How To Use Generalist In A Sentence
Workplace 2000 companies will be looking for flexible generalists, not specialists.
The specialist species seem to have suffered while the generalists have thrived.
Times, Sunday Times
He might be better off approaching generalists, rather than nuclear-medicine or health-care specialists.
ARE you a generalist or a specialist?
For the generalists the lure of assignments in different corners of the world is perhaps the main attraction of their work.
Such conservatism is usually seen in ecological generalists or eurytopic taxa.
Outside morning hours, obstetric and paediatric services were provided only by poorly trained generalist nurses and doctors.
On the other hand, there is a rich community of specialist and generalist predators (arctic foxes, stoats, snowy owls, rough-legged hawks, gulls, jaegers and ravens), all of which feed on lemmings.
Look to your own ranks to find competent generalists.
a statistician has to be something of a generalist
Pam Watts is an avid reader and glorious generalist.
BookBrowse Reviewers.
There is much work in organizational ecology investigating the differential life chances of generalists and specialists over time.
Meanwhile, 29 species of habitat generalists - like the carrion crow and the wren - have increased by an average of 23 percent.
As a generalist, this alarms me somewhat.
‘There were too many generalists,’ said one company insider.
The unspecialized generalists were less successful than any of the specialists, so that the genetic link between the food specialists was quickly lost.
Being a generalist that works in a variety of sectors inevitably brings its own challenges.
Times, Sunday Times
Few organisms are generalists that can live equally well in different habitats.
They are narrow specialists after all, not generalists, and they are comfortable with their niche.
The analyses in table 6 assess whether generalists and specialists learn differently from heterogeneous accident experiences.
These species are small-bodied, cold water species that are generalist feeders on planktivorous zooplankton and benthic organisms.
Big-eyed bugs are omnivorous, generalist predators and their diverse range of prey species includes aphids and lepidopteran eggs.
Children of this age need specialist rather than generalist teachers.
I accept that when politicians run departments, they're there as generalists whom specialists report to, but in all other circumstances why should the head guy be the most clueless?
The weakest may be picked off by pseudo - specialist features added to generalist search - engines.
A committed generalist, a insanely prolific and indefagitable explicator of all and sundry – remind you of anyone?
Matthew Yglesias » Influential Books
As it happens, he is in the process of inventing a new form of education, designed to help us all become generalists rather than specialists.
He long ago declared photography dead and rebranded himself a 'generalist' and 'image-maker'.
Times, Sunday Times
These generalists were mainly unspecialized herbivores or omnivores, with partially fossorial habits, strong territoriality and high reproductive rates.
It is therefore important that generalists consider referring such patients to an oncologist.
There is sometimes a tendency for a generalist service to expand into specialisms with which it is in daily contact.
Since they are often generalists whose popularity extends beyond partisan lines, they can have a subtle, almost imperceptible political influence.
Because no one can know everything, generalist knowledge is inevitably contextual, particularist, perspectivist, and idiocentric. IDIOCENTRISM.
Leaders are, ideally, generalists that can understand and handle many different parts of a company.
Today's birds descend from a generalist ancestral finch that invaded the islands from mainland Ecuador.
Two recent molecular studies removed these doubts for several species and show that most of the dominant species were acting as generalists under field conditions.
This suggests that dibblers are essentially insectivorous dietary generalists and opportunists.
As it happens, he is in the process of inventing a new form of education, designed to help us all become generalists rather than specialists.
The pursuit of complexity in criticism is one thing, and it is certainly true all critics need not be generalists, hoping one day to reach even that reader of U.S.A. Today.
Principles of Literary Criticism
Bench statements are read in open court to an audience that has no idea what cases (if any) will be released that morning, so they are addressed to generalists.
They hate waiting and they presume that generalists know everything.
Times, Sunday Times
Market strategy number two is a logical outgrowth of the concept of core competencies, which is the idea that, in a world where specialists increasingly outperform generalists, a business should focus on what it does best and what is essential to its success.
The UBC study involved new species found in British Columbia lakes that have evolved distinct physical traits: limnetic sticklebacks (smaller open water dwellers with narrow mouths), benthic sticklebacks (larger bottom dwellers with a wide gape) and a generalist species to represent the probable ancestor of the two species.
In commercial airlines, there may be analogous differences in learning between generalists and specialists.
Blackpool pub landlord Hamish Howitt, 55, who is an anti-smoking ban campaigner, is promising to stand up for working class smokers, while the Cleethorpes-based Generalist Party and The Official Monster Raving Loony Party have also announced their intention to field candidates.
Archive 2008-06-01
These are the analytical tools that judges, who in our system are generalists rather than specialists, bring to the task of adjudicating cases in specialized fields of law.
We can measure wins and losses in competitive trials between generalists and specialists.
The real generalist is sometimes known as a dilettante and needs an independent income.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Palin, Ignorance, and Stupidity Revisited
In an era where ESPN's greatest threat is a death by a thousand cuts from emerging specialized channels — NFL Network, MLB Network, Big Ten Network — Versus seems like a cut-rate generalist whose top properties — NHL and Tour de France — aren't a claim to fame.
A Comcast takeover could bring more tools, questions to NBC Sports
At postgraduate level the Renaissance School will offer advanced specialist training in generalism to keep generalists firmly based in ‘whole patient medicine.’
The problem is not when generalists specialize, but when specialists generalize.
One group, the cosmopolitan or ecologically generalist species, includes 10-12 species.
Non-executives, selected for being generalists with insight, are now often required to second guess management in areas beyond their technical competence.
Future research into exactly why generalists and specialists learn differently from these different sources of failure information would be useful.
We also present our data from experiments on water intake of specialist and generalist woodrats (N. albigula) consuming plant secondary compounds from their natural diet.
Do generalists differ from specialists in the prescription of cognitive enhancers?
In this respect Anderson is a rare breed among geophysicists, an avowed generalist.
What is the expected genotypic ration resulting from a homozygous dominant x heterozygous monohybrid cross? what are some examples of generalists (species with broad niches) and specialist (species with narrow niches)?
Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
You become a specialist rather than a generalist.
As generalists become more different from one another, interorganizational complementarities likely increase, thereby yielding more opportunities for alliance formation.
Big-eyed bugs are omnivorous, generalist predators and their diverse range of prey species includes aphids and lepidopteran eggs.
The weakest may be picked off by pseudo - specialist features added to generalist search - engines.
These small infelicities do not detract from a remarkable piece of research that will be of interest to scholars and generalists alike.
There is sometimes a tendency for a generalist service to expand into specialisms with which it is in daily contact.
By changing the number of wasp species (one versus three) and whether each wasp species was a specialist (all of the individuals parasitizing just one kind of aphid) or a generalist (different individuals parasitizing different kinds of aphids), Finke and Snyder were able to separately test the effects of species number and resource use.