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How To Use Generalization In A Sentence

  • These feeling make you avoid generalizations and Russia is no more 'feudalistic' and USA is no more 'Paradise for handmaidens'. On Bushevicks, Bolsheviks and Scum: For The Record
  • A cautionary note is indicated about the generalization of these data to the clinical management of depressed patients.
  • But it's wild generalizations like this that point up the irrelevancy of such commercially-driven lists.
  • It is typical of painters, he wrote, to make these wild accusations, wild generalizations.
  • Much of the introductory chapter consists of broad generalizations about Indians, culture areas, reservations, and allotment.
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  • Western parents - I use the term loosely, which is handy for any generalization News
  • This can easily be shown by considering any case in which a universal generalization is inferred from an unexhausted series of wholly favourable instances.
  • A generalization to molecular crystals built up from dipolar but achiral molecules was recently presented.
  • Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.
  • We propose a generalization of Sahlqvist formulae to polyadic modal languages by representing modal polyadic languages in a combinatorial style.
  • If we may safely apply Trotter's generalization to the present antagonism among groups (within nations, and also national groups) we might say that the rapid differentiation of the human species has had an effect of creating within the species _man_ a large number of types of sub-specific value, and in this respect man differs greatly from any other species. The Psychology of Nations A Contribution to the Philosophy of History
  • As for the first part, it's a useless overgeneralization.
  • What I particularly like about these character sketches are their plotlessness, their roots as inspiration for the psychological novel, there generalizations into stereotypes and stock characters, and finally, their link to caricatures and physiognomy. 12 « June « 2008 « Jahsonic
  • Can you have confidence in a generalization about gender and voting in the United States based on only two elections?
  • It improves the accuracy of attribute selection, overcomes the impact of noise data effectively and strengthened generalization ability of the decision tree.
  • The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.
  • It's really important to get beyond those completely unfounded generalizations.
  • I agree that media coverage of the issue too often has been laden with generalizations, hyperbole and sensational images.
  • First, good generalization from A to B can be readily explained in terms of mediation by the associate.
  • This is an overgeneralization, but to date a viable one.
  • And his general military historical stuff, partly on my own reading and partly on the opinions of people I respect, is occasionally interesting, but too often boiler plate wrapped in dubious generalizations, particularly in areas where he has no personal expertise such as the Aztecs and medieval Japan. levitra Says: Matthew Yglesias » Obama’s Permanent Revolution
  • My point is that generalizations like these: “I absolutely do not rule out the possibility that African Americans are, on average, genetically predisposed to be less intelligent,” andthis: The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
  • The citizen who fears the ill-smelling drunk, the rowdy teenager, or the importuning beggar is not merely expressing his distaste for unseemly behavior; he is also giving voice to a bit of folk wisdom that happens to be a correct generalization — namely, that serious street crime flourishes in areas in which disorderly behavior goes unchecked. Broken Windows
  • The structural boundary and structural system of the Cenozoic basin are set up with the aid of experimental contrast and geological generalization method.
  • Under a system of progressive income taxation, there are few apriori sustainable generalizations about the labour supply consequences of taxation.
  • So the crucial point right now is that, thinking about harmony is offered as a counterexample to the generalization that invisible things can't be destroyed.
  • The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.
  • Making generalizations about occupations is not very helpful. Coping with Stress at Work
  • Nevertheless, although generalizations arrived at by legitimate inductions can not be guaranteed to be perfectly true, they are probably true.
  • They are also incredibly diverse; there is little justification for derogatory generalizations.
  • The barium-flame-colour generalization is a deductive consequence of the postulates of atomic theory.
  • Vague generalizations are likely to lead to bad feelings and misunderstandings. Everything You Need to Know for Success in Business
  • This separation allows the generalization of test results and meaningful stability data.
  • In terms of overgeneralization, Melissa Farley and her team of researchers interviewed a very specific segment of sex workers, but she generalizes these findings to sex workers as a whole. Thoughts on rescues, rescuers and realities « Bound, Not Gagged
  • I admit that my blanket statements about conspiracy theorists was a complete ham-fisted overgeneralization. Is Swine Flu source leaked military weapon?
  • Again, I think the absolute basis of all prejudice is ignorance and generalization.
  • He claims much knowledge of particulars and offers very large generalizations.
  • This book is a clear and credible survey of that phenomenon, and it's especially welcome in a year of generalizations about "the Bubba vote."
  • When a certain behavior is associated with one group, members of that group may take pains to avoid proving society's generalization. Polygamy Meets Economy, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I have no idea if his generalization is any more accurate than the generalization in Discover. Archive 2007-11-01
  • I'm an advocate of proposing solutions rather than offering grand generalizations.
  • Is it that the original statistic was an over-generalization, extrapolated from information that we can't find after the fact?
  • Learning via generalization is easy, and it's also where stereotypes are reinforced. Just Past the Horizon: Neutrality | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • There we are exhorted not to fall into the common error of passing from unity to infinity, but to find the intermediate classes; and we are reminded that in any process of generalization, there may be more than one class to which individuals may be referred, and that we must carry on the process of division until we have arrived at the infima species. The Statesman
  • The Lorentzian manifold is a pseudo-Riemannian manifold, the generalization of the Riemannian manifold, such that the metric tensor need not be positive-definite. Bad Language: Metric vs Metric Tensor vs Matrix Form vs Line Element
  • There are huge generalizations about how writers develop and age; and for all his moral clarity about totalitarian language, his own prescriptiveness is sometimes severe, sometimes woolly. Such, Such Was Eric Blair
  • Metaphorical indirection gives way to explicit generalization.
  • This should give some motive for reflexion if one recalls Northrop Frye's famous generalization that Canadian literature is, or at least was, a continuous meditation on ‘Where is here?’
  • The exceptions to this generalization pertained to the laws of niddah (ritual purity), candle lighting and the commandment of hallah (separating a portion of the dough when baking bread, as an offering to God). Learned Women in Traditional Jewish Society.
  • Generalization 5-14: Cosmopolite channels are relatively more important at the knowledge stage, and localite channels are relatively more important at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision process. Diffusion of Innovations
  • The stimulus fading strategy was effective on functional vocabulary generalization for students with moderate mental retardation.
  • The patterns I have been discussing in this section are of course generalizations, not iron laws.
  • Under a system of progressive income taxation, there are few apriori sustainable generalizations about the labour supply consequences of taxation.
  • In my latest academic upload here I look at the claim by anti-abortionists that they are ‘pro-life’ and find it to be an overgeneralization.
  • an undependable generalization
  • The loose geometry suggests a kind of preindustrial masonry or fabric patterning, while the range of colors defies generalization.
  • In spite of all my cryptic musings and gross overgeneralizations, it is comforting to know that I am surrounded by great people who feel compelled to do something about what irks them.
  • To take just one example, California State University - Chico bans, as sexual harassment, "explicit use of ... stereotypic generalizations" and even "reinforcement of sexist stereotypes through subtle, often unintentional means. Adam Kissel: Standing Up for Due Process on Campus = "Sticking Up for Penises Everywhere?"
  • glib generalizations
  • To put it more technically, this means avoiding statistical generalizations about dance that might contribute to stereotypes and misunderstandings.
  • Our physical science is not a deductive system, but a series of generalizations based in observation of finite modes.
  • This is, of course, in addition to his unfortunate tendency to make ridiculously broad generalizations and radically oversimplify complex social and moral issues.
  • It is through verbal modification (repetition), exemplification, generalization vs. particularization and quotation that "Washington" voices his opinion on the ways of salvation of the black race.
  • Generalization 5-14, however, refers to cosmopolite channel usage, rather than to cosmopolite behavior in general. Diffusion of Innovations
  • Is this "prioritized" training not a biased, discriminatory and even prejudicial stereotype and generalization that has no place in federal government, law or practice? Archive 2009-08-01
  • First, good generalization from A to B can be readily explained in terms of mediation by the associate.
  • It starts with abstract generalizations and investigates them. Critical Social Research
  • That is why moral, ethical, social, cultural, political discussions of technoscientific change should always substitute (at least in your own head) for the deranging false generalization "technology" the admittedly gawkier more awkward phrase Amor mundi
  • Participation is far too diverse a concept to permit easy generalizations.
  • Doubts then began to arise as to whether a single generalization on wages would suffice.
  • Lin has defended his film by claiming it counteracts the overgeneralizations and stereotypes typical of depictions of Asian-Americans.
  • Divergent thinking is when you move outward from specific information to more broadly based generalization.
  • Thus, the transfer of training that was found could not be attributable to generalization on the basis of stimulus similarity.
  • Sweeping generalizations about this complex and difficult situation are not helpful.
  • Researching a limited population to produce a broadly applicable generalization is problematic.
  • Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.
  • It's a broad, sweeping generalization about a communication medium and an art form that has just as many good and bad things going for it as anything else.
  • Generalization 5-12 states: Cosmopolite channels are relatively more important at the knowledge stage, and localite channels are relatively more important at the persuasion stage in the innovation-decision process. Diffusion of Innovations
  • At the same time biology, too, gave closer attention to the problem of catalysis, which is, of course, one of the organism's main agencies for an enormous variety of purposes, and again the kinetic definition proved superior to all other attempted generalizations, some of which were more figurative than objective. Wilhelm Ostwald - Nobel Lecture
  • To state that the beaches along the Gulf are highly polluted is an over-generalization that is plumb wrong. Are the Gulf coast beaches polluted?
  • In systems of natural deduction, instantial terms are the singular terms that are introduced in applications of existential instantiation and eliminated in applications of universal generalization. Anaphora
  • In contemporary frameworks, the rule of generalization invokes a singular term, the arbitrary constant introduced into the text.
  • The CNI case shows the difficulty of making generalizations about statutory preclusion: ultimately, every case turns on an examination of the meaning of a particular statute.
  • The best I can do is provide what are admittedly broad generalizations based on considerable experience in the field.
  • The predilection to moral generalization is more troublesome.
  • I find that people have difficulty understanding that broad statistical generalizations don't justify leaping to conclusions about individuals.
  • Its possible meanings are many, complex, and like all great poetry, irreducible to simple generalizations.
  • Moreover, the problem of building satisfactory relativistic generalizations of these models has encountered serious mathematical difficulties due to the appearance of untractable divergences. Collapse Theories
  • The pearly nautilus is an exception to most generalizations about cephalopods.
  • [32] But for sundry notes on Shakespeare, and other pieces which have fallen in my way, I should have deemed it unnecessary to observe; that discourse here, or elsewhere does not mean what we now call discoursing; but the discursion of the mind, the processes of generalization and subsumption, of deduction and conclusion. Biographia Literaria
  • Using generalizations using a property to predict behaviour proof by appeal to a generalization 3.
  • It is easy to call these changes by the name allotropism, but not the less do they confound our hasty generalizations. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • By resorting to understatement, concrete and physical language, a poet contends against abstraction, generalization, hyperbole and the heroic language of hot-headed generals and bogus lovers alike.
  • Special attention is given to three generalizations regarding root suppletion in the comparative degree of adjectives (good-better, bad-worse).
  • But your overgeneralization of Idol this year ignores the fact that the show hasn't slipped in the ratings despite the new judges, and whether you like or loathe what this group of singers is doing (not counting those atrocious medleys), you have to admit they're each distinctive, and I know many viewers who are passionate about Scottie and James (and even the remaining girls) for very different reasons. Ask Matt: Fringe, The Voice, Justified, Glee and More!
  • Ethnographies that highlight the historicity, lack of typicality, and internal tensions make generalizations across or among divergent cases quite difficult.
  • However, induction (or something very much like it) plays a crucial role in the theory of scientific knowledge in the Posterior Analytics: it is induction, or at any rate a cognitive process that moves from particulars to their generalizations, that is the basis of knowledge of the indemonstrable first principles of sciences. Aristotle's Logic
  • Such taxonomies provide us with a basis for thinking more clearly about the kinds of generalizations that we can articulate.
  • Nevertheless, slang items often diverge from standard usage in predictable ways, especially by generalization and melioration.
  • His eighth chapter - reproduced on this site from the Levy-Cantera translation - contained 120 aphorisms and generalizations on astrology, highly relevant for the art of horary.
  • But it does not, so I will press on with the sweeping generalizations.
  • Would she feel okay about making such sweeping generalizations if she were in any other line of work?
  • The term precision is considered as a component of accuracy, related to the scale, resolution, and also to the generalization of datasets. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Steiner's ludicrous generalizations stem inpart from the very notion of defining cultures and history in terms of a sensibility.
  • Generalization of findings was limited to the ambulatory surgery population in these settings.
  • We shall discuss briefly some of the important qualifications to this generalization in later chapters.
  • System calls also serve this generalization function across programming languages; e.g., the read system call will read data from a file descriptor.
  • The best one can say at the moment, of both countries, is that they defy generalization.
  • She characterized the recent House vote approving the changes as "an overgeneralization about parents' rights. <headline/>
  • Roundhead, have you come up with these no-genital "liberals", or are you just spouting idiocies and meaningless generalizations while you make empty contemptuous comments? Balkinization
  • Thus, substantive comparison of these countries and the generalizations about civic culture must be treated with suspicion.
  • In the view of the critics, sweeping universalist generalizations based on such a tiny and unrepresentative sample of the world's languages are at best premature and at worst absurd.
  • Although it is a generalization, loose aggressive players typically maintain unorganized / sloppy stacks, while tight conservative players keep well organized/neat stacks.
  • We discussed the model and the means of knowledge acquisition for cartographical generalizations ground on granular computing with a case for the selection of rivers.
  • Yet this hopelessly overbroad generalization about the connection between art and life that motivates 600-page biographies of writers and artists is what is usually trotted out as justification for these exercises in voyeurism and speculation. The Biographical Fallacy
  • Not to mention the generalization that anyone that can attend on a weekday is a deadbeat. Terminator Salvation Advance Screenings | /Film
  • Not too dissimilar from the bland generalizations expounded in a horoscope. Lieberman increases criticism of Barack Obama
  • While I understand the temptation to reach for a shorthand to talk about New Amsterdam, generalizations like "alt-classical" really do the label a disservice as they mischaracterize the work of so many constituent artists and rob them of the creative idiosyncracies they've worked so hard to achieve. NewMusicBox
  • Indeed, although our data on exploratory behaviors comes from only one lake, and thus precludes generalization, we have also found in a previous study that stonewort individuals from both lakes had a lower propensity to engage mating, which also independently suggests a tendency to avoid exposure PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • This is exactly the kind of overgeneralization and escalation that we’re talking about here. A turning point in modern politics: just watch me « raincoaster
  • A generalization of Morley's theorem would be an appropriate contribution to the coming centennial anniversary of the discovery of this wonderful result.
  • But why rely on those generalizations when a convict is already being scrutinized at the individual level? Cruel and Unusual
  • I agree that media coverage of the issue too often has been laden with generalizations, hyperbole and sensational images.
  • To say that people are healthier than they used to be is a broad generalization -- the reality is a little more complex.
  • In logical nets, generalization depends on chance exact match between some portion of the retinal image and a training instance.
  • Using multiple integral to prove a generalization of Pythagoras theorem and to calculate the Moivre integral.
  • The substitutability principle is none other than a generalization of the very notion of tropology.
  • These are generalizations, and all generalizations are false, at least part of the time.
  • Those who reject generalization insist that history consists of unique and separate events.
  • Which brings us to a corollary tactic: Avoid context and specifics; whenever possible, generalize and keep repeating the generalization.
  • The answer is obvious: there is no unified conception but merely a shifting and vague generalization.
  • But such generalizations are detriments to the impending debate because they obscure what really matters.
  • P. P.arle was the first to propose [P.arle, 1990] a relativistic generalization of CSL to a quantum field theory describing a fermion field coupled to a meson scalar field enriched with the introduction of stochastic and nonlinear terms. Collapse Theories
  • That there is some generalization of the Principle of Computational Equivalence that will somehow actually mean that with appropriate interpretation, sort of all conceivable universes are in precise detail, our actual universe, and its complete history. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • They are generalizations assumed to be true of an entire group of people, regardless of their personal characteristics and circumstances.
  • This fellow makes some valid points, but they're lost among the sweeping generalizations.
  • But the text consists for the most part of apophthegmatic generalizations about the topic, about the superficiality, the confusion and ineffectiveness of social theory about ageing and old people, and about the fundamentally paradoxical and inconsistent situation of these old people in the social structure.
  • On a subject ” repression and its relationship to memory and trauma ” which deserves our most serious and even-handed consideration, Frederick Crews has indulged in the exact kind of overgeneralization and irresponsible assertion which so incenses him. 'Victims of Memory': An Exchange
  • It is also true that ‘white wine with fish and red wine with meat’ is an absurd generalization built on a couple of sound maxims.
  • “No generalization is worth a damn, including this one.” Only Rep. Frank could go kill health care rationing… - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Pipes's book is shot through with essentialism and questionable generalizations.
  • The concept of senility may also be a generalization from the increasing number of older people who develop dementia.
  • What is the universal syntax if not a generalization of mathematics into a truly universal language? The Broken God
  • Group 2 errors include positional accuracy, attribute uncertainty, and generalization arising from data classification and spatial variations in map quality.
  • Are we still talking about this guy, in all seriousness, the guy's a scumbag and needs to resign, but what makes him a scumbag is the fact that he cheated on his family, not that he's a republican, whats that word people use to describe a generalization of an entire group because of the actions of a select few, oh yeah, a stereotype! First on the Ticker: GOP support for Sanford impeachment grows
  • The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.
  • Contemporary . female's pursure of equality was more and more generalization and theorization, and acquired significant progress.
  • Can you have confidence in a generalization about gender and voting in the United States based on only two elections?
  • In logical nets, generalization depends on chance exact match between some portion of the retinal image and a training instance.
  • In my latest academic upload here I look at the claim by anti-abortionists that they are ‘pro-life’ and find it to be an overgeneralization.
  • Instead I found an illtempered, confused set of generalizations about what analytical philosophers believe about history, distortion and misrepresentation of my views, and a peroration on the "wholly denotative" language of science and the "connotative" language of history that should win Hexter some kind of prize for philosophical incompetence. Letting Go
  • But it does sound like Chris Rock is making a simple generalization and calling any black woman with a weave or relaxer deluded and obsessed with whiteness. Good 'Hair?' Hardly. How Chris Rock gets it wrong |
  • New Scientist reports on the research of Princeton University's Alexander Todorov, who finds that snap judgments are based on an 'overgeneralization' of an evolved need to read facial expressions for signs of danger. Boing Boing
  • But I would suspect that this is one of those first person confessionals secretly disguised as a generalization-laden argument.
  • Nor is King unique as a counterexample to your overhasty generalization. Is "Magic Negro" CD Helping Saltsman In RNC Race?
  • Draw conclusions from your generalizations in a summary section. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • There are several factors that limit the generalization of these results to other patient populations.
  • The Congo is rich in folkloric tradition, and generalizations are difficult in a country with dozens of ethnic groups.
  • The generalization from alternants to nonalternants is given particular attention.
  • Whether the classical predicate logic systems with the primitive rule of universal generalization have the strong semantic soundness depends on the restriction of the rule.
  • Just goes to show that "YMMV" and we ought to beware of generalizations. Island of la grande jatte
  • In her piece she generally laments culturally perpetuated generalizations.
  • Consequently generalizations about survival after diagnosis may be problematic.
  • Reasoning similar to that just presented leads to Generalization 5-14: Cosmopolite channels are relatively more important than localite channels for earlier adopters than for later adopters. Diffusion of Innovations
  • Nowadays scholarly exegetes frown on such readings of Scripture, insisting that the particularities of a text must take priority over any generalizations that can be brought from that text.
  • They are also incredibly diverse; there is little justification for derogatory generalizations.
  • If you can explain why one sexist generalization is acceptable and the other is not, I'd love to hear it. Sex and the single Marvel super heroine | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Obviously, this season is still proving itself, so I can't make any sweeping generalizations.
  • Illustrate your major generalizations by specific references to evidence. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • However, so far there is only indirect evidence for scents influencing discrimination or generalization learning of food-deceptive flowers by bees.
  • In particular, the epistemological contrast between two sorts of empirical generalizations ” those adopted on narrowly inductive grounds and those expressing constitutive principles of postulational theories adopted on broadly empirical, i.e., explanatory grounds ” enabled Sellars to distinguish among three different grades of “observational involvement”: observations and general claims individually validated Wilfrid Sellars
  • Generalizations with exceptions illustrate some subtle nuances in the relationship between Popperian falsificationism and the learning-theoretic idea of reliable convergence to the truth. Formal Learning Theory
  • While NBC's woes are well documented and in most cases self-inflicted — especially during the Zucker era, and the network may never live down that Jay Leno prime-time debacle — this overgeneralization that NBC has nothing of merit is unfair. Ask Matt: Dance, Downton Abbey, CSI, Guilty Pleasures and More!
  • As another generalization, consider the sum of elements in an off-diagonal 2x2 array.
  • Metaphorical indirection gives way to explicit generalization.
  • Admittedly, I am an historian, so that makes me extremely unsympathetic to the sorts of loose and ahistorical generalizations to which sociologists are greatly inclined.
  • But this type of thing happens throughout the book, which is a mix of clever and wise insights commingled with historical and factual error and over-generalization.
  • When you were in the conversation, it was about one thing: your misunderstanding of the credential argument and your inability to separate your own experience of reading one writer from broad and ridiculous generalizations about the "falseness" of literary fiction. Question of control...
  • It is difficult to make neat generalizations about this wide-ranging and ambitious volume.
  • The author makes several sweeping generalizations about the causes of the crisis.
  • Leiter makes sweeping and imprecise generalizations that turn out to be arrant nonsense, however you interpret them.
  • It is through verbal modification (repetition), exemplification, generalization vs. particularization and quotation that "Washington" voices his opinion on the ways of salvation of the black race.
  • By ˜interesting™ laws of taste I mean generalizations to the effects that anything of such and such a nonaesthetic kind is of such and such aesthetic kind, and these generalizations can be used to predict aesthetic properties on the basis of knowledge of nonaesthetic properties. Aesthetic Judgment
  • Yet the current view is also that explanation involves an appeal to causal laws and not solely to generalizations.
  • (The only recent exception to this generalization is the brilliantly crafted pending 'clean energy' subsidies case brought by the United Steelworkers.) Leo Hindery, Jr.: China's Latest Power Plays -- More Unfair Trade, Now Grave Threats to Our Security
  • The view of abstract individual is a generalization of action mode in market and a cultural premise as well in the ideas of enlightening intellectuals.
  • Sweeping generalizations about this complex and difficult situation are not helpful.
  • Concretize the popular opinion in a couple charged terms -- "magic man," "kingmaker" -- then throw in a condescending generalization -- "of course" -- as you negate their energy with a dismissal. Scott Thill: Roll Call Slams The Colbert Report. Bears Win.
  • Relatively recent microrheology methods exploit the equipartition principle-where kBT drives each mode-through a generalization to viscoelastic materials including gels and cytoskeletal networks.
  • Though it surely is not your intention, such sweeping attacks and gross as well as erroneous generalizations threaten all American Muslims, including those you recognize as "a peaceful group," and demean the historically documentable fairness of the American people. Rev. Dr. C. Welton Gaddy: An Open Letter To Herman Cain
  • Nevertheless, slang items often diverge from standard usage in predictable ways, especially by generalization and melioration.
  • There is one exception to this generalization - the velar nasal may not occur in onset position.
  • Della has a beautiful voice and great rapid-fire elocution, but the piece would be well served by tighter direction and fewer generalizations about gender in the comedic bits.
  • Such cultural misunderstandings may grow into outright hostility and lead to unfair generalizations and stereotypes. Sociology
  • This organization by unexamined categories results in unsatisfactory generalizations. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In our example, the data seem too contradictory to support any clear generalization about gender and voting.
  • The generalization capability of the self-organizing network can cope with vagarious operating conditions which have not been encountered during the training phase and hence a give correct classification result.
  • There is, in fact, a most elegant generalization, in the context of quantum mechanics, which is applicable to all symmetries, discrete and continuous, that are associated with invariance under unitary transformations. [ref] Special Post: Noether’s First Theorem – Emmy Noether for Ada Lovelace Day
  • In such schemes generalization is regarded as a process applicable to different areas of content.
  • Beyond that, I'm reluctant to make broad generalizations.

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