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How To Use Generalize In A Sentence

  • the hedgehog is a primitive and generalized mammal
  • As Chomsky says, 'the doctrine traces far back and generalizes worldwide, to U.S. home territory as well. Bianca Jagger: The Fall of Mubarak
  • Another possible cause of impaired lung function could be increased sclerosis of bronchial arteries as a consequence of generalized arteriosclerosis in diabetes.
  • Objective To evaluate and generalize the application of intermaxillary fixation screw in the jaw fracture.
  • In practice, attempts to generalize research results are unlikely to rest on anything that happens in a single study, including the type of sampling carried out or the type of statistical test used.
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  • It consists of a more or less generalized, disseminated or grouped, millet-seed-sized, acuminated pustules, usually seated upon dull-red, papular elevations. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • There may be a generalized constitutional upset with fever, headache, loss of appetite and weight, and joint pains.
  • The correlation is expected to be positive if the factor abundance proposition holds in its generalized form. Competing in a Global Economy
  • A two-year-old girl presented with a generalized seizure with tonic - clonic movements of all extremities.
  • There are other kinds of generalized seizures that are basically inhibitory, like briefly turning off a switch.
  • It can be argued that a first-person singular such as Mr. Singh is too sweeping, too apt to be essayish and generalized, to be quite accountable all the time. Crack-Up
  • What is unacceptable, to say the least, is to generalize about the uses and customs of nearly half a billion people who cover close to one sixth of the Earth's surface.
  • There is a generalized mild anhedonia in the community, which has its origin in the fatigue of overintense purposes, failure to realize ideals and the difficulties of choice. The Foundations of Personality
  • Symptoms range from isolated ptosis, diplopia or mild proximal muscle weakness to severe generalized weakness.
  • We were careful not to overgeneralize from this single sample of women, but our results do have some implications for care.
  • A 33-year-old man presented with a generalized pruritic skin exanthema that had been present for 1 day.
  • I can feel depressed and sad enough just knowing about tragedy in a generalized sense.
  • By the generalized inverse matrix and the minimal norm solve of the consistent linear equation sets, a complete track controller of the linear time-invariant system is designed.
  • The most dramatic clinical presentation is generalized convulsive seizures.
  • Grosseteste's method is primarily dialectical; its aim is the discovery of a definition, a generalized verbal characterization, and it is perhaps not surprising that he discusses composition before taking up resolution, for in certain sciences (notably mathematics) the syn - thetic or compositive method is all that seems to be needed in most cases. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Since the eighteenth century, sex has not ceased to provoke a kind of generalized discursive erethism.
  • One manifestation of this was the hypothesized existence of orgone which, as Wiki says, entailed: ... an extrapolation of the Freudian concept of libido as a physical, bioenergetic force, developed by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the late 1930s, who generalized and abstracted it far beyond Freud's semi-metaphoric use. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Unlike proper length, this generalized affine length depends on some arbitrary choices (roughly speaking, the length will vary depending on the coordinates one chooses). Singularities and Black Holes
  • I believe Leya stated she "had an acute dystonic reaction to a prescription medication six years ago, which eventually resulted in me developing something called tardive generalized dystonia." and never claimed it was from the flu shot. H1N1
  • The results of verification show that generalized tangent bulk modulus is more typical and reliable.
  • Direct skin contact can cause various kinds of rashes, including generalized skin irritation, or something known as “folliculitis” from oil-clogged skin pores. Gina Solomon: Q&A PART 1: Gulf Coast Oil Spill and Your Health - the Basics
  • The correlation is expected to be positive if the factor abundance proposition holds in its generalized form. Competing in a Global Economy
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • She's highly skilled in generalized answers - keeping herself above the fray. Palin’s Stevens Problem - Swampland -
  • Similarly, in scientific data mining, algorithms seek to cluster, generalize, and classify patterns and correlations in databases.
  • The patient presents at birth or during the first year of life with generalized weakness and characteristic myopathic facies with several physical deformities.
  • It is foolhardy to generalize about the political attitudes of 100 million peasants, except to say that they were far from being a cowed mass.
  • The headache may be generalized, but it is more commonly unilateral and localized to the temporal area.
  • She has a tendency to generalize from her husband to all men.
  • Isolated showers will give way to more generalized rain later in the day.
  • As a typical species of generalized conversational implicature, scalar implicature falls well into the realm of Default Logic susceptible to systematic formalization.
  • This combination process, called unconstrained fibring, can be generalized, by allowing C1 and Combining Logics
  • The rhythm of modern life is punctuated by beeps, bleeps and a generalized attention deficit disorder.
  • Frustratingly, these pensées are almost invariably generalized.
  • One of the most common and generalized folk dances is the hora (circle dance), danced by men and women holding hands.
  • Professor STEVE KOZLOWSKI (Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Michigan State University): And it's really very, very difficult to generalize from the small set of tasks that were examined in these studies, using college students, ad hoc teams, very short periods of measurement. Collaboration Beats Smarts In Group Problem Solving
  • He suffered from pain in the loins, scanty urine, hematuria, and generalized edema.
  • While it's as difficult to overgeneralize about punk rockers as it is about any collective group, there are common traits.
  • I thought I was suffering from generalized anxiety and depression.
  • This model generalizes grid middleware and functional equivalence services, and it can meet the need of real-time transaction in Grid Environment such as autonomy, heterogeneous, dynamic and so on.
  • The analysis, although comparatively fine-grained, is not sufficient to generalize the conclusion to future years.
  • However, in two cases of segmental disease, genetic transmission of the generalized disease has been reported.
  • To say that a spacetime is singular then is to say that there is at least one maximally extended path that has a bounded (generalized affine) length. Singularities and Black Holes
  • Or maybe it's a generalized androphobia (a fear of men). Who's Afraid of the big Bad Elf?
  • But sense (4), that of "what it is like" to entertain a given quale, can be generalized: It is not only qualia that have the higher-order what-it's-like property; arguably propositional attitudes and other states that do not involve qualia in sense (3), such as occurrent thoughts, have it too (Siewert Representational Theories of Consciousness
  • Consistent with benefits found with other adaptogenic substances, Rhodiola rosea appears to offer generalized resistance to physical, chemical, and biological stressors.
  • But this was extended, through myth and legend, to be seen as a generalized blessing.
  • This article generalizes their approach to allow for arbitrary modes of inheritance, including diploidy, polyploidy, sex linkage, cytoplasmic inheritance, and genomic imprinting.
  • In terms of overgeneralization, Melissa Farley and her team of researchers interviewed a very specific segment of sex workers, but she generalizes these findings to sex workers as a whole. Thoughts on rescues, rescuers and realities « Bound, Not Gagged
  • From the sum total of such particular ontic experiences, Heidegger generalizes a set of constants that govern a broader ‘ontological’ state common to all human beings.
  • There appear to be two problematic assertions involved: first, an overly generalized, if not at times hypostatized, split of cultural spheres into The Kyoto School
  • It is impossible to generalize about such a complicated subject.
  • The theory of weighted empirical processes is an important element for(generalized) nonparametric likelihood ratio goodness of fit test.
  • They persuasively argue that in all the generalized and sometimes highfalutin talk about globalization, the central role that women play in the massive migrations that define and sustain the new economy has been ignored.
  • Objective To evaluate and generalize the application of intermaxillary fixation screw in the jaw fracture.
  • We can generalize from the samples and conclude that nitrogen levels have increased.
  • Even to generalize about the 337 estates valued at more than 5,000 [pounds sterling] runs the risk of distortion because there are so many exceptions to any rule.
  • As Cæcius, the "darkener," became ultimately changed into Cacus, the "evil one," so the name of Vritra, the "concealer," the most famous of the Panis, was gradually generalized until it came to mean "enemy," like the English word fiend, and began to be applied indiscriminately to any kind of evil spirit. Myths and Myth-makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology
  • The generalized assertion of privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial.
  • A differential diagnosis would be an overlapping spectrum of non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis with xanthoma disseminatum, generalized eruptive histiocytoma, and indeterminate cell disorder.
  • It would be foolish to generalize from a single example.
  • It naturally overgeneralizes to some extent, but I found it to be an incisive and amusing read.
  • Can the results from scientific research be generalized to witnesses in the real world?
  • These include normal doses of anaesthetic agents, overdoses of sedative drugs or alcohol, and a generalized epileptic seizure.
  • The correlation is expected to be positive if the factor abundance proposition holds in its generalized form. Competing in a Global Economy
  • Simply put, Dravidian could have opted to generalize the absolutive pronouns for both agents and patients of actions and thus PDr *yān Archive 2007-12-01
  • All presentation logic even via AJAXified components is coded in plain Java, so you can generalize and parameterize bits of presentation logic using the full power of inheritance, generics, and parameterized function calls. The Art of reusing code in your web projects
  • Does a pair programming experiment with students generalize to professional developers?
  • Perhaps you oughtn't to generalize about that.
  • There is irony in this: just as sacramental penance has disappeared, a more generalized confessional culture seems to have exploded.
  • However, a sample of one-tenth of one per cent of the entire undergraduate student population is far too small to generalize these opinions to them.
  • Pure clonic seizures without facial involvement in term infants suggested favorable outcome, whereas generalized myoclonic seizures in preterm infants were associated with mortality.
  • Open Field activity, the first behavioral test performed, was assessed to examine generalized activity and thigmotaxis PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It's actually difficult to generalize about Canada.
  • At least two separate industries will be examined, to assess to what extent the results may be generalized.
  • Exophilia may be regarded as the sexual form of neophilia, which is the more generalized attraction to new and unknown things. Exophilia
  • We found that treatment based on performance mastery produces higher, more generalized, and stronger efficacy expectations than treatment based on vicarious experience alone.
  • One third or more of menstrual cycles in women with generalized seizures are anovulatory.
  • Combined, the Generalized System of Preferences and Andean Trade Preference Act support tens of thousands of US jobs while sustaining economic growth and employment across the US and the globe.
  • To monumentalize this observation into a method of reading would be to regress from the rigor exhibited by Shelley which is exemplary because it refuses to be generalized into a system. Thinking Singularity with Immanuel Kant and Paul de Man: Aesthetics, Epistemology, History and Politics
  • On the other hand, I'll admit that the few I've seen have actually been quite good, and hard to generalize about.
  • I may not know much, but I think I know a little bit about compositional practice — studying to be a composer is a lot of investigating how the old masters got from point A to point B, or even how they got to point A in the first place — and I can say that any attempt to generalize the way great works have come into being is a fool's errand. Spark plugs and transmissions
  • When we euphemize, we generalize, we profile, we stereotype, and we assume that all of "them" are one. Leadership
  • This means that our population will be all students in that university which will in turn mean that we will only be able to generalize our findings to students of that university.
  • The problem is not when generalists specialize, but when specialists generalize.
  • Moreover, in GEM the generalized Product principle (P. 16ψ) is also derivable as a theorem, with ˜Ïˆ™ as weak as the requirement of mutual overlap, and we can introduce a corresponding functor as follows: Wild Dreams Of Reality, 3
  • As it is the beginning of creating artificial matter, generalized design is a productive power and can push forward economic development and social progress.
  • Rather than report on the details of their results, we present here a more generalized discussion.
  • Instead those in the study developed a generalized sense that the system was failing.
  • The efficiency of our fluency training could be enormously improved if the achieved fluency gains would generalize to new words sharing consonantal onsets with the training words.
  • Regression through the origin with phylogenetically independent contrasts … which is equivalent to phylogenetic generalized least squares (PGLS) analysis, accounts for the nonindependence of species and indicates no overall evolutionary relationship between the traits … The apparent pattern across species was driven by positively correlated trait change only at the basal split of the phylogeny; throughout the rest of the phylogeny, the traits mostly changed in opposite directions (A; basal contrast in red) …. Discover Blogs
  • Poisoning is their way of eliminating the annoyance, and the action very often generalizes to many dogs, including dogs they've never had contact with. Pet Talk: Dogs aren't safe at home anymore
  • The sampling distribution and hypothesis testing of this non-linear generalized correlation coefficient will be studied with linear regression model .
  • At first a fairly generalized elephant species, mammoths evolved into several specialized species adapted to their environments.
  • In addition to predicate denial, in which a predicate F is denied of a subject a, Aristotelian logic allows for narrow-scope predicate term negation, in which a negative predicate not-F is affirmed of a. The relation of predicate denial and predicate term negation to a simple affirmative proposition can be schematized on a generalized square of opposition Contradiction
  • The varied topography of Nelson makes it difficult to generalize about weather and soils, although records show that the region is slightly cooler and wetter than the Marlborough average.
  • THE PRESIDENT: Let me answer first the -- first of all, there's quite a difference between the generalized Arab boycott of Israel, which we have worked to bring to an end, simply because Israel existed, and the Helms-Burton bill, which provides the President some flexibility in its administration and which is directed against the only country remaining in our hemisphere which is not a democracy, and which passed in the aftermath of Cuba's flagrant shooting-down of two airplanes, American airplanes, in international airspace and killing innocent civilians, most of whom were American citizens. President Press Conference With Santer And Prodi
  • The detector derived from Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT) is developed under interference model.
  • By using a universal method a new existence theorem of solution for a generalized equilibrium problem in topological vector space is obtained.
  • Other symptoms may include chills, anorexia, generalized or frontal headache, severe myalgia and arthralgia, weakness, and fatigue.
  • First, she says that it's nearly impossible for gay men to be monogamous and then she generalizes that all Jewish men are liars Cohen is both gay and Jewish. Top Moments: Flash-Dancing with Nancy Grace and The Good Wife's Sexy Tease
  • The results of verification show that generalized tangent bulk modulus is more typical and reliable.
  • Beurling worked on the theory of generalized functions, differential equations, harmonic analysis, Dirichlet series and potential theory.
  • The rise of the Carron de Saint-Thomas clan offers a generalized illustration of how the Savoyard administrative elite developed at this time.
  • Notably, those carnivoran species that have become human commensals are all generalized omnivores smaller than most wolves: raccoons Procyon lotor, Red foxes Vulpes vulpes, Golden jackals Canis aureus and coyotes C. latrans. Archive 2006-10-01
  • The article lacks any real data to support its claims; and the author generalizes her anecdote into a statement about all women (and men). Stop Stereotyping Female Entrepreneurs
  • There are notable resemblances between the two figures in their comportment and demeanor and, even more so, in their generalized, even-featured beauty.
  • Generalized weakness, malaise, loss of coordination and respiratory arrest may be present; mortality is close to 50percent in some studies. Fish poisonings and envenomations
  • Berth allocation problem is abstracted as Package Problem, and an integer model is presented which considered simultaneously berth and quay cranes and whose objective is minimize the generalized time.
  • Anthologies like this one invite us to generalize about differences between U.S. and U.K. poetics.
  • The Echinidea, again, are frequently quoted as exhibiting a gradual passage from a more generalized to a more specialized type, seeing that the elongated, or oval, Spatangoids appear after the spheroidal Echinoids. Essays
  • There may be a generalized constitutional upset with fever, headache, loss of appetite and weight, and joint pains.
  • First, a random generalized Cookie - Cutter set K _ T on [ 0 , T ] is constructed.
  • The researchers recognize the need to have a higher response rate to be able to generalize findings to the population.
  • Under suitable conditions the existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of the generalized solution for the problems are studied.
  • In their desire to generalize about men, or even about one class of men, and in their focus on social consequences, they flatten out the complementary perspective of interiority and individuality.
  • It's impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.
  • Late-onset dystonias (after age 45) are about 10 times more common than early-onset generalized dystonias. The Scientist
  • Thus, this genome study is focused upon dogs exhibiting generalized epileptic seizures.
  • Clear-eyed, from her childhood days with the saloonkeeper Cady and Cady's good-natured but unmoral spouse, she had observed, and, later, generalized much upon sex. CHAPTER IV
  • In this way, the organism is able to differentiate between stimulus events and to generalize.
  • Patients with localized lichen planus are usually treated with potent topical steroids, while systemic steroids are used to treat patients with generalized lichen planus.
  • The homogenous nature of the subjects limits the ability to generalize results to other populations.
  • There was a time at mid-century when maligning the mother took a more generalized form.
  • What you've got is generalized anxiety, not just aviophobia," she was told. Fear Of Flying? Take The Train.
  • Using intra-scale dependency of wavelet coefficients and generalized Gaussian model, this paper proposes an adaptive neighboring threshold value de-noising method.
  • Sick sinus syndrome is a generalized abnormality of cardiac impulse formation that may be caused by an intrinsic disease of the sinus node that makes it unable to perform its pacemaking function, or by extrinsic causes.
  • The lower abdomen is rarely exposed to the sun, so that disorders characterized by generalized hyperpigmentation may be quite evident there.
  • Based on the constraint matrix method developed by Japanese scholars, a generalized constraint matrix method was proposed for calculation of the temperature stress of RCCDs.
  • Studying two initiatives in a single organization limits the ability to generalize, and retrospective accounts are subject to hindsight bias.
  • The image force acting on the piezoelectric screw dislocation and the generalized stress on the surface of rigid line are calculated.
  • Possibly related posts: (automatically generated) Pat Robertson generalizes (safely) for 2010Chant a Psalm a DayHaiti = Satan = France … according to Pat RobertsonPat Robertsons on Haiti [...] Matthew Yglesias » Did Haiti Form a Pact With the Devil?
  • The only way to avoid the rift is to generalize its teaching. Global Voices in English » Morocco: Teaching “Berber” in Schools
  • In particular, it would be important to replicate this study using different cultural products in order to see if the observed effects can be generalized across art product categories.
  • Not to generalize, but men want everything and want to commit to nothing.
  • With so many contributors and such a diverse approach, it is hard to make any generalized pronouncements about the exercise. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format.
  • No differences were found to exist and the results were generalized to the target population.
  • The correlation is expected to be positive if the factor abundance proposition holds in its generalized form. Competing in a Global Economy
  • In principle it should be possible to generalize the model to allow for the possibility of hierarchical subdivision but we do not attempt this here.
  • While it's difficult to generalize with any accuracy, many broadloom carpets run about $20 per square yard installed.
  • So, narcissist that Munger is, he generalizes his own privileged and pampered life to those who toil in trenches where support is not available. Changing the Politics of Academe
  • Psychiatric disorders ... increased significantly between waves 1 and 2 among LGB respondents living in states that banned gay marriage for the following outcomes: any mood disorder (36.6% increase), generalized anxiety disorder (248.2% increase), any alcohol use disorder (41.9% increase), and psychiatric comorbidity (36.3% increase). Philip N. Cohen: Institutional Discrimination Is Bad for Mental Health
  • Even such a generalized television announcement as ‘Go to Church Sunday’ would be a regular reminder on Saturdays to many televiewers of their church privileges and responsibilities.
  • In [[algebra]], the '' 'continuant' '' of a sequence of terms is an algebraic expression which has applications in [[generalized continued fraction]] s and as the determinant of a Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Mary is the generalized young thing of novelettes, with no attempt at individualization except perhaps her "velvety" eyes, which however are forgotten in the course of the story. A Doomed Young Man
  • Passwords are generated using a pseudorandom number generator called Mersenne twister, which is an advanced algorithm that creates high quality random numbers using a twisted generalized shift feedback register, and has a higher number of dimensions than linear congruential generators. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ) is used to mark the logic structure of text.
  • Through mid-July, CMAG, which uses automated capture technologies to monitor the airwaves, identified $9.7 million supporting Obama’s recently unveiled health care plan, $4.7 million opposing it, and $19.7 million more in generalized spending by groups staking out positions either before Obama detailed his plan or not directly supporting or opposing it. Democratic Party to spend millions shoring up internal support for health care rationing. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • We use a generalized inverse of V, however, in case it is not of full rank; if this occurs, the degrees of freedom are the rank of the matrix V.
  • There is a generalized infection with involvement of the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and lymph glands.
  • The aforementioned objections reflect a broader tendency to exaggerate and overgeneralize the available scientific evidence.
  • It's impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different.
  • For stochastic dynamic processes, the paper presents an adaptive tracking algorithm, which improves and generalizes the self-tuning control algorithm.
  • The chief problem facing this definition of singularities is that the physical significance of generalized affine length is opaque, and thus it is unclear what the relevance of singularities, defined in this way, might be. Singularities and Black Holes
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Meantime, let H be a generalized single coronoid system H, then .
  • Although they are generalized propositions, principles are dissimilar from rules.
  • We have generalized this method and made it applicable to data from multiple unlinked loci.
  • Such an extreme contrast should tell anyone how stupid it is to generalize about racism.
  • The doctrine traces far back and generalizes worldwide, to U.S. home territory as well.
  • While this study helps us generalize about the different techniques, data are highly specific to individual surgeons and surgical units.
  • It appears not to be input-specific but may provide a generalized boost to impulse traffic.
  • The linear inequality constraint of contact force is obtained by using dynamic equation of robotic arm and joint generalized driving force constraint.
  • Generalized tonic seizures may mimic decerebrate and decorticate posturing.
  • A 4-year-old girl presented with generalized papules , erythema, desquamation, subcutaneous nodules around large joints, as well as a 3-year-history of progressive eye damage.
  • Analyzing relationship between load and continuous beam three moment formula by using generalized diagram multiplication method.
  • He also sometimes treats his cultural contexts as monoliths, leading him to generalize across class and national boundaries.
  • True, some authors engage in a self-aggrandizing rush to overgeneralize specific rare cases, but assembling enough of these may well lead to new insights.
  • There may be a generalized constitutional upset with fever, headache, loss of appetite and weight, and joint pains.
  • In his dissertation, he presented theory and experiments on the osmotic pressure of concentrated solutions of carbon dioxide in various solvents - just generalized soda water.
  • Functional handgrip strength can be used as a standard method to detect decreases in strength that indirectly indicate generalized muscle weakness and the resulting metabolic changes.
  • Clear-eyed, from her childhood days with the saloonkeeper Cady and Cady's good-natured but unmoral spouse, she had observed, and, later, generalized much upon sex. CHAPTER IV
  • In addition, fever, neutropenia, generalized skin rash, abdominal distension, and tenderness were frequent symptoms on his admissions.
  • The clinical presentation of low obstruction is late bilious vomiting and generalized abdominal distension.
  • Paraclypeal piece: in lepidopterous pupa, occurs in some of the generalized families on each side of the maxillary palpi. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Let us call a triple consisting of a set T of qualitons, a binary relation thereon of exact similarity R, and a binary relation C of compresence, a trope structure (Mormann: generalized trope space). Tropes
  • Williams took up painting full time only in the 1980s, after years of making sculptural reliefs that presented more generalized, symbolic statements about the human condition.
  • The word 'carp' could never have multiplied itself into the absurdities of endo-carps and epi-carps, but in the mouths of men who scarcely ever read it in its original letters, and therefore never recognized it as meaning precisely the same thing as 'fructus,' which word, being a little more familiar with, they would have scarcely abused to the same extent; they would not have called a walnut shell an intra-fruct--or a grape skin an extra-fruct; but again, because, though they are accustomed to the English 'fructify,' 'frugivorous' -- and 'usufruct,' they are unaccustomed to the Latin 'fruor,' and unconscious therefore that the derivative 'fructus' must always, in right use, mean an enjoyed thing, they generalize every mature vegetable product under the term. Proserpina, Volume 1 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • Patients with tension-type headache do not typically report any visual disturbance, constant generalized pain, fever, stiff neck, recent trauma, or bruxism.
  • The recent progress of car gasolene engine is generalized and the frontier research trend proceeded on gasolene engine is presented in the article.
  • Chronic persistent anxiety neurosis is known as generalized anxiety disorder. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • Writers and technicians routinely produce voluminous product specifications, regulatory requirements, and computer system documentation in SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) format.
  • She experienced an increase in generalized aches and pains.
  • They also limit themselves to a very small sample of games from which they mistakenly try to generalize universal principles and properties.
  • An exfoliating generalized dermatitis is exceptionally observed in the first weeks of life (_dermatitis exfoliativa neonatorum_), lasting some weeks, and in most cases followed by recovery. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Thus the question of whether a path has a finite or infinite generalized affine length is a perfectly well-defined question, and that is all we'll need. Singularities and Black Holes
  • Now, if they, too, follow their leadership's example, schools will now draft generalized, non-specific statements of what not to wear.
  • Probably the best part of this inconclusive book is the epilogue, which reminds us to be careful of how we generalize about natives as ecologists or balanced dwellers in the land.
  • But it's hard to generalize about almost 300 million people.
  • Seizures are present in up to 25 percent of patients and may be generalized, focal, myoclonic jerking, or movement induced.
  • Darwin generalized from many facts to reach his idea about the origin of man.
  • Why have social science studies been generalized to the whole population while being based only on samples of men? Sociology
  • These models are somewhat restricted in their direct physical application, though some generalized conclusions could be drawn from these results.
  • Based on the concept of basic internal force and generalized constraint matrix, a new method was proposed for calculation of the internal force of truss structures.

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