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gefilte fish

  1. well-seasoned balls of ground fish and eggs and crushed crumbs simmered in fish stock

How To Use gefilte fish In A Sentence

  • But this episode was altogether another episode of gefilte fish. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now be off with your ideas of sensational matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, cholent and lox.
  • These small girls knew how to make gefilte fish and to weave eight braids in their hallah. Food in the United States.
  • Culinary relativism is no longer an excuse for preferring gefilte fish to seafood quenelles.
  • Sometimes it was a ride to the doctor, other times it was sharing her famous recipes, whether gefilte fish, hamantashen, Jordan's blueberry muffins, or her husband's favorite sauerbraten. We Remember - Emily Shain Mehlman, 1941 - 2006
  • Cavernous and rambling, possessed of uninterrupted views of the Coney Island parachute jump, and with what my cousin still calls "ripply walls" (faux stucco), the place had sat unoccupied for a few years except for all of my grandparents' furniture, my grandmother's clothes, bags of long-forgotten photographs from the Old Country taken right before Hitler marched into Poland, and a jar of two year old gefilte fish sitting in the (thankfully still running) refrigerator. Elissa Altman: Why Brooklyn Needs to Be Careful
  • The gefilte fish of Jewish tradition is simply a quenelle of fish en gelée that is common in classical French cooking.
  • It was therefore the food of the Ashkenazi - chopped liver and gefilte fish, salt beef and latkes, cholent and borscht - which predominated there for many years.
  • It was therefore the food of the Ashkenazi - chopped liver and gefilte fish, salt beef and latkes, cholent and borscht - which predominated there for many years.
  • I've also served it over salt-cured salmon such as lox or gravlax instead of gefilte fish as a starter for holiday dinners. Blog Appetit
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