How To Use General anaesthetic In A Sentence
He was given a general anaesthetic.
The examination of the internal organs is usually done under general anaesthetic by a gynaecologist.
Surgery means an operation in which you will be given a general anaesthetic so that you are very deeply unconscious.
Once you remove the need for a general anaesthetic open repair is far more cost effective.
This requires general anaesthetic and a couple of nights in hospital.
Times, Sunday Times
Every six weeks she had to go to hospital and have the casts changed under general anaesthetic to accommodate her growing frame.
It doesn't require a general anaesthetic, and there are no stitches.
Times, Sunday Times
Most Caesarean are now done under epidural or spinal anaesthesia, not general anaesthetic.
The Sun
But you need a general anaesthetic to get through the serious stuff.
Times, Sunday Times
Surgery involves a day in hospital, a general anaesthetic and a series of incisions through which the veins are removed from the leg.
The mother of two did not come round from the general anaesthetic.
Times, Sunday Times
The sheep were given a general anaesthetic by intravenous pentobarbitone, intubation and ventilation.
This involves the removal of the gallbladder under general anaesthetic through a larger cut in the abdomen.
The girl, who was having a tooth removed under general anaesthetic, developed breathing difficulties.
A general anaesthetic, which is used for human beings, was mixed with a muscle relaxant used for cattle.
IOL: News
He was given a general anaesthetic.
This requires general anaesthetic and a couple of nights in hospital.
Times, Sunday Times
Medical experts now say it was too risky for outpatient surgery and should have taken place under general anaesthetic, according to US reports.
The Sun
It doesn't require a general anaesthetic, and there are no stitches.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite prompt intervention, including drainage under general anaesthetic, cosmetic deformity proved difficult to avoid.
He performs the surgery under general anaesthetic.
Times, Sunday Times
She needed to have it pinned under general anaesthetic.
Times, Sunday Times
Most Caesarean are now done under epidural or spinal anaesthesia, not general anaesthetic.
The Sun
If adequate sedation and pain relief are not possible, reduction under general anaesthetic may be necessary to minimise the risk of complications for both the patient and the doctor.
But you need a general anaesthetic to get through the serious stuff.
Times, Sunday Times
During this pregnancy she had surgery on her back under general anaesthetic, which is never amusing.
The operation, known as a laparotomy, involves a general anaesthetic.
Times, Sunday Times
The mother of two did not come round from the general anaesthetic.
Times, Sunday Times
All experiments have to be carried out under local or general anaesthetic unless anaesthesia itself would be more traumatic than the procedure.
Times, Sunday Times
She had been protected from pregnancy through an intrauterine coil, which had been inserted under general anaesthetic but which was due to be replaced.
Inspectors also raised questions about the competence of medical staff carrying out general anaesthetics.
Times, Sunday Times
We have all soaked up enough of music's answer to general anaesthetic to have lobotomies performed quite painlessly.
He performs the surgery under general anaesthetic.
Times, Sunday Times
She was in and out of hospital - operations, general anaesthetics.
Times, Sunday Times
The procedure, which doctors claim has already saved one marriage, is carried out under general anaesthetic.
A wire snare is used to remove the polyps under local or general anaesthetic.
A cone biopsy, which removes rather more tissue, requires a general anaesthetic.
A general anaesthetic is used for rigid cystoscopy.
The report recommends that alternative methods of pain and anxiety control should be used to reduce further the use of general anaesthetics.
But it must be given under general anaesthetic.
The Sun
The only difference is that instead of cutting yourself with a dirty razor, you're doing it in a sterile environment under general anaesthetic.
Times, Sunday Times
The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic.
On the first day after operation he fully recovered from the general anaesthetic and could micturate voluntarily.
The sheep were given a general anaesthetic by intravenous pentobarbitone, intubation and ventilation.
Dentists are routinely extracting entire sets of severely decayed teeth from toddlers under general anaesthetic.
The operation is a surgical procedure performed using general anaesthetic and, like all surgery, carries a degree of risk.
They can be operated on, but it's off to the theatre and a general anaesthetic and a painful post-operative period.
This is called an endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy, and is done under a general anaesthetic.
Small children often cannot manage to lie still for a long time, and may need to be given a general anaesthetic.
The operation was carried out while she was under general anaesthetic.
The op - under general anaesthetic - was to remove a damaged cartilage in his left knee.
She needed to have it pinned under general anaesthetic.
Times, Sunday Times
As anyone whose had a general anaesthetic will know, you have to cough and expectorate hard pretty much as soon as you come round to clear the anaesthetic out of your lungs.
But she decided Daniel's frail body would not stand up to the painful general anaesthetics and blocked the treatment.
But it must be given under general anaesthetic.
The Sun
But you won't need a general anaesthetic or to stay in hospital overnight.
The Sun
And he is horrified that if he had had opted for his son to have a general anaesthetic, which he was offered, the dental surgeon at Leeds Dental Institute could have operated on the wrong side.
But you won't need a general anaesthetic or to stay in hospital overnight.
The Sun
Many patients were happy to opt for sedation or other pain relief instead if the risks involved in general anaesthetics were explained.
The op - under general anaesthetic - was to remove a damaged cartilage in his left knee.