
  1. any of numerous shrubs and small trees having hard narrow leaves and long-lasting yellow or white flowers followed by small edible but insipid fruits
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How To Use geebung In A Sentence

  • So has anyone munched any other types of geebungs and could share their tasting notes?
  • The general park area was extensively hunted for wallabies, snakes, birds, honey, turtles and their eggs, fresh water mussels, ripe water-lily bulbs, geebungs and the fruit of the ‘noocui’ or pig's face plant.
  • The Doctor went to headquarters, but either a drunken doctor from a geebung town wasn't of much account, or they weren't taking any romance just then at headquarters. Over the Sliprails
  • You won’t turn a five-corner into a quince, or a geebung into an orange, twist and twine, and dig and water as you like. Robbery Under Arms
  • Changes in soil conditions in this area have produced an equally varied understorey of shrubs, with ferns, wattles, banksias, hakeas and geebungs, and a number of native grasses.
  • geebung" and native lillypilly berries, a kind of bitter berry from which a nutritious jam is made. - News
  • Visitors from Sydney will notice the flannel flowers - many of the peas, boronias, mint-bushes, geebungs and tea trees, however, belong to inland species.
  • You won't turn a five-corner into a quince, or a geebung into an orange, twist and twine, and dig and water as you like. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • In the thick, unfelled bush above the horse-and-cattle yards were native hop, ‘sarsaparilla,’ the bottle-brush flower of the wild honey suckle, together with geebungs, wild cherry, eucalyptus, wattle, kurrajong, and pine.
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