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  1. United States physicist noted for his studies of subatomic particles (born in 1929)

How To Use Gell-Mann In A Sentence

  • Gell-Mann distinguished baryons from mesons, the other hadron subclassification, by the number of quarks constituting their make-up.
  • It is no quirk that the avid reader of James Joyce and a qualified linguist, atomic physicist Murray Gell-Mann, chose quark over quork, based on the phrase "Three quarks for Muster Mark" in "Finnegan's Wake," because he had found there were three kinds of quarks in a proton and the word echoed the phrase "three quarts for Mister" elsewhere in the novel "Dairy Daring: Quark," Week in Words, Jan. 21. Quarks, Quorks, Joyce and a Wake
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