How To Use Genealogic In A Sentence
These texts, along with genealogical charts, photographs of manuscript leaves, and other useful addenda add to the overall scholarly nature of the collection.
Friendship and other connections are very important, and many people who are referred to by kin terms are not genealogically related.
The New Leipzig School is genealogically interwoven with the old one and shaped by a tradition of perfected craftsmanship.
Tours of local studies and genealogical searches will be provided by library staff.
The institute holds the records of the Archbishops of York as well as numerous genealogical records, health archives, the Rowntree archive and various private collections.

Thus the use of the Troy myth by post-classical writers should not be compared to Virgil's use of the myth, even though Virgil's use of ancient Roman myth is the chief source of the cultural-genealogical practice.
I knew without having to resort to any genealogical research that Heath-Morecomb's female ancestors had not sprung from British soil.
It is an immense compendium of genealogical information, preserving texts from as far back as the eight century.
The nobility sought to defend its privileged status against incomers by genealogical codification, strict endogamy, or legal barriers.
The key element in this dynamic is innovation-sharing, an evolutionary protocol whereby descent with variation from one “generation” to the next is not genealogically traceable but is a descent of a cellular community as a whole.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
Although it has some collections of names, its strength lies in the thousands of mailing lists and message boards for surnames, places and genealogical topics.
For through this partly we have attained to a knowledge of Dorothy's surroundings; and through the baronetages, peerages, and the invincible heaps of genealogical records, we have gathered some few actual facts necessary to be known of Dorothy's relations, her human surroundings, their lives and actions.
Equally important is his stress on what he describes as ‘the genealogical imagination’ which typified an age obsessed by pedigree and ancestry.
What Theobald did not assume, however, was how far back these processes go in linking organisms genealogically.
Darwin’s Theory of Universal Common Ancestry Confirmed in First Large-Scale Test | Impact Lab
I envisaged editing everything into a neatly catalogued genealogical capsule, all modernistic, minimalistic and 21st century er istic.
Times, Sunday Times
Although Pamela is the most genealogically minded member of her family, the Dudleys and Underhills do the sorts of things that make genealogists happy—and envious.
Shaking the Family Tree
Fulton may have been a collateral descendant of the steamboat inventor, but he never bothered to check the genealogical connection.
“So, in what way precisely was Wordsworth a—let me get this right—genealogically confused, de-individualized, empirico-transcendental pedagogue?”
The Redleys
Whereas this same sort of native poetic dearth will inspire fifteenth- and sixteenth-century humanists to link themselves genealogically to classical antecedents, for Horace such a linking is unthinkable.
The quoted date does not seem compatible with the time-scale of biblical history, even allowing for some leeway in interpreting the genealogical information.
In Hawaii, for instance, chiefs were genealogically related to gods and, as a result, were believed to possess sacred power called mana.
Your reviews are very good, but they could be more interesting if you didn't feel the need to lecture us about movie genealogical connections we might already be familiar with, or if you didn't rely so heavily on the Thesaurus you seem to have parked at your elbow or in your brain - "oft-presumed", "essayed", "curlicue"?
With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
genealogical records
If this means, as he explains, that the genealogical narrative he provides apparently has no referent, his identification of its fictional — indeed fabular — status does not lead him to abandon this narrative.
'At the Far End of this Ongoing Enterprise...'
That is, genes from genealogically distant bacterial species seem just as likely to enter a host species as do genes from closely related species.
Your humour is a refreshing rest stop on our busy highway of genealogical data.
1,000 Posts and Counting
Which genealogicall recapitulation in their nationall families and tribes, other people also haue obserued; as the Spaniards, who reckon their descent from Hesperus, before the
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (6 of 8) The Sixt Booke of the Historie of England
Witte's life is traced from his childhood in the Caucasian borderlands of the empire as the son of a midlevel Russian functionary and the maternal grandson of a prominent and genealogically well-connected imperial family.
A Statesman For the Czar
There is one other part of the cell where genealogically significant material is located: mitochondrial DNA, or mtDNA.
Shaking the Family Tree
He looked forward to the time when a woman would no more accept a man ‘without knowing his biological genealogical history ‘than a stockbreeder would take ‘a sire for his colts or calves who was without pedigree.’
The size of such a project is mind-boggling, and the end result is one of the world's largest single sources of genealogical information.
He starts with Kennedy's maternal and paternal grandparents and traces the genealogical line to Kennedy himself.
Equally important is his stress on what he describes as ‘the genealogical imagination’ which typified an age obsessed by pedigree and ancestry.
Some researchers appear to think so, identifying a genealogical chart depicting bilateral kindred in descending order as illustrative of one of Sutton's cognatic descent groups.
This construction obviates the need to incorporate time into the backward construction of genealogical histories.
Street directories can be useful in genealogical research for tracing family lines and addresses and even trying to guess when a family member died (by absence).
Street Directories « Cork Genealogist
The established device to represent such dependencies was, of course, the genealogical tree, or stemma.
A study released today by the esteemed Holcombe Institute reveals that people who engage in genealogical research for at least 30 minutes a day live up to ten years longer than people who perform no daily research, but instead smoke three or more packs of cigarettes.
Study: Genealogists Live Longer
* It is important to note that some of this genealogical material in Genesis, such as the list of the sons of Ishmael, belongs to the P source, which is dated, in the main, to postexilic times.
The Bible Unearthed
There will be literary and musical archives with facilities for genealogical research.
Mira starts by drawing a genealogical tree and then proceeds to invent stories to account for it.
“We like to be known as the friendliest genealogical society,” Mary Ann tells me.
Shaking the Family Tree
The paucity of information about the actual birthplace and birthdate of her grandfather made the tracing of his origins a genealogical heartbreaker.
Lambert acknowledged the attrition rate among the hand-raisers and offered this nugget of genealogical counterintuition.
Shaking the Family Tree
In tracing the genealogy of his name, he found virtually no historical basis for Dudleytown's cursed reputation - no genealogical link to Edmund Dudley, no mysterious illnesses or deaths.
On it were listed the names of our foremost ancestors, and to the side was a longer genealogical list tracing the full family line.
The long-term aim of the project is to provide a centre that will be suitably resourced for the undertaking of genealogical research.
All of them are longer unembarrassed sacramento california homes for sale, men with meconopsis who hematocolpos genealogically the attributable they pyjama to see cannister and seediness henceforth deprecatively.
Rational Review
However in this country there are genealogical sources which up to now have been little used and which take families back deep into the centuries.
``Calvin has become a client of Haladay Genealogical Services, and a member of the Augustan Society.
An interesting distinction, however, was made early on for one racial category, if only in Virginia: Native Americans and their genealogically inclined descendants.
Shaking the Family Tree
Others write to enquire about old friends, or to do genealogical research.
Genealogical tables are records in old days of the descent of a family from an ancestor generation by generation. They are important materials for the study of dynastical history and local history.
A new series of documentaries is being planned which will undertake the most ambitious genealogical study in history.
Over 100 publications describe the ethnohistory, migration patterns, genealogical reconstruction, biological trait measurements, disease prevalence, and environmental and sociocultural characteristics of this population.
The phylogenetic tree shows the genealogical relationships among nine eukaryotes.
Your reviews are very good, but they could be more interesting if you didn't feel the need to lecture us about movie genealogical connections we might already be familiar with, or if you didn't rely so heavily on the Thesaurus you seem to have parked at your elbow or in your brain - "oft-presumed", "essayed", "curlicue"?
With True Grit, the Coen brothers have given the western back its teeth
Limitation in ascension has to do with one's genealogical inheritance.
I knew without having to resort to any genealogical research that Heath-Morecomb's female ancestors had not sprung from British soil.
Several genealogical sites provide research tools to help you trace your family tree.
The book is an ideal educational reference book for project work, essays and genealogical research.
This strongly implies that they would have been unmarried, which is an important consideration for genealogical research.
Scripture, -- (genealogical details and the narrative of what we think ordinary occurrences,) -- be supposed to disentitle those parts to the praise of being as fully inspired as any thing in the whole compass of the Bible?
Inspiration and Interpretation: Seven Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford: With Preliminary Remarks: Being an Answer to a Volume Entitled "Essays and Reviews."
It should also be held by every reputable genealogical research collection in the country.
The long-term aim of the project is to provide a centre that will be suitably resourced for the undertaking of genealogical research.
There was a tradition that came from some other place and was genealogically authoritative.
Other items of an interest at the forum will be susceptibilities and inborn anomalies, determination of the phenotype, genealogical study and risk assessment prevention.
At the end of each branch is situated an infusorian (vorticella), and the whole colony represents in itself the genealogical family tree.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 810, July 11, 1891
DNA testing is used to prove the link that had been established by genealogical research.
My friends at BGS had advised me about this aspect of a genealogical road trip: keeping your genealogically dispassionate companions happy while you pursue the family history trail.
Shaking the Family Tree
I was doing some genealogical research this afternoon, and I was reading about two of my ancestors that died in the Civil War.
Professor Heer has not ventured to identify any of this vast assemblage of Miocene plants and insects with living species, so far at least as to assign to them the same specific names, but he presents us with a list of what he terms homologous forms, which are so like the living ones that he supposes the one to have been derived genealogically from the others.
The Antiquity of Man
Over 70 genealogical charts precede the alphabetical listing of biographees.
And he has decided to treat them as if they were tribolites, or snails, and to do a morphological analysis, and try to derive their genealogical history over time.
Remember that the first step to discovering whether your family is armigerous is sound genealogical knowledge.
The character of myths is varied in different books; poetic in Genesis, juridical in Exodus, priestly in Leviticus, political in Numbers, etymological, diplomatical, and genealogical, but seldom historical, in
History of Rationalism Embracing a Survey of the Present State of Protestant Theology
I tried to do the right thing, genealogically speaking.
Shaking the Family Tree
I'm hopeful that the genealogical research underway will not trace his roots to Romania.
The diaries each contain genealogical matter and a first-hand account of the author's travels and conversion to, what was then, a new religion.
Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: American Westward Migration
There's discontinuities in genealogical knowledge too.
Abusing Science
The molecular and genealogical studies were approved by the hospitals' review boards, and all family members studied gave informed consent.
If you are interested in genealogical/family history work, the LDS Church (Mormon Church) has some great resources.
FamilySearch Beta Finds Historical Records On Your Family | Lifehacker Australia
Good luck in your genealogical research, and please let us know what else you find out!
The Muslim Cult of Assassins of the 12th and 13th centuries, like the Jewish Zealots of the 1st, have been enrolled for this genealogical purpose.
What makes the story genealogical is the "IX" in Edward's name — a number rather high in this day and age.
IX-Nay on the Olitaire-Say
Well, it is clear that bipedalism arose quite early in hominid history, even if no one can be certain, in the strictest genealogical sense, that the earliest hominid was an upright biped.
In reticulate evolution, there is no unique notion of genealogical descent: genetic content can be distributed collectively.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
Do kin who are more distant in genealogical terms necessarily fall in the outer circle?
Beyond that, the clan system is the ultimate monument to the genealogical structure of society.
he charted his family tree genealogically
The untitled aristocracy have in this great work as perfect a dictionary of their genealogical history, family connexions, and heraldic rights, as the peerage and baronetage.
A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
He concluded that recombination had separated the genealogical histories of introns and exons within these genes.
In the Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica (Vol. I, p. 254) the family is traced to the year 1588, and the arms given as Vair, purpure and erm on a chief gu.
Virginia and Virginians
To study the genealogical relationship among the ecotypes, we apply the theory of coalescence processes in the following way.
genealogical tree
He appears in the genealogical table as Henry IV., that having been his title subsequently as King of England.
Margaret of Anjou Makers of History
It's well-known in genealogical circles that over time, there's a 6% "non-paternal event" rule when looking at paternal ancestry.
Archive 2009-08-01
In the case of the West, genealogical identities were theoretically understood as genetic or biological.