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How To Use General practitioner In A Sentence

  • Again, close liaison between obstetrician, midwife, general practitioner, cardiologist, and neonatologist is vital.
  • General practitioners and, increasingly after 1950, obstetricians attended most parturient women.
  • The general practitioner diagnosed the illness of the baby as pneumonia.
  • If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
  • Finally, the reforms aimed to shift the balance of power in determining use of resources from hospital doctors to general practitioners.
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  • A group of 1199 men who were not coal miners was identified from general practitioner records in three Nottinghamshire general practices.
  • During 1993-2000 general practitioner A would therefore have been the practice doctor who signed off the most certificates for deaths in the nursing homes.
  • He attends a school for special educational needs in Spilsby and is looked after by his general practitioner and paediatric services from Boston Hospital.
  • A 23 year old woman was referred by her general practitioner with multiple, unsightly lesions on her right pinna, which occasionally discharged pus.
  • Returning to Cardiff, he became a supernumerary registrar to the medical school before leaving to become a general practitioner in the Swansea Valley.
  • (My father, a retired general practitioner, can still tell as much from palpating a patient's abdomen or listening carefully for crepitus while articulating a patient's sore knee than most modern internists can from reading an MRI or CT scan.) The Cost of Health Care -- in Live Chickens
  • The parents, general practitioners, and otorhinolaryngologists were encouraged to manage sore throats and upper respiratory tract infections during follow up according to regular practice.
  • Many general practitioners still need to be convinced that their views will be listened to and where appropriate acted on.
  • She had seen her general practitioner a week after the separation and he had prescribed a tranquillizer.
  • Copies of optometry feedback are sent to the patient's general practitioner, who is thereby kept informed of eye assessments.
  • I rationalized it to be a surgeon's light - glaring at me and allowing dozens of general practitioners swoop in like birds of prey.
  • Training qualified general practitioner is a key for development of community health service.
  • The Tyneside study indicates that patients want to be offered a chaperone, so general practitioners may be responding to societal demand. 4 Merely offering a chaperone does not protect either the patient or the doctor.
  • Postcoital testing by the general practitioner appears to be useful.
  • Telemedicine using e-mail or Web sites holds promise for enhancing communication, especially in the area of dermatology, which is visual in nature and is the frequent reason for both visits to the general practitioner and referrals. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Cooperation between general practitioners and district health authorities requires mutual accountability.
  • Firstly, hepatitis C is not an uncommon disease presenting to general practitioners.
  • He then discussed this with the general practitioner and gradual reduction of the antidepressant was initiated.
  • The general practitioners recorded days of illness, physical signs, and antibiotic prescription.
  • The treatment can be delivered by suitably trained practice nurses or general practitioners.
  • As gatekeepers, general practitioners are accustomed to husbanding the scarce resources of the NHS, and this might look like a logical extension of their role.
  • We booked the first visit with our local general practitioner in the seventh week of pregnancy.
  • Hood, a general practitioner, was interested in the movements of flexion and extension, combined with external pressure, used by bone setters for back injuries.
  • According to Hors, the new law will aggravate this situation, as these institutions will regularly force general practitioners to disclose information.
  • Once the bleeding has been evaluated its management may remain with general practitioners or midwives.
  • We defined singlehanded general practitioners as general practitioner principals who were not in partnership with other general practitioner principals.
  • In so doing, general practitioners have shown that the intellectual framework within which they operate is different from, complementary to, but no less demanding than that of specialists.
  • General practitioners and the main specialties were represented on the committee, which was chaired by the local coordinator.
  • It was designed to help general practitioners appraise and assimilate information from scientific publications.
  • I know as much about my condition as that overworked, unimaginative general practitioner does.
  • Several general practitioners were lost to follow up, which threatens the internal validity of the trial.
  • An effective general practitioner must have counselling skills to elicit important diagnostic information and manage consultations appropriately.
  • Our local general practitioners have shown great patience and understanding when treating my son for minor ailments.
  • The authors said concern about single-handed doctors had long been expressed but ‘we have found no evidence in this study that single-handed general practitioners are under-performing clinically’.
  • A survey of general practitioners in Leicestershire has shown they are seriously dissatisfied with the systems in place for handling controlled drugs such as opiates.
  • A 55 year old man presented to his general practitioner with a productive cough.
  • The groups consisted of six to eight volunteer general practitioners, each led by an experienced group leader.
  • The general practitioners in particular found it difficult to attend training sessions unless locums were provided, and training exercises sometimes had to be repeated.
  • Among modifiable factors only access to a dietitian and an interested general practitioner featured significantly in the final multiple regression analysis.
  • The plan was discussed with Pamela's general practitioner, who was in full agreement.
  • Their experiences are commented on by a general practitioner and a consultant haematologist.
  • For general practitioners, government legislation imposes financial disincentives for non-compliance in that college's professional development programme.
  • Further research is needed to provide general practitioners with easy to use diagnostic tools to differentiate bacterial from viral conjunctivitis to tailor antibiotic prescriptions.
  • They do not want to waste their time going backwards and forwards to the general practitioner's surgery.
  • In the now modular examinations for entry to the Royal College of General Practitioners, a candidate must pass each component, including the orals, to pass overall.
  • Cooperation between general practitioners and district health authorities requires mutual accountability.
  • But the kind that presents to general practitioners and is counted in statistics as part of the growing crisis in mental health is a different kind of malaise, better described as affluenza than depression.
  • In terms of journals, both weeklies and fortnightlies are published and aimed at general practitioners.
  • To be eligible to participate, the general practitioners had to have a computerised medical record system for registration of all patient contacts.
  • If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
  • In this study we evaluated general practitioners' knowledge of terms commonly used to describe a test's accuracy.
  • The general practitioner contract of April 1990 served to encourage the adoption of this model of care.
  • If no further contact can be made the general practitioner should be informed.
  • We no longer trust the caring general practitioner, the wise physician, or the conscientious surgeon.
  • A patient's first point of contact with the NHS is usually their general practitioner ( GP ).
  • Some general practitioners may be willing to offer individual counselling or marital therapy themselves.
  • The problem is compounded by the ban on general practitioners giving private prescription to their NHS patients.
  • It goes without saying that no visit with the local midwife or the general practitioner was offered before the 15th week.
  • Her general practitioner had treated it unsuccessfully with neomycin and gramicidin ointment and oral flucloxacillin and metronidazole.
  • Again, close liaison between obstetrician, midwife, general practitioner, cardiologist, and neonatologist is vital.
  • There is now quite a large lump in his groin which his General Practitioner diagnoses as an irreducible right inguinal hernia.
  • We have moved from an era of inappropriate prostatectomy for nocturia and other irritative symptoms by urologists to one of inappropriate pharmacotherapy by general practitioners, at massive cost.
  • A 51 year old woman was referred by her general practitioner with longstanding dyspepsia and reflux worsened by alcohol and bread.
  • Well informed general practitioners can and should play a part in preventing vertical transmission of HIV.
  • Umpteen years ago, I worked as a locum for an unwell general practitioner in another part of the country.
  • It is high among the reasons why people consult general practitioners and neurologists.
  • For this general practitioners are rewarded with an income below the national average and a level of frustration much above it.
  • She had seen her general practitioner a week after the separation and he had prescribed a tranquillizer.
  • General practitioners and patients were contacted by telephone to assess their satisfaction with the system and to determine whether further referrals for excision had been made.
  • The general practitioner contract of April 1990 served to encourage the adoption of this model of care.
  • These are sent to patients with a request to take them along to their general practitioner within 10 days.
  • Her general practitioner was agreeable to this plan.
  • I am advised that Mr Draper was referred to a vascular specialist at Middlemore Hospital by his general practitioner.
  • Her general practitioner diagnosed a subarachnoid haemorrhage, which was confirmed by computed tomography.
  • This review explains how general practitioners can approach the first level of diagnosis and warn patients about what lies ahead after referral to a specialist.
  • ‘Basically the committee is a body set up to liaise between general practitioners and hospitals and hearing concerns,’ he said.
  • We refer to your article on Sunday 21 July regarding the proposed new measures for stringent checks on general practitioners in the wake of the Shipman Inquiry.
  • Further, the College of General Practitioners programme has been oversubscribed, with 90 applicants for the 55 places available.
  • I was the sole representative of the general practitioners.
  • Patients are mostly referred to hospital by their general practitioners.
  • Do patients with unexplained physical symptoms pressurise general practitioners for somatic treatment?
  • Some attempts have been made to study symptoms of possible oncological significance among patients presenting to general practitioners.
  • In most Western countries, national health guidelines encourage general practitioners to screen elderly people for hearing loss.
  • Similarly, general practitioners functioning through primary care groups would charge insurers or offer prepaid services.
  • Genuine cases of sexual dysfunction should be handled by general practitioners and specialists, not spruiked for by billboards, magazine ads and radio commercials.
  • It has been estimated that the general practitioner sees about five cancer cases yearly.
  • Her general practitioner discussed the benefits and harms of paracetamol versus non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and gave her a decision aid to help her clarify her decision.
  • Doctors, especially general practitioners, should pay special attention to children who have the tendency to bleed or bruise easily.
  • A : Maybe you should go see your GP ( general practitioner ).
  • The therapist discusses these plans with Liz's general practitioner, who was in agreement with the arrangements made.
  • The general practitioner provides referrals to specialist doctors where necessary, and payment is usually on a fee-for-service basis.
  • All 33 000 general practitioner principals in England will receive paper copies of issue 4 of Clinical Evidence in early March and issue 5 in the summer.
  • The general practitioner may wish to provide his own aftercare for some patients.
  • The general practitioner referred her patient to a dermatologist.
  • For example, monitoring of particular subgroups of general practitioners, such as locums, assistants, and those caring for people in hospices, may be difficult if not impossible.
  • The General Practitioner Board was set up to represent the interests of general practitioners.
  • Can we apply the results from this group of Australian general practitioners to clinicians around the world?
  • Julie is admitted as an emergency on the request of her General Practitioner following a home visit.
  • They found no efficacy differences among psychogeriatric case management, general practitioners with psychogeriatric consultation and standard care in managing 86 residents with dementia with depression, psychosis or both.
  • I was the sole representative of the general practitioners.
  • A small number of patients were not contacted further on the advice of their general practitioner, usually because of concurrent malignant disease.
  • Cooperation between general practitioners and district health authorities requires mutual accountability.
  • Many general practitioners still need to be convinced that their views will be listened to and where appropriate acted on.
  • The recommendations were carefully worked out with consultations of the royal colleges of anaesthetists, general practitioners, and psychiatrists.
  • There is low acceptance among general practitioners and patients of recently imposed contract exclusions.
  • All patients were told to see their general practitioner for further treatment if their symptoms persisted.
  • Hospital doctors are salaried employees of NHS organisations whereas general practitioners operate as independent contractors to the NHS.
  • The general practitioner is a first port of call for people with all manner of distressing circumstances.
  • Research too has overlooked outpatient waiting, concentrating instead on waits for inpatient procedures or general practitioner referral patterns.
  • In primary care, no major changes are proposed except possibly ending single handed practice and encouraging general practitioners to specialise in paediatrics and gynaecology.
  • A group of interested general practitioners started a service to collect morbidity data in the course of normal general practice.
  • General practitioners have also found intensive courses in diabetes helpful in keeping them up to date and improving their clinical skills.
  • X-rays, blood tests, dates of emergency hospital admissions, visits to the general practitioner, medication.
  • Lastly, general practitioners must feel confident to ask a colleague for advice if poor control of symptoms persists.
  • A 43 year old general practitioner had had juvenile asthma requiring regular ephedrine.
  • General practitioners referred 627 depressed patients, of whom 464 were eligible for entry into the study.
  • The focus groups comprised consultants and specialist registrars in medicine for elderly people, nurses, general practitioners, and hospice staff.
  • Ideally, this new structure would be backstopped by a strengthened system of group practices, enhancing general practitioners' roles as gatekeepers to the acute system.
  • I am certainly a general practitioner, but I am not a family practitioner.
  • In this way every general practitioner could shape and contribute to the future research and development of primary care.
  • Supporting general practitioners through shared care schemes and training, rather than encumbering them with additional bureaucratic mechanisms that do not improve care, will achieve this.
  • Psychiatrists may increasingly be working alongside general practitioners, but there are few training posts in community psychiatry.
  • The general practitioner has a potentially important role in the prevention of attempted suicide.
  • If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
  • I was the sole representative of the general practitioners.
  • Most studies of general practitioners' consultations show a strong degree of professional control.
  • The government's current strategies aimed at addressing the undersupply of general practitioners are seriously flawed.
  • Although it has been widely assumed that general practice tutors will appraise general practitioners, no official statement has been made to this effect.
  • The strength of practice nurses, says the writer, is that the care they offer patients is based on research rather than the ritualistic undertaking of tasks allocated by general practitioners.
  • A 55 year old man presented to his general practitioner with a productive cough.
  • All general practitioners believed that antibiotics are beneficial to some patients.
  • The environmental organization had written to all the country's general practitioners in January offering a health education poster and booklet.
  • He was a fit man, apart from fairly well controlled hypertension, who had been rowing competitively until his 70th birthday, and he rarely visited his general practitioner.
  • The general practitioners who performed obstetrics would discuss obstetrical matters at their monthly meetings.
  • According to Hors, the new law will aggravate this situation, as these institutions will regularly force general practitioners to disclose information.
  • Patients usually present to their general practitioner but a definitive diagnosis of left ventricular systolic dysfunction can only be achieved by cardiac imaging.
  • Rapid access clinics, be they for chest pain, breast lumps, or rectal bleeding, deskill general practitioners in dealing with these symptoms because they give easy access to decisions taken with much more information.
  • Her general practitioner diagnosed a subarachnoid haemorrhage, which was confirmed by computed tomography.
  • After house jobs he was a general practitioner principal for eight years, but was attracted to return to the cut and thrust of academic hospital practice and enrolled as a trainee in diagnostic radiology in Bristol.
  • Simon Brown , a general practitioner who leads the group, said the new approach has cut spending on pharmaceuticals, and reduced the number of elective and nonelective procedures performed. U.K. Unveils Plans to Revamp Health Service
  • Treatment was terminated and the general practitioner advised that the hypnotic could now be stopped.
  • The importance of collaborating with the patient's general practitioner is emphasized.
  • In the past three years she has consulted her general practitioner just once on her own account - for dyspepsia.
  • In brief, the general practitioner writes a prescription which the patient takes to the pharmacist.
  • In brief, the general practitioner writes a prescription which the patient takes to the pharmacist.
  • In the absence of walk-in clinics the options available to the public are self care, care in an emergency department, or care by a general practitioner.
  • In primary care, no major changes are proposed except possibly ending single handed practice and encouraging general practitioners to specialise in paediatrics and gynaecology.
  • He took up gliding, sharing a glider with a local general practitioner, and went solo on his 65th birthday.
  • Several general practitioners and some service users expressed concern about the impact of the publication of comparative information on the relationship between patients and their doctors.
  • An experimental study from Plymouth reported a 23% reduction in general practitioner referrals after local guidelines were distributed.
  • -- Shoulder atrophy such as the general practitioner commonly meets with, is an affection, more often seen in young animals and it seems to be due to injuries of various kinds which contuse the muscles of the shoulder. Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • What may be needed, therefore, is a third player to provide unbiased educational information about pharmaceutical products and offer sympathetic pastoral care to general practitioners.
  • Personal medical services break the monopoly of the independently contracted general practitioner.
  • As a trainee general practitioner in ophthalmology, I spent every Monday morning in the diabetes clinic.
  • Audit of general practitioner services is generally regarded as desirable, but funding is scarce.
  • We also interviewed 19 clinicians: six obstetricians, six paediatricians, four general practitioners, and three nurses.
  • For the general practitioner a well-used library is one of the few correctives of the premature senility which is so apt to overtake him.
  • In a cohort of experienced Swiss general practitioners most were unable to interpret correctly numerical information on the diagnostic accuracy of a screening test
  • Employers' inability to manage growing mental ill-health in their workforces is matched by general practitioners' softly-softly approach to the problem.
  • Her general practitioner had treated it unsuccessfully with neomycin and gramicidin ointment and oral flucloxacillin and metronidazole.
  • I went to my general practitioner and had the wound dressed by a nurse at the surgery.
  • Twenty-five years ago, a woman told her husband and general practitioner that she accidentally swallowed a felt-tip pen. Woman Swallows Pen: Incredible Writing Utensil Still Works After 25 Years In Woman's Stomach
  • General practitioners are also active members of focus groups that discuss particular areas of service such as diabetes.
  • Cooperation between general practitioners and district health authorities requires mutual accountability.
  • I would like to know in what proportion of the control patients the referring general practitioner considered the diagnosis of malignant melanoma.
  • I wonder if young medics busy imbibing knowledge and collecting degrees will see some simple truths: There is a need for more doctors in Community Medicine; and we badly want good General Practitioners.
  • Much of the role of a general practitioner in learning disability would involve coordinating and motivating the multidisciplinary team that would be needed to provide care for multiply disabled people.
  • Meanwhile general practitioners, facing increased demands, have voted to explore alternatives to their current responsibility for 24 hour cover.
  • Rural general practitioners have been moving practices to avoid the stresses of small rotas for care outside normal working hours.
  • Dr Denny enjoys solving the wide range of problems he attends to as a general practitioner in Melton.
  • The recommendations were carefully worked out with consultations of the royal colleges of anaesthetists, general practitioners, and psychiatrists.
  • Among modifiable factors only access to a dietitian and an interested general practitioner featured significantly in the final multiple regression analysis.
  • All the women who agreed to participate provided a midstream urine specimen that their general practitioner tested immediately with a standard urine dipstick and then sent for microbiological examination and culture.
  • We recorded consultations with the general practitioner for dyspepsia after scrutiny of the participants' primary care notes.
  • The general practitioner provided the nurse specialist with a workplace in the practice and was ultimately responsible for patients' care.
  • The district nurse is attached to the general practitioner surgery or health centre.
  • Most participants were white Europeans who were being treated by their general practitioner.
  • Nursing support and close liaison with the general practitioner and education and social services are necessary.
  • Some general practitioners have moved from group to chain ownership of practice premises.
  • Dr West , the sound general practitioner, with no pationce for frills, made jokes about his colleague.
  • He then discussed this with the general practitioner and gradual reduction of the antidepressant was initiated.
  • We randomised patients managed by general physicians and general practitioners, who care for most people with chronic heart failure.
  • Does the GPC (General Practitioners Committee) really think that general practitioners are stupid enough to vote for a completely unpriced contract?
  • Your symptoms may first prompt you to see your family doctor or a general practitioner. However, you may then be referred to a doctor who specializes in blood disorders (hematologist).
  • Meanwhile general practitioners, facing increased demands, have voted to explore alternatives to their current responsibility for 24 hour cover.
  • A multicentre randomised controlled trial of routine antenatal care by general practitioners and midwives compared with shared care led by obstetricians.
  • The district nurse is attached to the general practitioner surgery or health centre.
  • Commissioning by primary care groups or trusts is an internal market-like idea that could be seen as generalisation of general practitioner fundholding.
  • Most general practitioners thought that practices with a high caseload of refugees should receive additional funding.
  • A 40-year-old woman with Rett syndrome presented to her general practitioner with a long-standing history of abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and constipation requiring laxatives including senna.
  • We report the findings of a national survey of the views of Scotland's general practitioners on holism in primary care.
  • Among modifiable factors only access to a dietitian and an interested general practitioner featured significantly in the final multiple regression analysis.
  • As a general practitioner and pet owner, I treated my scratching Abyssinian guinea pigs' nits with subcutaneous ivermectin.
  • It is based on routinely collected data on hospital admissions and general practitioners' target payments.
  • Nurses undertaking triage assessments by telephone with computer decision support may reduce the number of visits to general practitioners, hospital use, and costs.

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