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How To Use Gemini In A Sentence

  • Additionally, spontaneous rhythms, sustained bigeminies, paroxysmal tachycardias and other tachyarrhythmias were also observed in the different experiment.
  • I had avidly followed the space program for two years, having first become interested in it (and all things astronomical) during the interregnum between Gemini and Apollo.
  • As you may recall, the Gemini capsules were intended to circle the earth a bunch of times with two astronauts on board - as a prequel to a moon shot.
  • Claire describes Kate as a Gemini (in Western astrology — the study of the movements of celestial bodies, a Gemini is a person born under the third sign of the zodiac). "Lost" Viewing guides « Peace Corps: China
  • Wally Schirra never flew the "big" missions; he was never a star, but if it hadn't been for his work on Apollo and his rendezvous flight in Gemini 6A, the program would have suffered, and he lead the way for the rest of the missions. Wally Schirra - 1923-2007
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  • It's also interesting to see Jiro next to Ichiro, who looks just like Jiro but doesn't have the Gemini chip, making him reckless, uncaring, and unmindful of the presence of others.
  • The Geminid meteor shower is one of the best annual showers.
  • This marks the beginning of a yearlong apparition, when the giant planet will blaze within the stars of Gemini.
  • Heck, even the first warp drive ship in Star Trek: First Contact was depicted being launched on a rejigged ICBM just like the Geminis that went up on Titans. Beam me up Wayne - NASA Watch
  • Tempus erit, cum Pierio tua fortior oeftro Fa&a canam: nunc tendo chelyn. fatis arma referre Aonia, et geminis fceptrum exitiale tyrannis, The Works of the English Poets.: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical
  • A Gemini Moon also tends to make these natives hypercritical.
  • Gemini might spontaneously elope and then invite family and friendsgather together and celebrate later.
  • The main Gemini version was a two-seater, and it was about like a two-seat car. ISS About to Have a Crew of Six With Soyuz-TMA 15 Launch - NASA Watch
  • In this shower the meteors appear to emanate from a point in the constellation of Gemini, hence the name Geminid and are associated with the asteroid Phaethon, suspected to be an extinct comet. - latest science and technology news stories
  • If clouds break, Geminid meteors to light up sky space rocks called the Geminid meteors, a collision that is currently producing nightlong - Articles related to Obama Set to Launch Vision for NASA
  • Do you have a Gemini chatterbox or a Scorpio sulker on your hands?
  • Gemini: The mongan is unsteady and uncertain feelings prevail. The Canberra Times - Front Page
  • A Gemini person brings good cheer and happiness in your life.
  • For the Gemini program, it developed a ballute system, an inflatable balloon-parachute combination that slowed the descent of spaceships re-entering Earth's atmosphere. Undefined
  • Hours after the Saturn-Pluto opposition, the Sagittarius Moon will eclipse the Gemini Sun.
  • One of the most apt approaches for all of us, and one that elegantly combines the highest Taurus and Gemini energies, can be found in a type of Italian Renaissance painting called the sacra conversazione. Sacred Conversation
  • The most spectacular binocular object in Gemini is the open cluster M35.
  • His sun is in Capricorn and moon is in Gemini; he is glib, witty, clever and awfully ambitious. Hana and Haruki
  • Operation Gemini was set up as a high profile battle against criminals.
  • He says that the Gemini squad will be seen in uniform, but there are also more covert operations.
  • John also directed the 2001 film Lucky Girl, which received two Gemini awards.
  • Gemini is pretty but looks jsut like a thousand other kids fantasy series nowadays. Book Cover Smackdown! 'Mockingjay' vs. 'Mortal Coils (German)' vs. 'Clementine'
  • Since Mercury is solar when matutine and lunar when vespertine, it should surely have different exaltations for the two phases, one in trine to Gemini and the other in sextile to Virgo.
  • All of us in flyover country and industry believed you would set a standard and example that recapture, recreate, and foster the can-do spirit that was the hallmark of NASA during and through the halcyon days of Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. Vote To Keep Mike - NASA Watch
  • ( My favorite subgroup analysis story can be found here in the discussion of how the benefits found in the landmark thrombolysis trial (ISIS-2) trial did not apply to those patients unlucky enough to have been born under the sign of Gemini or Libra). Tight blood sugar control in the critically ill-maybe not too tight
  • Gemini awoke the next morning, not to her father prodding her in the side, but to a warm breeze sifting in through her window and the hot summer sun falling across her face.
  • Mu Geminorum is a star in the constellation Gemini.
  • The woman was Lady Gêmini, a striking and beautiful Elf.
  • Gemini is a frequent visitor to the tax department, being investigated or fined. Astrology and Income Tax Evasion
  • The air element of gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. your mutable motivation brings adaptability.
  • The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed. Your mutable motivation brings adaptability.
  • Then last February he bought a second-hand Gemini FlashIIA microlight, a weight-shift control aircraft, direct from the manufacturer.
  • The brothers being born at one birth were "trigemini," whence the gate received its name. The Captiva and the Mostellaria
  • If you want to drop a load of emotional baggage and experience some psychic weight loss, Gemini time makes it easy to lighten up.
  • He says that the Gemini squad will be seen in uniform, but there are also more covert operations.
  • If this is the case, instead of putting faith in the here and now, the Libra-Gemini will often search out otherworldly experiences through mysticism and the occult, or through bizarre imagination.
  • GEMINI (May 21-June 20): If you feel like you've been struggling to find the answer to a problem recently, Gemini, have no fear! Stories from The Sun
  • Mark has Mars in Gemini, which is somewhat different. Trivia Tuesday, April 29, 2008
  • under the Gemini program each crew had two astronauts
  • As Libra prizes harmony with their lover almost above all else, Gemini won't be able to indulge their love of a good, hearty debate too often; Libra would rather do almost anything than argue.
  • See this earlier post for an upcoming opportunity to listen for meteors; the Geminid shower is another.
  • The beautiful hourglass-shaped nebula Sharpless 2-106 shines with brilliant colors in this new image from the Gemini North telescope.
  • Gemini Data Loggers has released the Tinytag logger with Current Clamp, helping customers meet environmental targets such as the Energy Performing Certification. Manufacturingtalk - manufacturing industry news
  • I think of them often, and you described it so well, the complicatedness of both regretting and not regretting. geminigirl64 Said, Abortion Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry | Her Bad Mother
  • Certified in Chinese Medicine with his forte in Acupuncture, this multi-talented Gemini followed his first passion in life, music.
  • The tragedy of Gemini is that he got fossilised in one type of portrayal.
  • Those ideas can be spun into gold , dear Gemini.
  • Like other so-called adaptive-optics systems, the device installed on the Gemini North Telescope atop Hawaii's Mauna Kea reduces blurriness by using a flexible mirror whose computer-controlled shape changes 1,000 times per second to compensate for Earth's turbulent atmosphere.
  • FLVMINA uerna cient obscuro lumine Pisces curriculumque Aries aequat noctisque diique, cornua quem condunt florum praenuntia Tauri; aridaque aestatis Gemini primordia pandunt, longaque iam minuit praeclarus lumina Cancer, 5 languificosque Leo proflat ferus ore calores. post modium quatiens Virgo fugat orta uaporem: autumni reserat portas aequatque diurna tempora nocturnis dispenso sidere Libra: effetos ramos denudat flamma Nepai: 10 pigra Sagittipotens iaculatur frigora terris: bruma gelu glaciat iubarem spirans Capricorni, quem sequitur nebulas rorans liquor altus Aquari. tanta supra circaque uigescunt lumina mundi; at dextra laeuaque ciet rota fulgida Solis15 mobile curriculum et Lunae simulacra feruntur. Astronomical Fragment
  • The meteor display, known as the Geminid meteor shower because it appears to radiate from near the star Castor in the constellation Gemini, is thought to be the result of debris cast off from an asteroid-like object called 3200 Phaeton. News Channel 9: Local News
  • Look afresh at another Gemini. The Sun
  • All of my Gemini friends have had some unpleasant experiences with this last transit of Saturn through Gemini.
  • GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You may be feeling extra creative this week, Gemini, so put this talent to good use by writing a killer essay or perhaps creating a fabulous new cocktail. Stories from The Sun
  • The Geminid meteor shower peaks on the night of December 13/14, coinciding with a New Moon, which means there won't be any moonlight to block out the meteors--nearly-perfect viewing conditions, although a bit cold in the Northern Hemisphere. Zoe P. Strassfield: Plans and Precommitment: 2012 in Space!
  • Whatever route they take, whether rebels or homecoming queens, Libras, Gemini and Aquarians need to be part of it.
  • Although Geminian influences still have you gadding all about like trout, this week also offers in-there as well as out-there experiences.
  • Gemini, the most northerly constellation of the zodiac, is dominated by the two bright stars that represent the heads of the Twins.
  • The dominant herbaceous ground vegetation at higher elevations is composed of hemicryptophytes such as Polygonum amplexicaule, Rumex nepalense, Fragaria nubicola, and Berberis spp. and geophytes such as Polygonatum geminiflorum, Lilium polyphyllum, and Habenaria aitchisonii. East Afghan montane conifer forests
  • Gemini might spontaneously elope and then invite family and friendsgather together and celebrate later.
  • This is the month likely to happen, dear Gemini. Be ready!
  • So desperate was NASA for a rendezvous and docking target for Gemini that its engineers, as part of an emergency effort known as Project Surefire, bolted the ATDA the front end of an Agena without its motor and tanks to a piece of surplus Gemini hardware and fitted it to the end of an Atlas booster. First Man
  • The most spectacular binocular object in Gemini is the open cluster M35.
  • There was an especially wonderful rp last night between Molly and Nareth, just before the clone was discharged from the Gemini Corporation's medical facility, that was so good I might try to get the transcript up. "For beauty and the naked truth, it will cost you."
  • I saw one slower bolide flare twice on its way through Cancer to Gemini, leaving a long trail which persisted perhaps 10 seconds despite the moon scatter.
  • Gemini shouted a warning as the canine bared its fangs and leaped towards them.
  • Gemini's love variety and are the most curious Signs of the Zodiac.
  • Geminis thrive on the exhilaration of playing different personas - winging it, getting inventive and improvising.
  • The nuclei of the trigeminal nerve (nuclei n. trigemini) in the pons are two in number: a motor and a sensory. IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
  • The splashdown of Gemini 12 on November 15, 1966, marked the operational end of the Gemini program.
  • Go-getter Mars zips into Gemini, firing you up with ambitious energy until August 2.
  • A study of your birth chart reveals an opposition between your natal moon in Sagittarius and Saturn in Gemini.
  • It currently uses RBS systems but has hired Capgemini to oversee the switchover.
  • Gemini finished off her drink in one large gulp and then sprang from her stool.
  • GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You may have to tone it down a bit this weekend, Gemini, in order to spare others 'feelings, since they may be feeling more sensitive. Stories from The Sun
  • Watch them smile to themselves as they refute objections and expound implications of Stalin's monetary policy on rural electrification in Omsk. If there are two of them in the car, you just might do a Gemini and climb out the window to pull off a carjacking. Archive 2007-11-01
  • Relationship dynamics are intense and extreme through the 25th until your planetary ruler, mighty Madame Venus, enters the more minxish terrain of Gemini.
  • Sacred Conversation yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Sacred Conversation'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: An astrological shift of the Sun from Taurus to Gemini puts emphasis on the Devine Feminine and "sacra conversazione" (sacred conversation).' Sacred Conversation
  • This practice would carry on through the Apollo, Mercury, and Gemini space programs.
  • The term gemel is related to the word Gemini AL-JEZY The senior management of Al-Jezy Company, which has over 15 years of experience in marketing all Bosch and Siemens Home Appliances products in - Business News
  • I am a Leo, so I think I only tend to get attracted to girls who are Aries, Gemini, Libra or Sagittarius.
  • I stared at the constellations: Ursa Major, Canis Minor, Taurus and Gemini --- that's my sign. RESCUING ROSE
  • Up started the 'dactyle;' up started the 'spondee;' out flew their swords; curses, dactylic and spondaic, began to roll; and the gemini of the university of X, side by side, strode after the Junonicide, who proved to be The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey, Vol. 2 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • You easily resolve conflicts of interest between head and loins, unlike those squirrelly Geminis or those oversexed Scorpios.
  • As a Capricorn I'm very methodical, and with Moon in Gemini I gather data into a philosophical structure.
  • Expect off-the-wall antics from the Gemini and Scorpio team who has teamed up with Rubulad, the art collective for a night of funk music, absinthe and more. Halloween 2010: Spooky New York Events For All Revelers
  • Before the ingress into Gemini, reality was universal and all-encompassing: it was embodied in all of life's dimensions, both the seen and the unseen, as well as the knowable and unknowable.
  • Veteran astronaut John Young, a Gemini, Apollo, and Space Shuttle commander joined Abbey in underscoring the need for finding a new trajectory for NASA. Pelosi Likes Lampson - NASA Watch
  • Love deepens when dreams are shared - and the full moon links love with a Gemini. The Sun
  • Like all Geminis, the personality and mental make-up is highly intelligent and versatile.
  • Love deepens when dreams are shared - and the full moon links love with a Gemini. The Sun
  • Although inherently changeable and flighty, those with Gemini rising don't have their heads in the clouds.
  • Jupiter in 10th house - Makara/Capricorn I have a Gemini lagan. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • His Venus was in square from Gemini, sign of plurality, or at least duality.
  • The history of the creature Pelops is revealed, and the Brothers Gemini are desperate to maintain order under Olympus. Image Comics Soliciations for July 2009 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • In fact, your Gemini solar return for this year has the sun placed exactly on the partnership house cusp, a positive sign for a relationship developing some time this year.
  • `They were the sons of Leda and were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini so that they would never be separated. RESCUING ROSE
  • GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Have a tough week coming up, Gemini? Stories from The Sun

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