How To Use General anaesthesia In A Sentence
Nowadays, general anaesthesia is seldom administered via a mask and anaesthetic gas or vapour.
A senior associate specialist or consultant in anaesthetics provided general anaesthesia.
Subjects - 96 men undergoing elective inguinal hernia repair under general anaesthesia.
Nowadays, general anaesthesia is seldom administered via a mask and anaesthetic gas or vapour.
It is usually performed as a day case surgical procedure under general anaesthesia.
I had to wait in another room because they had to put her under general anaesthesia.
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Giving opioids to supplement analgesia, followed by conversion to general anaesthesia, was a perfectly reasonable response by the anaesthetist to Weir's distress at delivery.
Nowadays, general anaesthesia is seldom administered via a mask and anaesthetic gas or vapour.
Women who needed treatment were given the choice of expectant management or surgical evacuation of retained products of conception under general anaesthesia.
The boy was admitted to hospital, and three days later the swelling was incised and drained under general anaesthesia.
There is none of the sense of suffocation that was once a feature of general anaesthesia.
A rigid bronchoscopy was performed under general anaesthesia, and the trachea was serially dilated with bougies until it was large enough to accommodate a 6.5 mm uncuffed tracheal tube.
A senior associate specialist or consultant in anaesthetics provided general anaesthesia.
A temporary pacemaker may be required in the short term for certain individuals after a heart attack, during cardiac surgery or general anaesthesia.
It is usually performed as a day case surgical procedure under general anaesthesia.
Both patients were treated under general anaesthesia in the otolaryngology operating theatre.
Electrode-implantation was performed under general anaesthesia with MRI-guided stereotaxy followed by the implantation of the internal pulse generator. - latest science and technology news stories
In developed countries laparoscopic tubal ligation is usually performed under general anaesthesia.
It is astonishing to us now, but it was 40 years before general anaesthesia was used universally for surgery.
Times, Sunday Times
There was little difference in maternal safety between inhalational anaesthetics used for general anaesthesia.
I had a wisdom tooth and associated dentigerous cyst removed under general anaesthesia in feb 09.
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The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia.
Removing the seeds under general anaesthesia is practically always necessary.
Perhaps general anaesthesia should be combined with pre-emptive local and regional anaesthetic blocks more often.
In developed countries laparoscopic tubal ligation is usually performed under general anaesthesia.
There was little difference in maternal safety between inhalational anaesthetics used for general anaesthesia.
Perhaps general anaesthesia should be combined with pre-emptive local and regional anaesthetic blocks more often.