How To Use Gemination In A Sentence
Similarly, under gemination or feature assimilation with a following onset consonant, the breathy voice feature would be lost, assimilating the final C voicing feature to that of the following onset C.
PIE "look-alike stems" - Evidence of something or a red herring?
He also brings up some unexpected intrusions of gemination, asking how it happened that "the Italian word ‘regata’ entered English as ‘regatta’."
This item was recorded with gemination, but the precise status of gemination in the language is not easy to determine.
Sometimes teeth can try and split into two teeth, that's called "gemination".
Mesiodens, or Extra Tooth
Rob: "For one thing, this gemination idea seems to me like multiplication of hypotheses.
Precising on a new rule to explain Pre-IE word-final voicing

In another good example of orthographic gemination, I was just reading something that contained the well-attested spelling ‘dissapointed’, which also seems to partake of the feeling of a zero-sum transfer of doubling.
Tropylium: "Wait, I realize now having misunderstood somewhat; you're not trying to trigger gemination by apocope, but by reduction.
A few more words on my new Gemination rule for Pre-IE
Wait, I realize now having misunderstood somewhat; you're not trying to trigger gemination by apocope, but by reduction.
A few more words on my new Gemination rule for Pre-IE
English was first written down phonetically and therefore this little slip of the tongue which is called degemination, technically was written this way to reflect the sound.
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The result shows the gemination rate of explant being its stem tip is higher than that of the other parts of the plant.
In a slight twist to our discussion of orthographic gemination, I found myself mis-spelling ‘emporer’.
The results indicated that the seed gemination rate was over 90% on modified KC. So plantlets grew well on modified KC with 10% banana and 0.3% active carbon.
A better understanding of Pre-IE gemination may li...
Etruscan Tarchon and Hittite Tarhun: Crazy or no?
Finally, word-final supershort schwas in penultimate-accented words never trigger vowel lengthening even though the preceding vowel is accented probably because gemination is the default and favoured process.
Archive 2008-07-01
BTW, i think that the fact that “cannot” underwent degemination at some point in time is a good clue that english speakers treat it as one word… we usually don’t do things like that across word boundaries.
I am a cat. I can not use this. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Turning palatalization into gemination, BTW, is completely ridiculous - does that really happen somewhere or are you picking that from something like the Germanic gemination-before-a-sonorant pattern?
Ejective or Pharyngealized Stops in Proto-Semitic?
Because gemination is common in Dravidian languages, double consonants in written English are often geminated: ‘sum-mer’ for summer and ‘sil-lee’ for silly.
Intervening gemination then would give us a reason why this only occured before word-final supershort schwa and didn't occur before other word-final vowels like *-i or *-ə non-supershort schwa which coincidentally weren't being shortened to oblivion and therefore could not have triggered this gemination.
Precising on a new rule to explain Pre-IE word-final voicing
Because gemination is common in Dravidian languages, double consonants in written English are often geminated: ‘sum-mer’ for summer and ‘sil-lee’ for silly.
Both gemination and creaky phonation are a form of fortition.
Precising on a new rule to explain Pre-IE word-final voicing
You might want to look at the post titled gemination and fusion of teeth.
Congenitally Missing Permanent Teeth
For one thing, this gemination idea seems to me like multiplication of hypotheses.
Precising on a new rule to explain Pre-IE word-final voicing
This ingemination of names in fcripture is ufual; and ufeful in thefe three refpefts.
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