How To Use Generality In A Sentence

  • These provisions, although expressed at a level of great generality, have often been invoked by those who posit the existence of a broad international duty to cooperate or a right to solidarity.
  • To illustrate the generality of these ideas, we review two additional mating systems in which paternity markers have been used to study the heritability or fitness consequences of alternative morphs.
  • I think that it's probably not appropriate for the generality of 12 year olds, but that it would also depend on the twelve year old in question.
  • Only if treatment is offered to a population can the outcome be expected to reflect the generality of population based data.
  • I think it is unfortunate, not particularly with respect to this case, but with respect to the generality of cases, that there is no prosecution appeal available.
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  • Would you be happy for that advice to be repeated to that woman in front of the generality of Australians?
  • Put another way, generality is a way of mentally guarding against your own subjectivity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • As we might expect, then, philosophy has generally been defined in ways which imply a certain totality, generality, and ultimateness of both subject matter and method. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • Conciseness is also at a sufficiently high level of generality to provide the flexibility so a right is open to reinterpretation over time from many perspectives.
  • It is friendship, when a man can say to himself, I love this man without respect of utility; I am open-hearted to him; I single him from the generality of those with whom I live; I make him a portion of my own wishes.
  • That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising, given its level of generality.
  • And we might learn also that our neighbors, and even the generality of our fellow citizens (both actual and potential) have better angels of their own.
  • At the same time, the incident showed his liability to argue from passion and personal animus to philosophical or political generality.
  • The nature of fuzziness is its unsharp referential boundary, it is the essence that acts as the major criterion in distinguishing fuzziness from generality, ambiguity, and vagueness.
  • A person's knowledge of a language consists, precisely, in knowledge of idioms, that is, conventionalized form-meaning relations, at varying levels of generality.
  • The guerrillas and other forces are rejecting such participation, and the question is whether they can win over the generality to their rejectionist point of view.
  • But if the simple claim that a work is good because comical is thus intelligible, comicality is a general criterion for aesthetic value, and the principle that articulates that generality is true. The Concept of the Aesthetic
  • Researchers assess self efficacy beliefs by asking individuals to report the level, generality, and strength of their confidence to accomplish a task or succeed in a certain situation.
  • Thereby, he gives the field involving very diverse solvents a generality that is not often discerned in the writing of others.
  • Adding heterogeneous cell surfaces will make these features possible, and increase the generality of the model.
  • The generality and flexibility of such a procedure are a very attractive feature of the technology.
  • We make it a point to disbelieve most of the accusations or remarks against ourselves or our friends and neighbors when the relator merges his personal accountableness for an assertion in the vague generality of "what people say. A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding
  • An account of such generality is of little value.
  • Granting that prudential concerns will vary from one person to another, one cannot imagine what a modern society would look like if the generality of persons did not have substantial prudential concerns.
  • The very best lesson for a horseman, young or old, is colt-breaking; and if in the attempt the _young_ horseman fails to do the colt justice, he will at least do him less injury than the country colt-breaker, or the generality of grooms. Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece or, Common Sense and Common Errors in Common Riding
  • The generality were prepared to concede the importance of religion in other men's lives.
  • The difficulty of course is that, where the later contract is intended to supersede the prior contract, it may in the generality of cases simply be useless to try to construe the later contract by reference to the earlier one.
  • I feel the generality of doctors is good and want to stand by the profession.
  • Then you include me in a generality on the perfidy of certain men. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • This is so, he concluded, because for the generality of humankind death comes as an imposition: it is a form of abjection to which all must submit with resignation, and which all must accept because they have no choice.
  • And she was devout in a way that indicated that the religion was based in a great many particulars, not some gassy generality about being kind to plants and believing in clean water.
  • This generality is especially true of muscles composed mostly of a single fiber type, as are the pectoral muscles of fast-flapping aerial fliers like ducks and alcids.
  • Temporary workers are considerably younger than the generality of workers.
  • In addition to testing the generality of fungal survival factors, auxotrophic mutants allow several key aspects of fungal biology to be assessed in vivo.
  • In this sense, whatever its temperateness and generality, the Cairo speech played for higher stakes than any strategist in an earlier mold could have advised or foreseen. — Advice to the Prince
  • Much media debate operates at a level of generality where policies are cheered or condemned while their cultural substrate and the practices they spawn remain unexamined.
  • Further research on species with an extensive dietary specialisation should be conducted to test the generality of this finding for lizards.
  • The generality wish for the return of harlequin, who though he cannot appear as he used to do, with his motley coat and wooden sword, often struts about in the hero's dress to delight them; at least it is only to this that I can ascribe the miserable pantomimes with which the tragic actors inter - sperse their tragedies. A General collection of the best and most interesting voyages and travels in all parts of the world [microform] : many of which are now first translated into English : digested on a new plan
  • You hide in generality like war is nether good or bad. Aims of Democrats Reach Beyond the Oval Office - The Caucus Blog -
  • The tense, aspect, or voice of verbs in academic writing often seems to be related to degrees of generality or relevance or to signal discourse functions like transition or foregrounding.
  • Abstractness and generality, however, also allow a wide berth of hedging since any contradictions or challenges can be explained away as exceptions.
  • Much of what the generality of writers have to say is dull and inept, so that it is fortunate English prose has developed a method for making their pronouncements at least sound graceful.
  • To such a pitch have people already brought matters, that they can't look at anything as what it is, but search out some great big generality to which they may tie it and slay it and embowel it. The Old Man of the Mountain, The Lovecharm and Pietro of Abano Tales from the German of Tieck
  • Derrida is so perversely myopic a reader, doggedly pursuing the finest flickers of meaning across a page, that he exasperates some of his opponents with his supersubtlety, not his airy generality.
  • Seriously, a brave post and I agree that your generality is what makes your blog good. Matthew Yglesias » Critique of Pure Yglesias
  • But the generality of the population is not embarrassed by wearing traditional, merely functional, clothing, appropriate to their trades.
  • But the fact that the generality of barrister pupils have been unpaid, not just in the distant past but also in modern times, is in our view of significance in determining whether a relationship of or equivalent to apprenticeship exists.
  • Hence the expansion of dictionary definitions descends into progressive generality, displaying a weaker and weaker semantic relationship with the original word.
  • The generality of bacterial virology was not noted until much later.
  • Your argument on this point may be right or may be wrong, but you cannot keep changing, can you, between different levels of generality and particularity in relation to weeds?
  • An analogous interpretation applies to the generality and ultimateness of philosophy. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • This generality is not present in other server-side scripting systems, where the inputs would have to be literal numeric values. Wolfram Blog : Interactive Pythagoras Trees with webMathematica 3
  • And indeed in 1791 William Gilpin noted that "the generality of people" found wilderness dislikable. Richard Bangs: Here Be Dragons: Mt. Pilatus in Switzerland, Part 2
  • That's why Buchanan suggested allowing states to determine their own formula for the flat tax / demogrant idea (which he calls the generality principle). Jason Clarke's meta feed
  • The generality and flexibility of such a procedure are a very attractive feature of the technology.
  • Whether my generality is true is determined by how effectively it matches my perceptions of reality. Matthew Yglesias » DeMint: The Richest 0.7 Percent of the Population is “Lots of People”
  • The chapter could also have included a final paragraph on the generality of the results of clinical trials, in which the mortality rate is so much lower than those observed in complete registers of all heart attack admissions.
  • He went on to say, on the following page, that ‘the right approach is to describe the working of the invention at the level of generality with which it is described in the claim of the patent.’
  • If, on scientific principles, it can be proved that those verbs generally denominated neuter, _originally_ expressed action, their present, accepted meaning will still oppose the theory, for the generality of mankind do not attach to them the idea of _action_. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • What huge fellows they were! almost as huge as the hogs for which they higgled; the generality of them dressed in brown sporting coats, drab breeches, yellow-topped boots, splashed all over with mud, and with low-crowned broad-brimmed hats. Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
  • Acceptance of the generality of a link between social policy and education should not, however, blind us to the effects of particular proposals.
  • For the generality of young people, university is not an option.
  • It was considered important to extend the comparison to other sites in order to determine the generality of the concordance and to pinpoint the causes of the divergence.
  • We wished to test the generality of these correlations through a comprehensive analysis of completely sequenced genomes.
  • Nothing in this Statement of Admissions is intended to derogate from the generality of that denial.
  • That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising, given its level of generality.
  • At the same time, the incident showed his liability to argue from passion and personal animus to philosophical or political generality.
  • The generality of Swedes are blond.
  • But the term poetical does not appear very applicable to the generality of Dutch painting; and a little reflection will show us, that if the Italians represent only the invariable, they cannot be properly compared even to historians. Selections From the Works of John Ruskin
  • Another problem that remains unresolved is the generality of the connection between psychosis and creativity.
  • Nothing happens without a cause " is a generality.
  • Here it is crucial for him to find “the right definitions”; and this involves not just basic adequacy, but also desiderata such as fruitfulness, generality, simplicity, and “purity”, i.e., the elimination of aspects “foreign” to the case at hand. Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
  • His sentence, therefore, isn't necessarily a precedent for the generality of other cases of corruption.
  • Thus, without loss of generality, it is sufficient to consider unary functions. Combinatory Logic
  • Then additional studies will be conducted with different populations to study the generality of an outcome. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • At the same time, the incident showed his liability to argue from passion and personal animus to philosophical or political generality.
  • This result could be due to particular environmental synchronizing factors in Finland, but further studies on noncyclic species are necessary to assess the generality of our conclusion.
  • But the generality of being is not that of a genus; therefore the question of definition, in this sense, simply does not arise.
  • This generality is all to say that there is a range of possible relationships between markets and states in time and space that oscillate between complimentary and oppositional polarities. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • For this reason, the definition of such conceptions as generality, totality, and ultimateness is most readily reached from the side of the disposition toward the world which they connote. Democracy and Education : an Introduction to the Philosophy of Education
  • It would not be based upon theoretical ideas which were held to have generality beyond a socio-historical context.
  • That there are problems with this kind of definition is hardly surprising, given its level of generality.
  • The generality of the citizens had declared themselves against a pentarchy devoid of power, justice, and morality, and which had become the sport of faction and intrigue. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • Because sociality has evolved independently in many different lineages, it is possible to conduct a more wide-ranging study to test the generality of the relationship.
  • In particular, and without limiting the generality of that proposition, the following circumstances would ordinarily warrant the making of an application.
  • From the mathematician's point of view, the advantage in abstracting a point from its diverse incarnations lies in the resulting generality.
  • Although similar parabolic relationships were observed in two other tropical avifaunas, it may be premature to assess the generality of that relationship.
  • The generality and flexibility of such a procedure are a very attractive feature of the technology.
  • Not specifically, but in generality, as I prayed that the names of the dead were unfamiliar. Think Progress » 1999.
  • Moreover despite official regulations stipulating that intendants should not spend more than three years in one generality, or be sent to their own regions, these rules were regularly flouted.
  • Broadly speaking, the modular design is perhaps the most flexible, but it may sacrifice fineness of control for generality of purpose.
  • We sought to emphasize the generality of our case. Sharing the Success - the story of NFC
  • Desargues's Theorem and its converse are of the first importance to mathematicians by reason of their complete generality.
  • However exciting it may be for a time, parties soon tire of carrying on a losing game for the mere sake of abusing each other, and Æneas M'Quirter not being behind the generality of his countrymen in 'canniness' and shrewdness of intellect, came to the conclusion that it was no use doing so in this case, especially as the few remaining friends who still applauded would be very sorry to subscribe anything towards his losses. Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
  • Thereby, he gives the field involving very diverse solvents a generality that is not often discerned in the writing of others.
  • The generality of tweeds, serges, hopsacks and crepons are 44 inches wide, therefore we will describe the making up of the skirt in material of that width.
  • However, the generality of this is uncertain.
  • What prompts doubts, or at any rate questions, is the generality of his protasis.
  • This view is held by the generality of leading scholars.
  • It has the nature of randomness , generality, problem solving , radiativeness, directionality and creativity.
  • The argument for moving to a higher level of generality is often framed in terms of an ad hominem rather than a real argument. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • For the six other species, synchrony was weak but there was no generality for the scale of synchronizing factors which could be local or global.
  • The model performs well across this data set, which gives strong support for the model's central claims, its generality, and its theoretical underpinnings.
  • He always tried to formulate his results at their natural level of generality, so that their full power was exhibited, without their content being obscured by over-elaboration.
  • Our experiment explores the generality of these results by asking whether blue jays choose short-term consequences in equivalent patch and self-control situations.
  • Temporary workers are considerably younger than the generality of workers.
  • Like the generality of people who are psychic and who have never had an experience of the superphysical, my conception of a phantasm was a "thing" in white that made ridiculous groanings and still more ridiculous clankings of chains. Animal Ghosts Or, Animal Hauntings and the Hereafter
  • Without prejudice to the generality of the power conferred by section 411 those rules may contain any such provision as is specified in schedule 8 to the Act.
  • No argument here except that I guess I believe that there is a refutable presumption in favor fo the higher level of generality. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jonathan Rauch on David Frum on the Conservative Movement
  • They represent a vital sub-culture that may be a minority but is growing and casts long shadows among the generality.
  • I know the generality of them, therefore I am loathe to put in an opinion when I do not know the full facts.

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