all the more striking that, throughout the fifth and fourth centuries, the generalship could be held repeatedly.
He was a great loss to the British army, less for his generalship than for his skill in raising and training light troops.
There was faith too in the generalship of the commanders.
Times, Sunday Times
In practice, his generalship displayed far greater flexibility than he ever acknowledged.
Commanders like Napoleon possessed generalship; they embraced new tactics or technology and could see results of an intended action before it was executed.
Then in 1810 he became war minister and immediately began to strengthen the army; he wrote a manual of generalship, tightened army organization, built strong points, and supervised a doubling in size.
Jalandhar was annexed to the British dominion during the governor generalship of Lord Hardinge.
Suffering from poor health, he was also criticized for poor generalship by fellow-officers.
Wittenberg is an expert historiographer, making this book an outstanding addition to studies of generalship in the Civil War's final campaigns.
But there is another trait crucial to good generalship: selflessness.
We have muddled through, not by great generalship, but by the courage of common men.
Collectively, it is a memorial to Grant's generalship and also a memorial to the troops he commanded.
In every decisive conflict of the world they win who are on the righteous side; and it matters not what skill of generalship, what prowess of concentrated hosts, what desperate valor is arrayed against the right.
Victory and Mourning
If this is an accurate report of the man's thinking on generalship, this reader can find little fault with it.
His 1993 book was a study in generalship, examining as it did Rommel's ill-fated effort to defend the Atlantic Wall.
To their credit, however, both authors take a more critical analysis in assessing his generalship during the Ardennes campaign.
It seems odd that some historians appear willing to dismiss him as merely a good politician, rather than recognizing that it is this attribute that marks the acme of generalship in coalition warfare.
Lacedaemonian, which is in fact a generalship, hereditary and perpetual.
It was the goal of generalship after the Wars of Napoleon.
The battlefields had become a quagmire of blood, gore, mud, miles of trenches and poor generalship on both sides of no-man's land.
IMAGINE that you are a teacher of Roman history and the Latin language, anxious to impart your enthusiasm for the ancient world – for the elegiacs of Ovid and the odes of Horace, the sinewy economy of Latin grammar as exhibited in the oratory of Cicero, the strategic niceties of the Punic Wars, the generalship of Julius Caesar and the voluptuous excesses of the later emperors.
Do make it clear that generalship, at least in my case, came not by instinct, unsought, but by understanding, hard study and brain-concentration.
This is where the classical model of strategy or generalship may have some further relevance.
The absence of strident generalship has been felt far beyond the battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
Throughout the narrative he sustains an objective yet often critical assessment of Lee's generalship at all three levels of war - tactical, operational, and strategic.
As a lightweight, he carried a pretty solid wallop to go along with his uncanny ring generalship.
But he proved equal to the task of avoiding encirclement and destruction, and in February 1943 he was promoted field marshal as a reward for his generalship.
Palli, alas, was not present here tonight, having returned to his district after the installment of Lord Dondo in his holy generalship.
He is an expert historiographer, making this book an outstanding addition to studies of generalship in the Civil War's final campaigns.
Palli, alas, was not present here tonight, having returned to his district after the installment of Lord Dondo in his holy generalship.
We have muddled through, not by great generalship, but by the courage of common men.
But these brilliant victories over greatly superior forces owed little to skilful generalship.
At least it could hardly be called sagacious generalship on the part of the stadholder.
History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)